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试验结果表明:美洲黑杨完全适应景宁的气候条件,具有很强的耐寒性和速生性;培育一般用材林,栽植后10年即可主伐;培育菇木林、栽植后3-4年即可采伐利用。现有研究结果已表明,美洲黑杨木屑栽培香菇比混合木屑产量高6.9%,用以种植黑木耳比常规混合木屑产量增加7.7%。景宁是香菇、黑木耳的主产区,引各推广美洲黑杨,并引进美洲黑杨菇、耳超短轮伐期两用林营建技术,开展杨树木屑栽培袋料香菇、木耳最佳基质配比的研  相似文献   

板栗枝条对黑木耳产量和营养成分含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑木耳栽培所用的阔叶树木屑变得越来越紧缺。每年板栗抚育修剪会产生大量废弃枝条。调查了板栗枝条对黑木耳子实体产量、生物学效率和营养成分含量的影响。5个不同比例的板栗枝条和阔叶树木屑(0∶100、30∶70、50∶50、80∶20、100∶0)与7.5%麸皮、1%红糖、1.5%石膏混合作为黑木耳栽培基质,考查每个处理子实体产量、生物学效率和营养成分含量。随机区组三次重复,5个处理分别代号为T1、T2、T3、T4、T5。结果表明,不同处理黑木耳产量、生物学效率和营养成分含量差异显著。T2产量最高,为365.5g/袋。T3生物学效率最大,为47.9%。粗蛋白、总糖的最高含量分别出现在T1和T5,分别为13.55%、63.14%。粗多糖、粗纤维、粗脂肪的最高含量则分别出现在处理T3、T4、T3,分别为7.01%、6.80%、0.26%。板栗枝条与阔叶树木屑混合使用,可提高黑木耳产量和生物学效率,等比例的板栗枝条、阔叶树木屑混以7.5%麸皮、1%红糖、1.5%石膏可使黑木耳获得最高生物学效率和最大的营养成分含量。  相似文献   

黑木耳具有较高的营养价值及药用价值,有着"素中之荤"与"血液清道夫"的美誉,深受广大消费者所喜爱,近年来黑木耳种植规模不断扩大。随着天然林保护工程的实施,木屑资源的供应受到一定的限制,导致生产成本进一步增加,降低了农户的积极性,不利于黑木耳产业的健康发展。黑木耳种植过程中普遍存在基质利用率较低的问题,生物转化率不高,产量受到一定的影响。通过采取一定的科学管理措施则可使废弃的菌包再出一茬黑木耳,从而提高其产量,具有重要的经济效益。  相似文献   

以5%、10%、15%、20%、25%、30%、35%、40%、45%、50%黑木耳茵糠代替木屑配制培养基栽培黑木耳,与未加菌糠的常规培养基进行产量、质量比较试验。结果表明:黑木耳菌糠代替部分木屑袋栽黑木耳是可行的,用30%的茵糠替代木屑生产黑木耳为最适宜配比。配方为木屑47%、茵糠30%、麸皮20%、石膏1%、玉米粉1%、豆粉1%,生产出的黑木耳产量高、质量好。  相似文献   

为改良柱状田头菇栽培基质配方,提高其制菌袋成品率和产量,通过多重对比试验,对栽培基质与菌丝生长速度、生物学效率的相关关系进行了分析,认为柱状田头菇栽培基质的主料应以棉籽壳为主,辅料麸皮添加量20%为宜,含水量65%最适,菌丝生长以栽培基质碳氮比(50-60):1较好,生物学效率以碳氮比40:1左右最高。  相似文献   

废弃菌渣二次利用及环保处理方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近几年来,黑龙江省食用菌产业发展迅速,2004年全省代料栽培黑木耳达10几亿袋,滑菇生产近亿袋,平菇、香菇、榆黄蘑等菇类栽培数量也较多,逐年呈递增趋势。每年菇、耳采收后都产生了大量的食用菌废弃菌渣,这些废弃菌渣如果不及时处理,杂菌侵染到处扩散,严重污染环境。由于食用菌栽培是在各个林区、农区,每家每户分散经营,有的是在交通非常不便的山区,治理难度较大。如果将这些废菌渣经过一定的处理,使其重新作为食用菌的栽培原料,这样既节约了生产成本,又治理了环境污染。针对以杂木屑栽培黑木耳、滑菇;以农作物秸秆栽培平菇、榆黄蘑等菇类的废菌渣二次利用进行技术探讨。  相似文献   

以黑木耳品种“延农科1号”为试验材料,马铃薯、黄豆粉、麦麸、木屑、废弃黑木耳菌袋等浸出液为原料,研究对黑木耳菌种培养的影响,筛选黑木耳菌种最佳培养基。结果表明,黑木耳菌种培养的最佳培养基为配方3和配方5。  相似文献   

