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Heterobasidion annosum causes mortality and volume loss in first and second rotation pine crops. Control measures include stump treatment with Peniophora gigantea and stump removal on severely diseased sites.  相似文献   

Armillaria root rot is a well‐known disease on a wide range of plants, world‐wide. In Ethiopia, the disease has previously been reported on Pinus spp., Coffea arabica and on various native hardwoods. The causal agent of the disease has been attributed to Armillaria mellea, a species now known to represent a complex of many different taxa. The aim of this study was to determine the extent of Armillaria root rot and the identity of the Armillaria sp. in Ethiopian plantations. As part of a plantation disease survey in 2000 and 2001, samples were collected in plantations at and around Munessa Shashemene, Wondo Genet, Jima, Mizan and Bedele, in south and south‐western Ethiopia. Basidiocarps were collected and their morphology studied. Morphological identification was confirmed by sequencing the intergenic spacer (IGS‐1) region of the ribosomal rRNA operon and comparing data with published sequences of Armillaria spp. Armillaria isolates were collected from Acacia abyssinica, Pinus patula, Cedrela odorata and Cordia alliodora trees. Sporocarps were found on stumps of native Juniperus excelsa. Basidiocarp morphology and sequence data suggested that the fungus in Ethiopia is similar to that causing disease of Pinus spp. in South Africa and previously identified as A. fuscipes. This identification was confirmed for all isolates, based on sequence data. Armillaria fuscipes is known to be common in southern Africa. Its widespread occurrence in Ethiopia suggests that it is also the major cause of Armillaria root rot in that country.  相似文献   

An empirical model is presented to forecast the incidence of root rot at stand level. In addition, the impact of different thinning programmes on the incidence of root rot is evaluated. The model is based on data from 152 permanent forest research plots of pure Picea abies in southern Sweden, within which the incidence of root rot at stump height in thinned trees has been recorded after each thinning since 1950. In total, about 20 000 stumps have been studied. According to simulations with the model, areas previously used as fields or for grazing are particularly susceptible to root rot, while old hardwood sites are less susceptible. Furthermore, simulations with the model imply that the earlier, the harder or more often a stand is thinned, the faster will be the development of root rot.  相似文献   


Stump removal procedure increases the extent of exposed mineral soil in the clear felled areas. In this study, our aim was to find out whether the early growth and mycorrhization of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings differ between stump removal and mounding sites. Stumps were harvested from five one-hectare study sites and other five sites were mounded after clear felling. Twenty seedlings were planted on mounds at each study site. Although the height of spruce seedlings did not differ between the treatments after three growing periods, their mean growth was ca. 10% higher at the stump removal sites. The community of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) in the seedling roots did not differ between the treatments. The high mycorrhization rate in the nursery still remained after two and three growing seasons in the field and diversity of ECM community slightly increased during the first years. Our results indicate some positive although rather small and transient effects of stump removal on the performance of planted spruce seedlings. Longer-term studies are needed to fully understand the effects of stump removal on the later seedling development and their symbiotic interactions with mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

Botryodiplodia die-back of Albizia falcataria caused by Botryodiplodia theobromae is characterized by the development of a stem canker, gradual die-back of shoots and, finally, death of trees due to girdling of stems by progressing cankers. In pathogenicity tests of the isolate, only wound inoculation resulted in cankers similar to those observed in the field. Of the five plantations surveyed, die-back was recorded in four; the occurrence appeared to be closely associated with fire, debarking by animals, and cultivation of tapioca (Manihot utilissima) amongst trees in plantations. During the 2 years' observation, the initial incidence of about 50% declined to 13–25% while the severity, initially medium, then remained low throughout. Regular observations in a plot with moderately severe infection indicated that the high incidence of die-back occurred during the dry-warm period, but during or just after the monsoon it declined as some of the affected trees recouped partially or completely with the overall incidence gradually declining from 94.3% in June 1983 to 69.8% in May 1985. However, the percentage of mortality of the affected trees increased from 8.3% to 30.3% during the same period. This is the first record of large-scale mortality of A. falcataria due to parasitism by B. theobromae. The paper discusses the management implications of Botryodiplodia die-back in Albizia plantations in Kerala.  相似文献   

