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Hundred-year decline of North Atlantic predatory fishes   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
We estimate the biomass of high‐trophic level fishes in the North Atlantic at a spatial scale of 0.5° latitude by 0.5° longitude based on 23 spatialized ecosystem models, each constructed to represent a given year or short period from 1880 to 1998. We extract over 7800 data points that describe the abundance of high‐trophic level fishes as a function of year, primary production, depth, temperature, latitude, ice cover and catch composition. We then use a multiple linear regression to predict the spatial abundance for all North Atlantic spatial cells for 1900 and for each year from 1950 to 1999. The results indicate that the biomass of high‐trophic level fishes has declined by two‐thirds during the last 50‐year period, and with a factor of nine over the century. Catches of high‐trophic level fishes increased from 2.4 to 4.7 million tonnes annually in the late 1960s, and subsequently declined to below 2 million tonnes annually in the late 1990s. The fishing intensity for high‐trophic level fishes tripled during the first half of the time period and remained high during the last half of the time period. Comparing the fishing intensity to similar measures from 35 assessments of high‐trophic level fish populations from the North Atlantic, we conclude that the trends in the two data series are similar. Our results raise serious concern for the future of the North Atlantic as a diverse, healthy ecosystem; we may soon be left with only low‐trophic level species in the sea.  相似文献   


Extensive forms of shrimp aquaculture have become an important source of income for farm households in the brackish water region of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. The economic and production characteristics of farms are discussed in this paper, based on a 1997 farm survey, with particular emphasis on shrimp farming practices. Two types of shrimp fanning practice were observed, one based on natural recruitment of seedstock with few supplementary inputs, and the other based on relatively high cash investments in Penaeus monodon seedstock and other inputs. Households practising monodon culture made significantly more income, but faced high risk associated with shrimp mortality. An investigation of the factors affecting monodon yields indicated that investment in higher quality inputs had a positive effect on yield and income. However, further research is needed on the extent to which management can reduce risk of shrimp mortality by investing in such premium quality inputs.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is used to investigate the impact of farming intensity and water management on nitrogen dynamics in the water column of intensive aquaculture ponds. The model describes the input of ammonia, its assimilation by phytoplankton or nitrification, and the loss of nitrogen through sedimentation, volatilization, and discharge. The model is calibrated for two commercial shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) farms in Thailand. Assimilation by phytoplankton with subsequent sedimentation or discharge is the principal process of ammonia removal. When inputs of ammonia exceed the algal assimilation capacity (carrying capacity), nitrification and volatilization of excess ammonia become significant. Carrying capacity is negatively affected by non-chlorophyll turbidity, and was estimated as 6 t ha?1 cycle?1 at a non-chlorophyll extinction of 2.6 m?1. In ponds managed within their carrying capacity, ammonia concentrations are lowest at no water exchange, reach a maximum at exchange rates between 0.2 and 0.4 day?1, and decline again at higher rates. When the carrying capacity is exceeded, excess ammonia concentrations decline continuously with increasing water exchange. Average exchange rates used in intensive shrimp farms (up to 0.2 day?1) reduce phytoplankton abundance and sedimentation within ponds, but not ammonia concentrations. Discharges are high in particulate nitrogen at water exchange rates up to 0.3 day?1, but contain mainly dissolved nitrogen at higher rates.  相似文献   

  1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are used as fisheries management and conservation tools. Well-enforced no-take zones allow the rebuilding of natural populations of exploited species; however, there is still controversy on the role of buffer zones.
  2. The effectiveness of MPAs could be underestimated, as fish population assessments depend largely on traditional methodologies that have difficulties in detecting predatory fish because of their low abundances, their patchy distribution, and their reaction to the presence of divers.
  3. The performance of different census methods was compared in assessing the protection benefits for large predatory fishes under different protection levels (i.e. no-take and buffer zones) in five Mediterranean MPAs. Specifically, conventional strip transects (CSTs, 50 × 5 m2) and tracked roaming transects combined with distance sampling (TRT + DS, variable lengths) were compared, including a series of TRT-derived estimators with variable transect lengths and fixed widths of 20, 10, and 6 m (TRT20, TRT10, and TRT6, respectively). Additionally, the effectiveness of the MPAs studied and protection levels for conserving large predatory species was evaluated.
  4. Transects covering larger areas (i.e. TRT + DS and TRT20) allowed the detection of a greater number of species and yielded more accurate estimates of density and biomass than transects of narrower fixed widths, particularly the CSTs, which were associated with the lowest richness detection capability, accuracy, and precision. On average, both no-take zones and buffer zones appeared effective for the conservation of predatory fishes, indicating that multiple protection areas were ecologically effective. Differences between MPAs were also observed, however, probably arising from both local environmental and management factors.
  5. We suggest the implementation of methodologies with larger transects for the study of large predatory fish, combined with CSTs for the rest of the fish community, in order to avoid biases in predatory population assessments, which are key indicators of MPA effectiveness.

