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The aim of this work was to evaluate long-term effects of different irrigation regimes on mature olive trees growing under field conditions. A 9-year experiment was carried out. Three irrigation treatments were applied: no irrigation, water application considering soil water content (short irrigation), or irrigation without considering soil water reserves and applying a 20% of extra water as a leaching fraction (long irrigation). Leaf water content, leaf area, vegetative growth, yield and fruit characteristics (fruit size, pulp:stone ratio and oil content) were determined yearly. Results showed that growth parameters did not show significant differences as a consequence of applied water. Yield was increased in irrigated trees compared to non-irrigated ones, but little differences between short and long irrigation were observed, only when accumulated yield from 1998 to 2006 was considered. Irrigation did not cause significant differences in fruit size or pulp:stone ratio either. Irrigation regimes similar to those applied in this experiment, under environmental conditions with relatively high mean annual precipitation, does not increase growth, yield or fruit characteristics when compared to rain-fed treatment, and consequently, the installation of a irrigation system could be not financially profitable.  相似文献   

A four-year study was conducted on young Olea europaea L. trees to investigate the effect of deficit irrigation starting from the onset of fruit production. Subsurface drip irrigation was used to supply 100% (FI), 46–52% (DI), or 2–6% (SI) of tree water needs. Tree growth was reduced by deficit irrigation, whereas, return bloom was not. Per tree fruit yield of DI trees was 68% that of FI, but fruit yield efficiency based on tree size was similar between treatments. Fruit set and the number of fruits of FI trees were similar to those of DI trees and significantly higher than in SI trees. No significant differences in fruit fresh weight were found between FI and DI. The oil yield and oil yield efficiency of the DI treatment were 82 and 110% that of FI trees, respectively. A level of about 50% deficit proved sustainable to irrigate trees for oil production.  相似文献   

The emergence of intensively managed olive plantations in arid, northwestern Argentina requires the efficient use of irrigation water. We evaluated whole tree daily transpiration and soil evaporation throughout the year to better understand the relative importance of these water use components and to calculate actual crop coefficient (Kc) values. Plots in a 7-year-old ‘Manzanilla fina’ olive grove with 23% canopy cover were either moderately (MI) or highly irrigated (HI) using the FAO method where potential evapotranspiration over grass is multiplied by a given Kc and a coefficient of reduction (Kr). The Kc values employed for the MI and HI treatments were 0.5 and 1.1, respectively, and the Kr was 0.46. Transpiration was estimated by measuring main trunk sap flow using the heat balance method for three trees per treatment. Soil evaporation was measured using six microlysimeters in one plot per treatment. Both parameters were evaluated for 7-10 consecutive days in the fall, winter, mid-spring, summer, and early fall of 2006-2007. Maximum soil evaporation was observed in the summer when maximum demand was combined with maximum surface wetted by the drips and evaporation from the inter-row occurred due to rainfall. Similarly, maximum daily transpiration was observed in mid-spring and summer. Transpiration of MI trees was 30% lower than in HI trees during the summer period. However, this difference in transpiration disappeared when values were adjusted for total leaf area per tree because leaf area was 28% less in the MI trees. Transpiration represented about 70-80% of total crop evapotranspiration (ETc) except when soil evaporation increased due to rainfall events or over-irrigation occurred. We found that daily transpiration per unit leaf area had a positive linear relationship with daily potential evapotranspiration (r2 = 0.84) when considering both treatments together. But, a strong relationship was also observed between transpiration per unit leaf area and mean air temperature (r2 = 0.93). Thus, it is possible to predict optimum irrigation requirements for olive groves if tree leaf area and temperature are known. Calculated crop coefficients during the growing season based on the transpiration and soil evaporation values were about 0.65-0.70 and 0.85-0.90 for the MI and HI treatments, respectively.  相似文献   

