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IntroductionGrowth hormone gene (GH) of the vertebrate, a 22kDa pfot6in hormone synthesized in anterior pituitarygland, was r6quired for preadult groWth (Franchimontand Burger 1975i Barinaga et al. 1985). The genesenCOding rat, human, bovine, porcine, ovine, turkeyand duck GH have been well studied at both proteinand gene levels (Page et al. 1981, DeNotO et al. 1981,WOychik et aL 1982; Wze et aL 1987i Byrne et al.1987; FOSter et aL 1990). GroWth hormone gene isalso a member Of a mul…  相似文献   

Both cDNA and DNA clones of PtDof1 (GenBank Accession No. FJ402844 and FJ402845) were isolated from plants grown in tissue culture of Populus tomentosa. The DNA sequence is 1597 bp including two exons and one intron. The cDNA is 969 bp in length with a 765 bp open reading frame which is capable of encoding 255 amino acids. The deduced amino acids sequence of the PtDof1 protein shares 65%, 56% and 55% identity with Vitis vinifera (CAO48618), Nicotiana tabacum (CAA08755) and Glycine max (ABI16022) Dof protein by blast analysis in GenBank. Phylogenic analysis suggests PtDof1 gene could belong to the Dof gene family. PtDof1 protein contains an unusual conserved single zinc finger with the pattern of C-X2-C-X21-C-X2-C, which may play a functional role in tissue-specific expression and possibly the auxin response of endogenous plant genes.  相似文献   

Plant aquaporins are water-selected-channels in plants and are involved in seed germination, cell elongation, stoma movement, fertilization and so on. Some plant aquaporins also play an important role in drought stress response. In this paper, the gene encoding the Tamarix albiflonum Aquaporin (AQP) was amplified by 5′rapid amplification of cDNA end (RACE) on the basis of the sequence information obtained from the expressed sequence tag of the subtractive hybridization library constructed under PEG6000 stress. The cDNA of the T. albiflonum AQP gene is 1,043 bp long, encoding a protein of 287 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 30.9 kDa, has 6 transmembrane regions, and possessing the major intrinsic protein (MIP) family signal consensus sequence SGXHXNPAVT and the higher plant plasma membrane intrinsic protein (PIP) highly conservative sequence GGGANXXXXGY and TGI/TNPARSL /FGAA I/VI/VF/YN. A comparative molecular analysis of the nucleotide sequence in National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases showed that it shared 95% homology with the gene of Arabidopsis thaliana (MIP-C), with a theoretical isoelectric point 8.84. __________ Translated from Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2006, 26(4): 475–479 [译自: 植物研究]  相似文献   

Steps leading to the biosynthesis of syringyl lignans and tetrahydronaphthalene and naphthalene lignans, especially the formation of the C2–C7′ linkage, have not been elucidated. Lyoniresinol is a typical syringyl lignan, as well as a tetrahydronaphthalene lignan found in Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica. To demonstrate the biosynthetic pathway for (+)-lyoniresinol, three putative biosynthetic intermediates of lyoniresinol, syringaresinol, 5,5′-dimethoxylariciresinol, and 5,5′-dimethoxysecoisolariciresinol, were isolated from wood. The identity of the putative intermediates was confirmed by spectroscopic analyses, as well as by comparison of spectral and chromatographic data with those of authentic samples previously synthesized. The stereochemistry (enantiomeric composition and absolute configuration) of the isolated lignans were determined as (±)-syringaresinol, (8S,8′S)-(−)-5,5′-dimethoxylariciresinol [46% enantiomeric excess (e.e.)], (8S,8′S)-(+)-5,5′-dimethoxysecoisolariciresinol (91% e.e.), and (8R,8′R)-(+)-lyoniresinol (42% e.e.). The absolute configurations of (+)-and (-)-5,5′-dimethoxylariciresinols, and (+)-and (-)-5,5′-dimethoxysecoisolariciresinols were determined by their synthesis (catalytic reduction) from (8R,8′R)-(+)-and (8S,8′S)-(-)-syringaresinols and by subsequent chiral high-performance liquid chromatography analysis. This report was presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, March 2005  相似文献   

A 3 125 bp cellulose synthase gene, PtoCesA1, which has a 98% identity to PtrCesA1 from Populus tremuloides, was cloned from cDNA prepared from secondary xylem of P. tomentosa. Four anti-expression vectors with different fragments of PtoCesA1, named as pBIPF, pBICC1, pBIPR and pBIBR, were constructed. Some traits of transformed tobacco of pBICC1, pBIPR and pBIBR differed from wild types, such as small leaves, “dwarf” phenotype and thinner xylem and fiber cell walls than wild plants consistent with a loss of cellulose. It indicated that the growth of transgenic tobacco was restrained by the expression of anti-PtoCesA1. Transgenic tobacco was obtained and the contents of cellulose and lignin were analyzed as well as the width and length of fiber cells, and xylem thickness for both transgenic and control plants. Transformed tobacco showed a different phenotype from control plants and it implied that PtoCesA1 was essential for the cellulose biosynthesis in poplar stems. [Supported by the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863) (2001AA244060 and 2003AA244020) and National Basic Research Program of China (973) (J1999016003)]  相似文献   

