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The effect of protein quality, protein content, bran addition, diacetyl tartaric acid ester of monoglycerides (DATEM), proving time, and their interaction on hearth bread characteristics were studied by size‐exclusion fast protein liquid chromatography, Kieffer dough and gluten extensibility rig, and small‐scale baking of hearth loaves. Protein quality influenced size and shape of the hearth loaves positively. Enhanced protein content increased loaf volume and decreased the form ratio of hearth loaves. The effect of protein quality and protein content was dependent on the size‐distribution of the proteins in flour, which affected the viscoelastic properties of the dough. Doughs made from flours with strong protein quality can be proved for a longer time and thereby expand more than doughs made from weak protein quality flours. Doughs made from strong protein quality flours tolerated bran addition better than doughs made from weak protein quality flours. Doughs made from high protein content flours were more suited for hearth bread production with bran than doughs made from flours with low protein content. DATEM had small effect on dough properties and hearth loaf characteristics compared with the other factors.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine treatments that directly influence Norwegian lean doughs destined to be frozen. Therefore a strip-block experimental design with four dough treatment factors (wheat flour blend, diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides [DATEM], water absorption, and dough temperature) and two storage factors (frozen storage time and thawing time) was used. Four levels were selected for frozen storage time and two levels were selected for the remaining factors. After frozen storage (2–70 days), the doughs were thawed and baked. Principal component analysis showed that to obtain a high loaf volume and bread score after freezing, a high dough temperature after mixing (27°C) was essential. The highest form ratio (height/width) level was obtained after 28 days of frozen storage and with a short thawing time (6 hr). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of dough treatments showed that an increase in dough temperature from 20 to 27°C after mixing resulted in a significant increase in loaf volume (1,653 to 2,264 mL), form ratio (0.64 to 0.69), and bread score (1.7 to 3.2), and a reduction in loaf weight (518.4 to 512.5 g) and crumb score (7.9 to 5.9, i.e., a more open bread crumb). Also, the addition of DATEM significantly increased loaf volume (1,835 to 2,081 mL), form ratio (0.64 to 0.69), and bread score (2.2 to 2.6). Frozen dough storage time significantly affected loaf volume, loaf weight, bread score, and crumb score. Increasing thawing time from 6 to 10 hr significantly increased loaf volume (1,855 to 2,121 mL), and reduced the form ratio (0.69 to 0.63) and loaf weight (516.8 to 511.4 g). ANOVA of the interaction between dough treatment and frozen storage time showed that decreasing water absorption significantly increased the loaf volume.  相似文献   

Diacetyl tartaric acid ester of monoglycerides (DATEM) is a kind of anionic emulsifier. To date, the positive effect of DATEM on the volume of bread has been reported, but the effects on Chinese steamed bread (CSB) quality and other parameters for bread quality are still unclear. The effects of DATEM on the characteristics of dough and the qualities of CSB and bread were investigated. The results showed that, the effects of DATEM on the rheological properties of dough were complex. Water absorption ratio of CSB dough decreased slightly, while that of bread dough increased slightly. But gas retention and structure improved and gluten strength increased for both CSB and bread doughs after DATEM was added. The studies also showed that structure, elasticity, tenacity, and whiteness of CSB were improved, but specific volume was almost unchanged. The structure, color, and smoothness were significantly improved for bread, and specific volume increased compared with the control. The optimal quantities of DATEM for CSB and bread were both ≈0.10% (on flour mass basis).  相似文献   

Lipids constitute only a minor proportion of total flour components but the composition and structure of wheat flour polar lipids influence the end‐use quality of bread. So it is important to determine which specific lipid class and molecular species are present in wheat. Lipid profiling is the targeted, systematic characterization and analysis of lipids. The use of lipid profiling techniques to analyze grain‐based food has the potential to provide new insight into the functional relationships between a specific lipid species and its functionality. The objective of this study was to utilize lipid profiling techniques to quantitatively determine the polar lipid species present in whole wheat meal, flour, and starch. Two commonly grown wheat cultivars, Alpowa and Overley, were used in this study. Direct infusion electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry was used to identify and quantitatively determine 146 polar lipid species in wheat. The predominant polar lipid classes were digalactosyldiglycerols, monogalactosyldiglycerols, phosphatidylcholine, and lysophosphatidylcholine. ANOVA results concluded that the wheat fraction contributed a greater source of variation than did cultivar on total polar, total phospholipid, and total galactolipid contents. Wheat whole meal, flour, and surface starch contained greater concentrations of total galactolipids, whereas internal starch lipids contained greater concentrations of monoacyl phospholipids. This research provides evidence that lipid profiling will provide the ability to determine the functional relationships between specific lipid species and the impact on end‐use quality.  相似文献   