Olive is one of the fruit tree species for which measurements of the trunk diameter variation (TDV) has shown a lower potential both for monitoring water stress and for scheduling irrigation. This is particularly true in the case of old, big olive trees with heavy fruit load. Fernández et al. (2011, J. Environ. Exp. Bot. 72, 330-338) observed that the daily difference for maximum trunk diameter between deficit irrigated ‘Manzanilla’ olive trees and control trees growing under non-limiting soil water conditions, termed DMXTD, is more sensitive and reliable for detecting the water stress of the trees than other widely used TDV-derived indices. However, they considered their results as preliminary because of the lack of replications. The aim of this work was to evaluate the usefulness of the DMXTD index for detecting plant water stress in an orchard with 12-year-old ‘Arbequina’ olive trees with heavy fruit load. The performance of DMXTD for detecting water stress of the trees was compared to that of the signal intensity for the maximum daily shrinkage (SI-MDS) derived from the same TDV records. Results showed that SI-MDS was not useful for indicating the water stress of the trees. On the other hand, the dynamics of DMXTD mimicked those of the soil and plant water status. Four instrumented trees per treatment (replicates) were enough to reduce the uncertainty of the TDV measurements to a reasonable level. Our results show that DMXTD is a useful index to detect the onset, and severity, of water stress in mature ‘Arbequina’ olive trees with heavy fruit load. They also suggest a potential of DMXTD for scheduling low frequency deficit irrigation strategies.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) sequestration through irrigation management is a potential strategy to reduce C emissions from agriculture. Two experiments (Exps. I and II) were conducted to investigate the effects of different irrigation strategies on C retention in the soil-plant system in order to evaluate their environmental impacts. Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum L., var. Cedrico) were grown in split-root pots in a climate-controlled glasshouse and were subjected to full irrigation (FI), deficit irrigation (DI) and alternate partial root-zone irrigation (PRI) at early fruiting stage. In Exp. I, each plant received 2.0 g chemical nitrogen (N), while in Exp. II, 1.6 g chemical N and maize residue containing 0.4 g organic N were applied into the pot. The results showed that, in both experiments, the concentration and the amount of total C in the soil were lower in FI and PRI as compared to DI, presumably due to a greater microbial activity in the two treatments; particularly the PRI induced drying and wetting cycles of the soils may cause an increase of microbial activities and respiration rate, which could lead to more C losses from the soil. However, in both experiments the total C concentration in the PRI plants was the highest as compared with the FI and DI plants, and this was seemingly due to improved plant N nutrition under the PRI treatment. Consequently, the total amount of C retained in the soil-plant system was highest in the FI and was similar, but lower, for the PRI and DI. The different N input in the two experiments might have affected the C retention in the soil and in the plant biomass. Nevertheless, with a same degree of water saving, PRI was superior to DI in terms of enhancing C concentration in the plant biomass, which might have contributed to a better fruit quality in tomatoes as reported by [Zegbe et al., 2004] and [Zegbe et al., 2006].  相似文献   

We used sap flow and trunk diameter measurements for assessing water stress in a high-density ‘Arbequina’ olive orchard with control trees irrigated to replace 100 % of the crop water needs, and 60RDI and 30RDI trees, in which irrigation replaced ca. 60 and 30 % of the control, respectively. We calculated the daily difference for both tree water consumption ( $ D_{{E_{\text{p}} }} $ ) and maximum trunk diameter (D MXTD) between RDI trees and control trees. The seasonal dynamics of $ D_{{E_{\text{p}} }} $ agreed reasonably well with that of the stem water potential. We identified peculiarities on the response $ D_{{E_{\text{p}} }} $ to changes in water stressing conditions, which must be taken into account when using the index. An analysis of the water stress variability in the orchard is required for choosing the instrumented trees. The reliability of the D MXTD index was poorer than that of $ D_{{E_{\text{p}} }} $ . The maximum daily shrinkage (MDS) was not a reliable water stress indicator.  相似文献   

Potato evapotranspiration and yield under different drip irrigation regimes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A field experiment comparing different irrigation frequencies and soil matric potential thresholds on potato evapotranspiration (ET), yield (Y) and water-use efficiency (WUE) was carried out in a loam soil. The experiment included five treatments for soil matric potential: F1 (-15 kPa), F2 (-25 kPa), F3 (-35 kPa), F4 (-45 kPa) and F5 (-55 kPa) and six treatments for irrigation frequency: N1 (once every day), N2 (once every 2 days), N3 (once every 3 days), N4 (once every 4 days), N6 (once every 6 days) and N8 (once every 8 days). Results indicate that both soil matric potential and drip irrigation frequency influenced potato ET, Y and WUE. Potato ET increased as irrigation frequency and soil matric potential increased. Comparing soil water potential, the highest ET was 63.4 mm (32.1%) more than the lowest value. Based on irrigation frequency treatments, the highest ET was 36.7 mm (19.2%) more than the lowest value. Potato Y and WUE were also found to increase as irrigation frequency increased. Potato Y increased with an increase in soil water potential then started to decrease. The highest Y and WUE values were achieved with a soil matric potential threshold of -25 kPa and an irrigation frequency of once a day.Communicated by J. Ayars  相似文献   

Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is a deciduous fruit tree native of central Asia included in the so-called group of minor fruit tree species, not widely grown but of some importance in the south east of Spain. Fruit consumption interest is due to the organoleptic characteristics and to the beneficial effects on health. Pomegranate tree are considered as a culture tolerant to soil water deficit. However, very little is known about pomegranate orchard water management. The objective of this work was to characterize, for the first time in P. granatum, water relations aspects of applied significance for irrigation scheduling. Trees under different irrigation regimes were used and midday stem water potential (Ψstem) and midday leaf gas exchange were periodically measured over the course of an entire season. During spring and autumn, Ψstem did not show significant differences between irrigation treatments while there were considerable differences in leaf photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, suggesting a near-isohydric behaviour of pomegranate trees. This might explain why the signal intensity of Ψstem was lower than those of gas exchange indicators during the experimental period. Thus, leaf photosynthesis rates and stomatal conductance might have a greater potential for irrigation scheduling of pomegranate trees than Ψstem measured at solar noon.  相似文献   

为探明滴灌条件下温室番茄植株茎流速率变化规律及其影响因素,本文采用Dynamax公司开发的包裹式茎流计观测日光温室番茄植株的茎流变化,研究茎流速率的变化规律及茎流速率监测结果的标准化处理技术,探索植株茎流与气象因子的相互关系,分析水分胁迫对番茄植株茎流速率的影响。研究表明,采用单位叶面积上的茎流速率表征茎流变化规律可在一定程度上降低因探头安装位置不同对监测结果的影响;在充分供水条件下,影响番茄植株茎流速率的主要因子是太阳辐射和饱和水气压差,番茄植株的日茎流速率与太阳辐射呈线性关系,与饱和差呈对数关系(R2>0.90,P<0.01);土壤水分状况会明显影响番茄植株茎流状况,茎流速率随水分胁迫加剧而骤减。研究结果证明番茄植株茎流速率经标准化处理后可以真实的反映植株蒸腾规律。  相似文献   

We investigated the long-term effects of different deficit irrigation (DI) options on tree growth, shoot and leaf attributes, yield determinants and water productivity of almond trees (Prunus dulcis, cv. Marta) grown in a semiarid climate in SE Spain. Three partial root-zone drying (PRD) irrigation treatments encompassing a wide range of water restriction (30%, 50% and 70% of full crop requirements, ETc) and a regulated deficit irrigation treatment (RDI, at 50% ETc during kernel-filling) were compared over three consecutive growth seasons (2004–2006) to full irrigation (FI). The results showed that all deficit irrigation treatments have a negative impact on trunk growth parameters. The magnitude of the reduction in trunk growth rate was strongly correlated through a linear relationship with the annual volume of water applied (WA) per tree. Similarly, a significant relationship was found between WA and the increase in crown volume. In contrast, leaf-related attributes and some yield-related parameters (e.g., kernel fraction) were not significantly affected by the irrigation treatments. Except in PRD70, individual kernel weight was significantly reduced in the deficit irrigated treatments. Kernel yield, expressed in percent of the maximum yield observed in the FI treatment, showed a linear decrease with decreasing WA and a slope of 0.43, which implies that a 1% decrease in water application would lead to a reduction of 0.43% in yield. Water productivity increased drastically with the reduction of water application, reaching 123% in the case of PRD30. Overall, our results demonstrate the prevalence of direct and strong links between the intensity of the water restriction under PRD – i.e., the total water supply during the growing season – and the main parameters related to tree growth, yield and water productivity. Noteworthy, the treatments that received similar annual water volumes under contrasted deficit irrigation strategies (i.e., PRD70 and RDI) presented a similar tree performance.  相似文献   