增氧机是实现高密度、高产量对虾养殖的重要设备。为保障增氧机连续可靠运行,减少因增氧机故障给养殖户带来的损失,研究并设计了一套基于GSM通信网络的增氧机监控系统。该系统由手机终端和监测执行终端组成,监测执行终端以STC12C5A32S2为主控芯片,并采用AC电流检测电路及SIM900模块对增氧机运行状态进行监测及远程通信。通过手机终端,养殖户可实现对增氧机运行状态的实时监测和控制。当增氧机工作异常时,系统会立即以电话方式通知养殖户,并开启本地声音报警;如果养殖户配备了备用增氧机,系统会自动打开备用增氧机。实际应用效果显示,该系统能够满足养殖户对增氧机实时监控的需求,运行稳定、装配简易、操作方便,可有效降低养殖户巡查和维护的强度。  相似文献   

Integrated multi‐trophic aquaculture systems (IMTA) are building ecosystems designed to produce aquatic organisms with less environmental impact. We have developed a simple system and a management strategy for introducing seahorse (Hippocampus spp.) culture in shrimp/oyster farms to increase economic sustainability. The system includes broodstock, nursery and grow‐out phases of Hippocampus reidi G. culture. We performed a test in a 42.4‐ha marine shrimp/oyster farm, which showed that this system is technically feasible. Then, we performed a partial budget analysis including cost‐return, cash flow and financial feasibility analysis. More than 12 000 marketable size seahorses may be produced in 402 m2 annually. Initial investment was only US$ 21 103.00. The benefit–cost ratio was ~US$ 20.00 for each US$ 1.00 spent, internal rate of return was 131% and payback period <2 years. In conclusion, the introduction of seahorse in shrimp/oyster IMTA system is technically feasible, profitable, resilient and shows high liquidity. This system may be easily established in developing countries and has potential to provide seahorses to supply different markets (live specimens for the marine aquarium trade and dried specimens for traditional Chinese medicine and the curio trade). In addition, it can indirectly contribute to preserve natural populations.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The topmouth gudgeon, Pseudorasbora parva , has been described as Europe's most invasive fish. To control their UK invasion, some lentic populations at risk of causing fluvial dispersal have been eradicated. The first of these operations was from a lake in north-west UK in March 2005 using rotenone application; prior to eradication, their mean density was estimated as 6.1 m−2 whereas since eradication, no P . parva have been recorded. Prior to rotenone application, the majority of native fishes were removed, held off-site and reintroduced following degradation of rotenone to safe levels. In the three growth seasons since their reintroduction and P . parva eradication, the abundance, somatic growth rate and production of roach Rutilus rutilus and common bream Abramis brama have increased significantly; production is now driven by a lower number of comparatively larger, faster growing individuals. These data suggest that the eradication of this P . parva population has been highly beneficial for the growth, recruitment and production of these native species.  相似文献   

