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2000~2009年世界马铃薯生产状况分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
根据世界粮农组织(FAO)数据,对2000~2009年全球及各洲马铃薯主要生产国播种面积、总产、单产以及生产价格等方面做了分析。结果表明,从2000~2009年,全球马铃薯播种面积呈下降趋势,其中欧洲面积下降最多,种植大国中国、俄罗斯及印度的播种面积占世界的45%左右;五大洲马铃薯单产最高是大洋洲,其次是美洲、欧洲、亚洲,非洲,单产高的国家荷兰、美国、法国及德国等达40 t/hm2以上;过去10年世界马铃薯总产变化不大,但亚洲与欧洲总产排名发生变化,亚洲由总产第二上升到第一,欧洲总产降至第二,其它各洲总产排名依次为美洲、非洲及大洋洲。中国总产最高,其次是俄罗斯、印度、乌克兰、美国等。世界马铃薯生产价格主要在100~300美元/t波动,且生产价格呈现不同程度的上升趋势。  相似文献   

全球水稻生产与稻作生态系统概况   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1961—2001年,全球水稻总产、面积和单产分别增长171.3%,30.9%和107.0%。在总产增长中,收获面积增加贡献27.8%,单产提高贡献72.2%,水稻总产增长主要由单产的提高所致。亚洲是主要的产稻区,其水稻总产和收获面积分别占全球的90%和91%。全球各产稻国水稻平均单产差异很大,水稻增产关键在于提高中低产国家和地区的水稻单产水平。全球稻田中,灌溉稻田、雨灌稻田、早稻田和深水稻田分别占54%,3l%,11%和4%。不同水稻生态系统的地区分布中,灌溉稻和雨灌稻主要分布在亚洲,分别占93.0%和95.5%,深水稻主要分布在亚洲和非洲,分别占67.3%和25.0%,早稻主要分布在亚洲、美洲和非洲,分别占57.1%,20.0%和19.1%。  相似文献   

花生遍布世界各地,但主要分布于亚、非两洲,亚洲种植面积最大,约占60%,非洲约占32%,美洲约占6%,欧洲和大洋洲总计不过2%。据资料统计,六十年代世界花生种植面积约2.55亿亩,单产约56.5公斤;七十年代约2.85亿亩,单产约61.5公斤;八十年代种植面积基本上维持原来的水平,但单产有了提高,为67公斤左右。  相似文献   

中国马铃薯种植业现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对近20年(1999~2018年)中国马铃薯种植情况的相关数据进行统计整理,分析了4个生态区域播种面积、总产和单产变化情况及中国马铃薯种植业在国际中的地位。2017年中国马铃薯播种面积占全球的29.88%,总产占25.26%,单产为世界平均水平的85.50%。中国马铃薯种植面积和总产量在亚洲占比,多数年份在50%~60%浮动,占世界的比例逐年上升,从1961年的不足10%,增加到2017年的30%和25%。单产水平波动中上升,与亚洲和世界差距缩小。在中国,马铃薯占粮食产量和农作物总播种面积比例常年保持在3%左右,占粮食作物播种面积比重则在4%~5%浮动。西南混作区和北方一作区为中国马铃薯重要产区,播种面积接近全国的90%,总产量接近全国产量的85%,播种面积上西南混作区高于北方一作区,总产数据2个区域间差异不大。单产方面,中原二作区最高,其他3个区域水平相当。现今,中国马铃薯种植业存在单产水平低、种植比例小和区域分布不均等问题。未来中国马铃薯播种面积和总产量会继续占据世界领先地位,所占比例仍有较大增长潜力。品质提升将成为马铃薯产业未来第一要素,单产受其影响,增长速度将会减缓。  相似文献   

