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Synthetic hexaploid wheat is an effective genetic resource for transferring agronomically important genes from Aegilops tauschii to common wheat. Wide variation in grain size and shape, one of the main targets for wheat breeding, has been observed among Ae. tauschii accessions. To identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) responsible for grain size and shape variation in the wheat D genome under a hexaploid genetic background, six parameters related to grain size and shape were measured using SmartGrain digital image software and QTL analysis was conducted using four F2 mapping populations of wheat synthetic hexaploids. In total, 18 QTLs for the six parameters were found on five of the seven D-genome chromosomes. The identified QTLs significantly contributed to the variation in grain size and shape among the synthetic wheat lines, implying that the D-genome QTLs might be at least partly functional in hexaploid wheat. Thus, synthetic wheat lines with diverse D genomes from Ae. tauschii are useful resources for the identification of agronomically important loci that function in hexaploid wheat.  相似文献   

Tan spot, caused by a necrotrophic fungus Pyrenophora tritici‐repentis (Ptr), has become an important foliar disease of wheat worldwide. Effective control of tan spot can be achieved by deployment of resistant wheat cultivars. An F2:3 population derived from a cross between synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW), TA4161‐L1 (moderately resistant) and susceptible winter wheat cultivar, ‘TAM105’ was evaluated with race 1 of Ptr under controlled conditions. The population was genotyped using Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT). Presence of transgressive segregants indicated contribution of positive alleles from both parents. Two major QTLs were located on the short arm of chromosomes 1A and 6A and designated as QTs.ksu‐1A and QTs.ksu‐6A, respectively. Two additional QTLs were identified on chromosome 7A. Resistant alleles of all the QTLs were contributed by TA4161‐L1. Novel QTLs on 6A and 7A can be a valuable addition to known resistance genes and utilized in breeding programmes to produce highly resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Lodging is a major constraint to increasing yield in many crops, but is of particular importance in the small‐grained cereals. This study investigated the genetic control of lodging and component traits in wheat through the detection of underlying quantitative trait loci (QTL), The analysis was based on the identification of genomic regions which affect various traits related to lodging resistance in a population of 96‐doubled haploid lines of the cross ‘Milan’בCatbird’, mapped using 126‐microsatellite markers. Although major genes related to plant height (Rht genes) were responsible for increasing lodging resistance in this cross, several other traits independent of plant height were shown to be important such as fool and shoot traits, and various components of plant yield. Yield components such as grain number and weight were shown to be an indicator of plant susceptibility to lodging. QTL for lodging and associated traits were found on chromosomes IB, ID. 2B. 2D. 4B, 4D. 6D and 7D. QTL for yield and associated traits were identified on chromosomes IB, ID. 2A. 2B. 2D. 4D and 6A,  相似文献   

A. M. Castro    A. Vasicek    C. Ellerbrook    D. O. Giménez    E. Tocho    M. S. Tacaliti    A. Clúa    J. W. Snape 《Plant Breeding》2004,123(4):361-365
Breeding for genetic resistance against greenbug and Russian wheat aphid (RWA) is the most effective way of controlling these widespread pests in wheat. Earlier work had shown that chromosome 7D of a synthetic hexaploid wheat, ‘Synthetic’ (T. dicoccoides × Ae. squarrosa) (AABB × DD) gave resistance when transferred into the genetic background of an aphid‐susceptible cultivar, ‘Chinese Spring’, as the recipient. To map the genes involved, a set of 103 doubled haploid recombinant substitution lines was obtained from crossing the 7D substitution line with the recipient, and used to determine the number and chromosomal location of quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling antixenosis and antibiosis types of resistance. Antixenosis to RWA was significantly associated with marker loci Xpsr687 on 7DS, and Xgwm437 on 7DL. Antibiosis to greenbug was associated with marker loci Xpsr490, Rc3 (on 7DS), Xgwm44, Xgwm111, Xgwm437, Xgwm121 and D67 (on 7DL). Similarly, antibiosis to RWA was linked to loci Xpsr490, Rc3, Xgwm44, Xgwm437 and Xgwm121. At least two QTL in repulsion phase, one close to the centromere either on the 7DS or 7DL arms, and a second distal on 7DL could explain antibiosis to RWA and, partially, this mechanism against greenbug.  相似文献   