Loblolly pine and slash pine responses to acute aluminum and acid exposures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nowak J  Friend AL 《Tree physiology》2006,26(9):1207-1215
In response to concerns about aluminum and HCl exposure associated with rocket motor testing and launches, survival and growth of full-sib families of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) were evaluated in a nursery bed experiment. Each species was exposed to a single soil application of aluminum chloride (0.33 M AlCl(3), pH 2.5), hydrochloric acid (0.39 M HCl, pH 0.6) or water, with or without mycorrhizal inoculation with Pisolithus tinctorius (Coker and Couch). After 20 weeks without inoculation, survival in AlCl(3) and HCl treatments averaged 52% for loblolly pine and 72% for slash pine. Inoculation improved survival of loblolly pine, receiving HCl from 49 to 73%, and of those receiving AlCl3, from 55 to 90%. Inoculation also resulted in improved survival and growth of individual families in AlCl(3), but not in HCl treatments. Results illustrate the relative resistance of both pine species to the acute treatments supplied, the improvement in resistance associated with mycorrhizal inoculation and the importance of field testing, following hydroponic screening, to verify the resistance to soil-supplied stresses.  相似文献   

Radiata pine plantations in Chile   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Toro  Jorge  Gessel  Stanley 《New Forests》1999,18(1):33-44
The landscape of the southcentral part of Chile is dominated by fast-growing plantations of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don), and in lesser extent bluegum eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.), Italian poplar, and willows. Radiata pine was first introduced in 1885 as an ornamental species. During 1940–1960 it was used to control erosion in the Coastal Range. Finally, since the 1960s it has been used for commercial plantations. The present extent of the plantation resource is 1,694,104 ha, of which 80.9 percent is radiata pine. During 1991, 1992, and 1993, this species was planted at rates of 75,416 ha, 81,868 ha, and 71,411 ha, respectively. Even though the soils are eroded to different degrees, exhibit a variety of nutritional disorders, and contain some physical restrictions, the productivity of radiata pine ranges from 18 m3/ha/yr to 35 m3/ha/yr. Additional stress comes from some potentially serious pests; for example, the European pine shoot moth, Rhyacionia buoliana, has presented a real threat to radiata pine. The main products obtained from radiata pine are exported to Japan, Korea, Middle and Far East countries, and Europe. Sawlogs, sawntimber, pulpwood, clearwood, and wood chips are some of the products comprising sales in 1994 of U.S.$1,564 billion. The purpose of this paper is to show how radiata pine silviculture has changed since the last part of the 1980s in Chile. Also we want to show how forestry activities have produced a profound and positive change in the social and economic environment that surrounds the areas where the industry’s main production areas exist. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ten Fomes annosus isolates from pine and ten from non-pine-hosts were subjected to the volatile components of pine oleoresin and to various concentrations of pinosylvin (PS) and pinosylvin monomethyl ether (PSM). Both the volatiles and the PS and PMS significantly reduced growth rate compared with controls. However, no detectable difference existed between the two groups of F. annosus isolates in their reactions to the substances tested.  相似文献   

Soil moisture and throughfall were monitored for two growing seasons under three thinning intensities: basal areas of 7.8 m2ha−1, 12.6 m2ha−1 and 26.6 m2ha−1 (unthinned control) in an 11- to 12-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation. The first year after thinning soil water decreased at a rate of 0.8 mm day−1, 1.0 mm day−1 and 1.4 mm day−1, respectively, in the 7.8 m2ha−1, 12.6 m2ha−1, and 26.6 m2ha−1 basal area plots between May and late August. The more rapid development of soil moisture deficits in the unthinned stand was owing to both greater soil moisture use and reduced throughfall. For the same time period in the second year, with below-normal rainfall, soil moisture deficits developed at a rate of 1.5, 1.5 and 1.7 mm day−1 for the two heavily thinned and the unthinned treatments. Estimated growing season soil water use rates were 4.4 mm day−1, 4.2 mm day−1, and 4.0 mm day−1, respectively for the 7.8 m2ha−1, 12.6 m2ha−1 and 26.6 m2ha−1 basal area levels in Year 1. The second year after thinning water use rates for the same period were 2.7 mm day−1, 2.6 mm day−1, and 2.5 mm day−1, respectively. The results of this study suggest that the capacity to manage available water in loblolly pine stands by thinning is more a function of reduced interception loss and increased throughfall than reduced water use and is also weather dependent. Growing seasons with low rainfall or only one or two large rainfall events will not permit much opportunity to manage soil moisture.  相似文献   