近20年新疆水稻生产发展及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新疆各水稻种植区域生产数据为基础,分析了1995-2014年新疆各区域水稻产量时空变化特征及其主要影响因素。结果表明,1995-2014年的20年间,新疆水稻总产增加了58.0%;北疆南部的水稻总产最高,2010-2014年其总产占新疆水稻总产的46.7%,其次是南疆北部(占比为36.5%)和南疆西南部(占比为16.7%),北疆北部占比最低。1995-2014年新疆水稻种植面积增加了2.3%。2010-2014年北疆南部水稻种植面积占新疆水稻种植面积的46.2%,南疆北部占34.1%,南疆西南部占19.7%,北疆北部占比最小。1995-2014年新疆水稻单产增加了54.3%,是总产增加的主要原因;各区域平均单产从高到低依次为北疆南部(8 593.5 kg/hm~2)、南疆北部(8 179.1 kg/hm~2)、南疆西南部(6 933.3 kg/hm~2)和北疆北部(3 144.7 kg/hm~2)。因此,稳定水稻种植面积是增加新疆水稻总产的基本条件;选育抗旱、耐低温、高产优质的粳稻品种,研发推广高产高效栽培技术和防灾减灾技术,提高单产,是新疆水稻总产稳定增加的主要途径。  相似文献   

江苏位于长江、淮河下游,地理位置优越,水陆交通要道,社会经济繁荣。地处亚热带与暖温带过渡区,南北横跨5个纬度,自然资源丰富,气候复杂多样,因而形成了多类型的水稻品种与多样型的稻作熟制。 江苏水稻生产发展较快。80年代水稻年平均种植面积3730.2万亩。单产达420.6公斤,总产达1569万吨。与70年代相比,面积下降13.2%,单产上升54.9%。总产增长3:4·4%。特别是“七五”期间,水稻单产、总产增长幅度显著,年平均种植面积3623.3万亩,占粮食面积的37.5%,年平均总产1701.1万吨,占粮食总产52%,平均亩产达469.4公斤;与“六五”相比,面积下降3%,亩产…  相似文献   

稻米、小麦和玉米是世界最主要的三大粮食作物,稻子性喜温暖潮湿,从热带到温带、从平原到温度适宜的山区,只要有水皆可种植。全世界约有超过半数的人以稻米为主食,全球的稻采生产和消费主要集中在亚洲。1986年世界稻米总产4.76亿吨,其中亚洲精米产量占总产的92%、美洲占5%、非洲占2%和欧洲占1%。亚洲人口约占全球人口总数的60%,消费的稻米占世界大米消费的85%—90%,特别是亚洲的缅甸、老挝、泰国和越南消费的稻米约占这些国家粮食消费总量的90%以上。据1975年统计,亚洲人均年消费稻米94.70公斤,而同期世界年人均消费稻米…  相似文献   

当前棉花生产有着悠久的历史,积累了丰富的种植经验。由于近代科学技术突飞猛进,育种技术和种植工艺的革命,极大地推动了世界棉花生产。目前世界上种植棉花的国家约有60多个,分布在亚洲、非洲、美洲、欧洲和大洋洲,产棉区域大都在北纬40度至南纬30度之间的广阔地带。  相似文献   

全球棉花生产60年回顾和展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从1950/1951到2009/2010年度的60年时间里,全球棉花单产增长了1.62倍,近60年的增长率为1.94%,近30年的增长率为1.09%。全球棉花总产增长1.60倍,近60年的增长率为1.92%,近30年的增长率为1.18%。同期,全球棉花收获面积保持相对稳定,在3000万~3667万hm2之间,波动幅度为2.6%~6.4%。据分析,全球棉花总产的增长95%源自单产水平的提高,另约5%来自面积的增长。  相似文献   

李兆勇 《北方水稻》2008,38(2):12-15
1995~2006年,淮安市水稻种植面积、单产、总产随着农业产业结构调整、价格波动以及良种补贴、粮食直补等惠农政策的实施,呈现同步变化特征。水稻种植面积占粮食种植面积的41.21%~47.46%,总产占粮食总产的54.11%~62.16%。淮安市水稻生产具有良好的自然条件,土壤肥沃、水资源丰富,机械化程度高,但也存在着缺少与高产优质多抗相协调的品种,生产规模化程度低、产业化经营不发达、专业化服务不配套等问题,制约了淮安市水稻的可持续发展。提出了将淮安建成国家级水稻生产基地和优质稻米基地的对策。  相似文献   

