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It is well known that gluten plays a major role in determining cooking quality in durum wheat pasta. This work is an attempt to systematically elucidate the role of gluten quantity and nature in determining cooking quality as a function of the drying cycle used in the manufacturing process. Gluten and starch were fractionated from two durum wheat cultivars possessing good and poor gluten quality. Either of them were then added back to the original base semolina to alter its protein content and to produce two semolina series with identical protein contents. Semolinas were processed into pasta and dried following three drying programs (low, medium, and high temperature). Cooking quality was determined with sensorial, chemical, and instrumental methods. The results indicate that optimum cooking time is governed by gluten quality. The positive effect on cooking quality of increasing gluten contents and of the application of HT drying is evident in weak gluten samples, but it is not significant in the strong gluten samples.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(5):840-846
Currently, production of pasta that is either gluten‐free or having lower content of gluten, using low‐cost nonwheat cereals and legumes, is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. This is mainly done to increase the nutritional value and reduce the allergenicity of the product. The quality attributes of pasta prepared from micronized maize flour with additives such as guar gum (MPG) and a combination of guar and xanthan gum (MPGX) were compared with pasta prepared from unmicronized flour with guar gum (UMPG). The optimum cooking time for pasta in all three cases (UMPG, MPG, and MPGX) was 3 min. The cooked weight of pasta MPG and MPGX was less compared with UMPG, indicating limited water penetration during cooking. The solid loss of pasta ranged between 8 and 9.5% and was within acceptable levels (<12%). Micronization increased the firmness in MPG (3.7 N) and MPGX (4.5 N) compared with UMPG pasta (2.7 N). MPGX pasta exhibited improved texture, color, and overall acceptability compared with UMPG, and these quality attributes were also comparable to commercial wheat pasta. The study indicated that micronized maize flour with gums can be used in the preparation of maize pasta with good quality attributes.  相似文献   

为了探究超声处理对糯米和非糯米淀粉颗粒结构和功能特征的影响,改善稻米淀粉的品质,本试验以糯稻(Y26)、非糯稻(Y9)淀粉为材料,对其进行超声处理,分析处理后淀粉的结构热力学性质及消化特性。结果表明,与对照组相比,两种淀粉经超声处理后各性质变化趋势相似,淀粉颗粒表面产生凹陷、直链淀粉含量升高、结晶度下降、傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)的1 047 cm-1/1 022 cm-1比值先增加后降低,弹性模量(G′)降低,凝胶强度减弱,糊化终止温度与起始温度之差(Tc-To)减小,快速消化淀粉(RDS)和抗性淀粉(RS)含量增加,但两种淀粉的变化程度有一定差异。本研究初步奠定了生产中根据对淀粉性质的需求来确定合适超声处理条件的理论基础。  相似文献   

Waxy hull-less barley (HB) starches containing 0 or 5% amylose were cross-linked with phosphorus oxychloride and the cross-linked starches were hydroxypropylated with propylene oxide. For comparison, waxy corn and potato starches were similarly modified. For all starches, cross-linking inhibited granule swelling and prevented swollen granules from disintegration, resulting in dramatic improvement in pasting properties and tolerance to cooking shear and autoclaving. Cross-linked waxy HB starches were more tolerant to cold storage and cooking shear than cross-linked waxy corn starch. Hydroxypropylation of the cross-linked starches reduced granule crystallinity and gelatinization temperature, and improved granule swelling, paste clarity, and freeze-thaw stability. The double-modified waxy HB starches showed higher cold tolerance than similarly modified waxy corn and potato starches, as judged by freeze-thaw stability and clarity after cold storage. These results indicated that the cross-linked and double-modified waxy HB starches together may have a wide range of food applications. This study indicated that the behavior of granule swelling and disintegration of swollen granules played an important role in governing paste viscosity, clarity, and freeze-thaw stability of waxy HB starches.  相似文献   

