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Abstract –  Major migration barriers have been identified as an important factor in the drastic reduction of freshwater eel stocks at the catchment scale. In this study, we developed a way to assist decision making in the management of migration barriers so as to increase eel presence throughout the Loire catchment (France). Models were developed according to eel size-class and various different management strategies to improve accessibility, taking into account: (i) all the migration barriers from the tidal limit to different upstream limits (downstream–upstream strategy), (ii) all the migration barriers with a given degree of passability (migration barrier passability class strategy), (iii) all the migration barriers in a given sub-catchment area (sub-catchment strategy) and (iv) all the migration barriers in the entire Loire catchment (global strategy). Eel were actually found to occur in the Loire at about 50% of the sites sampled. The improvement of habitat accessibility by removing all obstacles to colonisation or installing fish passes, for example (global strategy), would lead to eels being found throughout the whole river. If this management strategy is impossible because the high cost, two others, also producing significant eel continental colonisation must be implemented. Either all barriers from the tidal limit with medium passability and/or migration barriers in the sub-catchment area which is closest to the sea and least accessible must be managed. In both cases, the area significantly exploited by eels and the probability that this species will be present will be doubled. However, these results can only be counted on if the fluvial recruitment increases significantly.  相似文献   

The effects of changes in the feeding regime on growth rate, body composition and fatty acid content of body lipids were monitored during the production cycle of European eels (Anguilla anguilla) in a fish farm, from elvers to commercial size (> 100 g).A high variation in growth rate obliged periodic grading. The fat content in the body of the eels notably increased over the study period in a direct relationship with size. At commercial size, a certain degree of sexual dimorphism was apparent, as were differences in dorsal coloration. At this stage, females were clearly larger than males and had a greater amount of body fat.Changes in dietary lipid composition (moist natural food, pellet foods with low and high fat content) influenced fatty-acid composition of body and muscle lipids. No differences between sexes were recorded in this respect. In general, indices of the nutritional quality of body lipids decreased progressively (in terms of the ratio between saturated, on the one hand, and mono- and polyunsaturated, on the other). However, the high fat content of the eels' edible fraction provides an equally high amount of the strongly recommended highly unsaturated fatty acids of the 3 series (HUFA3). © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Abstract  Worldwide, populations of catadromous eels are in decline. Knowledge on downstream migration patterns is needed to mitigate damage caused by hydroelectric stations. Silver eel migration and its relation with environmental factors were investigated using data from a fishery located in the lower reaches of a large catchment (110 000 m2). Migration days, indicative of different proportions (50%, 75% and 95%) of the annual run of eels (i.e. represented by the annual catch), were predicted using discriminant analyses. Efficiency of prediction was 58–95% depending on the proportion of the run targeted. The onset of migration was correlated with sunshine hours, August temperature and discharge. Julian days (i.e. photoperiod) was significantly correlated with migration days, indicating between-year similarity in the dynamics of the runs. The size of migrants varied within the migration season, reflecting differences in their initial spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Five hormonal treatments with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) were tested for the induction of maturation and spermiation in male farmed eels. The main aim was to optimize previously used hormonal treatments to achieve shorter induction treatments, longer spermiation periods and/or higher sperm quality. Fish treated for just 3 weeks (treatment E) or until the onset of spermiation (treatment C) showed the worst results, while the treatment consisting of weekly administration of 1.5 IU hCG g?1 fish (treatment A) induced the highest percentage of spermiating males, the highest number of sperm samples and sperm volumes and densities similar to the rest of the treatments (B: half hormone dosage, or D: biweekly administration). Evaluation of the sperm quality was performed by computer‐assisted sperm analysis (CASA), considering the percentage of total motile spermatozoa, the percentage of fast and medium‐velocity spermatozoa, as well as different motility parameters. Sperm samples from A‐D groups showed between 44% and 54% motile spermatozoa, and between 10% and 15% fast spermatozoa, while samples from E‐treated males showed 0% motile cells. No significant differences were found in the spermatozoa straight line velocity (VSL), curvilinear velocity (VCL) or the angular velocity (VAP), neither spermatozoa beating cross frequency (BCF) between A–D groups.  相似文献   

