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为了解克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)对饲料感知的最大空间距离,在稻田养殖环境条件下,利用特定设计的试验设施,研究其对配合饲料的感知能力,以期为合理确定养殖水体投饵点数量和空间布局、增加饲料利用率提供科学依据。结果显示,克氏原螯虾对配合饲料感知的最大间隔距离估算为12 m;在食物间隔距离3 m和6 m捕获的雌虾与雄虾数量无显著性差异(χ2>1.19,df=1,P>0.270),表明雌性与雄性对配合饲料的感知能力没有显著差异。食物感知-搜索时间与食物间隔距离呈正相关,在食物间隔距离为3 m、6 m、9 m、12 m时,食物感知-搜索的最短时间分别为(1.8±0.5) min、(5.0±1.1) min、(11.4±1.7) min、(25.2±2.4) min,最长时间分别为(3.4±0.9) h、(7.3±0.6) h、(9.0±0.8) h、(10.0±1.3) h。当食物间隔距离为3 m和12 m时,受到配合饲料刺激后分别有(68.3±1.6)%和(36.3±1.9)%的克氏原螯虾能在3 h内到达食物源。研究表明,克氏原螯虾对配...  相似文献   

A 10 week laboratory growth trial was conducted with red swamp crawfish Procambarus clarkii to determine the amount of soybean protein that could be substituted for fish protein in formulated crawfish diets without reducing growth. Crawfish received 32% crude protein, isocaloric diets in which protein was supplied by soybean (soy) meal, menhaden fish meal or an isonitrogenous mixture of soybean and fish meal calculated to provide graded levels of each protein source. Dietary protein was provided as: 1) 100% soy protein; 2) 75% soy protein: 25% fish protein; 3) 50% soy protein: 50% fish protein; 4) 25% soy protein: 75% fish protein; and 5) 100% fish protein. Crawfish fed soy protein: fish protein (SP:FP) mixtures or fish protein alone exhibited better (P < 0.05) weight gain than crawfish fed a diet containing soy protein as the only protein source. Diets containing 25% soy protein: 75% fish protein (1:3 ratio) and 50% soy protein: 50% fish protein (1:1 ratio) produced greater (P < 0.05) weight gains than a diet in which fish protein was the sole protein source. Survival, feed efficiency ratio, maturation rate, net protein and energy retention, and body composition of crawfish did not differ (P > 0.05) among diets with SP:FP ratios of 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1. However, maximum (P < 0.05) weight gain occurred in crawfish fed the 1:3 SP:FP ratio. Although crawfish fed SP:FP ratios of 1:1 and 3:1 had lower weight gains in the laboratory than crawfish fed a 1:3 SP:FP ratio, SP:FP ratios of 1:1 and 3:1 might be adequate for supplemental diets fed to pond-reared crawfish that have access to natural sources of food.  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾人工育苗技术初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用大棚土池人工育苗技术,进行了克氏原螯虾的亲虾培育和人工育苗试验,育苗池总面积为2744 m2.2007年9月份共收捕亲虾1 368 kg(其中雄虾342 kg、雌虾1 026 kg),规格25~40 g.设置了两种亲虾投放密度(分别为10尾/m2和20尾/m2),雌、雄性比均为3:1.试验结果:从9月份亲虾培育管理起到翌年3月份出苗,亲虾死亡率为58.6%;共计出苗50余万尾,平均单位产苗量为203尾/m2.高密度亲虾组的虾苗数量并未相应增加.  相似文献   