The oft-touted reason for the efficiency of drip irrigation is that roots can preferentially take up water from localised zones of water availability. Here we provide definitive evidence of this phenomenon. The heat-pulse technique was used to monitor rates of sap flow in the stem and in two large surface roots of a 14 year old apple tree (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Braeburn). The aim was to determine the ability of an apple tree to modify its pattern of root water uptake in response to local changes in soil water content. We monitored the water status of the soil close to the instrumented roots by using time domain reflectometry (TDR) to measure the soil's volumetric water content, θ, and by using ceramic-tipped tensiometers to measure the soil's matric pressure head, h. A variation in soil water content surrounding the two roots was achieved by supplying a single localised irrigation to just one root, while the other root remained unwatered. Sap flow in the wetted root increased straight away by 50% following this drip irrigation which wetted the soil over a zone of approximately 0.6 m in diameter and 0.25 m in depth. Sap flow in the wetted root remained elevated for a period of about 10 days, that is until most of the irrigation water had been consumed. A comparative study of localised and uniform irrigation was then made. Following irrigation over the full root zone no further change in sap flow in the previously wetted root was observed when referenced to the corresponding sap flow measured in the stem of the apple tree. However sap flow in the previously dry root responded to subsequent irrigations by increasing its flow rate by almost 50%. These results show that apple roots have the capacity to transfer water from local wet areas at much higher rates than normally occurs when the entire root zone is supplied with water. They are also able to shift rapidly their pattern of uptake and begin to extract water preferentially from those regions where it is more freely available. Such an ability supports the use of drip irrigation for the efficient use of scarce water resources. We conclude that the soil-to-root pathway represents a major resistance to water uptake by apple, even at the relatively high soil water pressure heads developed during parts of this experiment, during which the tree was not even under any stress.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted during a 3-year period to determine wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield in response to irrigation scheduling and variable fertilization.Irrigation scheduling was done on the basis of cumulative pan evaporation. Irrigations were given at 25, 50 and 75% available water in the top 60 cm soil profile. The amount of irrigation water applied at each irrigation was equivalent to 75% of the cumulative open pan evaporation. The crop was fertilized at the rate of 0, 60, and 120 kg/ha nitrogen.The yield of wheat was significantly affected by irrigation water and nitrogen treatments. Maximum yield was obtained with irrigation at 50% available soil water and 120 kg/ha nitrogen addition (5092 kg/ha). Consumptive use of water was maximum when irrigation was applied at 75% available soil water. The irrigation at 50% available soil water, however, resulted in greatest yield per cm water use by the crop.  相似文献   

The impact of different irrigation scheduling regimes on the quantity and quality of olive oil from a low-density olive grove in southern Portugal was assessed during the irrigation seasons of 2006 and 2007. Olive trees were subjected to one of the following treatments: A—full irrigation; B—sustained deficit irrigation (SDI) with 60% of ETc water applied with irrigation; C—regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) with irrigation water applied at three critical phases: before flowering, at the beginning of pit hardening and before crop harvesting and D—rain-fed treatment. Olive oil yield was significantly higher than rain-fed conditions in 2006, an “on year” of significant rainfall during summer. No significant yield differences were observed in the following “off year”. Among the irrigated treatments, olive oil production of treatment B was 32.5% and 40.1% higher in 2006 and 2007, respectively than the fully irrigated treatment A, despite receiving 49% less irrigation water. Such strategy could allow for an efficient use of water in the region, of very limited available resources, and for modest but important oil yield increase. Nonetheless, on the “on year” of 2006 treatment C used 13.9% of the water applied to treatment B and produced only 23.9% less olive fruits which could also make it illegible as the next possible strategy to use for irrigating olive trees in the region, provided that water is secured latter in the summer, a period of vital importance for oil accumulation and very sensitive to water stress as the poor results of 2007 revealed. The different treatment water regimes did not impact on the chemical characteristics of olive oils that were within the set threshold limits. Similarly, the sensory characteristics of the olive oils as well as bitterness and pungency were negligible for all treatments allowing them to be assessed as of “superior quality”.Overall, irrigation treatments had no influence on the commercial value of produced oils, being all classified as “extra virgin”. Such funding may be of vital importance to farmers willing to further their irrigation area, save water and still retain the protected designation of origin (PDO) seal of quality for their oil.  相似文献   