地理信息系统技术在水稻产量时空变化研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将地理信息系统引入浙江省的水稻产量的时空分布特征研究,它能定量、直观地表达水稻产量空间变化。1987年与1977年相比,浙江省有87%的县市增产;而1997年与1987年相比,有76%的县市减产,而且减产幅度大。1977~1987年水稻总产增加以单产为主要驱动力,而1987~1997水稻总产减少以面积为主要驱动力。近十年来水稻总产呈下降趋势,未来浙江省水稻面积将进一步减少,总产也随之减少。浙江省水稻单产和趋势产量呈上升趋势,气象产量的年际变化呈剧烈波动特征,水稻播种面积变化呈抛物线型。在单产的年际变化中,技术水平和社会因素对水稻、 早稻及早中稻、 晚稻及迟中稻的影响不足30%,气象条件的影响70%以上,即在水稻单产的年际变化中,气象因素的影响比技术水平和社会因素都要大。  相似文献   

Enhancing rice yield in upland rice systems through genetic improvement remains a major challenge in the tropics. This review aims to provide the trends on upland rice cultivation over the last 30 years and recent distribution of upland rice in the tropics, and to report progress in studies on genetic improvement for enhancing productivity in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. While upland rice cultivation area has reduced in Asia and Latin America over the last 30 years, the area in Africa has increased. The current share of upland rice area in total rice area is related to rainfall and gross national income per capita, especially in Africa, and higher share is associated with lower rice self-sufficiency at national level. Breeding programs in Asia and Latin America have developed high-yielding varieties using indica materials as parents. In Africa, New Rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties were developed from crosses between improved tropical japonica and Oryza glaberrima. However, recent studies report that there is scope for improving existing NERICA using upland indica materials from Asia. In highlands of Africa, there are ongoing breeding programs using japonica varieties, such as the Nepalese Chhomrong Dhan. Key important plant traits used in the breeding programs are not largely different across regions, especially intermediate plant height and tillering capacity (which may be related to weed-suppressive ability), and high harvest index. In conclusion, we propose an international network for breeding upland rice with accelerating seed exchange across regions that could enhance upland rice productivity through genetic improvement.  相似文献   

郑华斌  扈婷  陈杨  黄璜 《作物研究》2012,26(2):127-130,147
在总结前人研究的基础上,提出了将经济效益更好的野鸭品种“绿头野鸭”代替普通家鸭的一种新型种养技术,即稻-野鸭复合生态种养技术.与单一水稻种植对比,采用该技术能促进分蘖早发和根系生长发育,提高了9.04%的水稻产量,增加了近6倍的单位面积利润,提高了36%的产投比.通过稻-野鸭复合生态种养技术,可在保证水稻生产的前提下显著提高稻田经济效益,调动稻农积极性.  相似文献   

以吉林省1958-2005年间育成的33个水稻品种为材料,研究了产量、收获指数及植株地上部分各器官生物量的变化。随着品种的遗传改良,产量、收获指数、有效分蘖生物量和单茎生物量增加,分蘖总数减少。47年间产量由9118·36kg/hm2增加到15060·1kg/hm2,收获指数由0·46增加到0·55,平均每年分别增加1·39%和0·44%。随着品种的演替,单株分蘖总数下降,收获期单位土地面积生物量略有增加。产量和收获指数的增加是有效分蘖生物量和单茎生物量增加的结果。品种改良过程中单茎生物量增加是植株各器官生物量增加的结果,其中,抽穗期茎鞘生物量和抽穗后30d叶片生物量分别增加75·17%和49·94%。抽穗后叶片生物量和抽穗后10d的茎鞘生物量与产量呈显著相关,可作为高产品种的选择指标;抽穗后30d的单茎生物量与产量呈显著相关。  相似文献   

Summary Potato production is increasing rapidly in the tropics and sub-tropics and is declining gradually in the temperate zone. It is not expected that in the near future potato production for ethanol production will become important or that the production for starch or stock feed will increase. Consumption per capita is more or less stable in Western Europe and North America but is increasing in Africa and Asia. On average, energy and protein from potatoes cost the developing-country consumer at least three times as much as from wheat or rice. Better application by farmers of existing and newly developed technologies — including better adapted cultivars, healthy seed tubers, botanical seed and low-cost storage and processing — can reduce costs per unit of output substantially, mainly by increasing yield. Doubling the yield without considerable increases in production costs per hectare would allow the potato to become a cheap vegetable in many tropical or sub-tropical areas and to become a staple food in others with favourable growing conditions. Derived from a paper prepared for the International Symposium ‘Research for the potato in the year 2000’ (CIP, Lima, 1982).  相似文献   