董超  郑友  黄成 《水产科学》2016,(1):72-76
为研究克氏原螯虾在投喂配合饲料、鱼肉丸两种饲料之间切换时的摄食效果,设置两种饲料间隔一周投喂的轮转组,并设置2个投喂单一饵料的对照组,同步投喂减半后的两种饲料的选择组。试验共进行6个周期,计42d。试验结果表明,轮转组在偶数周期21d鱼肉丸的整体日均总摄食量极显著大于同期鱼肉丸对照组的摄食量(P0.01),轮转组绝对体质量增长量显著大于鱼肉丸组绝对体质量增长量(P0.05)。轮转组不同饲料间轮转投喂初期摄食量最大,3d后逐渐降至正常水平。配合饲料和鱼肉丸组试验获得的饵料系数推算选择组、轮转组质量理论增加值分别为(0.85±0.13)g、(0.79±0.15)g,与质量实际增加值(1.27±0.73)g、(1.35±0.75)g相比较差异性极显著(P0.01),即两组效果好于单一投喂,且轮转的投喂方式效果最好。结合已有对其他动物研究的成果,初步推定轮转投喂促进克氏原螯虾摄食量可能与不断满足其欲求行为有关。体质量的增加可能与多样化饲料满足了克氏原螯虾的营养平衡需求有关。本试验旨在为克氏原螯虾的轮转投喂模式提供了理论依据,也为"动物食性转换"的行为学研究积累资料。  相似文献   

在大型(80cm×52cm×25cm)及小型水族箱(45cm×35cm×20cm)底部平摊1kg和8.5kg底泥(干质量),分别放养小规格[刚离开母体,(4.23±0.258)mg]、中规格(2.69±0.410)g、大规格(7.55±0.415)g 3个规格克氏原螯虾幼虾,密度分别为每箱30、18、6尾,以不加底泥为对照,每个处理5个重复。在水温18~25℃下常规投喂饲养5~6周,并测试了克氏原螯虾生长、存活、耐低氧和高温能力以及底泥对水体中溶氧量的影响。结果表明,底泥组小(7.82%/d)、中(0.90%/d)、大(0.92%/d)3个规格幼虾的特定生长率分别极显著(P0.01)以及显著(P0.05)高于对照组(5.56%/d,0.20%/d,0.59%/d)。底泥组小规格幼虾死亡率(12%)显著低于对照组(17.3%)(P0.05);耐高温时间极显著大于对照组(P0.01);其他组间差异不显著(P0.05)。3种规格幼虾底泥组窒息时间均极显著大于对照组(P0.01)。底泥使水中溶氧量显著降低。  相似文献   

将体质量0.527 g(幼虾)和6.100 g(亚成体虾)的克氏原螯虾饲养在底面积为113 cm^2 、高为12 cm的圆形塑料盒中,一组放入内径为1.9 cm的PVC管作为隐蔽所为隐蔽组,以不放PVC管为对照组,其他条件同隐蔽组,定期测量各组克氏原螯虾的体长、体质量增长量、存活率和蜕壳率等指标,研究隐蔽所对不同规格克氏原螯虾生长的影响。2个月的饲养结果显示,试验第1个月隐蔽组幼虾组体长增长、体长相对增长率、体质量增长及蜕壳量均显著大于对照组( P <0.05),第2个月两组各数据无显著差异( P >0.05);隐蔽组亚成体螯虾摄食量、体质量及蜕壳量均小于对照组。研究结果表明,隐蔽所在螯虾的早期生长阶段对其生长有促进作用,但随着螯虾体格的增大,隐蔽所的促进作用随之减弱,甚至最终抑制螯虾的生长。本研究围绕克氏原螯虾穴居的习性以及趋触性等行为的特点,为生产提供了合理建议。  相似文献   

在室内小型水体、户外中型水体及池塘大型水体3种环境下同步和异步养殖克氏原螯虾,对比了存活率、残肢率和质量变异系数等指标。小型、中型水体同步组的残肢率均显著低于异步组(P值分别为0.007、0.016);中型水体同步组的存活率显著高于异步组,P=0.006;中、大型水体同步组螯虾质量变异系数均小于异步组(P值分别为0.015、0.002)。结果显示,克氏原螯虾存在先期领域所有权现象,即"有产者原则"。人工养殖中异步放养虾苗违背该原则,易增加螯虾群体自相残杀而导致存活率下降;同步放养则符合"有产者原则",有利于降低螯虾种内格斗。试验结果为解决高密度水产养殖中克氏原螯虾自相残杀而导致的减产提供科学依据。  相似文献   

