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由于近岸水域污染等原因,1993年以来虾病肆虐,对虾大面积死亡,常规虾池高密度单品种养殖已难以取得好收益,多品种混养已成为虾池增产增收的主要养殖方式之一.近年来,笔者一直在福建省长乐市文武虾池进行缢蛏、黄鳍鲷、日本对虾混养,取得了较好的收益.  相似文献   

为在虾池中混养黑鲷(Sparus macrocephalus),特在虾池中设置环形网.在环形网内养殖黑鲷,并设置集鱼网箱以驱赶的方式将黑鲷集中捕捞;在环形网外边养殖日本对虾(Penaeus japonicus),通过移植藻钩虾(Amphithoe japonica)、拟沼螺(Assiminea sp.)等为对虾提供生物饵料.在2 hm2的虾池中养殖黑鲷产量4 330 kg,捕捞成活率100%,对虾产量为1 100 kg,获利6万余元.  相似文献   

焦乐飞  代恬梦  金敏  孙蓬  周歧存 《水产学报》2019,43(10):2093-2101
微量元素作为多种酶的辅助因子或结构成分,参与机体多种新陈代谢过程,在维持动物健康和正常生理功能中发挥着极其重要的作用。动物对微量元素营养需求极少,但缺乏、过量或摄入不平衡都会对动物机体生长代谢、免疫、繁殖等带来严重不良影响。本文较详细、系统地总结了国内外关于微量元素在对虾生长代谢、免疫、疾病预防、性腺发育等方面的作用,以及对虾对无机和有机微量元素的吸收、转运和代谢机理,为今后开展对虾优质配合饲料研发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

对虾虾头、虾壳副产品综合利用的研究概况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对虾在加工过程中会产生大量的虾头及虾壳等副产品,其副产品中含有丰富的营养物质.近年来,随着对虾产量的递增,其副产品的产量也越来越多,但产生的副产品大多被低值化利用或直接被废弃.既浪费资源又对环境造成了污染.为解决这一问题,本文就虾副产品在食品、化工、医学等方面的综合利用作简要概述,以期为对虾食品加工企业提高虾的综合利用...  相似文献   

Baseline serum values of newly captured Malaysian prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and pink shrimp (Penaeus marginatus) were determined by Sequential Multiple AutoAnalysis. Both of these species have considerable potential for commercial captive culture.Sex differences in serum constituent levels were found within species. Female pink shrimp had higher serum glucose levels than the males. Malaysian prawn males had higher cholesterol levels than females, and the latter had higher levels or activities of urea nitrogen, creatinine and lactic dehydrogenase.Pink shrimp held under laboratory conditions for 10 days had higher levels or activities of serum glucose and alkaline phosphatase and lower levels or activities of serum inorganic phosphorus, total protein, lactic dehydrogenase and glumatic-oxaloacetic transaminase than pink shrimp sampled immediately after capture.  相似文献   

文章探究了维生素E (Vitamin E, VE)和裂壶藻(Schizochytrium sp., Sch)对斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)雄虾精荚再生的作用。以基础饲料配制了4种不同配合饲料(0添加组;VE 200组;1% Sch组;VE 200+1% Sch组),饲喂被挤压排出精荚的成熟雄性斑节对虾40 d,评估斑节对虾雄虾精荚再生后的精子数量和质量。结果表明,添加量为200 mg·kg–1 VE饲料组的活精子数百分比显著高于对照组(P<0.05);单一添加1%裂壶藻饲料组的活精子数与对照组间差异不显著(P>0.05);共同添加200 mg·kg–1 VE和1%裂壶藻的饲料组的精子总数显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。综合精荚质量、精子数量及活精子数百分比3个指标得出,饲料中共同添加1%裂壶藻与200 mg·kg–1 VE对斑节对虾雄虾精荚的再生和提高精子数量具有协同促进作用。  相似文献   

Nutritional efficacy of fairy shrimp (Streptocephalus sirindhornae) nauplii, as a live food, was studied for growth performance and survival rate of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) postlarvae. A feeding experiment was designed with four different feeds: dry commercial feed, fairy shrimp nauplii, Artemia sp. nauplii and adult Moina macrocopa. Results from the nutritional composition revealed that fairy shrimp nauplii had protein and lipid contents of 54.58 ± 2.8 g kg?1 and 255 ± 2.8 g kg?1, respectively. The highest value for an individual amino acid in fairy shrimp was lysine (140.7 ± 1.6 g kg?1). The essential amino acids content in the whole body of the larval prawns was in the range of 66.7–67.5 g kg?1. Fairy shrimp nauplii had the highest essential amino acid ratio (A/E) of lysine, similarly, in musculature of prawn larvae. Weight gain and specific growth rate of the postlarvae fed with fairy shrimp nauplii were significantly higher than those fed with Artemia nauplii, adult Moina and dry commercial feed. The presented results suggest that S. sirindhornae nauplii can be used as a nutritionally adequate food for freshwater prawn M. rosenbergii postlarvae.  相似文献   