建平县位于辽宁西部,是一个山区农业大县,种植马铃薯具有得天独厚的自然优势和良好的生态条件,每年马铃薯播种面积约达1.3万hm2,是辽宁省马铃薯生产第一大县,占全省马铃薯播种面积的1/4。多年来,马铃薯单产水平徘徊不前,单产不高,总产不稳,农民种植普遍采用传统的栽培方法,严重阻碍了马铃薯生产的发展。为把适宜种植马铃薯这一资源优势变为产业优势和经济优势,本文通过分析建平县马铃薯栽培技术的现状,找出马铃薯栽培技术方面存在的主要问题,并提出相关的解决措施,用于技术指导,在农业生产实践中取得显著成效,从而更好地促进建平县马铃薯产业稳步健康发展。  相似文献   

Meeting the challenges of global rice production   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rice is the second most widely grown cereal crop and the staple food for more than half the world's population. More than 3 billion people consume more than 100 kg of rice per year. Rice is cultivated on 155.5 million ha with an average growth rate of 0.39% a year, in the last 30 years. In the near future, the possibility for expanding areas under rice-based systems will remain very limited because of the scarcity of global water resources for agriculture, the expansion of urban and industrial sectors in Asia where land is already limited and the high costs of developing new lands that are suited for rice production in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. The average growth rate of rice yield was 3.68% per year in the early 1980s, but it has decreased to 0.74% per year in the late 1990s. Several factors may contribute to the decline of the area under cultivation and in yield growth. The most important of these factors are: limited returns as we approach the yield potential of the high yielding varieties, declining productivity in intensive rice production systems, pressures from abiotic and biotic stresses, low returns in developing countries, increasing production costs in industrialized countries, and increasing public concern for the protection of environmental resources. One of the most effective means of addressing the issues in rice cultivation and raising the average yields at the farm level is through research and subsequent dissemination of the resulting data. Rice science has made considerable progress. In the area of rice varietal improvement, recent advances in hybrid rice and the new rice for Africa (NERICA) are just two examples of the successful contributions of science to the development of rice. Research could also help reduce the gap between the potential yield obtained on experimental stations and the actual yield obtained in the fields. This could be possible by developing and promoting rice integrated crop management (RICM) systems for improving productivity and reducing the production cost per unit of output. The need for a sustainable increase in rice production affects everyone. The International Year of Rice provide us with a chance to improve food security, alleviate poverty and preserve the environment for the billions of people for whom Rice is Life. Nguu Van Nguyen About the Author. Nguu Van Nguyen earned his PhD in Agronomy in 1976 from the University of the Philippines at Los Banos (UPLB). He has been serving for 2 years as Post-Doctoral Fellow, at the International Rice Research Institute and for other two as Assistant Professor at UPLB University. He has been working from 1980 to 1993 as agronomist at IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) and at Philippine Rice Research Institute. In 1991, he began his professional career at FAO, initially as rice agronomist, in West Africa, then as agricultural officer at Crop and Grassland Service. Since 2004 he is serving as Executive Secretary, International Rice Commission.
Aldo Ferrero About the Author. Aldo Ferrero is at present Professor of “Weed Science”, “Agronomy” and “Crop Science” and head of the “Department of Agronomy, Forest and Land Management, University of Turin (Italy). He is coordinator of the rice FAO network “Medrice”, for Europe, Mediterranean, and Middle East countries. He possesses a wide experience in the field of the weed eco-biology and weed control in rice systems. He has been co-ordinator of European research projects funded by the European Union. He currently co-ordinates the project “EU-India Rice districts network promotion through agro-economical, cross cultural, and technical actions” (RICE-NET) aimed at studying agro-economical, cultural, and historical traits of the rice cultivation in the European and Indian rice districts, in order to improve socio-economical relationships between the two geographical areas. He is referee and member of the editorial board of several international journals.

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