Properties of modified starches from partial waxy wheats have not been examined. Protease digestion of cracked kernels of three hard winter wheats varying in amylose content led to 82–85% recovery of starch, whereas kneading of the flour-water doughs gave 75–83% recovery. All starches had a protein content of <0.3% and ash content of <0.01%. Granule size distributions showed that starch from Ike kernels contained 86% A-type granules with a peak size of ≈18μm, and Karl-92 starch contained 77% A-type granules with a peak size of ≈16μm. The A-type granules (82%) from Rio Blanco starch were intermediate in size. The amylose content of Karl-92 starch, determined by concanavalin-A precipitation of amylpectin, was 28%, which was 17% higher than that of Ike starch (23%). The amylose content of Rio Blanco starch was 26%. The lipid content of Karl-92 starch, determined as fatty acid methyl esters, also was 18% higher than that of Ike starch (601 vs. 488 mg/100 g of starch, respectively). Wheat starches were modified with hydroxypropyl (HP) groups to low (1.5–2.5%) and medium (≈4.0%) levels, and the HP starches were cross-linked with phosphoryl chloride at levels of 0.003–0.075%. Pasting curves (amylograms) showed that Ike starch substituted with a low level of HP and optimally cross-linked with 0.025% phosphoryl chloride (starch basis) had a greater paste consistency than low HP cross-linked Karl-92, and Rio Blanco starches. At 4% HP and optimum cross-linking (0.003% phosphoryl chloride), the paste consistencies of the modified starches were nearly the same. The clarity of unmodified Ike starch paste was higher than that of Karl-92 or Rio Blanco starch pastes, and the clarity of all three pastes decreased as cross-linking was increased. Unmodified Ike starch formed a stronger gel than unmodified Karl-92 and Rio Blanco starches, but gel properties largely converged as the starches were modified.  相似文献   

A traditional waxy rice gel cake in Korea, Injulmi, was prepared with hydroxypropylated waxy rice and corn starches (molar substitutions 0.13 and 0.11, respectively), and the textural and retrogradation characteristics of the cake were compared with a conventional cake made of waxy rice flour. In the pasting viscogram, hydroxypropylated starches exhibited reduced pasting temperatures, but increased peak viscosities compared with the unmodified starches. Under differential scanning calorimetry, the Tg′ and ice melting enthalpy of the starch gel cakes were reduced by hydroxypropylation, which indicated that the modified starches had higher water‐holding capacity than the unmodified starches. The degree of retrogradation, as measured by the hardness of the gel cake and the melting enthalpy, was significantly reduced by hydroxypropylation and hydroxypropylated waxy rice starch was more effective in retarding the retrogradation than hydroxypropylated waxy corn starch  相似文献   

Lignans are of increasing interest because of their potential anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, estrogenic, and antiestrogenic activities. In this work, mixed‐cereal pastas manufactured by adding 60% whole‐grain flours of different cereals (wheat, oat, rye, barley, and rice) to durum wheat semolina, a multigrain pasta with different grains (cereals, legumes, and flaxseed), and a traditional industrial durum wheat semolina were analyzed for their lignans content both in the raw and in the cooked state, ready for consumption. For raw mixed‐cereal pastas, total lignans were within the range 94.91–485.62 μg/100 g d.w. After cooking, total lignans losses of about 35.5, 18.31, and 5.46% were observed respectively in oat‐, rye‐, and rice‐added pastas, whereas increases of 5.74 and 13.62% were observed in barley‐added and whole durum wheat pastas. Interesting results were obtained for the multigrain pasta: the raw product exhibited a total lignans content of 9,686.17 ± 287.03 μg/100 g d.w., and the major contribution was given by secoisolariciresinol. This highest total lignans value resulted from its rich and varied composition in seeds of different origin, legumes, and flaxseed in particular. Our findings showed that mixed‐cereal and multigrain pastas can be considered a good source of lignans. The effect of cooking was not the same for each product, and it depended on the different lignans profile of each grain, on the different chemical structure of each lignan, and on the nature of the food matrix.  相似文献   

A waxy spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotype was fractionated into flour and starch by roller and wet‐milling, respectively. The resultant flour and starch were evaluated for end‐use properties and compared with their counterparts from hard and soft wheats and with commercial waxy and nonwaxy corn (Zea mays L.) starches. The waxy wheat flour had exceptionally high levels of water absorption and peak viscosity compared with hard or soft wheat flour. The flour formed an intermediate‐strength dough that developed rapidly and was relatively susceptible to mixing. Analysis by differential scanning calorimetry and X‐ray diffractometry showed waxy wheat starch had higher gelatinization temperatures, a greater degree of crystallization, and an absence of an amylose‐lipid complex compared with nonwaxy wheat. Waxy wheat and corn starches showed greater refrigeration and freeze‐thaw stabilities than did nonwaxy starches as demonstrated by syneresis tests. They were also similar in pasting properties, but waxy wheat starch required lower temperature and enthalpy to gelatinize. The results show analogies between waxy wheat and waxy corn starches, but waxy wheat flour was distinct from hard or soft wheat flour in pasting and mixing properties.  相似文献   