We have isolated a structural gene ofsdil, which encodes the iron-sulfur protein (Ip) subunit of succinate dehydrogenase (EC, from a white-rot basidiomycete,Pleurotus ostreatus. Here we report isolation of the promoter region ofsdil and an allelic sequence encoding the second-type cDNA fragment isolated in the former experiments. The nucleotide sequence analysis of the promoter region revealed the existence of putative CAAT and TATA boxes, which permits us to develop an expression system in this species. The Southern blot analysis and the restriction fragment length polymorphism assay using monokaryotic strains demonstrated that no family genes tosdil exist in the haploid genome ofP. ostreatus. Moreover, a genetic analysis to detect a linkage between thesdil genotypes and flutolanil resistance in the mutantP. ostreatus strains was also developed.  相似文献   

To clarify the biosynthetic pathway for syringyl lignans, especially syringyl tetrahydronaphthalene lignans and formation of the C2–C7′ linkage, production of (+)-lyoniresinol (LYR) and its predicted intermediates [syringaresinol (SYR), 5,5′-dimethoxylariciresinol (DMLR), and 5,5′-dimethoxysecoisolariciresinol (DMSLR)] in Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica was investigated by means of feeding experiments with radiolabeled precursors. Following individual administration of l-[U-14C]phenylalanine (Phe), [8-14C]sinapyl alcohol (SA), and [8,8′-14C]SYR to excised young shoots of L. ovalifolia and their subsequent metabolism, free [14C]lignans and [14C]lignan glycosides were extracted with methanol from stems and leaves and were divided into ethyl acetate-soluble fractions (lignans) and aqueous fractions (lignan glycosides), respectively. Using a combination of xylanase, cellulase, and β-glucosidase, the glycosides were hydrolyzed to liberate [14C]lignans as aglycones. l-[U-14C]Phe was incorporated into (+)-[14C]SYR [stem 0.38%, 8% enantiomeric excess (e.e.)], (−)-[14C]SYR (leaves 2.75%, 72% e.e.), (+)-[14C]DMLR (stem 0.07%, 18% e.e. and leaves 0.009%, 58% e.e.), (−)-[14C]DMSLR (stem 0.03%, 46% e.e. and leaves 0.05%, 20% e.e.), (+)-[14C]LYR (leaves 0.013%, 22% e.e.) and glycosides of (+)-[14C]LYR (stem 0.036%, 50% e.e.) in 24h. Based on the percent incorporation and enantiomeric composition of the lignans, the biosynthetic pathway of (8R,8′R)-(+)-LYR was proposed as follows: a nonselective dehydrogenative dimerization of sinapyl alcohol yields (±)-SYR, which is reduced with low specificity to give (8R,8′R)-(+)-DMLR. This is cyclized to directly give (+)-LYR as well as reduced again to (8R,8′R)-(−)-DMSLR. Although further transformation of (−)-DMSLR also leads to the formation of (+)-LYR, cyclization could be a main pathway for (+)-LYR biosynthesis. This report was presented at the IAWPS 2005 International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology, Yokohama, November 2005  相似文献   

Acacia mangium is a very fast growing species belonging to the family Leguminosae that has been introduced in the plantations in Bangladesh for its faster growth and wide range of adaptability. The present study aimed at development of growth and yield prediction models for the species using simultaneous equation method. Models were selected for the species to estimate stand dominant height, stand diameter, stand basal area per hectare and total volume yield per hectare. Paired t-test, 45-degree line test, percent absolute deviation and biological principle of stand development were used for the validation of chosen models. The results suggest that the models derived were statistically and biologically acceptable and could be satisfactorily used for stands of Acacia mangium of ages 4–7 yrs based on a base age of 6 yr.  相似文献   