The compensation heat-pulse method for measuring sap flow is tested here in olive trees (Olea europaea L.). We describe a rigorous three-way examination of the robustness of the technique for this species, and examine the potential of the technique for an automatic control of the irrigation system. Two tests were carried out using heat-pulse gear inserted into the stem of 12-year-old ‘Manzanilla’ olive trees. One test used forced-flow through a stem section, and the other involved measured water uptake by an excised tree. The measured sap flow in these two tests was in agreement with calculations from heat-pulse velocities when using a standard ‘wound correction’ to account for the presence of the probes and the disruption to the sap flow. Thus, this technique for monitoring transpiration can, we feel, be used with confidence in olives.The third experiment was carried out in the field, where we analysed sap flow data from two 29-year-old olive trees — one tree was under regular drip irrigation and the other was from dry-farming conditions. We use measurements of sap flow in the trunk to examine the hydraulic functioning of the tree, and to explore some diagnostics of water stress. Our heat-pulse measurements in the irrigated olive tree exhibited a profile of sap flow that was weighted towards the outer xylem of the tree trunk while the water-stressed trees in the field showed a profile of sap flow weighted towards the centre of the trunk. The loss of hydraulic functioning in the outermost section of the vascular system, as a result of water stress, we consider to be due both to stomatal control and to embolisms in the xylem vessels.The fourth experiment was also carried out in the field, in which sap flow measurements were made at three locations in the trunk as well as in two roots of another 29-year-old olive tree. The soil explored by each root, on opposite sides of the trunk, was differentially wetted by separate irrigation of each side. Our data showed that the surface roots were able to absorb water immediately after wetting, despite a reasonably prolonged period of moderate drought. Root activity quickly shifted to the regions where the soil had been wetted. A root in dry soil exhibited no flow at night, whereas sap flows of about 0.02 l h−1 were measured around midnight in the root drawing water from the wetter soil. Our observations suggest that the hydraulic behaviour of the trunk and surface roots might be used as a diagnostic of the onset, or severity, of water stress. Here there is not the imperative to replicate, for the prime goal is not transpiration estimation. Rather interpretation of the diurnal dynamics is used to infer the onset, or severity of water stress.The compensation heat-pulse seems a suitable technique for automatically controlling the irrigation system of olives, and probably other trees, based either on the estimation of the short-time dynamics of transpiration, or on changes in the hydraulic behaviour of the trees.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of irrigation amount on the concentration of phenolic compounds in olive (Olea europaea L., cv. Arbequina) oil obtained from an intensively-managed orchard in a semi-arid area with a Mediterranean climate in Tunisia. Different irrigation treatments 50% Etc, 75% Etc and 100% Etc were applied to the olive orchard. Oil quality, evaluated using the parameters established to determine the quality level of virgin olive oils (acidity, K232, K270 and peroxide index) was slightly affected by irrigation. However, results showed that irrigation positively affected both fruit and oil quality. In fact, the least irrigation regime (T1), showed a significantly higher content of oleic acid (70.08%), whereas olive oils from more irrigated trees (T2 and T3) had higher contents of palmitic acid (11.64% and 13.14%, respectively) and lower of linoleic acid (approximately 12.7%). However, content of phenolic compounds (hydrophilic and lypophilic), in the oils extracted, strongly differed. In fact, different irrigation regimes applied not only affected the total amount of phenols which were proportional to irrigation (193.2 and 271.87 mg kg−1 for T1 and T3, respectively) except for T2 but also their HPLC profiles. Contrarily to phenols, insignificant differences were observed in the concentration of α-tocopherol between the irrigation treatments studied.  相似文献   