Two commercial shrimp farms in south Texas were evaluated for influent and effluent water quality from June to October 1994. The intensive farm, Taiwan Shrimp Village Association (TSV) had an average annual yield of 4630 kg ha?1 while the semi‐intensive farm, Harlingen Shrimp Farm (HSF), had a yield of 1777 kg ha?1. The study had three objectives: (1) to compare influent and effluent water from the intensive and semi‐intensive shrimp farms, (2) to show which effluent water‐quality indicators exceeded allowable limits, (3) to indicate inherent problems in farms operated with water exchange and summarize how findings from this study led to changes in farms' management that limited potential negative impact on receiving streams. Water samples were collected and analysed twice a week for the TSV farm and once a week for the HSF farm. Samples were analysed for dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, pH, ammonia‐nitrogen (NH3‐N), nitrite‐nitrogen (NO2‐N), nitrate‐nitrogen (NO3‐N), total phosphorus (TP), total reactive phosphorus (TRP), five‐day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (cBOD5), total suspended solids (TSS) and settleable solids (SettSols). Most of the effluent constituents showed fluctuations throughout the sampling period often related to harvest activity. Effluent pH at TSV was lower than influent values but within the regulatory requirements set by Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ), formerly known as Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC). HSF effluent pH values were higher than its influent, but still within TCEQ limits. Effluent DO mean levels were generally below the regulatory daily mean requirement, with values at TSV often below those for influent. Effluent nutrient concentrations and net loads were generally higher at the intensive shrimp farm, with NH3‐N mean concentrations above the daily mean set by the TCEQ on several occasions. Effluent TSS concentrations were higher than influent for both farms, with daily mean values above the TCEQ limit. The two farms presented similar TSS concentrations despite their different stocking densities. However, TSS total net load and net load per hectare were higher at the intensive farm. The semi‐intensive farm presented higher cBOD5 concentrations and net loads despite its lower stocking density, with daily mean values above the TCEQ limit. The cBOD5 net load at TSV presented negative values indicating higher load at the influent than at the effluent. Analyses showed no evidence of self‐pollution between influent and effluent at the two farms. The high feed conversion ratio (FCR) values (2.3 and 2.7 for the intensive and the semi‐intensive farm respectively) suggest that better feed management is needed to reduce nutrient and solid net loads release from the two farms. The data obtained from this study resulted in several modifications in design and management of the two farms that reduced the potential negative impact on receiving streams. A brief summary of the improvement in selected effluent water‐quality indicators at the intensive shrimp farm is provided.  相似文献   

为了研究大型海洋掠食性鱼类胃含物中角质颚的分类效果,于2017年10月,2018年3、5和11月,收集了南大西洋、中东太平洋和西印度洋海域的大型海洋掠食性鱼类的36个胃并分析其残留角质颚的形态。对采集的角质颚形态侧视图和顶视图进行种类鉴定,建立检索表,提取椭圆傅里叶描述子(EFDs)系数进行聚类分析。结果显示,通过对胃含物角质颚形态进行种类鉴定,共发现头足类2目10科17种。根据角质颚形态分类检索分析,17种头足类角质颚形态种间差异明显。枪形目(Teuthoidea)的13种头足类角质颚喙部形态分别为三角形和等腰三角形,侧壁为近似菱形,翼部发达;八腕目(Octopoda)的4种头足类角质颚有喙部发育,侧壁近似长四边形,有翼部发育。角质颚形态信息聚类分析在目级别区分效果显著。通过对胃含物角质颚形态进行分类研究,不仅可佐证胃含物头足类的识别,而且丰富了胃含物头足类的鉴定内容,也为大型海洋掠食性鱼类胃含物头足类分类鉴定体系奠定基础。  相似文献   

The present authors investigated the impact of farming intensity and the prevailing season on water quality in intensive tropical shrimp farms. The weekly water quality samples from the inlets and production ponds of two commercial shrimp farms operating partial water exchange schedules and representing low and high farming intensities in Thailand (with Penaeus monodon Fabricius production rates of 4 and 9 t ha–1 cycle–1, respectively) were analysed over two consecutive production cycles, covering the wet (monsoon) and dry seasons. Significant differences in inlet water quality between farms occurred only in salinity, temperature and suspended solids. The present authors assessed impacts of farming intensity and season on production pond water quality parameters using: (1) an analysis of variance ( anova ) of measurements in replicate ponds during the final month of the production cycle; and (2) a trend analysis which classified trends in parameters over the cycle as externally or internally determined. The prevailing season was found to have a strong impact on salinity, temperature, pH, nitrate, dissolved reactive phosphorus, total phosphorus and dissolved oxygen in the final month of the cycle. The trends in these parameters were largely externally determined or absent. Nitrite and chlorophyll a were affected by production intensity in interaction with season and showed mainly internally determined trends. This indicates that nitrogen transformation processes responded to input levels as well as seasonal influences. Ammonia was highly variable and no significant intensity or season effects were detected, but trends were internally determined only at high intensity and more pronounced in the dry rather than the wet season. The results indicate strong seasonal effects on water quality in tropical shrimp ponds, direct in some parameters and indirect in others, including those linked to nitrogen transformations. The mechanisms of seasonal variation and the implications of these changes for water quality management call for further investigation.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV)‐infected shrimp samples collected from grow‐out ponds located at Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India, showed WSSV negative and positive by PCR using primer sets specific to ORF119 and VP28 gene of WSSV, respectively. This indicated the deletion of genetic fragments in the genome of WSSV. The WSSV isolate along with lab strain of WSSV was subjected to next‐generation sequencing. The sequence analysis revealed a deletion of 13,170 bp at five positions in the genome of WSSV‐NS (new strain) relative to WSSV‐TH and WSSV‐LS (lab strain). The PCR analysis using the ORF's specific primer sets revealed the complete deletion of 10 ORFs in the genome of WSSV‐NS strain. The primer set was designed based on sequence covering ORF161/162/163 to amplify a product of 2,748 bp for WSSV‐LS and 402 bp for WSSV‐NS. Our surveillance programme carried out since 2002 revealed the replacement of WSSV‐LS by WSSV‐NS in Indian shrimp culture system.  相似文献   