以湿地松和马尾松为对照,对5年生火炬松的种源/家系的生长情况进行了分析.结果表明:火炬松的生长量远高于马尾松,较高于湿地松;火炬松的种源/家系间存在显著差异,各生长性状的遗传力较高,遗传变异系数也多在10%以上,且种源的各参数较高于家系;综合评定值位于前3位的种源依次为SC、ZJ和FJ;对家系的遗传距离进行了聚类分析,确定了5个极速生家系、8个较速生家系,其材积增益与湿地松相比分别为44%和14%,与马尾松相比分别为197%和136%.  相似文献   

Roots from healthy and diseased mature ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa Laws., trees were excavated from a site near Burns, Oregon. The diseased trees were infected with black-stain root disease, Leptographium wageneri Kendrick, or annosus root disease, Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref., or both. Axial hydraulic conductivity of the roots was measured under a positive head pressure of 5 kPa, and the conducting area was stained with safranin dye to determine specific conductivity (k(s)). In diseased roots, only 8-12% of the cross-sectional xylem area conducted water. Resin-soaked xylem completely restricted water transport and accounted for 13-16% of the loss in conducting area. In roots with black-stain root disease, 17% of the loss in conducting area was associated with unstained xylem, possibly resulting from occlusions or embolisms. Based on the entire cross-sectional area of infected roots, the k(s) of roots infected with black-stain root disease was 4.6% of that for healthy roots, whereas the k(s) of roots infected with annosus root disease was 2.6% of that for healthy roots. Although these low values were partly the result of the presence of a large number of diseased roots (72%) with no conducting xylem, the k(s) of functional xylem of diseased roots was only 33% of that for healthy roots. The low k(s) values of functional xylem in diseased roots may be caused by fungus induced occlusions preceding cavitation and embolism of tracheids. The k(s) of disease-free roots from diseased trees was only 70% of that for healthy roots from healthy trees. The disease-free roots had the same mean tracheid diameter and tissue density as the healthy roots, suggesting that the lower k(s) in disease-free roots of diseased trees may also have been caused by partial xylary occlusions.  相似文献   

火炬松材性变异及优良种源选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对火炬松不同种源材性变异分析表明,基本密度具有明显的倾群性。美国西南沿海一带各种源基本密度较大,但种源间材性差异不显著,而种源内差异显著;生长与材性相互独立,可以进行生长与材性联合选择。选用生长、材性、适应性及抗性四类11个数量指标进行主分量和聚类分析,为北亚热带地区选择了不同材种栽植的6个优良种源。  相似文献   

Data from a large, region-wide set of permanent plots were used to develop equations for predicting stand-level survival in thinned and unthinned loblolly pine plantations growing in the southeastern United States. A pre-competitive model predicts survival at young ages based on age and total number of trees surviving. A post-crown closure model predicts survival after the onset of intraspecific competition based on age, site index, thinning intensity, percent hardwood basal area and number of trees surviving. Analyses of the pre-competitive data indicated that survival trends differed by drainage class and site preparation method. Thus, separate sets of coefficients were estimated for two drainage class/site preparation groups. Analyses of the post-competitive data indicated that survival trends differed for thinned and unthinned stands and were affected by the amount of hardwood competition. Therefore, the post-crown closure model was developed and parameterized to reflect the changes in survival as a result of hardwood competition and thinning from below.  相似文献   

Summary A new type of soft rot of southern pine longitudinal tracheids is described. In this type, soft-rot cavities form by diffuse degradation of the S2 cell wall layer by hyphae growing within the cell wall. Cavity formation is diffuse and irregular as opposed to the restricted, periodic cavity formation typical of type 1 soft rot. Proboscis hyphae are small (diameter 0.6 to 0.9 m) and rapidly autolyse. These proboscis hyphae are not easily recognizable with light microscopy, especially at later stages of decay, but require transmission electron microscopy to confirm their presence. This may be an alternative interpretation of the type 2 soft rot of softwoods described previously as being caused by lumenal hyphae through an intact S3. Chemical analysis of pine test blocks revealed a greater loss of glucose and an increase of galactose with diffuse type 1 species compared to typical type 1 soft rot species. The term diffuse type 1 is suggested to describe this soft rot.The authors thank the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the USDA Competitive Research Grants Program for financial support, Kathy M. Anderson for technical assistance and The N.C. Brown Center for Ultrastructure Studies at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry for use of their facilities.  相似文献   

Fine roots(<2 mm) play vital roles in water and nutrient uptake.However,intraspecific variations in their chemical traits and their controlling mechanisms remain poorly understood at a regional scale.This study examined these intraspecific variations in fine roots in Masson pine(Pinus massoniana Lamb.) plantations across subtropical China and their responses to environmental factors.Root nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) concentrations and their mass ratios(N:P) ranged from 3.5 to 11.7 g kg-...  相似文献   