This study measured the relationship between bread quality and 49 hard red spring (HRS) or 48 hard red winter (HRW) grain, flour, and dough quality characteristics. The estimated bread quality attributes included loaf volume, bake mix time, bake water absorption, and crumb grain score. The best‐fit models for loaf volume, bake mix time, and water absorption had R2 values of 0.78–0.93 with five to eight variables. Crumb grain score was not well estimated, and had R2 values ≈0.60. For loaf volume models, grain or flour protein content was the most important parameter included. Bake water absorption was best estimated when using mixograph water absorption, and flour or grain protein content. Bake water absorption models could generally be improved by including farinograph, mixograph, or alveograph measurements. Bake mix time was estimated best when using mixograph mix time, and models could be improved by including glutenin data. When the data set was divided into calibration and prediction sets, the loaf volume and bake mix time models still looked promising for screening samples. When including only variables that could be rapidly measured (protein content, test weight, single kernel moisture content, single kernel diameter, single kernel hardness, bulk moisture content, and dark hard and vitreous kernels), only loaf volume could be predicted with accuracies adequate for screening samples.  相似文献   

Wheat protein quantity and composition are important parameters for wheat baking quality. The objective of this study was to use fractionation techniques to separate the proteins of flour mill streams into various protein fractions, to examine the distribution of these protein fractions, and to establish a relationship between protein composition and breadmaking quality. Nine break streams, nine reduction streams, and three patent flours obtained from three samples of Nekota (a hard red winter wheat) were used in this study. A solution of 0.3M NaI + 7.5% 1-propanol was used to separate flour protein into monomeric and polymeric proteins. The protein fractions, including gliadin, albumin+globulin, HMW-GS, and LMW-GS, were precipitated with 0.1M NH4Ac-MeOH or acetone. The fractions were statistically analyzed for their distribution in the mill streams. The quantities of total flour protein and protein fractions in flour were significantly different among mill streams. The ratio of polymeric to monomeric proteins in break streams was significantly greater than in the reduction streams. The relationship between protein composition and breadmaking quality showed that the quantities of total flour protein, albumin+ globulin, HMW-GS, and LMW-GS in flour were significantly and positively correlated with loaf volume. The ratio of HMW-GS to LMW-GS had little association with loaf volume. The gliadin content in total flour protein was negatively and significantly correlated with loaf volume. These results indicated that the quantity and composition of protein among the mill streams was different, and this resulted in differences in breadmaking quality.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(6):922-927
The degradation of inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) was evaluated in whole meal wheat dough fermented with baker's yeast without phytase activity, different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (L1.12 or L6.06), or Pichia kudriavzevii with extracellular phytase activity to see if the degradation of IP6 in whole meal dough and the corresponding bread could be increased by fermentation with phytase‐active yeasts. The IP6 degradation was measured after the dough was mixed for 19 min, after the completion of fermentation, and in bread after baking. Around 60–70% of the initial value of IP6 in the flour (10.02 mg/g) was reduced in the dough already after mixing, and additionally 10–20% was reduced after fermentation. The highest degradation of IP6 was seen in dough fermented with the phytase‐active yeast strains S. cerevisiae L1.12 and P. kudriavzevii L3.04. Activity of wheat phytase in whole meal wheat dough seems to be the primary source of phytate degradation, and the degradation is considerably higher in this study with a mixing time of 19 min compared with earlier studies. The additional degradation of IP6 by phytase‐active yeasts was not related to their extracellular phytase activities, suggesting that phytases from the yeasts are inhibited differently. Therefore, the highest degradation of IP6 and expected highest mineral bioavailability in whole meal wheat bread can be achieved by use of a phytase‐active yeast strain with less inhibition. The strain S. cerevisiae L1.12 is suitable for this because it was the most effective yeast strain in reducing the amount of IP6 in dough during a short fermentation time.  相似文献   

