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细鳞鱼人工繁殖和苗种培育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简要介绍我国珍贵的濒危物种细鳞鱼人工繁育研究的进展和最新试验结果。试验采卵3 000粒,受精率98.3%,发眼率80%,孵化率95%,但上浮率较低,仅24%。细鳞鱼苗的培育在不同水温下进行,经34 d对比试验:平均水温16.4℃的A组由0.08 g增至0.8 g,成活率77.7%;平均水温11.6℃的B组由0.08 g增至0.43 g,成活率66.9%。  相似文献   

Three candidate probiotics, which had shown antimicrobial activity in vitro against two fish pathogens, were used in the rearing of Senegalese sole larvae and postlarvae. These probiotics improved the survival of starved sole yolk‐sac larvae. A feeding experiment of sole larvae and postlarvae comprised three treatments: A, B and C. Cultures of a Vibrio sp. (2J18) were added to treatment A, whereas a gram‐positive (J84) and a Shewanella sp. strain (2J27), were added to treatment B, while in a control treatment C no bacteria were added. Addition of bacteria in treatment B increased survival of larvae in the first phase of the experiment [0–20 days after hatching (DAH) (P<0.05)] and decreased the numbers of colony‐forming units (CFU) in larval gut 5 DAH compared with the control treatment (P<0.05). No differences were observed in survival (25–47%) during the second phase of the experiment (20–60 DAH). Nevertheless, the total numbers of CFU in fish gut 40 DAH were significantly lower in treatment B (P<0.05). The colonization rates of the added bacteria were the highest 5 and 11 DAH, and the highest average values reached were 65%, 82% and 17% of the total CFU count for the strains 2J18, 2J27 and J84 respectively.  相似文献   

A series of rearing trials in small 1 L cones and large tanks of 30–100 L were carried out to develop optimal rearing techniques for mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) larvae. Using water exchange (discontinuous partial water renewal or continuous treatment through biofiltration) and micro‐algae (Chlorella or Chaetoceros) supplementation (daily supplementation at 0.1–0.2 million cells mL−1 or maintenance at 1–2 millions cells mL−1), six different types of rearing systems were tried. The combination of a green‐water batch system for early stages and a recirculating system with micro‐algae supplementation for later stages resulted in the best overall performance of the crab larvae. No clear effects of crab stocking density (50–200 larvae L−1) and rotifer (30–60 rotifers mL−1) and Artemia density (10–20 L−1) were observed. A stocking density of 100–150 zoea 1 (Z1) L−1, combined with rotifer of 30–45 mL−1 for early stages and Artemia feeding at 10–15 nauplii mL−1 for Z3–Z5 seemed to produce the best performance of S. paramamosain larvae. Optimal rations for crab larvae should, however, be adjusted depending on the species, larval stage, larval status, prey size, rearing system and techniques. A practical feeding schedule could be to increase live food density from 30 to 45 rotifers mL−1 from Z1 to Z2 and increase the number of Artemia nauplii mL−1 from 10 to 15 from Z3 to Z5. Bacterial disease remains one of the key factors underlying the high mortality in the zoea stages. Further research to develop safe prophylactic treatments is therefore warranted. Combined with proper live food enrichment techniques, application of these findings has sustained a survival rate from Z1 to crab 1–2 stages in large rearing tanks of 10–15% (maximum 30%).  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of observations on gonad development in whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) in the fourth year of culture in illuminated like cages. Whitefish ovaries attained stage III of maturity. Stage IV of maturity was attained by only a few individual females. Disturbances in the development of the ovary were observed, consisting of asynchronous growth of the oocytes, their partial resorption, and delayed trophoplasmatic growth. Development of male gonads was also disturbed. Different males matured at different times, and their testes were in different stages of maturity. Fishes did not attain sexual maturity by the end of the fourth year of cage culture, so that no spawning could have taken place.  相似文献   

