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为了保护海洋生态环境,减少遗弃的不可降解渔网造成的"白色污染"及"幽灵捕捞"的危害,研究开发环保可降解渔用材料已成为我国现代渔业可持续发展的重大问题之一.以可生物降解树脂聚乳酸(PLA)制成的刺网为研究对象,研究了PLA单丝的物理性能,并于2019年9月至10月在琅琊岛渔场通过捕捞实验,对比分析了PLA刺网和常规聚酰胺...  相似文献   

为了提高近海渔业资源养护型捕捞与管理技术,促进《全国海洋捕捞渔具目录》的实施,2014年10-11月在辽东湾进行了网目尺寸为40 mm、50 mm、60 mm的单片刺网、双重刺网和三重刺网以及生产对照网的选择性对比实验.结果显示,各种实验网的渔获种类数均在6-9种之间,优势种口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)的优势度随网目尺寸的增大而减小,但花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicas)的优势度随网目尺寸的增大而增大.同型试验网在不同网目尺寸条件下的渔获量有显著性差异,其中,60 mm试验网与40 mm同型试验网的单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)比较,单片刺网为800%,双重刺网为650%,三重刺网为500%;而异型试验网在网目尺寸相同条件下对渔获量的影响相对较小.试验网的组内渔获组成平均相似度分别为单片刺网59.24%,双重刺网62.63%,三重刺网66.51%;组间分别为71.44%、67.50%和70.58%;对组内和组间平均相似度贡献最高的种类均为口虾蛄和花鲈.随着网目尺寸的增大,各型试验网的渔获物幼鱼比例呈下降趋势.  相似文献   

为提高近海渔业资源养护型捕捞与管理技术,促进《全国海洋捕捞渔具目录》的实施,2014年9—10月在黄海进行了网目尺寸为40、50、60 mm的单片型刺网、双重型刺网和三重型刺网以及生产对照网的选择性对比试验。试验结果表明,相同网目尺寸的各型试验网的渔获种类间呈中等相似或极相似;渔获优势种为高眼鲽、细纹狮子鱼、黄、小黄鱼和白姑鱼,不同试验网的渔获优势种不同。40、50、60 mm的三重型刺网的单位捕捞努力量渔获量分别为相同网目尺寸的单片型刺网单位捕捞努力量渔获量的187%、174%和146%,对应的经济效益分别为单片型刺网经济效益的133%、112%和184%,小黄鱼幼鱼比例分别为单片型刺网的162%、342%和122%,高眼鲽幼鱼比例分别为单片型刺网的108%、277%和100%。渔获结构显示,单片型刺网对小黄鱼、鲐鱼和白姑鱼等纺锤型鱼类的选择性优于三重型刺网,而三重型刺网对高眼鲽、黄鮟鱇的选择性具有明显优势。  相似文献   

公鱼三层刺网分布于辽宁省桓仁县等地,网具长带形,作业时若干片网连成一列,敷设于鱼类经常栖息洄游的水域,依靠浮、沉子作用垂直张开,使鱼类刺入网目或缠裹在网衣兜中而达到捕捞目的。这种网具作业场所广泛,深水、浅水、静水、流水、冰下均可作业,是桓仁县浑江水库春季捕捞公鱼的主要网具之一。每片网日产20—50kg,最高160kg。一、网具结构公鱼三层刺网由不同网目的内、外网衣装配而成。网目尺寸依据捕捞对象的个体大小而定。浑江水库公鱼三层刺网的内网衣目大17—26mm。其中目大26mm 网用于捕捞早春首批上溯产卵的2龄公鱼;目大20—23mm 网捕捞体长9—12cm的公鱼。现以内网衣目大20mm 的三层刺网为例,介绍如下。1.网衣内网衣:用直径0.13mm 胶丝(锦纶单丝)双死结编织,纵目使用。长120m(6000目),  相似文献   