Variations in physical and compositional bran characteristics among different sources and classes of wheat and their association with bread‐baking quality of whole grain wheat flour (WWF) were investigated with bran obtained from Quadrumat milling of 12 U.S. wheat varieties and Bühler milling of six Korean wheat varieties. Bran was characterized for composition including protein, fat, ash, dietary fiber, phenolics, and phytate. U.S. soft and club wheat brans were lower in insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) and phytate content (40.7–44.7% and 10.3–17.1 mg of phytate/g of bran, respectively) compared with U.S. hard wheat bran (46.0–51.3% and 16.5–22.2 mg of phytate/g of bran, respectively). Bran of various wheat varieties was blended with a hard red spring wheat flour at a ratio of 1:4 to prepare WWFs for determination of dough properties and bread‐baking quality. WWFs with U.S. hard wheat bran generally exhibited higher dough water absorption and longer dough mixing time, and they produced smaller loaf volume of bread than WWFs of U.S. soft and club wheat bran. WWFs of two U.S. hard wheat varieties (ID3735 and Scarlet) produced much smaller loaves of bread (<573 mL) than those of other U.S. hard wheat varieties (>625 mL). IDF content, phytate content, and water retention capacity of bran exhibited significant relationships with loaf volume of WWF bread, whereas no relationship was observed between protein content of bran and loaf volume of bread. It appears that U.S. soft and club wheat bran, probably owing to relatively low IDF and phytate contents, has smaller negative effects on mixing properties of WWF dough and loaf volume of bread than U.S. hard wheat bran.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the extent of instability of size‐exclusion HPLC extracts prepared from flour, semolina, or whole meal. Procedures to obtain stable extracts were investigated. Whole meal extracts of durum wheat and triticale were the most unstable samples, whereas bread wheat showed smaller changes. Samples prepared from crushed maturing grains, especially during early stages, were greatly influenced by the instability process. By using protease inhibitors, evidence was obtained that endogenous proteases were the source of the instability. Reproducible peak 1 (polymeric protein) results were obtained for a period of at least 72 hr after extract preparation if protein extracts were heated for 2 min at 80°C in a water bath immediately after filtration into the sample vials and before SE‐HPLC analysis. This treatment is a viable solution to avoid sample instability in whole meal and developing grain extracts, particularly when large sample sets are prepared for automatic injection into the HPLC.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how wheat cultivar, growth location, type of mill, LMW sugar composition of wheat flours, mixing time, and type of mixer affected yeast fermentation. Also studied was the effect of yeast fermentation and LMW sugar composition on hearth bread quality. To achieve this, 36 different flours were produced from two different mills using six different wheat cultivars grown at three locations. Yeast fermentation in doughs, measured as gas production, was determined using realtime pressure measurements and GasSmart software. A short mixograph mixing or spatula mixing was not efficient enough to rehydrate instant dry yeast. Compressed yeast and a short mixing time were enough to reach maximum fermentation rate. Maximum pressure after 210 min of fermentation was higher for instant dry yeast than for compressed yeast. Wheat cultivar and growth location had a significant effect on LMW sugar composition. Wheat cultivar, growth location, and type of mill used significantly affected pressure curve parameters. Oligosaccharides and damaged starch were positively correlated, and ash content and flour yield were negatively correlated with pressure curve parameters. Hearth bread characteristic crumb structure was positively correlated with all pressure curve characteristics except fast fermentation rate. Increased levels of mono‐ and disaccharides in wheat flour gave hearth breads with a more round shape.  相似文献   