仿野生食用菌栽培能够充分利用人工林和天然林的大环境,产品天然优质。总结了仿野生种植优质食用菌技术、以玉米芯和秸杆为主代替木屑做基质的食用菌培养技术和食用菌病虫害生物防治技术,实现了投入产出比1∶3~5,旨在进一步探索以林养菇,以菇促林的生态发展经营模式。  相似文献   

以大球盖菇"云茸"栽培菌种为试验材料进行橡胶林下栽培技术研究,分别探索不同配方、覆土、覆盖等处理对大球盖菇产量和生物学效率的影响.结果表明:不同配方和不同覆盖处理的大球盖菇产量和生物学效率差异显著,不同覆土处理差异不显著;最适宜培养料配方为50%玉米芯+20%甘蔗渣+20%木屑+10%谷壳,产量和生物学效率最高,分别为...  相似文献   

象草栽培花菇技术与效益的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在闽东北寿宁山区利用象草栽培花菇。研究结果表明,以象草粉与杂木屑混合配方为原料栽培的花菇效果好,其最佳混合配方比例为:象草粉30%、杂木屑50%、麦皮16.6%、石膏粉2%、硫酸镁0.4%。象草粉、杂木屑混合配方与纯杂木屑栽培的花菇的投入产出比分别为1:2.95和1:2.80。  相似文献   

介绍了现有人造木材的种类,阐述了用竹刨花、竹(木)屑等竹(木)加工剩余物或农作物秸秆与造纸黑液中提取的木质素开发人造木材的重大意义,简要介绍了该人造木材的制造原理和方法以及产品的用途,并分析了人造木材的市场前景及其产业化的可行性。  相似文献   

我国南方食用菌原料林培育研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
香菇等食用菌在我国具有近千年的栽培历史,是山区经济发展的重要产业,食用菌原料林的培育对于以阔叶权赤原食用菌产业持续发展意义重大。本文重点对食用菌原料林树种的优选、人促更新定向培育、主要原料林树种的丰产栽培以及其采种基地建设等进行述评。根据食用菌原料林培育研究现状和存在问题,提出进一步发展的技术对策和今后的研究重点,包括主要原料树树的种的良种选育和扩繁技术、育苗技术、松杉林冠下造林技术和多种食用菌原料林树种混植技术、二代食用菌原料林的萌芽更新技术等。  相似文献   

用麻竹笋加工废弃物栽培蘑菇试验初报   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
麻竹笋加工废弃物经过粉碎均匀混入棉籽壳、玉米粉和辅料等物,经生物发酵后接种蘑菇菌种,可以将麻竹笋加工废弃物转化为食用蘑菇,蘑菇采摘后的废弃物转化为麻竹林的有机肥。试验结果表明:采用70%的麻竹笋加工废弃物栽培食用菌,可明显提高经济效益。通过与其他原材料进行成分、价格对比,进一步分析了麻竹笋加工废弃物生物转化技术、麻竹林下立体栽培技术的开发价值。  相似文献   

短轮伐期菇木林栽培试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
马褂木具有较强的竞争能力 ,生态适应性强 ,生长快 ,成材早 ,在早期就可表现出速生丰产性能 ,是最佳的短轮伐期菇木树种 ;马褂木既可营造纯林 ,也可营造混交林 ,保存率高达 90 %~ 96 %,明显优于其它伴生树种。杜英、枫香也是适宜的菇木树种 ,杜英生长速度较快 ,与马褂木、厚朴分别混交 ,生长效果都较好。枫香与马褂木混交 ,种间关系协调 ,树种生物学特性互补 ,林分空间结构分布合理 ,是一种成功的混交模式。酸枣生长快 ,适应能力强 ,保持率较高 ,但侧枝多 ,冠幅庞大 ,适合营造混交林 ,且混交比例不宜太大 ;与马褂木混交 ,种间关系协调 ,相互促进生长。厚朴的生长潜力还没有充分发挥 ,需进一步观察。乐昌含笑、白玉兰初期生长缓慢 ,暂不适用作菇木树种。  相似文献   

热处理对于提高木材的尺寸稳定性和耐久性、抵抗生物破坏等性能来说是一种非常有效的方法。作者采用油浴法对思茅松木材进行热处理工艺的探讨,分别对热处理木材的失重率、吸湿率、线性胀缩率、以及微观构造等进行了分析,研究结果表明:(1)思茅松热处理材随着处理温度和处理时间的增加,失重率逐渐增加;(2)思茅松热处理材随着处理温度和处理时间的增加,吸湿率逐渐降低;(3)思茅松热处理材随着处理温度和处理时间的增加,线性胀缩率逐渐降低;(4)在微观构造观察方面,由于早材腔大壁薄,材质较松软,经过热处理后早材部分容易引起径向开裂,早材管胞形态的变形程度要比晚材要大,早材轴向管胞壁的弯曲变形较晚材的要严重。随着热处理温度升高,热处理时间的延长,炭化程度越来越严重,为不使木材物理力学以及微观构造方面遭到严重破坏,建议木材热处理温度为160℃、热处理时间为6~12h或木材热处理温度为180℃、热处理时间为6~8h为宜。  相似文献   

