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Restricted feeding time and the behaviour of caged laying hens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Layers housed as pairs in cages were denied access to food from 07.30 to 15.30 h each day. Analyses of video records of daily activity patterns showed several behaviour changes compared with the patterns shown by similar birds allowed ad libitum (AL) access to food. 2. Birds given restricted access (RA) to food spent more time sitting and cage pecking while unable to feed than those feeding ad libitum during the same period. They also engaged in less agonistic pecking and the lengths of bouts of drinking were reduced during the period of food denial compared with the AL treatment. 3. After the food troughs were uncovered birds on the RA treatment showed fewer bouts of feather pecking but more bouts of drinking than the AL treatment. 4. Improvements previously reported in the efficiency of food utilisation of birds on the RA treatment may have been the result of additional sitting, although other activities requiring energy expenditure were performed. 5. It is concluded that restricting access to food on a time basis has both positive and negative effects on the welfare of caged layers.  相似文献   

Recent research on methods for controlling the northern fowl mite (NFM) on caged laying hens is reviewed. On inanimate objects, NFM may be controlled by fumigation with methyl bromide, increased temperature (49 degrees C for 1 h), or decreased temperature (-20 degrees C for 5 days). dipping chickens in aqueous suspensions of carbaryl or stirofos controlled NFM for 6 weeks without exceeding current egg tolerance residues. Feeding chickens reasonable concentrations of systemic pesticides registered for use on dairy cattle in the U.S.A., registered anticoccidials, zinc bacitracin, avermectins, and diflubenzuron did not produce systemic control of NFM. Chickens do develop immunity to NFM. The potential for further development and adoption of these techniques should provide the poultry industry with effective alternatives to existing chemical sprays and dusts.  相似文献   

To improve the welfare of caged laying hens, a pecking device made of stones was introduced on the cage floor. Twenty‐four White Leghorn hens aged 15 months were divided into four groups: single‐housed hens with device, single‐housed control hens, pair‐housed hens with device and pair‐housed control hens. Hens housed with the device pecked at various pecking objects less often than control hens. Agonistic behavior was also lower in hens with the device than in hens without the device, implied a possibility of improvement in quality of pecking stimuli with the device. Not only time spent pecking, but also quality of pecking might be important to fill their need for stimulation. Both single‐ and pair‐housed hens more often pecked at the device in the evening. Response to various pecking objects also showed that pecking behaviors were most frequently expressed in the evening. Increased foraging at dusk is a well‐known habit; therefore, the increase in pecking behavior in the evening might reflect the hens' general circadian rhythm. These results indicate that the device made of stones could promote some instinctive behavior. Enhancement of behavioral repertories and reduced agonistic behavior with the pecking device might improve the welfare of caged laying hens.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Human cases of bacterial gastro-enteritis are often caused by the consumption of eggs contaminated with Salmonella species, mainly Salmonella enterica serovar Enteriditis (Salmonella Enteritidis). To reduce human exposure, in several countries worldwide surveillance programmes are implemented to detect colonized layer flocks. The sampling schemes are based on the within-flock prevalence, and, as this changes over time, knowledge of the within-flock dynamics of Salmonella Enteritidis is required. Transmission of Salmonella Enteritidis has been quantified in pairs of layers, but the question is whether the dynamics in pairs is comparable to transmission in large groups, which are more representative for commercial layer flocks. The aim of this study was to compare results of transmission experiments between pairs and groups of laying hens. Experimental groups of either 2 or 200 hens were housed at similar densities, and 1 or 4 hens were inoculated with Salmonella Enteritidis, respectively. Excretion was monitored by regularly testing of fecal samples for the presence of Salmonella Enteritidis. Using mathematical modeling, the group experiments were simulated with transmission parameter estimates from the pairwise experiments. Transmission of the bacteria did not differ significantly between pairs or groups. This finding suggests that the transmission parameter estimates from small-scale experiments might be extrapolated to the field situation.  相似文献   