Thirteen different wheat cultivars were selected to represent GBSS mutations: three each of wildtype, axnull, and bxnull, and two each of 2xnull and waxy. Starch and A‐ and B‐granules were purified from wheat flour. Hearth bread loaves were produced from the flours using a small‐scale baking method. A‐granules purified from wildtype and partial waxy (axnull, bxnull, and 2xnull) starches have significantly higher gelatinization enthalpy and peak viscosity compared with B‐granules. A‐ and B‐granules from waxy starch do not differ in gelatinization, pasting, and gelation properties. A‐ and B‐granules from waxy starch have the highest enthalpy, peak temperature, peak viscosity, breakdown, and lowest pasting peak time and pasting temperature compared with A‐ and B‐granules from partial waxy and wildtype starch. Waxy wheat flour has much higher water absorption compared with partial waxy and wildtype flour. No significant difference in hearth bread baking performance was observed between wildype and partial waxy wheat flour. Waxy wheat flour produced hearth bread with significantly lower form ratio, weight, a more open pore structure, and a bad overall appearance. Baking with waxy, partial waxy, and wildtype wheat flour had no significant effect on loaf volume.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between the protein content and quality of wheat flours and characteristics of noodle dough and instant noodles using 14 hard and soft wheat flours with various protein contents and three commercial flours for making noodles. Protein content of wheat flours exhibited negative relationships with the optimum water absorption of noodle dough and lightness (L*) of the instant noodle dough sheet. Protein quality, as determined by SDS sedimentation volume and proportion of alcohol‐ and salt‐soluble protein of flour, also influenced optimum water absorption and yellow‐blueness (b*) of the noodle dough sheet. Wheat flours with high protein content (>13.6%) produced instant noodles with lower fat absorption, higher L*, lower b*, and firmer and more elastic texture than wheat flours with low protein content (<12.2%). L* and free lipid content of instant noodles were >76.8 and <20.8% in hard wheat flours of high SDS sedimentation volume (>36 mL) and low proportion of salt‐soluble protein (<12.5%), and <75.7 and >21.5% in soft wheat flours with low SDS sedimentation volume (<35 mL) and a high proportion of salt‐soluble protein (>15.0%). L* of instant noodles positively correlated with SDS sedimentation volume and negatively correlated with proportion of alcohol‐ and salt‐soluble protein of flour. These protein quality parameters also exhibited a significant relationship with b* of instant noodles. SDS sedimentation volume and proportion of salt‐soluble protein of flours also exhibited a significant relationship with free lipid content of instant noodles (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). Protein quality parameters of wheat flour, as well as protein content, showed significant relationship with texture properties of cooked instant noodles.  相似文献   

Proximate characteristics and protein compositions of selected commercial flour streams of three Australian and two U.S. wheats were investigated to evaluate their effects on the quality of white salted noodles. Wheat proteins of flour mill streams were fractionated into salt‐soluble proteins, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)‐soluble proteins, and SDS‐insoluble proteins with a sequential extraction procedure. SDS‐soluble proteins treated by sonication were subsequently separated by nonreducing SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE). There was a substantial amount of variation in distributions of protein content and protein composition between break and reduction mill streams. SDS‐insoluble proteins related strongly to differences in protein quantity and quality of flour mill streams. The soluble protein extracted by SDS buffer included smaller glutenin aggregates (SDS‐soluble glutenin) and monomeric proteins, mainly gliadin (α‐, β‐, γ‐, and ω‐types) and albumin and globulin. SDS‐soluble proteins of different flour mill streams had similar protein subunit composition but different proportions of the protein subunit groups. Noodle brightness (L) decreased and redness (a) increased with increased SDS‐insoluble protein and decreased monomeric gliadin. Noodle cooking loss and cooking weight gain decreased with increased glutenin aggregate (SDS‐soluble glutenin and SDS‐insoluble glutenin) and decreased monomeric gliadin. Noodle hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, tensile strength, breaking length, and area under the tensile strength versus breaking length curve increased with increased glutenin aggregate. Monomeric gliadin contributed differently to texture qualities of cooked noodles from glutenin aggregate. Monomeric albumin and globulin were not related to noodle color attributes (except redness), noodle cooking quality, and texture qualities of cooked noodles. The results suggested that variation in protein composition of flour mill streams was strongly associated with noodle qualities.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(6):963-969
Single‐pass and multipass milling systems were evaluated for the quality of whole wheat durum flour (WWF) and the subsequent whole wheat (WW) spaghetti they produced. The multipass system used a roller mill with two purifiers to produce semolina and bran/germ and shorts (bran fraction). The single‐pass system used an ultracentrifugal mill with two configurations (fine grind, 15,000 rpm with 250 μm mill screen aperture; and coarse grind, 12,000 rpm with 1,000 μm mill screen aperture) to direct grind durum wheat grain into WWF or to regrind the bran fraction, which was blended with semolina to produce a reconstituted WWF. Particle size, starch damage, and pasting properties were similar for direct finely ground WWF and multipass reconstituted durum flour/fine bran blend and for direct coarsely ground WWF and multipass reconstituted semolina/coarse bran blend. The semolina/fine bran blend had low starch damage and had desirable pasting properties for pasta cooking. WW spaghetti was better when made with WWF produced using the multipass than single‐pass milling system. Mechanical strength was greatest with spaghetti made from the semolina/fine bran or durum flour/fine bran blends. The semolina/fine bran and semolina/coarse bran blends made spaghetti with high cooked firmness and low cooking loss.  相似文献   