The annual increase in farmed freshwater prawn production in the world during the decade ending 2001 has been estimated as 29% and that during 1999–2001 as 48%, the production in 2001 being about 300 000 mt (all Macrobrachium species). Between 1999 and 2003 the annual increase in farmed Macrobrachium rosenbergii production in India was about 80%, production reaching 30 450 mt in 2002–2003. This log phase of production followed the rise and fall of shrimp farming in the country. Several shrimp farming ventures collapsed in the 1990s, owing to degraded environment and diseases, abetted by lack of awareness and inadequacy of information on the culture systems and their interactions with other human endeavours. This shrimp farming experience has made the aquafarmer and other stakeholders aware that while aquaculture has a high potential in ensuring food and nutritional security and livelihood, besides profit to the farmer and socio‐economic benefits to local communities, it is likely to slip from sustainable development pathways if adequate understanding, improved management practices, governmental policies and plans for implementation and regulation to ensure sustainability are not in place. The lessons learned from shrimp farming can help in steering the development of sustainable freshwater prawn aquaculture in India and elsewhere.  相似文献   

本文报道对虾病对浙江1993年养殖造成的严重经济损失,虾病情调查。现场药物和水质治理的试验结果,总结研究出几条防治虾病的对策。  相似文献   

利用食物链关系,在虾池内套养一定数量的白鲳鱼用于防治对虾疾病的做法,是河北省丰南区柳树(瞿阝)地区虾农摸索出的虾病防治的一项新技术.实验中发现,对虾池中的白鲳鱼具有只吃病虾和体质较弱的虾,而正常虾的生长活动不会受到影响.利用这一特性,在虾池内套养一定数量的白鲳鱼可起到切断对虾疾病的传染和传播途径作用,从而有效地控制虾病,同时最大程度地利用水体,提高对虾品质,实现虾鱼双赢,提高经济效益.其放养模式为:南美白对虾虾苗90万~120万尾/hm2,放养白鲳6 000~7 500尾/hm2.经过3~4个月的养成期管理,平均产对虾7 500 kg/hm2左右,白鲳4 500 kg/hm2左右.纯收入可以达到9万~12万元/hm2. 其主要技术要点如下:  相似文献   

近年来由于日本对虾的价格远高于同规格的中国对虾,故在北方地区兴起了养殖日本对虾的热潮,从而引发了对日本对虾苗种的大量需求。使许多过去进行中国对虾苗种生产的育苗单位改为进行日本对虾苗种的培育。本文就中国对虾与日本对虾在苗种繁育的方法方面进行了一些比较。(一)亲虾培育1亲虾来源:中国对虾的亲虾来源主要有经养殖虾越冬培育而成鹏称越冬虾以自然海区捕捞的亲虾;而日本对虾育苗所用亲虾全部来源于自然海区捕捞。2暂养水温:中国对虾亲虾暂养温度一般首先控制在14℃以下,这有利于亲虾的恢复.然后再逐步升温至18℃,促进性…  相似文献   

介绍虾池综合利用的几种类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
漠斑牙鲆与褐牙鲆生活方式类似,笔者结合培育褐牙鲆亲鱼的经验,对漠斑牙鲆进行低温控制,并逐渐减小光照时间和光照强度,具体方法是:水温18℃时快速降温,直至与室外水温同步,不需加温;当室外水温降到10℃时,在预热池内把水温调节到10℃后再使用。降温的同时,在亲鱼池上方设置黑帘进行控光,控光幅度不可过大,遮虾池综合利用对于降低养虾成本、增加效益、维持虾池生态平衡、提高虾池利用率和饵料利用率、净化水质等具有重要意义。1.鱼虾混养混养鱼类的品种主要有罗非鱼、梭鱼、斑祭等。罗非鱼适温范围广,属于广盐性鱼类,虾池水温春季和夏季较高…  相似文献   

对虾Toll受体及其在虾类营养免疫评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Toll受体是一类跨膜蛋白,其胞外区能够识别仅表达在病原微生物上的高度保守的结构基序(motifs)——病原相关的分子模式(pathogen-associated molecular patterns,PAMPs),并将病原入侵的信号传递到细胞内,诱导产生一系列的免疫效应因子和免疫反应。Toll受体是机体对入侵病原微生物产生免疫效应的关键分子。多种对虾中存在Toll受体,但对虾Toll受体在虾类营养免疫研究中的应用尚未得到发掘。本文综述了Toll信号途径及对虾Toll受体的研究进展,并探讨了Toll受体在虾类营养免疫评价中的应用价值,认为对虾Toll受体表达量的变化可以反映机体对入侵病原识别的灵敏性,在今后的营养免疫学研究中具有重要价值,并提出了今后对虾Toll受体研究的方向。  相似文献   

The dynamic modeling approach considers the prawn population in a pond as a system where the number of prawn at any given time can be estimated when the relationship between survival and growth can be determined. Compared with existing statistical inference models, this approach allows for “forward estimation” in which future populations can be estimated. This feature is useful in production management.  相似文献   