采用单因素对照、对比试验方法,开展温棚保温以及大、中、小不同亲本规格对克氏原螯虾苗种规格、育苗量等繁育指标的影响.试验结果表明,每年冬季最冷时节(12月下旬至翌年1月中旬),温棚内池平均水温较室外池高3.44℃,且温棚内池水温皆在5℃以上;温棚内池平均育苗量与室外池差异不显著(P>0.05),而培育的虾苗体质量为室外池...  相似文献   

利用cDNA末端快速扩增技术克隆克氏原螯虾生物钟核心基因之一的周期循环蛋白(CYC)基因(命名为PcCyc基因)的部分cDNA序列.取雄性克氏原螯虾(体长9~11 cm)在全光谱日光灯不同光周期下(12L:12D、0L:24D和0L:72D)培养结束后,于7:00、11:00、15:00、19:00、23:00、翌日0...  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾摄食节律的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
周文宗  赵风兰 《水产科学》2007,26(5):271-274
研究了在<100 lx的弱光条件下雌、雄克氏原螯虾的摄食节律。克氏原螯虾具有明显的摄食节律(P<0.01),并且不受性别的影响(P>0.05)。克氏原螯虾在18:00-19:00时摄食量最高(P<0.05);其次为19:00-20:00和14:00-15:00时(P<0.05);克氏原螯虾在其他时段摄食较少。但克氏原螯虾摄食无明显的昼夜节律,与鱼类不同。这些研究结果将为克氏原螯虾的投喂管理、鱼虾混养和水质调控等提供定量依据。  相似文献   

2018年12月—2019年3月间,定期从温棚养殖和稻田养殖的克氏原螯虾中采集599尾样本,测量克氏原螯虾的体质量(y)、全长(x1)、头胸甲长(x2)、头胸甲宽(x3)、腹节总长(x4)、第一腹节长(x5)、第一腹节宽(x6)、尾节长(x7)、第六腹节长(x8)、第六腹节宽(x9)和螯长(x10),探明温棚养殖幼虾与...  相似文献   

Adult red swamp crayfish ( Procambarus clarkii ) were held in fecal collection chambers and fed common feedstuffs isosubstituted in experimental diets. Apparent dry matter digestibility (ADMD) and apparent crude protein digestibility (ACPD) coefficients were determined by the total collection and indicator (chromic oxide) methods. Feedstuffs tested were menhaden fish meal, soybean meal, alpha-soy protein, casein, gelatin, wheat bran, rice bran, wheat gluten, shrimp meal, crab chitin, cellulose, squid meal, corn starch and diatomaceous sand. Rate of consumption of plant feedstuffs was generally higher than feedstuffs of animal origin. Consumption of fish meal and shrimp meal was low (0.59 and 0.44% body weightlday, respectively). Fecal chromium concentrations were lower than chromium concentrations of experimental diets and precluded calculation of realistic coefficients by the indicator method. Analysis of refused feed samples indicated that crayfish did not consume the indicator in the same proportion as the remainder of the diet; therefore, the total collection method was judged the better approach to determining digestion coefficients. ADMD and ACPD coefficients of plant feedstuffs were generally higher than coefficients determined for animal feedstuffs. ADMD coefficients indicated substantial carbohydrate digestion by crayfish.  相似文献   

淡水小龙虾稻田高效生态养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择土壤肥沃、保水性能好、阳光充足、水源水质无污染、进排水方便、旱涝保收的稻田,经适当改造后采用科学方法养殖淡水小龙虾,可以在降低水稻种植成本和小龙虾养殖成本的同时,保证水稻和小龙虾的产量,提高稻米和小龙虾产品的质量,亩鲀收入达到4000元以上.  相似文献   

水温(25±1)℃时,将体质量(3.11±0.10)g的克氏原螯虾幼虾饲养在120 cm×60 cm×20 cm的水族箱中,密度分别为14尾/m2(低密度组)、28尾/m2(中密度组)和42尾/m2(高密度组),研究室内养殖不同密度对生长、摄食、消化酶活性及非特异性免疫的影响.8周的养殖结果显示,克氏原螯虾的存活率随养...  相似文献   