Maize is the most important staple crop worldwide. Many of its agronomic traits present with a high level of heterosis. Combining ability was proposed to exploit the rule of heterosis, and general combining ability (GCA) is a crucial measure of parental performance. In this study, a recombinant inbred line population was used to construct testcross populations by crossing with four testers based on North Carolina design II. Six yield-relevant traits were investigated as phenotypic data. GCA effects were estimated for three scenarios based on the heterotic group and the number of tester lines. These estimates were then used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) and dissect genetic basis of GCA. A higher heritability of GCA was obtained for each trait. Thus, testing in early generation of breeding may effectively select candidate lines with relatively superior GCA performance. The GCA QTL detected in each scenario was slightly different according to the linkage mapping. Most of the GCA-relevant loci were simultaneously detected in all three datasets. Therefore, the genetic basis of GCA was nearly constant although discrepant inbred lines were appointed as testers. In addition, favorable alleles corresponding to GCA could be pyramided via marker-assisted selection and made available for maize hybrid breeding.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) toxicity is one of the major constraints for wheat production in acidic soils worldwide and use of Al-tolerant cultivars is one of the most effective approaches to reduce Al damage in the acidic soils. A Chinese landrace, FSW, shows a high level of tolerance to Al toxicity and a mapping population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed from a cross between FSW and Al-sensitive US spring wheat cultivar Wheaton to validate the quantitative trait loci (QTL) previously identified in FSW. The mapping population was evaluated for net root growth (NRG) during Al stress in a nutrient solution culture and hematoxylin staining score (HSS) of root tips after Al stress. After 132 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from three chromosomes that were previously reported to have the QTLs were analyzed in the population, two QTLs for Al tolerance from FSW were confirmed. The major QTL on chromosome 4DL co-segregated with the Al-activated malate transporter gene (ALMT1), however, sequence analysis of the promoter region (Ups4) of ALMT1 gene indicated that FSW contained a marker allele that is different from the one that was reported to condition Al tolerance in the Brazilian source. Another QTL on chromosome 3BL showed a minor effect on Al tolerance in the population. The two QTLs accounted for about 74.9 % of the phenotypic variation for HSS and 72.1 % for NRG and demonstrated an epistatic effect for both HSS and NRG. SSR markers closely linked to the QTLs have potential to be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) to improve Al tolerance in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

Six tree traits (self-compatibility, blooming date, blooming density, productivity, leafing date and ripening time) and five pomological traits (kernel taste, in-shell weight, shell hardness, kernel weight and double kernel) were studied in an F1 almond progeny of 167 seedlings from the cross between the French cultivar 'R1000' and the Spanish cultivar 'Desmayo Largueta'. In addition, a set of 135 codominant microsatellites or simple-sequence repeat (SSR) markers developed from peach, cherry and almond were used for the molecular characterization of the progeny. A genetic linkage map was constructed with 56 of these SSRs. Cosegregation analysis allowed the identification of the map positions of two major genes to be confirmed for kernel taste ( Sk ) in linkage group five (G5) and for self-incompatibility ( S ) in G6. QTLs mapped include two for leafing date ( Lf-Q1 and Lf-Q2 ) in G1 and G4, one for shell hardness ( D-Q ) in G2, one each for double kernel ( Dk-Q ) and productivity ( P-Q ) in G4, one for blooming date ( Lb-Q ) in G4, two for kernel weight ( Kw-Q1 and Kw-Q2 ) in G1 and G4, and two for in-shell weight ( Shw-Q1 and Shw-Q2 ) in G1 and G2. Four SSR loci (BPPCT011, UDP96-013, UDP96-003 and PceGA025) were linked to the important agronomic traits of leafing date, shell hardness, blooming date and kernel taste. Finally, the development of efficient marker-assisted selection strategies applied to almond and other Prunus breeding programmes was also discussed.  相似文献   

Development of soybean cultivars with high seed yield is a major focus in soybean breeding programs. This study was conducted to identify genetic loci associated with seed yield-related traits in soybean and also to clarify consistency of the detected QTLs with QTLs found by previous researchers. A population of 135 F2:3 lines was developed from a cross between a vegetable soybean line (MJ0004-6) and a landrace cultivar from Myanmar (R18500). They were evaluated in the experimental field of Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand in a randomized complete block design with two replications each in 2011 and 2012 growing seasons. The two parents exhibited contrasting characteristics for most of the traits that were mapped. Analysis of variance showed that the main effects of genotype and environment (year) were significant for all studied traits. Genotype by environment interaction was also highly significant for all the traits. The population was genotyped by 149 polymorphic SSR markers and the genetic map consisted of 129 SSR loci which converged into 38 linkage groups covering 1156 cM of soybean genome. There were 10 QTLs significantly associated with seed yield-related traits across two seasons with single QTLs explaining between 5.0% to 21.9% of the phenotypic variation. Three of these QTLs were detected in both years for days to flowering, days to maturity and 100 seed weight. Most of the detected QTLs in our research were consistent with earlier QTLs reported by previous researchers. However, four novel QTLs including SF1, SF2 and SF3 on linkage groups L and N for seed filling period and PN1 on linkage group D1b for pod number were identified in the present study.  相似文献   