Abstract— Between March 1992 and February 1993 five piscivorous fish species, Acestrorhynchus lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874), Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794), Rhaphiodon vulpinus Agassiz, 1829, Salminus maxillosus , Valenciennes, 1840 and Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840), of the high Paranà River floodplain showed a wide total prey spectrum though only three to four taxa were dominant in their diet. Shrimp, Macrobrachium amazonicum , were also common to the majority of species. Seasonal and spatial variations occurred throughout the study period probably due the availability of prey species. The main resources shared by the predators were also the most abundant in the area, with consumption markedly focused on prey about 5.0 cm long. Detrended correspondence analysis was effective in discriminating two groups of predators species that exploited distinct microhabitats. The predators with the least scores consumed small characids that inhabit mid-water or the littoral region, whereas those with the largest scores consumed prey associated to the bottom.  相似文献   

Cleaning symbiosis has been documented extensively in the marine environment over the past 50 years. We estimate global cleaner diversity comprises 208 fish species from 106 genera representing 36 families and 51 shrimp species from 11 genera representing six families. Cleaning symbiosis as originally defined is amended to highlight communication between client and cleaner as the catalyst for cooperation and to separate cleaning symbiosis from incidental cleaning, which is a separate mutualism preceded by no communication. Moreover, we propose the term ‘dedicated’ to replace ‘obligate’ to describe a committed cleaning lifestyle. Marine cleaner fishes have dominated the cleaning symbiosis literature, with comparatively little focus given to shrimp. The engagement of shrimp in cleaning activities has been considered contentious because there is little empirical evidence. Plasticity exists in the use of ‘cleaner shrimp’ in the current literature, with the potential to cause significant confusion. Indeed, this term has been used incorrectly for the shrimp Infraorder Stenopodidea, involving three families, Stenopodidae, Palaemonidae and Hippolytidae, and to represent all members of Lysmata and Stenopus. Caution is expressed in the use of grey literature and anecdotal observations to generate data on cleaning interactions, due to the presence of species complexes. Interest in cleaning organisms as biological controls in aquaculture is increasing due to their value as an alternative to various chemical ectoparasite controls. Reports of the importance of cleaner organisms in maintaining a healthy reef ecosystem has also been increasing and we review the current biological knowledge on cleaner organisms, highlighting areas that are understudied.  相似文献   




Abstract –  Native fish species coexist with introduced species in Puerto Rico's freshwater systems, yet competition between these species has not been evaluated. We examined the extent of diet overlap between native bigmouth sleepers Gobiomorus dormitor and introduced largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides and peacock bass Cichla ocellaris in a Puerto Rico reservoir. Bigmouth sleepers and largemouth bass exhibited an ontogenetic shift in feeding habits, whereas peacock bass were exclusively piscivorous at all sizes collected in this study. Biologically significant diet overlap was observed between large bigmouth sleepers and largemouth bass, but not between large bigmouth sleepers and peacock bass, or between large largemouth bass and adult peacock bass. No significant diet overlap in any species combination was observed in small or medium size classes. Better understanding of the ecology of these coexisting predators should lead to improved conservation of bigmouth sleepers, and improved fisheries management for all three predatory species.  相似文献   

<正> 随着海水养殖业的发展,近些年来,轮虫和卤虫及其无节幼体,由于其适口性好、蛋白含量高。对水质无污染等优点,已被广泛地应用于海水鱼虾蟹类的苗种生产,已成为不可替代的活饵料生物。但人们忽视了它自身营养不足的一面。即必需脂肪酸的营养含量。所谓必需脂肪酸,是指海水苗种培育中,所必需的,但又不能在体内合成。  相似文献   

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