为了解刺网作业过程中的水动力行为和形态变化,通过聚乙烯(PE)和聚酰胺(PA)刺网在均匀恒定流场中进行水动力学试验,探究了流速、线面积系数和转向网目(T90)对定置底刺网作业高度和形态特征的影响,并提出了两种材料刺网的形变程度(k)拟合公式。研究结果表明,刺网作业高度与流速负相关,流速为0.2、0.4、0.6、0.8 m·s-1时,刺网作业高度分别为静水状态下高度的96.5%、69.3%、43.9%、29.9%,刺网下半部分网目缩结角随流速增大而增大;同一流速时,两种材料刺网作业高度基本一致,但PA刺网网目扩张形态更均匀;低流速时(≤0.2 m·s-1),T0刺网作业高度高于T90刺网,流速达到0.4 m·s-1后,T90刺网作业高度更大;线面积系数是影响刺网形态特征的重要因素,线面积系数越小,刺网作业高度越高,网目扩张形态越均匀。  相似文献   

为研究单片刺网对黄鲷的选择性,制定合理的网目尺寸,于2015年4月在东海海域进行刺网选择性试验,通过设计3种网目尺寸(50 mm、60 mm、70 mm)的单片刺网,比较其对黄鲷的选择性条件,应用Normal、Lognormal和Gamma 3种选择性曲线进行拟合,采用极大似然法估算模型参数。结果表明:(1)本次捕获的黄鲷叉长分布为116~171 mm,平均叉长139 mm;(2)单片刺网的网目尺寸对黄鲷叉长选择性明显,且叉长随着网目尺寸的增加而增大;(3)通过AIC值、模型值与实测值的比较得出,单片刺网对黄鲷的选择性运用Lognormal模型效果最佳;(4)根据东海区主要经济鱼类的开捕规格,单片刺网对黄鲷的最小网目尺寸为72 mm。  相似文献   

为研究渤海口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)三重刺网的捕捞性能,以河北省昌黎县的口虾蛄三重刺网为基础,于2013年4、5、7月在河北省秦皇岛近海进行50 mm、55 mm、60 mm和65 mm 4种网目尺寸的三重刺网作业性能比较实验,并与60 mm网目单片刺网和底拖网进行渔获对比分析。结果表明:三重刺网具有捕获渔场中绝大多数渔业种类的能力,选择能力较差。春季的渔获种类19种,为渤海近岸底层种类;夏季的渔获种类19种,除了小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)和带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)等底层鱼类外,还有日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)和蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)等中上层鱼类。春季的渔获结构单一,口虾蛄占渔获量的90%以上,主要兼捕种类鲜明鼓虾(Alpheus distinguendus)占4.1%,渔获选择性较好;夏季的渔获中,口虾蛄比例在75%左右,兼捕对象主要为小黄鱼、蓝点马鲛等经济鱼类的幼鱼,对渔业资源造成一定程度的损害,但渔获选择性比底拖网好。单片刺网的选择性最好,但渔获量低,只有三重刺网渔获量的30%左右,无法满足生产要求。建议开展渤海口虾蛄的可捕产量和分区域捕捞管理研究,开发作业性能更优越的口虾蛄专业捕捞渔具。  相似文献   

杨吝 《水产科技》1997,(3):42-44
近年来,各地正在进行牙鲆稚鱼放流。为了保护放流鱼和野生鱼的低龄个体,了解所使用的网的网目选择性是必要的。但是,人们往往尚未对异体种类进行调查研究,就错误地确定网目尺寸,而在渔场试行。在鹿儿岛县,主要使用三重刺网捕捞牙鲆,所以,本研究求得了牙鲆三重刺网的网目选择性曲线。对于三重刺网的网目选择性,  相似文献   

1网具结构 大银鱼刺网的网目根据捕捞对象的个体大小而定。白龟山水库的银鱼刺网每船网由若干片组成,网目15—25mm,多数为20mm,其中25mm网目的刺网用于捕捞12月—翌年元月产卵的大银鱼。现以网衣为20mm的单层刺网为例,作如下介绍。1.1 网底  相似文献   

根据捕捞目标的生物学习性和体型特征,设计了一种捕捞三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)的专用定置三重刺网并进行了生产试验。所设计的刺网主尺度为50.00 m×1.08 m,上纲长50.00 m,下纲长66.00 m;内网衣规格为1 200目×18.5目,目大120 mm;外网衣规格为200目×2.5目,目大500 mm。2015年9月4—26日在莱州湾渔场进行了生产试验。结果表明,新刺网所捕获的三疣梭子蟹平均体重为175.69 g,单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)为1.61 kg/(片·次),主捕率高,其中梭子蟹产量占总渔获量的99.31%。新设计的刺网,下纲比上纲长32%,网衣底部较松弛,提高了网衣对梭子蟹的缠络性能,因而提高了捕捞效率;内网衣网目较大,利于释放幼鱼,网高较低,减小了捕获中上层鱼类的几率,因此,兼捕率较低,有利于渔业资源的保护。  相似文献   