水稻光合作用及相关生理性状的QTL定位研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光合作用及相关生理性状均属于数量性状,由多基因控制。本文介绍了水稻光合相关性状与光合作用的关系,重点综述了水稻光合作用及相关性状QTL定位的研究进展,探讨了其中存在的问题及未来研究的趋势。  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci for agronomic traits in soybean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There continues to be improvement in seed yields of soybean by conventional breeding, but molecular techniques may provide faster genetic gains. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with the agronomic traits seed yield, lodging, plant height, seed filling period and plant maturity in soybean. To achieve this objective, 101 F6‐derived recombinant inbred lines (RIL) from a population developed from a cross of N87‐984‐16 × TN93‐99 were used. Experiments were conducted in six environments during 2002–2003. Heritability estimates on an entry mean basis from data combined across environments ranged from 0.12 to 0.65 for seed yield and seed filling period, respectively. Composite interval mapping detected one QTL for yield (near Satt076), two for lodging (near Satt225 and Satt593) and four for maturity (near Satt263, Satt292, Satt293 and Satt591) in this population. Additional environmentally sensitive QTL for these traits, and for seed filling period and plant height are also reported. The QTL associated with agronomic traits that we report and the recently released germplasm (PI 636460) from this population may be useful in soybean breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Stachyose is an unfavorable sugar in soybean meal that causes flatulence for non‐ruminant animals. Understanding the genetic control of stachyose in soybean will facilitate the modification of stachyose content at the molecular level. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with seed stachyose content using simple sequence repeat (SSR) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. A normal stachyose cultivar, ‘Osage’, was crossed with a low stachyose line, V99‐5089, to develop a QTL mapping population. Two parents were screened with 33 SSR and 37 SNP markers randomly distributed on chromosome 10, and 20 SSR and 19 SNP markers surrounding a previously reported stachyose QTL region on chromosome 11. Of these, 5 SSR and 16 SNP markers were used to screen the F3:4 lines derived from ‘Osage’ x V99‐5089. Seed samples from F3:5 and F3:6 lines were analyzed for stachyose content using high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Composite interval mapping analysis indicated that two stachyose QTL were mapped to chromosome 10 and 11, explaining 11% and 79% of phenotypic variation for stachyose content, respectively. The SSR/SNP markers linked to stachyose QTL could be used in breeding soybean lines with desired stachyose contents. Chi‐square tests further indicated that these two QTL probably represent two independent genes for stachyose content. Therefore, a major QTL was confirmed on chromosome 11 and a novel QTL was found on chromosome 10 for stachyose content.  相似文献   

Advanced backcross QTL analysis was used to identify QTLs for seedling and adult plant resistance to leaf rust in introgression lines derived from a cross between the spring wheat cultivar ‘Saratovskaya 29’ and a synthetic allopolyploid wheat (T. timopheevii/T. tauschii). F2 mapping populations involving two backcross selections (‘BC5’ and ‘BC9’ lines) were genotyped with microsatellite markers. Two significant QTL for adult plant resistance were identified in line ‘BC5’: one on chromosome 2B, but originating from chromosome 2G, explained 31% of the trait variance. The other, derived from T. tauschii and mapped to the short arm of chromosome 2D explained 19% of the trait variance. In the second line, one major seedling and adult plant resistance QTL was identified on chromosome 2B. Both QTL co-located to the same marker interval. Such introgression lines, resulting from the reconstruction of common wheat genome, are of interest both as initial material for breeding and improvement of current cultivars, and as a resource for the study of the interaction and transformation of genomes.  相似文献   

Association mapping is a method to identify associations between target traits and genetic markers based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) of a quantitative trait locus. Synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) is derived from a cross between Triticum durum Desf. and Aegilops tauschii Coss. that enhances genetic diversity and broadens breeding resources. In this study, phenotypic diversity in 110 wheat accessions (86 SHW germplasm specimens and 24 conventional wheat varieties) was evaluated quantitatively for yield characteristics of grains per spike, thousand kernel weight, and spike length. Phenotypic data were collected over two years at two locations, and 1785 alleles were detected (mean 6.59), ranging from 3 to 11 alleles per locus. The average genetic diversity index was 0.749, with a range from 0.239 to 0.923. The polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.145 to 0.968, with a mean value of 0.695. The genetic diversity index and PIC indicated that genome B > D > A. Accessions were grouped into three subgroups based on STRUCTURE and unweighted pair-group with arithmetic mean clustering. The mean LD decay across the genome was 11.78 cM. Association mapping between traits and simple sequence repeat markers was performed using the generalized linear model approach. Forty-six SSR loci were significantly associated with the measured agronomic traits in two geographic locations. Together, these results broaden our knowledge of how to harness elite genes and genetic diversity in SHW in genomic and marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

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