Summary Canopy temperatures of wheat, barley, rape and perennial rye grass crops, grown under temperate humid climatic conditions at different irrigation regimes were measured during two growing seasons, 1986 and 1987, by determining the emission of radiation in the wavelength interval 8<<14 m. Global radiation, net radiation, air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed were measured simultaneously. The canopy temperature of the crops either fully irrigated or under water stress fluctuated up to 6 °C within a few minutes in response to rapid changes in global radiation. At high level of global radiation (800–1000 W m–2) canopy-air temperature differences up to 8 °C were measured whereas at low level of global radiation (100–200 W m–2) canopy-air temperature differences were found to approach zero or become negative even at severe crop water stress. Canopy temperature differences between water stressed and fully irrigated crops up to 6 °C were measured under conditions of high evaporative demand whereas under conditions of low evaporative demand canopy temperature differences between water stressed and fully irrigated crops approached zero even at severe crop water stress. For each crop the lower base line, i.e. the relationship between canopy-air temperature difference and vapor pressure deficit for a fully irrigated crop, was estimated by linear regression. In most cases a poor correlation was obtained which is attributed to considerable temporal variability in global radiation and wind speed and to the narrow range of prevailing values of vapor pressure deficit. However, from the base line for rape and barley it was possible to calculate apparent values of the aerodynamic resistance and the crop resistance which were of the same order of magnitude as those found for other crops by using this method under more arid climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of the xylem sap flow by the stem heat balance technique can be a valuable aid for determining the irrigation demand of field crops. In the present study, soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) sap flow was evaluated under well-watered and water-stressed conditions using Dynamax SGA10 sap flow gauges. Solar radiation was measured continuously throughout the growing season. Soil water content was measured before and after each irrigation. There was a close relationship between solar radiation and xylem sap flow. The water flux in the soybean stems responded realistically to changes in the soil water content. However, the absolute values of sap flow were highly questionable. Calculating crop transpiration from sap flow measurements, the results were up to 4 times as high as calculated transpiration from soil moisture data and simulated transpiration using the locally calibrated soybean crop growth model SOYGRO. A sensitivity analysis of the stem heat balance technique gave no indications of technique or input errors. The gauge design was possibly not appropriate for the outdoor installation on soybeans.  相似文献   

Measurements of maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) were performed on adult olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Manzanillo) trees in an experimental farm in Seville (Spain). The objective was to study the feasibility of obtaining maximum daily trunk shrinkage baselines or reference values for use in irrigation scheduling. The trees were irrigated daily above their water requirements in order to obtain non-limiting soil water conditions. The results indicated it is possible to obtain baselines for MDS, despite a certain scattering of the data points representing the relations between MDS and the climatic variables (reference evapotranspiration, solar radiation, vapour pressure deficit and temperature). MDS behaviour was best correlated with midday vapour pressure deficit and midday air temperature (r2 = 0.83 and 0.79, respectively).  相似文献   

Five different methods of determining sap flow (SF), three based on heat pulse (compensation heat pulse, New Zealand—cHP–NZ; compensation heat pulse, Greenspan/Australia—cHP–G (South oriented), and cHP–G–EW (East and West oriented, average); non-compensation heat pulse, Ariel/Israel—ncHP), one based on stem heat balance (Dynamax/USA—SHB), and another based on heat dissipation (Granier/France—HD) were compared in an experiment performed on peach trees in Northeast Spain. Two irrigation treatments (drip-irrigated) were applied: a control and a stress treatment, the latter consisting of withholding water from day 190 to 199. Between 1 and 3 different systems were installed in some trees of both, the control and stress treatments. All the techniques reflected the evolution of water stress in the stressed trees with a very similar tendency and in agreement with the evolution of predawn water potential (Ψp). Ψp correlated well with sap flow (SF) determined with all the systems (r2 > 0.65) in the stress treatment, indicating that all the SF techniques detected changes in tree water status. The cHP–NZ system was the first to detect a SF reduction through the outer xylem vessels, as a response to water withholding. In control trees, daily SF rates provided by the three heat pulse and heat balance methods were well correlated with ETo and somewhat less with global radiation; all regressions improved on an hourly basis. Daily pattern and magnitude of mean SF rates monitored by the three heat pulse systems were quite similar in control trees. This was reflected by high regression coefficients when compared with each other. Higher SF rates recorded by ncHP methods in comparison with cHP–G and cHP–NZ might be attributed to technical limitations and to different sensor orientation. In an accompanying experiment, substantial differences between East and West location of the cHP–G sensors were observed, but when taking the mean value of those daily SF rates, differences between ncHP and cHP–G–EW were lower. Mean monthly crop coefficients, calculated by using SF data computed with ncHP method and soil evaporation as determined with microlysimeters, were 0.64 in July and 0.67 in August. SF systems can be used to detect plant water stress related to control, and might be useful for irrigation scheduling based on plant water status. The SF techniques analysed showed potential to better determine actual plant water necessities than other traditional methods, but a preceding calibration is needed.  相似文献   

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