Abstract – Yellow‐phase Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) were investigated in the Hamana Lake system, Japan, from 2003 to 2004 to understand how their demographic attributes vary within the lake system. A total of 779 yellow eels were collected during sampling in two inlet rivers and two brackish/saltwater lakes within the lake system. Female eels predominated, constituting 84% of the 75 sex‐determined eels in the river, and 50% of the 151 sex‐determined eels in the lakes. Total lengths (TL) of all eels examined ranged from 54.2 to 715.0 mm (mean = 320.4 ± 145.4 SD). In the inlet river, the TL of eels showed a significant positive relation with the distance from the river mouth. The estimated relative abundances of eels ranged from 0 to 1.8 eels·m?2 effort (mean: 0.3 ± 0.41) in the river and was negatively correlated with the distance from the river mouth. This suggested that larger eels might tend to be distributed at lower abundances in upstream reaches of the river. Mean age of yellow eels determined by their otolith annuli was younger in the lake (N = 117, 3.3 ± 1.4 years) than in the river (N = 214, 4.3 ± 1.7 years). Growth rate was higher in the lake than in the river at age 1–2 years (131.9 and 104.4 mm·year?1, respectively). The results of this study suggest that, although Japanese eels can adapt to various types of environments, significant differences can occur in population structures and growth patterns among habitats.  相似文献   

Monitoring of yellow‐phase and silver‐phase Anguilla anguilla during their continental life history is necessary for evaluation of stock recovery measures. Eel population data for an Irish lake (Lough Sheelin) were compiled for the period 1993–2014. Catch data from 2009 to 2014 provided minimum estimates of recent silver eel production ranging annually from 0.79 to 1.84 kg/ha. Long‐term changes in yellow eel abundance and silver eel size structure were assessed as part of a fishery monitoring programme. Yellow eel catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the lake (from longline surveys) was considerably higher in the 1990s (52.2–62.1 eels/100 hooks) than 2002–2008 (1.9–15.8 eels/100 hooks). Conversely, during 1993–2014, the mean size of silver eels migrating from the lake increased significantly (< .001), from 659 mm to 838 mm. The results suggest that in the absence of direct yellow eel abundance data, interannual variation in silver eel size structure may be a useful monitoring tool for local eel stocks as part of Eel Management Plans (EMP's).  相似文献   

  1. The European eel, Anguilla anguilla, is a catadromous and migratory species of commercial importance. Its complex life cycle results in its exposure to many risk factors, which have resulted in stock declines across all life stages since the 1970s.
  2. The temporal recruitment dynamics of juvenile eels (glass eels and elvers) were investigated in a small Mediterranean estuary (Sardinia, Italy). The composition of the population and the monthly and seasonal variations in the abundances of juvenile eels was assessed over 78 sampling events (from February 2017 to February 2018). Furthermore, the effects of abiotic variables on the abundances of glass eels and elvers were investigated using generalized additive models (GAMs).
  3. Glass eels had the greatest abundance during the winter months, whereas elvers had the greatest abundance during spring. Modelling revealed that the abundance of glass eels was mostly explained by the combined effects of water temperature (12.3–14.5 °C), tidal coefficient (40–110 cm), moon phase, season, and river mouth condition, whereas the abundance of elvers was associated with water temperature (14–21 °C), dissolved oxygen content (>7 mg/L), and season. These results suggest that the annual recruitment of juvenile eels occurs throughout the year, with clear seasonal migration dynamics.
  4. The use of multiple statistical approaches allowed us to identify the importance of several environmental variables in regulating the recruitment dynamics, providing useful information for conserving eel stocks through the restoration of the natural flow regime and the connectivity between freshwater habitats and the sea.