The pseudo green water technology for sea bream(Sparus aurata) larval rearing was evaluated by analyzingresults of a 2-year study, performed in a pilot scale system. Thetechnology is characterized by the daily addition of phytoplankton in therearing tanks during the first month of rearing. Effects of egg origin,spawningseason and initial larval density on the larval rearing were investigated. Fishreared in pseudo green water systems for 60 days, presented highbiological performance in terms of survival (56 ± 16%), meanweight (62 ± 12 mg), total length (20 ± 1mm), conformity with wild standard (88 ± 9%), andfunctional swim bladder (93 ± 4%). The results present homogenitybetween the categories (origin of eggs, time of spawning, initial egg density)studied, proving the stability of the technology.  相似文献   

This paper describes an indoor feeding experiment with grass carp larvae. It was intended to identify rates of survival and growth of newly hatched larvae in a hatchery using dry feed only until they reached a size which allowed stocking in growing ponds without additional nursing. The larvae fed on Alkan yeast reached a mean total length of 10.3 mm with negligible mortality rates within a feeding period of 1 week. Problems concerning optimal feeding with dry feed and optimal stocking densities in rearing tanks are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this study bullseye puffer, Sphoeroides annulatus larvae were reared from hatching through to 1 or 2 months after weaning on an experimental scale in three replicate 600 L tanks and on three occasions during the spawning season (nine tanks in total). The rearing protocol used was green water (Nannochloropsis oculata and Isochrysis sp.) 100 000 cells mL?1 from 0 to 11 days after hatch (DAH), 5–10 rotifers, Brachionus rotundiformis mL?1 from 2 to 26 DAH, 0.1–1 Artemia mL?1 from 21 to 34 DAH and weaning from 29 to 34 DAH. Survival to a month after weaning was 1%, a total of 3153 juveniles were produced with an average wet weight of 0.29 ± 0.07 g and a length of 27.5 ± 0.82 mm.  相似文献   

The “pseudo green water” technology for sea bream(Sparus aurata) larval rearing was evaluated by analyzingresults of a 2-year study, performed in a pilot scale system. Thetechnology is characterized by the daily addition of phytoplankton in therearing tanks during the first month of rearing. Effects of egg origin,spawningseason and initial larval density on the larval rearing were investigated. Fishreared in “pseudo green water” systems for 60 days, presented highbiological performance in terms of survival (56 ± 16%), meanweight (62 ± 12 mg), total length (20 ± 1mm), conformity with wild standard (88 ± 9%), andfunctional swim bladder (93 ± 4%). The results present homogenitybetween the categories (origin of eggs, time of spawning, initial egg density)studied, proving the stability of the technology.  相似文献   

Lobster rearing facilities in the United States suffered severe losses of larval stages during the summer of 1974 hatching season. The organisms responsible for losses at the Bodega Marine Laboratory were the fungus Lagenidium sp. and epiphytic contaminants. Various systems and treatments were used in attempts to overcome the problems encountered. Postlarval lobsters were produced successfully in a semi-closed system using ultraviolet-irradiated sea water and a malachite green dip for eggs and larvae.  相似文献   

Persian sturgeon eggs were fertilized with different levels of salinities (0.5, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12?ppt), and then each group was incubated in the same salinity until hatch. The fertility (%), hatching rate as well as larvae cumulative mortality rate and abnormality (%) were measured. Our Results revealed that Persian surgeon eggs could be fertilized in the different salinity concentrations but not more than 4?ppt. Moreover, hatching rate decreased with increase in salinities more than 2 and 4?ppt, respectively, and no larvae hatched in 6?ppt salinity. According to these results, the salinity tolerance threshold for Persian sturgeon larvae hatching in brackish water is less than 4?ppt.  相似文献   