Facilitative glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) is a transporter protein for glucose transport via the plasma membrane of the cells to provide energy through carbohydrate metabolism. GLUT1 cDNA from Litopenaeus vannamei was obtained and analysed in this study. Full‐length GLUT1 cDNA is 2062 bp long and contained a 1506‐bp ORF encoding a 502 amino acid protein, a 270‐bp 5′UTR and a 284‐bp 3′UTR. When shrimp were under acute low salinity stress, the expression in hepatopancreas, muscle, gill and eyestalk was all up‐regulated at 12 h (P < 0.05) and 96 h (P < 0.05), while the expression in the four tissues was all down‐regulated at 6 h (P < 0.05) and 48 h (P < 0.05) . The expression in the muscle of shrimp at water salinity of 3 was lower than that at water salinity of 30 independent of dietary carbohydrate levels, while expression in hepatopancreas, gill and eyestalk was up‐regulated at 200 and 300 g kg?1 carbohydrate levels. The expression in all tissues fed glucose was up‐regulated when compared to the expression in shrimp held at a water salinity of 30. This study suggests that GLUT1 is a conserved protein in L. vannamei, and changes in expression due to environmental salinity and dietary carbohydrate level and source.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of dietary vitamin E on growth, immunity and regulation of the hepatopancreas in male oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense. Shrimps were fed 0, 40, 80, 160, 320 or 640 mg vitamin E/kg for 60 days. The 80 mg/kg group had the highest weight gain rate, specific growth rate and lowest feed conversion rate while there were no significant differences in survival rate and hepatosomatic index. The highest crude fat and lowest crude protein content were observed in the 160 mg/kg group. In the hepatopancreas, lysozyme, acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase activities were highest in the 160 mg/kg group, while superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities decreased with increasing vitamin E levels. Malondialdehyde content initially decreased then increased with vitamin E levels, whereas the reverse was seen with total antioxidant capacity. Linoleic acid, DPA, DHA, total n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acid and total polyunsaturated fatty acid first increased then decreased, while EPA and total saturated fatty acid rose with vitamin E levels. Total n‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acid content declined while there were no significant differences in linolenic and total monounsaturated fatty acid content. Following a toxicity test with Aeromonas hydrophila, hepatopancreas ultrastructure revealed that appropriate vitamin E levels promote an increase in mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies, but excess vitamin E can damage cell structure. These results provide evidence that 80–160 mg/kg dietary vitamin E has a positive impact on growth, immunity and regulation of the hepatopancreas in male shrimp.  相似文献   

虾鳖混养是利用养虾池塘在不影响养虾的前提下混养鳖的一种新技术,不但可以提高池塘利用率和商品虾、鳖的质量,也可以大大提高池塘养殖的经济效益。现把养殖技术介绍如下,供有条件的地方参考应用。一、池塘条件虾鳖混养的池塘面积最好在5亩~6亩之间,易管理也好捕捞;池深1.2m~1.5m,水深0.8m~1m;池塘坡比1∶3,池埂牢固。为了防鳖逃跑,埂上可用铁皮或水泥瓦设防逃墙,防逃墙设置时要求埋入地下20cm,地上高30cm。池边座北朝南处设几块水泥瓦为饲料台,设置时顺池边横放一半于水中一半在水上。池塘要求注排水方便…  相似文献   

近年来,各地相继推行了封闭半封闭蓄水养虾、淡水卤水勾兑养虾、渗地下水养虾等不同的精养模式,收到了良好的效果。但也确有些养虾单位和虾农,尽管采取了精养模式,却精养不精,年复一年,养殖产量低、效益差。究其原因,笔者认为:这些经营者,一是对精养认识模糊;二是不能严格按照技术规范操作,技术措施不到位。这些问题不尽快解决,势必丧失养虾的信心,更重要的是为对虾精养产业蒙上了一层阴影。一、对坏死亡的原因,不能全归结于病霉病所致。众所周知,1993年以来,因全球性对虾病毒的困扰,对虾死亡现象不断加剧,给对虾养殖业造…  相似文献   

Hano  Takeshi  Ito  Katsutoshi  Ohkubo  Nobuyuki  Ito  Mana  Watanabe  Akio  Sakaji  Hideo 《Fisheries Science》2020,86(6):1079-1086
Fisheries Science - Globally, neonicotinoid contamination in aquatic environments, including estuarine areas, is a prevailing environmental concern. The estuarine resident marine crustacean sand...  相似文献   

2002年,辽宁省普兰店市开发养虾池混养海蜇12000亩,其中皮口镇养殖面积6500亩,总产量350吨,获产值380万元。这种养殖模式的开展,为今后北方地区养虾业发展,加快产业结构调整,降低养虾业风险,增加经济效益提供了新经验、新出路。一、混养池条件要求混养海蜇的虾池面积宜大不宜小,要求池底平坦,沙泥底质,保水性能良好,池底淤泥厚度不超过5cm。最好选择有淡水河流注入及岸边有虾场的虾池,水质要求肥沃无污染,海水盐度在20‰~26‰之间,进排水方便,虾池蓄水水位最低要达到1.5m以上。二、放苗前虾池处理虾池经过一个冬季冻晒后,要彻底清除池底及池…  相似文献   

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