Stand Density Control Diagram (SDCD) is a stand-level mathematical model, which describes the relationships between yield, density and mortality throughout all stages of stand development. The SDCD is primarily used to derive density control schedules by management objectives. The main objectives of the present study are to define a modified model of SDCD for application to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Austrian black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) plantations in Bulgaria, to examine the fitness of the model with representative experimental data sets from plantations of both species and to present a way of direct application of the SDCDs for practical purposes. The constructed SDCDs characterize the spatial-temporal dynamics of the pine plantations in a broad range of densities, forest sites and growth stages from 4 to 26 (28) m of dominant height class. The full density lines were fixed with self-thinning exponents α = 1.69 and α = 1.75 for Scots pine and Austrian black pine, respectively, and the trajectories of natural thinning for 23 initial densities (444-40000/ha) were determined. A direct way for application of the SDCDs to the plantation management was designed to estimate the optimal initial densities for the maximum attainable final yield and large-size wood production by self-thinning stands.  相似文献   

Optimal management of Korean pine plantations in multifunctional forestry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Korean pine is one of the most important plantation species in northeast China.Besides timber,it produces edible nuts and plantations sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.This study optimized the management of Korean pine plantations for timber production,seed production,carbon sequestration and for the joint production of multiple benefits.As the first step,models were developed for stand dynamics and seed production.These models were used in a simulation–optimization system to find optimal timing and type of thinning treatments and optimal rotation lengths.It was found that three thinnings during the rotation period were optimal.When the amount or profitability of timber production is maximized,suitable rotation lengths are 65–70 years and wood production is 5.5–6.0 m~3 ha~(-1) a~(-1).The optimal thinning regime is thinning from above.In seed production,optimal rotation lengths are over 100 years.When carbon sequestration in living biomass is maximized,stands should not be clear-cut until trees start to die due to senescence.In the joint production of multiple benefits,the optimal rotation length is 86 years if all benefits(wood,economic profits,seed,carbon sequestration) are equally important.In this management schedule,mean annual wood production is 5.5 m~2 ha~(-1) and mean annual seed yield 141 kg ha~(-1).It was concluded that it is better to produce timber and seeds in the same stands rather than assign stands to either timber production or seed production.  相似文献   

Foster  G.S.  Stelzer  H.E.  McRae  J.B. 《New Forests》2000,19(3):291-306
Shoot cuttings were harvested fromfour-year-old, loblolly pine hedges in March andSeptember of 1987, and placed into a series offactorial combinations of cutting length, diameterclass, and the presence/absence of a terminal bud toassess effects on rooting and field performance.Average rooting in the March trial was 50 percent andonly 20 percent for the September trial; however, thebest treatment in March yielded 100 percent rooting.Terminal bud status did not appear to influencepercent rooting. Shorter cuttings (5.1 or 7.6 cm)with an average diameter of 2 or 3 mm tended to rootbetter and develop more roots. Field performance ofthe rooted cuttings through age five suggests that theoriginal cutting does not require a terminal bud, butthe best set of morphological traits differ dependingon bud status. Considering both rooting ability andfield growth with an original tip bud present, thebest cutting dimensions were 5.1 or 7.6 cm long and 2or 3 mm in diameter. Without a tip bud present,cutting dimensions were restricted to 7.6 or 10.2 cmlong and 3 mm in diameter. Number of main roots wasa weak predictor of tree height or dbh at age five.  相似文献   

Wang Ke  Zhang Yu 《林业研究》1995,6(1):12-17
Comparative analyses were conducted on the nutrient element content and returning amount of main fractional compositions of litter in Korean pine (KP), Mongolian Scots pine (MSP) and Dahurian larch (DL) plantations in Laoshan Plantation Experiment Station of Maoershan Experiment Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University. The results are as follows: (1) The nutrient element content and returning amount in litter varies among different fractional compositions and tree species, the total returning amount of all nutrient elements and the returning amount of K, Ca, Mg, N and P are DL > MSP > KP, the returning amount of Cu is DL > KP > MSP, the returning amount of Fe and Mn are MSP > DL > KP; (2) To KP and DL plantations, the main nutrient element returned is dead needles; dead branches, bark scales and dead cones account for a little proportion; whereas to MSP plantation, besides dead needles, dead branches and bark scales also play an important role in the return of nutrient elements; (3) A little deal of dead leaves can provided a great deal of returning amount of nutrient elements.  相似文献   

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