Three winter wheat varieties with differing breadmaking quality were grown at two locations in two years at 0 or 3 × 60 kg of nitrogen application. The effect of nitrogen on amount of different components of gluten proteins was determined by reverse-phase HPLC. A high amount of nitrogen led generally to a significant increase of total protein content. However, this increase was obvious only for the gluten proteins; albumins and globulins remained nearly unaffected. The effect of increased protein content on gliadin to glutenin (gli-glu) ratio was inconsistent. While increased protein content increased the gli-glu ratio in the variety Capo, the opposite was true for the variety Renan. Gli-glu ratio of the variety Lindos showed no discernible tendency. As total protein content increased, the ratio of low molecular weight (LMW) to high molecular weight (HMW) glutenins decreased consistently, i.e., in all varieties, in both years and locations. Change of LMW to HMW ratio showed a significant negative correlation to sedimentation value and bread volume. There was no consistent change in the ratio between x- and y-type HMW subunits due to fertilization, as could be shown by densitometric measurements on SDS-PAGE gels. This ratio appeared to be dependent on the genotype and has decreased with decreasing quality. The amount of x-type subunits correlated closely with sedimentation value and bread volume. These results suggest that ratio of HMW glutenins, especially x-type subunits, to total protein content could be the best early detectable parameter with high predictive value for breadmaking quality.  相似文献   

Knowledge of composition of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW‐GS) and low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW‐GS) and their associations with pan bread and noodle quality will contribute to genetically improving processing quality of Chinese bread wheats. Two trials including a total of 158 winter and facultative cultivars and advanced lines were conducted to detect the allelic variation at Glu‐1 and Glu‐3 loci by SDS‐PAGE electrophoresis and to understand their effects on dough properties, pan bread, and dry white Chinese noodle (DWCN) quality. Results indicate that subunits/alleles 1 and null at Glu‐A1, 7+8 and 7+9 at Glu‐B1, 2+12 and 5+10 at Glu‐D1, alleles a and d at Glu‐A3, and alleles j and d at Glu‐B3 predominate in Chinese germplasm, and that 34.9% of the tested genotypes carry the 1B/1R translocation (allelic variation at Glu‐D3 was not determined because no significant effects were reported previously). Both variations at HMW‐GS and LMW‐GS/alleles and loci interactions contribute to dough properties and processing quality. For dough strength related traits such as farinograph stability and extensigraph maximum resistance and loaf volume, subunits/alleles 1, 7+8, 5+10, and Glu‐A3d are significantly better than those of their counterpart allelic variation, however, no significant difference was observed for the effects of d, b, and f at Glu‐B3 on these traits. For extensigraph extensibility, only subunits 1 and 7+8 are significantly better than their counterpart alleles, and alleles d and b at Glu‐B3 are slightly better than others. For DWCN quality, no significant difference is observed for HMW‐GS at Glu‐1, and Glu‐A3d and Glu‐B3d are slightly better than other alleles. Glu‐B3j, associated the 1B/1R translocation, has a strong negative effect on all quality traits except protein content. It is recommended that selection for subunits/alleles 1, 7+8, 5+10, and Glu‐A3d could contribute to improving gluten quality and pan bread quality. Reducing the frequency of the 1B/1R translocation will be crucial to wheat quality improvement in China.  相似文献   