The processing and quality of wheat flour tortillas prepared with partial waxy and normal flour were evaluated. Control procedures and formula were utilized with water absorption varied to obtain machineable doughs. Amylose content was lower in most partial waxy compared with normal wheats. The type of wheat starch did not affect most dough properties or tortilla diameter. Tortilla height and opacity were adversely affected by the decreased amount of amylose in partial waxy wheats. Sufficient leavening reactions occurred early in baking (after 10 sec) to yield an opaque disk, but some baked tortillas lost opacity and become partially transparent after baking. Starch gelatinizes, disperses, and retrogrades concurrently with the leavening reaction during the short (<30 sec) baking time. Amylose functionality during baking and cooling appears to be involved in the retention of air bubbles in tortillas.  相似文献   

As part of a general study aiming to clarify the role of arabinoxylans (AX) in pasta processing and quality, AX were modified by the addition of endoxylanases during pasta processing. The influence on processing parameters and quality were determined. Pasta (800 g) was produced from two commercial semolinas (semA and semB) using dosages of Bacillus subtilis (XBS) and Aspergillus niger (XAN) endoxylanases of 0–0.225 Somogyi units/g of semolina. Increased dosages resulted in a drop of extrusion pressure. The endoxylanase treatments had no great effect on the resulting pasta quality (color of dry products and surface condition, viscoelastic index, and resistance to longitudinal deformations of cooked products). High dosages of XAN and XBS resulted in high levels of solubilized AX (as an extra source of soluble dietary fiber) of low molecular weight which were expected to easily leach out during the cooking process of pasta. Surprisingly, only low levels of AX were found in the cooking water, even with extremely high dosages of endoxylanases used and cooking beyond optimum time. A method is provided to obtain high‐quality pasta with increased levels of soluble fiber.  相似文献   