Land-use patterns in the catchment areas of Sri Lankan reservoirs, which were quantified using Geographical Information Systems (GIS), were used to develop quantitative models for yield prediction. The validity of these models was evaluated through the application to five reservoirs that were not used in the development of the models, and by comparing with the actual fish yield data of these reservoirs collected by an independent body. The robustness of the predictive models developed was tested by principal component analysis (PCA) on limnological characteristics, land-use patterns of the catchments and fish yields. The predicted fish yields in five Sri Lankan reservoirs, using the empirical models based on the ratios of forest cover and/or shrub cover to reservoir capacity or reservoir area were in close agreement with the observed fish yields. The scores of PCA ordination of productivity-related limnological parameters and those of land-use patterns were linearly related to fish yields. The relationship between the PCA scores of limnological characteristics and land-use types had the appropriate algebraic form, which substantiates the influence of the limnological factors and land-use types on reservoir fish yields. It is suggested that the relatively high predictive power of the models developed on the basis of GIS methodologies can be used for more accurate assessment of reservoir fisheries. The study supports the importance and the need for an integrated management strategy for the whole watershed to enhance fish yields.  相似文献   

Detecting and analyzing patterns of distribution shifts and range expansion/contraction is important to understand population dynamics and changes in stock status. Here, we develop a spatio‐temporal model for yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis), which was fitted to bottom trawl survey biomass data collected in the Yellow Sea in the winter of 2001–2017. The model accounts for both spatial and spatio‐temporal structure and can potentially include the effects of surface temperature and of an annual index, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, represented using a recently developed spatially varying coefficient model. We selected a spatio‐temporal model with no covariates based on Akaike's information criterion. The center of gravity for yellow croaker was found to move northwest between 2001 and 2010, and then southwest over the period 2010–2017. These results reflected the predicted progressive disappearance of yellow croaker density hotspots (i.e., highest density areas) in the north and southeast areas of the Yellow Sea, which resulted in the central area of the Yellow Sea becoming the only yellow croaker density hotspot in 2017. This finding has important implications for fisheries management in the context of the China–South Korea fisheries agreement, as it indicates a measurable displacement of yellow croaker biomass toward China. The exclusion of covariates from the spatio‐temporal model was not expected a priori and may be due to the facts that environmental variations are not pronounced in winter in the Yellow Sea and that the representation of spatial and spatio‐temporal structure in spatio‐temporal models accounts for a large proportion of the variability in the data.  相似文献   

不同结构的人工礁模型对牙鲆的诱集效果初探   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
吴静  张硕  孙满昌  陈勇 《海洋渔业》2004,26(4):271-276
本实验研究了牙鲆(Paralichthys olitaceus)对六种不同结构的立方体模型礁的行为反应,并对模型礁的诱集效果进行了比较。实验结果表明:在自然光照条件下及未投放礁时,牙鲆在水槽中的分布没有选择性,呈随机分布;而投礁后各礁均能对牙鲆产生诱集效果,牙鲆在鱼礁标志区的分布率从7%提高到了14%-26%,其中以顶部不开孔,四周开孔较小的D型礁的诱集效果最好;在40W日光灯下,牙鲆在鱼礁标志区的平均分布率由23%提高到27%。  相似文献   

赵伟  任一平  徐宾铎  薛莹  张崇良 《水产学报》2023,47(5):059310-059310
为了解海州湾大泷六线鱼时空分布特征及其影响因素,根据2013—2019年秋季在海州湾开展的底拖网渔业资源调查和环境观测数据,构建了时空物种分布模型(spatio-temporal species distribution models),分析其分布与环境因子的关系,通过残差分析比较其与广义加性模型的残差独立性和异质性,运用交叉验证检验模型预测性能,最终结合delta方法对其分布进行预测并计算栖息地适宜性指数(habitat suitability index, HSI)和资源分布重心。时空模型的偏差解释率为65.50%,模型分析表明,影响大泷六线鱼资源分布最主要的环境因子为水深(22.11%),其次为底层水温(12.98%),底层盐度(0.09%)的影响较小,水深与其分布存在正向相关性,底层水温与其分布存在负向相关性,底层盐度与其分布存在弱正向线性关系。时空模型的残差独立性和异质性较GAM更强,其交叉验证回归线斜率为0.90±0.38。模型预测结果表明,大泷六线鱼主要分布在34.5°N以北,120.0°E以东的海域,其栖息地适宜性指数的高值区域呈现逐年收缩的趋势,资源分布重心呈现向东北...  相似文献   