基于深度学习的刺网与拖网作业类型识别研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
渔船作业类型可分为多种,作为典型近海捕捞作业方式的刺网和拖网捕捞渔船可占总船数的72.6%,准确的渔船作业类型识别可辅助渔船管理。利用北斗渔船监控系统(vessel monitoring system,VMS)数据提出一种对刺网和拖网作业分类识别的方法,因拖网和刺网渔船作业轨迹存在一定的差别,研究先提取出每艘船的航次信息,然后根据航次信息将原始刺网和拖网每条船的VMS划分为多个航次数据,根据航次数据中的经纬度数据批量画出每个航次的航迹图,再利用深度卷积神经网络模型对航迹图进行训练学习,进而实现刺网和拖网作业类型分类识别。通过使用自定义的10层CNN模型及使用迁移学习和模型微调方法调整后的VGG-16模型进行对比实验,结果显示,自定义的CNN模型最终精度为94.3%,证明了本方法的可行性,模型可用于辅助刺网、拖网作业类型判断。  相似文献   

基于北斗船位数据的流刺网网次和方向提取方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔船监测系统(vessel monitoring system,VMS)在渔业管理中发挥着重要作用,一直以来都受到各国及渔业组织的重视,我国近海渔船主要采用基于北斗的VMS系统。刺网是我国主要的捕捞作业方式之一,提出一种使用北斗数据提取流刺网作业网次以及网长和方向的方法。该方法使用阈值综合判别的方法判断捕捞作业的状态,通过航速、空间距离、时间间隔和航向变化的阈值判别作业时收网状态的船位点,然后根据收网状态的起始点判定放网状态的起始点。根据范例中提取的516组网次,使用程序判别的船位点和人工判断的船位点有74%相同,表明有较好的一致性,具有精度高、处理快速、实时程度高的特点。该方法可为我国渔业管理和相关研究提供新的手段,并可应用于捕捞控制、海上执法等多个领域。  相似文献   

为探明流刺网船的捕捞作业情况,根据海阳市2014—2016年流刺网船的渔捞日志,对流刺网船渔获状况进行了分析,并对近海渔业资源利用动态进行了初步探讨。研究表明:流刺网船分为4种作业类型,分别是A类:交替使用海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum)漂流三重刺网、鲅鱼漂流单片刺网和对虾漂流三重刺网;B类:交替使用海蜇漂流三重刺网、对虾漂流三重刺网和青鳞小沙丁鱼(Sardinella zunasi)漂流单片刺网;C类:交替使用海蜇漂流三重刺网、鲅鱼漂流单片刺网、对虾漂流三重刺网和单拖网;D类:交替使用海蜇漂流三重刺网、对虾漂流三重刺网、青鳞小沙丁鱼漂流单片刺网和单拖网。B类的全年单船日平均渔获量低于同一年的其它3类,C、D两类的全年单船日平均渔获量年间波动较大,C类和D类大部分月份单船日平均渔获量都高于A类和B类。结果显示,不同类型各年常见优势种为海蜇、口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)和三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus),夏季4类作业类型渔获物群落结构相似度较高,A、C类在春季或秋季的部分月份渔获物群落结构相似度高,B、D类在春季和秋季的部分月份群落结构相似度较高。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To analyze the effect of thin twine on gill net size selectivity, a series of fishing experiments using gill nets of two twine thicknesses (no. 0.8 of 0.16 mm diameter and no. 3 of 0.28 mm diameter) and three nominal mesh sizes (41 mm, 46 mm and 51 mm) was conducted in outdoor water tanks containing a rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) population of known size frequency. For nets of the same nominal mesh size, mesh openings of the no. 0.8 twine nets were approximately 2 mm larger than those of the no. 3 twine nets. The effects of both mesh opening and twine thickness are combined in the conventional analysis with the selectivity curve against fish length. Selectivity against the ratio of fish girth to mesh perimeter was calculated to avoid the direct effect of changes in mesh openings due to twine diameter at the same nominal mesh size. Results demonstrated that the thinner twine gill net was more likely to capture rainbow trout of smaller girth than the mesh perimeter. Fish with girths smaller than the mesh perimeter were often retained by the net with its body tangled by the thinner twine, possibly due to the increased flexibility of the thinner twine.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The net-shape and loading analysis system (NaLA) was developed to determine fishing net configuration and load in a previous study. The system has since been applied to general gill nets and aquaculture nets, and its validity has been proven through model experiments in tanks. In this study, the system was applied to estimate the dynamic behavior of a bottom gill net for walleye pollock, to test the system's applicability of the system to gear operations in the field. To obtain in situ data, four bottom gill net operations were performed in February 2004 off the coast of Sawara, Hokkaido, Japan. During operations, vertical displacements of the bottom gill net's float and sinker lines were measured as representative values of gear behavior, and ocean current direction, and speed at the gear position were observed simultaneously. Then, bottom gill net behavior was simulated using NaLA, incorporating observed environmental conditions and gear specifications. The resulting calculated behavior was compared to measured behavior in terms of the relationship between net height and environmental or setting conditions. Agreement between the calculated and measured net behavior was found. Thus, it is believe that our NaLA calculation model has the potential to simulate the dynamic behavior of bottom gill nets in situ .  相似文献   