This 28‐day study investigated the effect of three rearing temperatures, 11, 15 and 19°C, on survival and growth of maraena whitefish fry in a recirculating aquaculture system. Three groups of larvae in three repetitions were reared in recirculating system. Each group comprised 200 larvae. Feeding level was fixed at 500–700 Artemia sp. metanauplii per fish per day. Larvae were fed fresh live brine shrimp at 10 ml/tank every 3 hr. Significantly higher body weight (= 0.00), total length (= 0.00), larval yield (= 0.00) and condition factor (= 0.00) were obtained at 19°C compared to 15 and 11°C, as well as at 15°C compared to 11°C. Significantly higher survival (= 0.00) was observed in larvae reared at 11 and 15°C compare to 19°C and no significant differences were observed between 11°C compared to 15°C. No significant differences in size heterogeneity among treatments were found (= 0.46). In larviculture, the optimal assessed temperature for growth of maraena whitefish was 19°C, with highest survival observed at 11°C, at the end of this 28 days trial. The findings in this study apply to the particular study location and may not be applicable more broadly.  相似文献   

Larvae of the grey mullet Mugil cephalus L. can be reared successfully using careful procedures following induced spawning of the adults with purified salmon gonadotropin or human chorionic gonadotropin.Preliminary incubation of the eggs to the gastrula stage at high density for 12 h at 22°C is preferred, using stirred irradiated seawater (32‰ salinity) and the antibiotics penicillin (80 IU/ml) and streptomycin (0.05 mg/ml). The eggs are transferred before hatching to circular rearing tanks at a density of 250 eggs/l.The mouths of the larvae are open and ossified and the eyes are sufficiently pigmented for the larvae to begin feeding on the third day. The larvae are fed cultured phytoplankton and rotifers supplemented with available natural plankton. Nauplii of Artemia are provided on the seventh day.The migratory behavior of the larvae during early development and their physiology are discussed, being relevant to the procedures and the techniques applied.Mass propagation in large (over 12-ft diameter) circular tanks with total light control is recommended.  相似文献   

此次人工育苗试验 ,共投放无节幼体 1.1× 10 6尾 ,培育成仔虾 (P6) 7.8× 10 5尾 ,育苗成活率为 6 2 .4 % ,此外还观察了胚胎发育和幼体发育  相似文献   

本文比较了卤虫去壳卵、无节幼体和人工合成饵料在河蟹育苗中■Ⅲ~■Ⅴ期的饵料效果,探讨了卤虫去壳卵替代无节幼体在河蟹育苗中应用的可能性。  相似文献   

The rearing environment is important for a stable production of good quality lobster juveniles. By providing an environment excluding pathogens and dominated by mutualistic bacteria, the probability of developing healthy host-microbe relationships and produce healthy juveniles is increased. Disinfection of water and sudden increase in the supply of organic matter in culture tanks are processes that open for uncontrolled microbial regrowth in the rearing water. This increase the variability in the development of the microbiota between replicate rearing tanks and promotes selection for potentially harmful opportunistic bacteria. In two start feeding experiments with European lobster (Homarus gammarus) we compared the bacterial environment in three types of rearing systems: a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) with UV treatment directly in front of the rearing raceways, a RAS without disinfection, and a conventional flow through system (FTS). The RAS with no disinfection was hypothesised to stabilise the microbiota of the rearing water, select against opportunistic bacteria, and reduce variability in production outcome between replicate tanks compared to the other systems. As predicted, the three different systems developed significantly different compositions of the microbiota in the rearing water and the larvae. On average, the survival of larvae in RAS without disinfection increased with 43 and 275 %, in the first experiment, and 64 and 18 % in the second experiment, compared to RAS with UV and FTS, respectively. Also, the RAS without disinfection showed less variability in the survival of larvae between replicate tanks and batches compared to the other treatments. The results are promising for controlling the microbiota of the rearing water to improve, increase and stabilise the production of marine larvae by competent use of water treatment and selection regimes. Based on the presented and previous work, RAS is recommended over FTS, and in RAS it is recommended to avoid point-disinfection of the recirculating water, to provide a stable and beneficial microbial environment in the cultivation of marine larvae.  相似文献   

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