肖岚  唐英明  张浩  陈援援  肖宇 《核农学报》2020,34(1):104-112
为了解四川安岳坛子肉的特征风味及烹饪方式对其特征风味的影响,采用电子鼻、电子舌及气质联用仪研究不同烹饪方式(蒸制和烤制)对坛子肉风味物质组成及其含量的影响。结果表明,烤制坛子肉与生制坛子肉、蒸制坛子肉与生制坛子肉、烤制坛子肉与蒸制坛子肉的判别因子分析聚类差异极显著(P <0.01)。2种烹饪方式得到的熟制坛子肉的风味化合物主要包括醇类、醛类、酯类、酮类、醚类、含硫化合物和杂环化合物七大类。烤制形成的风味物质种类高达101种,常温蒸制61种,此外,异戊醇、乙醛、丁酸丁酯、乙酸乙酯、正己酸乙酯、吡啶、呋喃和丙酮构成蒸制坛子肉的特征风味,己醛、丁酸丁酯、正己酸乙酯和4-羟基-4-甲基-2-戊酮构成烤制坛子肉的特征风味。本研究结果为坛子肉即食食品的精深加工提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine the influence of hotplate surface temperature (250, 300, 350, and 400°C), pasta‐to‐water ratio, and beaker material (glass versus stainless steel) on the final quality of cooked spaghetti. In all the experiments, 13, 20, 27, 33, and 48 g of pasta were cooked and its final quality measured as cooking loss, cooked weight, and cooked firmness. Cooking time was greater when cooked at 250 than 400°C, with 48 than 13 g of pasta, and with a glass than with a stainless steel vessel. Cooking loss, cooked weight, and cooked firmness were greater when cooked at 400 than 250°C, with 13 than 48 g of pasta, and with a stainless steel than with a glass vessel. Evidence of the effects of hotplate surface temperature, pasta‐to‐water ratio, and beaker material on pasta cooking time and cooked quality suggests that these parameters should be addressed in AACC International Approved Method 66‐50.01.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of amylose content on the gelatinization, retrogradation, and pasting properties of starch using wheat starches differing in amylose content. Starches were isolated from waxy and nonwaxy wheat and reciprocal F1 seeds by crossing waxy and nonwaxy wheat. Mixing waxy and nonwaxy wheat starch produced a mixed starch with the same amylose content as F1 seeds for comparison. The amylose content of F1 seeds ranged between waxy and nonwaxy wheat. Nonwaxy‐waxy wheat had a higher amylose content than waxy‐nonwaxy wheat. Endothermic enthalpy and final gelatinization temperature measured by differential scanning calorimetry correlated negatively with amylose content. Gelatinization onset and peak temperature clearly differed between F1 and mixed starches with the same amylose content as F1 starches. Enthalpy for melting recrystallized starches correlated negatively with amylose content. Rapid Visco Analyser measurement showed that F1 starches had a higher peak viscosity than waxy and nonwaxy wheat starches. Mixed starches showed characteristic profiles with two low peaks. Setback and final viscosity correlated highly with amylose content. Some of gelatinization and pasting properties differed between F1 starches and mixed starches.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to evaluate gluten structural changes in refined and whole wheat pasta from hard white winter wheat to elucidate the impact of whole wheat components on the formation and structure of the gluten network in pasta. Attenuated total reflectance–FTIR spectroscopy was used to track gluten secondary structure through most of the major steps in pasta processing: raw material, mixing, drying, and cooking. Protein solubility, accessible thiols, and SDS‐PAGE data were also collected to provide additional information on the nature of protein interactions and network composition. Few secondary structural differences were observed between refined and whole wheat flours from hard white wheat. However, mixing induced a significant shift to β‐sheet structures in refined dough that was not equally matched by whole wheat dough. Drying under both high temperature, short time (HT) and low temperature, long time (LT) conditions resulted in a reversion to structural distributions similar to those for flour in both pastas. However, greater protein denaturation in HT samples was indicated by lower protein solubility also in the presence of denaturants and disulfide reducing agents. Cooking generated a substantial increase in β‐sheet structures for both pasta systems. This structure was greatest in refined and LT samples. Thiol accessibility data indicate the presence of a highly aggregated, compact gluten network in refined pasta, mostly driven by hydrophobic association. Conversely, the network in whole wheat pasta was more loosely associated and dependent on disulfide bonding, both of which fit well with the secondary structural data.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(3):554-559
The physicochemical properties of starches from cultivated Pueraria thomsonii Benth were examined and compared with those of P. lobata (Willd.) Ohwi and other root starches, and the effect of pueraria root starches on the improvement of buckwheat noodle quality was investigated. The total content of isoflavones in P. thomsonii root starches was higher than in P. lobata root starches, and the size and uniformity of those particles displayed a significant difference. The gel stabilities of pueraria root starches were similar and more favorable than those of potato starch and sweet potato starch. For the amylose molecular properties of pueraria root starches, the λmax and blue value index were higher than those of the potato starch and the sweet potato starch, whereas the amylose content and degree of polymerization were much lower in comparison. However, amylopectin branch lengths of pueraria root starches were shorter. Thus, pueraria root starches could improve the quality of buckwheat noodles and enhance their nutritional function. Therefore, pueraria root starches may be regarded as raw materials that influence the quality of buckwheat noodles.  相似文献   

Changes in the digestibility and the properties of the starch isolated from normal and waxy maize kernels after heat‐moisture treatment (HMT) followed by different temperature cycling (TC) or isothermal holding (IH) conditions were investigated. Moist maize kernels were heated at 80°C for 2 hr. The HMT maize kernels were subjected to various conditions designed to accelerate retrogradation of the starch within endosperm cells. Two methods were used to accelerate crystallization: TC with a low temperature of –24°C for 1 hr and a high temperature of 20, 30, or 50°C for 2, 4, or 24 hr for 1, 2, or 4 cycles, and IH at 4, 20, 30, or 50°C for 24 hr. The starch granules were then isolated from the treated kernels. The starch isolated from HMT normal maize kernels treated by TC using –24°C for 1 hr and 30°C for 2 hr for 2 cycles gave the greatest SDS content (24%) and starch yield (54%). The starch isolated from HMT waxy maize kernels treated by TC using –24°C for 1 hr and 30°C for 24 hr for 1 cycle had an SDS content of 19% and starch yield of 43%. The results suggest that TC after HMT changes the internal structure of maize starch granules in a way that results in the formation of SDS (and RS). They also suggest that thermal treatment of maize kernels is more effective in producing SDS than is the same treatment of isolated starch. All starch samples isolated from treated normal maize kernels exhibited lower peak viscosities, breakdown, and final viscosities and higher pasting temperatures than did the control (untreated normal maize starch). Although peak viscosities and breakdown of the starch isolated from treated waxy maize kernels were similar to those of the control (untreated waxy maize starch), their pasting temperatures were higher. The starch isolated from treated normal and waxy maize kernels with the highest SDS contents (described above) were further examined by DSC, X‐ray diffraction, and polarized light microscopy. Onset and peak temperatures of gelatinization of both samples were higher than those of the controls. Both retained the typical A‐type diffraction pattern of the parent starches. The relative crystallinity of the starch from the treated normal maize kernels was higher than that of the control, while the relative crystallinity of the starch from the treated waxy maize kernels was not significantly different from that of the control. Both treated starches exhibited birefringence, but the granule sizes of both starches, when placed in water, were slightly larger than those of the controls.  相似文献   