The North Pacific spiny dogfish (SPD), Squalus suckleyi, is a commercially exploited shark species that plays an important role in the ecosystem. To elucidate the distribution of the SPD in the North Pacific and to evaluate the effects of sea surface temperature (SST) and prey availability on its distribution, we estimated the probability of SPD presence using a generalized additive model with a binomial error distribution from SPD presence/absence data on 14,824 operations in fishery‐independent gillnet surveys between 1972 and 2011. The habitat model was structured in the east and west to reflect differences in the North Pacific oceanic environments. In the east, a higher probability of SPD presence was identified along the coast from the eastern Gulf of Alaska to Queen Charlotte Sound. In the west, it was identified around northern Japan. The estimated distribution was continuous between the two areas, whereas the probability of SPD presence was relatively low. Although the probability of SPD presence was higher at SSTs between 6°C and 12°C, the SST at the peak probability of SPD presence differed between the west and east. The prey species, Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanostictus, and walleye pollock, Gadus chalcogrammus, in the west and boreal clubhook squid, Onychoteuthis borealijaponica, in the east significantly affected the probability of SPD presence, which was higher if the prey species co‐existed with SPD. Therefore, SPD might adapt their distribution to that of available prey species. SPD stock assessment and management in these two important areas are required for its sustainable utilization.  相似文献   

单位捕捞努力渔获量(catch per unit effort,CPUE)是衡量资源丰度的相对指标,其均值的估算是渔业资源评估与管理中一项极为重要的基础性工作。文章以2004年~2006年东海区底拖网大面定点调查渔获的小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)为例,利用算术平均值法、重抽样估值法、对数正态分布法、Δ-分布的最小方差无偏估计法和Finney-Sichel估值法分别对小黄鱼资源密度数据进行标准化处理,并评估不同方法的相对优劣性和稳健性。结果表明,基于对数正态分布的3种方法的均值估值较大,尤以Δ-分布法最大,而算术平均值法和重抽样估值法估值较小,且均值较接近;两两配对样本t检验显示,Δ-分布法的估值显著高于其他方法的结果(P〈0.05),而其余4种估值结果并无显著性差异(P〉0.05);Δ-分布法和重抽样估值法的变异系数较接近,均小于其他结果;结合小黄鱼空间分布的特征及大面积调查自身特点,Δ-分布法被认为是5种估值方法中适用性和稳健性最好的方法。  相似文献   

时空和环境因子对海州湾方氏云鳚资源丰度分布的影响   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
根据2011年3月、5月、7月、9月和12月在海州湾及邻近海域进行的渔业资源底拖网调查数据,研究了该海域方氏云鳚(Pholis fang)资源丰度的分布特征,并用广义可加模型(GAM)分析了其资源丰度分布与时空和环境因子之间的关系。结果表明,海州湾及邻近海域方氏云鳚资源丰度呈现明显的时空变化。方氏云鳚资源丰度7月最高,9月最低;其主要分布在海州湾东北部海域,这与受到南黄海西侧冷中心的影响有关。GAM分析表明,月份、水深和离岸距离对方氏云鳚的资源丰度具有显著影响。方氏云鳚的资源丰度随水深的增加而增大,随离岸距离的增大呈现先增加后降低的趋势。在离岸距离70 km左右,水深14~36 m时,方氏云鳚的资源丰度较大,这可能与其产卵洄游和环境因子的时空差异有关。  相似文献   

使用地统计二阶广义线性混合模型(geostatistical delta-GLMM)分析了2001—2011和2015—2017年黄、渤海小黄鱼越冬群体在黄海中部、南部的空间分布,并用geostatistical delta-GLMM、基于普通克里格插值法和基于站位调查设计的扫海面积法分别估计了小黄鱼资源量指数,对geostatistical delta-GLMM相较基于普通克里格插值法和基于站位调查设计的性能进行了比较研究。结果显示,在2001和2002年,黄海越冬场主要存在北部(36°00′~37°37.5′N,123°15′~124°15′E)、中部(33°75′~36°00′N,123°15′~124°75′E)和东南部(32°00′~33°75′N,124°00′~125°15′E)3个生物量高密度区,其中中部区密度最高。从2003年开始,小黄鱼的生物量密度开始下降,北部和东南部高密度区下降程度高于中部高密度区;至2016—2017年高密度区变得不明显。冬季小黄鱼总资源量指数与小黄鱼的年产量、渔船功率变化趋势相反,呈下降趋势,且大部分年份站位数在37站以上,站位范围覆盖了本实验区域,可排除采样站位因素,这说明小黄鱼资源仍面临过度捕捞,种群处于衰退状态。研究表明,地统计二阶广义线性混合模型估计的2001—2017年冬季黄海中部、南部小黄鱼的总资源量指数相对扫海面积法和普通克里格法的估计值精确度更高。  相似文献   