为明确不同磨粉方式制备的青稞粉之间品质特性的差异,本试验分别选用超微粉碎、石磨、工业制粉设备磨制青稞粉,比较不同磨粉方式对青稞粉基础营养成分、表观结构及粉体特性的影响。结果表明,不同磨粉方式对青稞粉的表观结构未产生较大影响,但显著影响了青稞粉的营养成分含量及粉体特性。超微青稞粉的色泽亮(L*值为88.45)、破损淀粉含量(24.76%)高,粉体崩解值(643 mPa·s)、堆积密度(0.34 g·mL-1)及振实密度(0.50 g·mL-1)低,回生值(583.8 mPa·s)高、热糊稳定性较好,具有较高的溶解度(19.57%)和膨胀度(8.71%);石磨青稞粉具有较低的破损淀粉含量(11.48%)、持油能力(1.03 g·g-1)和持水能力(7.18 g·g-1)以及较好的冻融稳定性(析水率<66%);工业青稞粉的休止角(55.5°)、滑角(70.5°)、堆积密度(0.39 g·mL-1)及振实密度(0.63 g·mL-1)大,具有峰值黏度(2 407 mPa·s)高、回生值(110 mPa·s)低、溶解度(14.98%)低的特点。综上,不同磨粉方式对青稞粉的营养品质及粉体特性影响较大。本研究结果为青稞粉加工方式的选择、改良及其在青稞加工制品中的应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Effects of twin-screw extrusion conditions on wheat flour proteins were studied, using a two-level fractional factorial experimental design (11 and 14% protein content, 160 and 185°C, 16 and 20% moisture, 300 and 500 rpm screw speed, mass flow rate of 225 and 400 g/min). Total protein detectable by solid-phase bicinchoninic acid assay decreased slightly after extrusion, with greatest protein loss at 16% moisture and 160°C. Sulfhydryl content of both flours increased after extrusion at 185°C and 16% moisture with moderate specific mechanical energy (SME ≈ 400–600 kJ/kg) or 160°C and 16% moisture with high SME (SME > 1,000 kJ/kg). Disulfide bonds increased under comparable conditions but with moderate shear (SME = 510–540 kJ/kg). At 20% moisture and either temperature, sulfhydryl and total thiol contents decreased without corresponding increases in disulfides. Reversed-phase HPLC indicated gliadins were the fractions most affected by extrusion; high molecular weight glutenin subunits also were affected. Changes in gliadins were extensive at 185°C and 16% moisture and were minimal at 160°C and 20% moisture. SDS-PAGE confirmed the disappearance of protein bands and appearance of new material at low and high molecular weights, presumably resulting from polypeptide fragmentation followed by random radical recombination. Both protein fragmentation and cross-linking appeared to involve free radicals.  相似文献   

This research aims to investigate the relationship between the solvent retention capacity (SRC) test and quality assessment of hard red spring (HRS) wheat flour samples obtained from 10 HRS cultivars grown at six locations in North Dakota. The SRC values were significantly (P < 0.05) correlated with flour chemical components (protein, gluten, starch, and damaged starch contents, except arabinoxylan); with farinograph parameters (stability [FST], water absorption, peak time [FPT], and quality number); and with breadmaking parameters (baking water absorption [BWA], bread loaf volume [BLV], and symmetry). Differences in locations and cultivars contributed significantly to variation in quality parameters and SRC values. Suitability of SRC parameters for discriminatory analysis of HRS wheat flour is greatly influenced by molecular weight distribution (MWD) of SDS‐unextractable proteins. SRC parameters, except for sucrose SRC, showed significant (P < 0.01) and positive correlations with high‐molecular‐weight (HMW) polymeric proteins in SDS‐unextractable fractions, whereas only lactic acid SRC exhibited significant (P < 0.01) correlations with low‐molecular‐weight polymeric proteins. HMW polymeric proteins also exhibited positive associations with FPT, FST, BWA, and BLV. The discrepant variation in association of SRC parameters with respect to MWD of SDS‐unextractable proteins could improve segregation of HRS wheat flour samples for quality.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(4):760-769
The interrelationships between flour quality and the variability in the dough physical properties and bread loaf characteristics were investigated under reduced salt conditions using partial least squares (PLS) regression analysis. Seventy‐two percent of the variability in dough physical properties was explained by the flour quality using a three‐factor PLS model. Damaged starch content (DS), protein content, and farinograph dough development time (DDT) explained the variability of dough creep‐recovery behavior along PLS‐1. Farinograph absorption (FAB), located along PLS‐2, was strongly related to dough adhesiveness, in which adhesiveness was highly correlated to dough stickiness (r = 0.91). Eighty‐nine percent of the variability in bread loaf characteristics was explained by the flour quality using a four‐factor PLS model; the first two PLS factors explained 66% of the variability. The loaf volume was related to a high number of loaf cells, whose expansion resulted in a greater loaf height. The relation between loaf volume and loaf height was expressed more in PLS‐3 than PLS‐1 and PLS‐2. Mean cell wall thickness and mean cell diameter were closely related negatively along PLS‐1, for which DS and farinograph dough stability explained much of the variability in these loaf characteristics. Along the third PLS factor, FAB explained the variability in loaf weight.  相似文献   

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