This research studied developing quick cooking brown rice by investigating the effect of ultrasonic treatment at different temperatures on cooking time and quality. The medium grain brown rice was ultrasonically treated in water at temperatures of 25, 40, and 55°C for 30 min and then dried by air at 25°C to its initial moisture content (11.0 ± 0.6%, wb) before cooking. The microstructure of rice kernel surface, chemical composition, and optimal cooking time of treated brown rice were determined. The pasting and thermal properties and chemical structure of flour and starch from treated brown rice were also examined. The results showed that the optimal cooking times were 37, 35, and 33 min after treatment at 25, 40, and 55°C, respectively, compared to the control of 39.6 min. The ultrasonic treatment resulted in a loss in natural morphology of rice bran, allowing water to be absorbed by a rice kernel easily, particularly at high‐temperature treatment. Even through rice flour still maintained an A‐pattern in the pasting properties, the crystallinity significantly increased after treatment at 55°C. Ultrasonic treatment increased the peak, hold, and final viscosities and decreased the onset temperature (To) and peak temperature (Tp), significantly. Thus, ultrasonic treatment could be used for reducing cooking time of brown rice.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(6):963-969
Single‐pass and multipass milling systems were evaluated for the quality of whole wheat durum flour (WWF) and the subsequent whole wheat (WW) spaghetti they produced. The multipass system used a roller mill with two purifiers to produce semolina and bran/germ and shorts (bran fraction). The single‐pass system used an ultracentrifugal mill with two configurations (fine grind, 15,000 rpm with 250 μm mill screen aperture; and coarse grind, 12,000 rpm with 1,000 μm mill screen aperture) to direct grind durum wheat grain into WWF or to regrind the bran fraction, which was blended with semolina to produce a reconstituted WWF. Particle size, starch damage, and pasting properties were similar for direct finely ground WWF and multipass reconstituted durum flour/fine bran blend and for direct coarsely ground WWF and multipass reconstituted semolina/coarse bran blend. The semolina/fine bran blend had low starch damage and had desirable pasting properties for pasta cooking. WW spaghetti was better when made with WWF produced using the multipass than single‐pass milling system. Mechanical strength was greatest with spaghetti made from the semolina/fine bran or durum flour/fine bran blends. The semolina/fine bran and semolina/coarse bran blends made spaghetti with high cooked firmness and low cooking loss.  相似文献   

Waxy rice starches from three japonica cultivars (Taichung Waxy 1 [TCW1], Taichung Waxy 70 [TCW70], Tachimemochi) and one indica cultivar (Tainung Sen Waxy 2 [TNSW2]) were characterized for chemical and physicochemical properties. The amylopectin structures were different for the four waxy rice starches in terms of degree of polymerization (DP), average chain length (CL), exterior chain lengths (ECL), and distribution of chains, indicating the existence of varietal differences. The order of swelling power was TCW1 > TCW70 > TNSW2 > Tachimemochi; the order of water solubility index was TCW70 > TNSW2 > Tachimemochi > TCW1. The low water solubility index of TCW1 might be ascribed to a high DP. All starches shared similar gelatinization temperatures and enthalpies but showed distinct retrogradation patterns. TNSW2 showed the highest retrogradation rate, followed by TCW2, Tachimemochi, and TCW70. TCW70 exhibited the highest overall pasting viscosity, followed by TNSW2, TCW1, and Tachimemochi. The hardness of waxy rice starch pastes from a Brabender amyloviscograph increased rapidly after storage at 5°C for one day and remained the same or slightly increased after seven days of storage, whereas the opposite trend was observed for adhesiveness. The lower degree of retrogradation of TCW70 was probably a result of a larger amount of A chain and a shorter ECL. The changes in hardness correlated with the amount of A and B1 chains. The texture attributes of waxy rice starch pastes were significantly affected by amylopectin retrogradation during storage.  相似文献   

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