黑赤松轻基质无纺布容器育苗技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黑赤松为试材进行轻基质无纺布容器育苗技术研究,通过对黑赤松的移栽成活率、苗高及地径生长情况、苗木根系生长情况进行综合研究,结果表明:黑赤松轻基质育苗基质最佳配比为草炭土60%、珍珠岩20%、蘑菇渣15%,此基质配比具有移栽成活率高,苗木生长表现好的特点,可大面积推广应用。  相似文献   

木材是一种可再生和机械坚固的天然生物基模板,半纤维素和木质素基质结合纤维素原纤维在木材中分层排列。因此在不改变纤维素原纤维分级排列的情况下去除木材细胞壁中的木质素,可为具有对齐纤维素结构的生物模板功能材料领域带来更多可能性。基于脱木素木材提供的生物模板,可开发出不同的功能材料,并广泛应用于不同领域。文中总结脱木素木材的主要制备方法和功能材料的开发策略,展望脱木素木材衍生功能材料的发展潜力和趋势,旨在为木材功能化研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the processes and investment evaluation of utilizing available dendromass in an easy and close-to-nature way under Central European conditions in Slovakia. Wood of the European aspen (Populus tremula L.) that has generally been considered of little economic value was efficiently used as a growth medium for the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm.). The production of the fruiting bodies of this mushroom were evaluated for 5 years under natural forest conditions. The evaluation focused solely on aspen wood, specifically, the most valuable part – the trunk. The investment assessment revealed the high economic value of the fruiting bodies of the oyster mushroom inoculated into aspen wood blocks for the period of five years. In particular, the results of the net present value (NPV?=?347.78 €/m3) as well as the profitability index (PI?=?1.63) and discounted payback period (DPP ≈ 2 years and 8 months) point to the high profitability of such a project under the given conditions. The results could be helpful and inspiring for forest and garden owners when deciding how to utilize low-value waste dendromass, low-quality aspen wood and other tree species in small-scale forest management.  相似文献   

Stem deformation has often been observed in young black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) plantations. Whenever important stem deformations are observed at the time of harvesting, timber value is negatively affected especially during the wood transformation process. The present work was undertaken to quantify and qualify the importance of stem deformation of black spruce and jack pine in the boreal forest of central Quebec at the stand and tree levels. In 30 black spruce and jack pine plantations, approximately 22% of spruce trees and 27% of pine trees exhibited stem deformation. The proportion of deformed trees was higher in the youngest plantations and decreased with the age of the plantations. Stem deformation caused the formation of compression wood which is another factor that can reduce the value of wood products. Thirty-nine black spruces and 34 jack pines were analysed at the tree level. On average, compression wood represented 14% and 20% of stem volume in 7- and 10-year old black spruce plantations, respectively. These proportions ranged from 18% in the youngest jack pine plantation to 26% in the oldest one. Stems of both species classified as normal contained a lower volume of compression wood than stems classified as deformed or very deformed. Annual percentages of compression wood and annual shoot length increased significantly with tree age (p < 0.0001 for both variables). Statistically significant correlations were also found between the range of displacement of the stem and the percentage of compression wood. The fewer number of trees with deformed stems in older plantations combined with high compression wood formation suggests that, over time, a deformed tree can become normal and straight in appearance.  相似文献   


One of the major issues in a long-term perspective for the use of wood–plastic composites (WPCs) in outdoor applications is the moisture sensitivity of the wood component and the consequent dimensional instability and susceptibility to biological degradation of the composite. In this work, the effects of using an acetylated wood component and a cellulose ester as matrix on the micromorphology, mechanical performance and moisture uptake of injection-moulded WPCs have been studied. Composites based on unmodified and acetylated wood particles, specially designed with a length-to-width ratio of about 5–7, combined with both cellulose acetate propionate (CAP) and polypropylene (PP) matrices were studied. The size and shape of the wood particles were studied before and after the processing using light microscopy, and the micromorphology of the composites was studied using a newly developed surface preparation technique based on ultraviolet laser irradiation combined with low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy (LV-SEM). The water vapour sorption in the composites and the effect of accelerated weathering were measured using thin samples which were allowed to reach equilibrium moisture content (EMC). The length-to-diameter ratio was only slightly decreased for the acetylated particles after compounding and injection moulding, although both the unmodified and the acetylated particles were smaller in size after the processing steps. The tensile strength was about 40% higher for the composite based on acetylated wood than for the composite with unmodified wood using either CAP or PP as matrix, whereas the notched impact strength of the composite based on acetylated wood was about 20% lower than those of the corresponding unmodified composites. The sorption experiments showed that the EMC was 50% lower in the composites with an acetylated wood component than in the composites with an unmodified wood component. The choice of matrix material strongly affected the moisture absorptivity of the WPC. The composites with CAP as matrix gained moisture more rapidly than the composites with PP as matrix. It was also found that accelerated ageing in a Weather-Ometer® significantly increased the moisture sensitivity of the PP-based composites.  相似文献   

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