Abstract Victoria, is a recently (1984) impounded, deep, hydro-electric reservoir in Sri Lanka with an established commercial fishery. Participatory appraisal of the fishing community revealed decreasing reliance on fishing income with many fishermen moving away to supplementary occupations because of declining fish catches. Illegal fishing and theft of fishing gear resulting from open access, difficulties encountered in enforcing fisheries regulations and the need for fishermen to find alternative sources of income during low water levels are the major management problems. The top–down centralized management approach previously practised was ineffective in addressing any of these issues. Therefore, the possibilities and limitations for introducing co-management as an alternative management strategy were discussed. Financial hardship coupled with perceived benefits through state sponsored welfare schemes caused a positive attitude change among fishermen, making them respond favourably to fishery management. Establishing a licensing system for controlled access, ensuring greater user-group participation through equitable distribution of state sponsored benefits among members, attempting to enforce penalties for illegal fishing linked with surprise checks to enforce management regulations, and obtaining stakeholder perceptions regarding management issues are some of the recent steps taken by the Fishermen's Co-operative Society which would positively contribute towards developing effective co-management in this reservoir.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Fishing experiments were carried out in Yeongil Bay, Korea using an encircling gill net with four different mesh sizes and two different hanging ratios to measure the mesh selectivity for gizzard shad Konosirus punctatus . Twenty-six trials were conducted giving a total catch of 485 gizzard shad. The 'share each length's catch total' (SELECT) analysis with maximum likelihood method was used to fit the different functional models, the normal, lognormal, and bi-normal model, for a selectivity curve to the catch data. In addition, two cases in which the relative fishing intensity was either estimated or fixed were compared. The bi-normal model with the fixed relative fishing intensity was found to fit the data best. For the selectivity curve on the bi-normal model, the relative length (the ratio of fish length to mesh size) with the maximum efficiency was obtained as 3.70. From this, the focal fish lengths in the commercial encircling gill net, with mesh size ranging from 5.0 to 6.0 cm, were inferred to be 18.5–22.2 cm.  相似文献   

16S ribosomal RNA gene analysis was used to assess the bacterial community associated with Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., gills which were either affected by amoebic gill disease (AGD) or were AGD-negative, in order to determine the role that bacteria may play in the development of AGD. AGD-positive specimens were either infected in the laboratory with Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis, the causative agent of AGD, or were obtained from commercial salmon cages. Samples from laboratory fish maintained in sea water possessed a marine-type community while field samples which had been treated by a series of freshwater baths possessed a more diverse community which included variable proportions of different bacterial ecotypes, including groups typically associated with soil, skin surfaces and faeces. Samples from fish infected with AGD in the laboratory and a sample from one of two salmon cage fish specimens were dominated by a phylotype belonging to the strictly marine bacterial genus Psychroserpens (family Flavobacteriaceae, phylum Bacteroidetes). The phylotype was not detected in any of the AGD-negative samples or in one of two AGD-positive samples obtained from fish subjected to temporary freshwater immersion. The possibility of certain Psychroserpens species as potential opportunistic pathogens associated with salmonid AGD is proposed.  相似文献   

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