小龙虾养殖池套养细鳞斜颌鲴,在基本上不增加投入、不改变小龙虾原养殖计划、亩产最和品质的情况下,亩产细鳞斜颌鲴103 kg,每亩新增利润1515元.试验结果表明,细鳞斜颌鲴所特有的食性决定了它对其它养殖品种的生长不仅没有影响,而且具有明显的协同促进作用.  相似文献   

宋光同  丁凤琴  陈静  武松  汪翔 《水产科学》2012,31(9):549-553
按照正交试验设计原理,不考虑交互作用,选择L9(3~4)正交表,研究了亲虾规格、隐蔽物、光照度及放养密度4个因素对克氏原螯虾亲虾成活率、抱卵率、产卵量的影响,试验历时57d。研究结果表明,不同亲虾规格对抱卵量影响显著(P0.05),且规格为35~50g亲虾的平均抱卵量为489.8粒/尾,分别较25~30g、30~35g高20.8%、11.6%;不同隐蔽物种类对亲虾的成活率影响显著(P0.05),使用"水草+石棉瓦+砖块"作为隐蔽物,亲虾平均成活率为95.69%,分别较"水草+石棉瓦+PVC管"、"三角形栖息物"高9.6%、3.5%;光照度为50~500lx,亲虾的平均抱卵量为467.17粒/尾,高于其他两个光照度水平;放养密度为20尾/m2,亲虾的平均抱卵率为64.98%,高于其他两个密度水平。因此,亲虾规格为35~50g、隐蔽物种类为‘水草+石棉瓦+砖块’、光照度为50~500lx、放养密度为20尾/m2"组合有利于提高克氏原螯虾的繁殖效果。  相似文献   

为研究克氏原螯虾烂尾病病原种类及其相关特性,从患病虾尾部病灶分离出2种具有不同菌落形态和色泽的代表菌株,分别编号LW2047-1和LW2047-2,经人工感染试验确定病原菌为菌株LW2047-2.对菌株LW2047-2进行细菌学观察,分析形态特征和生理生化特性,并对16S rRNA和gyrB基因测序分析,最终将其鉴定为...  相似文献   

Crayfish show both shelter‐seeking behaviour and agonistic behaviour. Agonistic interactions among crayfish combatants can be triggered and released by the access of shelter, which is a necessary resource for crayfish. The use of shadow as a shelter has not been thoroughly tested in experiments. In this study, we provided the Red Swamp Crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard) with different shadow area and shadow partition to test if shadow can act as a solid shelter. Eleven different treatments designed with different shadow area and partition, and 2640 juvenile crayfish were used. The survival rate increased with the increase of shadow area ratio. The shadow area contributed less to the body weight gain and the number of the survivals without injury. The growth variance of the juveniles under shadow conditions was significantly lower than those maintained without providing shadow. Under the recent experimental settings, generally, more partitioned shadow resulted in lower mortality. With 60% shadow area, more partitioned shadow led to higher body weight gain. The more the partition was provided, the fewer were the injury events, and the lower body weight variance observed. Our experiments indicated that both area and partition of the shadow influenced the growth of juvenile Red Swamp Crayfish.  相似文献   


The present study was designed to evaluate the efficiency of different biogenic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, tyramine, spermine and spermidine) and their precursory amino acids (arginine, histidine, lysine and tyrosine), as well as animal extracts (from fish, crustaceans and mollusks) and vegetable extracts (Chara sp., coconut and alfalfa) as baits in traps for red swamp crayfish, P. clarkii. The methodology was conceived as a logical sequence to proceed from rapid screening of a large number of treatments and was divided into three phases: (1) chemo-detection bioassays, (2) chemattraction bioassays, and (3) field bioassays carried out under natural conditions. The attractants that showed the best performance as baits for P. clarkii, were: the fish soluble extract (included at 2.96%), the putrescine (included at 0.30%) and the red crab soluble extract (included at 2.69%). The benefits of using these attractants, when added to common pelleted feed, come from their low cost, availability and enhanced handling properties.  相似文献   

近年来,克氏原螯虾的养殖发展迅猛,已在全国各地形成各具特色的高效生态养殖模式,前面介绍的池塘生态养殖和稻田生态养殖只是众多模式中的一部分,下面介绍其它几种养殖模式,供广大养殖户借鉴.  相似文献   

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