Research has estimated associations between water temperature and the spatial distribution of marine fishes based upon correlations between temperature and the centroid of fish distribution (centre of gravity, COG). Analysts have then projected future water temperatures to forecast shifts in COG, but often neglected to demonstrate that temperature explains a substantial portion of historical distribution shifts. We argue that estimating the proportion of observed distributional shifts that can be attributed to temperature vs. other factors is a critical first step in forecasting future changes. We illustrate this approach using Gadus chalcogrammus (Walleye pollock) in the Eastern Bering Sea, and use a vector‐autoregressive spatiotemporal model to attribute variation in COG from 1982 to 2015 to three factors: local or regional changes in surface and bottom temperature (“temperature effects”), fluctuations in size‐structure that cause COG to be skewed towards juvenile or adult habitats (“size‐structured effects”) or otherwise unexplained spatiotemporal variation in distribution (“unexplained effects”). We find that the majority of variation in COG (including the north‐west trend since 1982) is largely unexplained by temperature or size‐structured effects. Temperature alone generates a small portion of primarily north–south variation in COG, while size‐structured effects generate a small portion of east–west variation. We therefore conclude that projections of future distribution based on temperature alone are likely to miss a substantial portion of both the interannual variation and interdecadal trends in COG for this species. More generally, we suggest that decomposing variation in COG into multiple causal factors is a vital first step for projecting likely impacts of temperature change.  相似文献   

A 9‐week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the impact of dietary lipid sources on the lipid mechanisms of large yellow croaker by feeding three isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets containing fish oil (FO), soybean oil (SO) and beef tallow (BT) respectively. The effects of the diets on the growth performance, somatic indices, tissue fatty acid composition, histological changes and peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor (PPAR)γ expression were evaluated. Experimental diets were all well accepted by fish and no significant (P>0.05) differences were found in the weight gain, growth rate and feed conversion rate. The fatty acid profile of the fish fillet and liver reflected the fatty acid composition of the diets. Specific‐fatty acids were selectively retained, however, in the flesh of the fish; in particular, docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid concentrations were higher than the dietary concentrations. When FO was replaced by SO or BT diets, the reduction in eicosapontaenoic acid in fish tissue was more pronounced, suggesting a preferred utilization of this fatty acid. The consumption of SO displayed intense lipid accumulation in the liver of the fish. The expression of PPARγ increased significantly in the SO group compared with the FO and BT groups (P<0.05).  相似文献   

基于最大熵模型模拟西北太平洋柔鱼潜在栖息地分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为模拟西北太平洋柔鱼(Ommastrephes bartramii)潜在栖息地分布,分析柔鱼渔场时空变化和环境变化规律。利用2011—2015年中国鱿钓船在西北太平洋海域获得的柔鱼渔业生产数据,结合该海域海洋环境遥感数据,包括海表面温度(sea surface temperature, SST)、叶绿素a (Chlorophyll-a, Chl a)浓度、净初级生产力(net primary productivity, NPP)、混合层深度(mixed layer depth, MLD)及海平面异常(sea level anomaly, SLA),采用最大熵模型对柔鱼潜在栖息地进行模拟,并利用ArcGIS软件对栖息地适宜性进行评价。结果显示,7月柔鱼最适宜区主要分布在39°N~43°N, 150°E~163°E。8月柔鱼最适宜区向东移动,较适宜区向北扩张至46°N。9月柔鱼最适宜区和较适宜区面积向西缩小,主要集中在40°N~46°N, 150°E~160°E。10月最适宜区和较适宜区向南移动,主要分布在40°N~45°N,150°E~165°E。各月影响柔鱼潜在分布的重要环境因子有所差异,7—8月为SST,9月为MLD和SST,10月为NPP和SST。研究表明西北太平洋柔鱼分布受海洋环境因子的影响,时空变化明显,最大熵模型对西北太平洋柔鱼潜在栖息地分布的模拟精度非常高。  相似文献   

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