A 1207 bp cDNA fragment (PsG6PDH) was amplified by RT-PCR from cold-induced total RNA of the freezing-tolerant P. Suaveolens, using primers based on the highly conserved region of published plant glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) genes. The sequence analysis showed that PsG6PDH coding region had 1 101 bp and encoded 367 predicted amino acid residues. Moreover, the nucleotide sequence of PsG6PDH showed 83%, 82%, 79%, 79% and 78% identity, and the derived amino acid sequence shared 44.2%, 44.7%, 42.0%, 40.5% and 43.9% identity with those of the Solanum tuberosum, Nicotiana tabacum, Triticum aestivum, Oryza sativa and Arabidopsis thaliana, respectively. The results show that PsG6PDH is a new member of G6PDH gene family and belongs to the cytosolic G6PDH gene. This is the first report on cloning of the G6PDH gene from woody plants.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to construct a site tree-ring width chronology of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) growing in a single locality situated in the Świȩtokrzyski National Park, and to determine its sensitivity to the two main climatic elements of air temperature and precipitation. Fifteen horse chestnut trees, growing on a moist site and not attacked by the leaf miner (Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimić), were selected for the study. Relationships between monthly values of air temperature, precipitation, and width of tree rings during 1932–2003 were analyzed, in addition to using bootstrapped response and correlation functions for single and multiple time intervals (the computer program DENDROCLIM2002 was used). High air temperature of the previous winter, as well as the air temperature of August of a given growing season positively affected the radial growth of horse chestnut. The cambium activity was also favored by ample precipitation in December preceding a given growing season. Excessive precipitation in August, which raised the existing high water table, had a negative effect on tree-ring width. The tree-ring chronology, elaborated for horse chestnut during this study, may be a local growth standard of this species. Thus, the model of climate–tree radial increment relationships may depend on characteristics of the locality where the trees are growing. Therefore, it would be advisable to undertake comparative studies.  相似文献   

To prevent carbon (C) loss to consumers, trees need to defend their primary production. The tree-internal conflict in resource allocation between growth and defence demands has been the subject of various hypotheses but still requires quantification. A conceptual approach to approximating the C amount dispensable in favour of primary production at the expense of defence is demonstrated which is based on nine defence-related metabolite groups. Quantification is exemplified at the level of sun and shade leaves of adult Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies trees, two species contrasting in foliage type, under oxidative stress as induced by ozone exposure. The difference between maximum and minimum metabolite levels sampled several times throughout four consecutive growing seasons were conceived as dispensable between growth and defence-related metabolism and expressed in proportion of the mean annual gross primary production (GPP) of the foliage. In both species, this proportion amounted to between 2 and 5% of GPP (on a molar C basis). Remaining uncertainties are discussed as concerning functional overlap of substances between growth and defence-related metabolism, estimated classification of metabolite turnover rates and “third-party” trade-offs across C demands. Given the complexity of plant defence, simplification is needed for modelling allocation trade-offs in plants. The presented conceptual approach meets this need in approximating C transfer capacities between competing physiological demands and in stimulating empirical assessments towards mechanistic understanding. This article belongs to the special issue: “Growth and defence of Norway spruce and European beech in pure and mixed stands”.  相似文献   

Armillaria species from Japan were characterized using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) of the intergenic spacer region-1 (IGS-1) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA). Eleven different digestion patterns by restriction endonuclease Alu I were found among 70 isolates of seven Armillaria species in Japan. Isolates within Armillaria nabsnona, A. ostoyae, A. cepistipes, and Japanese biological species E showed the same Alu I digestion patterns. Five Alu I patterns were detected for A. gallica, three patterns for A. mellea, and two patterns for A. tabescens. Seven Armillaria species in Japan were clearly distinguished by using the profiles obtained when PCR products were digested with Alu I, Msp I, and Hae III restriction enzymes. There was considerable variability of Alu I restriction sites within the IGS-1 between the isolates of five Armillaria species, A. gallica, A. nabsnona, A. cepistipes, A. mellea, and A. tabescens, in Japan and those of their European and North American counterparts.  相似文献   

The plant Asparagus racemosus is one of the most widely used sources of phytoestrogens because of its high content of the steroidal saponins, shatavarins I-IV, in roots. The dry root of A. racemosus, known as "Rak-Sam-Sip" in Thai, is one of the most popular herbal medicines, used as an anti-inflammatory, an aphrodisiac and a galactagogue. Recently, the interest in plant-derived estrogens has increased tremendously, making A. racemosus particularly important and a possible target for fraudulent labeling. However, the identification of A. racemosus is generally difficult due to its similar morphology to other Asparagus spp. Thus, accurate authentication of A. racemosus is essential. In this study, 1557-bp nucleotide sequences of the maturase K (matK) gene of eight Asparagus taxa were analyzed. A phylogenetic relationship based on the matK gene was also constructed. Ten polymorphic sites of nucleotide substitutions were found within the matK sequences. A. racemosus showed different nucleotide substitutions to the other species. A polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of the matK gene was developed to discriminate A. racemosus from others. Only the 650-bp PCR product from A. racemosus could be digested with BssKI into two fragments of 397 and 253-bp while the products of other species remained undigested. Ten commercially crude drugs were analyzed and revealed that eight samples were derived from A. racemosus while two samples of that were not. Thus, the PCR-RFLP analysis of matK gene was shown to be an effective method for authentication of the medicinally phytoestrogenic species, A. racemosus.  相似文献   

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