Trials were conducted to evaluate the efficiency of chlordimeform (N′-(4-chloro-o-tolyl)-(N,N-dimethylformamidine)) in controlling northern fowl mites on commercial caged laying hens. Chlordimeform (0.03% active ingredient (A.I.)) applied as a high pressure spray was as effective (P < 0.05) as stirofos (2-chloro-1-(2,4,5-tri-chlorophenyl) vinyl dimethyl phosphate) (0.5% A.I.) for 63 days post-treatment. Twenty-one days after treatment, chlordimeform (0.06% A.I.) was shown to be more effective (P < 0.05) than stirofos when applied as a low pressure spray.  相似文献   

As no data are available on the prevalence of cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) genes carried by Campylobacter spp. in laying hens, this study was conducted with the aim to evaluate the prevalence of both Campylobacter spp. and cdt genes in 1680 laying hens from four different farms. The samples were analyzed by culture methods and by polymerase chain reaction. Campylobacter spp. were isolated from 1097/1680 cloacal swabs. Among the isolates, 913 were identified as Campylobacter jejuni whereas 345 were identified as Campylobacter coli. All isolates carried cdt genes. The results presented here confirm the very common occurrence of C. jejuni and C. coli in laying hens and underline that the cdt genes may also be frequently present in both C. jejuni and C. coli isolates from laying hens.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the behaviors and feather conditions of caged laying hens fed by two different types of feeders. Seven tennis balls were placed on the feed trough to hide the feed for each of 6 experimental cages (treatment B). The same feed troughs without balls were used for 6 control cages (treatment NB). Forty-eight commercial white leghorn type hens were housed as 4 birds per cage (474 cm2 per bird). The experimental period was from 22 to 32 weeks of age. At 28 weeks of age, the hens spent more time feeding in treatment NB (35%) than in B (27%). On the other hand, prefeeding behavior (extension of the neck over the trough or pecking at the balls) occupied more time in B (14%) than in NB (6%). The birds in B spent more time thrusting (thrusting other birds aside and trying to eat) than did the birds in NB (2 vs 0%). At 32 weeks of age, the mean proportion of hens feeding and prefeeding behavior in both treatments was similar to those at 28 weeks of age; however, differences of the behavior between the B and NB were relatively small. Feather damage on a scale of 0 (no damage) to 15 (denuded) increased with age, and the scores in B were less than those in NB at 27 weeks (0.75 vs 1.37), although not at 32 weeks. Egg production in the two treatments was the same, and the type of feeder used did not affect body weight. This device might provide hens with a more attractive environment than the conventional feeders; however, the enrichment feeder might need more improvement for the welfare of caged laying hens.  相似文献   

1. The individual egg production of two strains of laying hen in colony battery cages was recorded from 20 to 72 weeks of age by feeding a different fat‐soluble dyestuff to each bird and then breaking open the eggs to determine the yolk colour and hence the identity of the hen that laid the egg.

2. Observations of agonistic behaviour and other pecking were made and the combs were examined for pecking damage on two occasions; each group of hens was hierarchically arranged in terms of these three measures, which were then taken as an indication of each hen's dominance.

3. The three measures of dominance correlated fairly well with each other, but none showed any relationship with egg production.  相似文献   

R K Gast  C W Beard 《Avian diseases》1990,34(3):721-728
The antibody response of laying hens to experimental Salmonella enteritidis infection was evaluated in microagglutination, tube agglutination, and rapid whole-blood plate agglutination assays. Hens of three different ages were infected by either oral inoculation or horizontal contact transmission. Blood was collected at weekly intervals, and the presence of specific antibodies was assessed by reaction with antigens prepared from strains of S. enteritidis and S. pullorum. The sensitivity of detection of infected hens did not vary significantly between the assays, as all three tests effectively identified most exposed hens as seropositive. Within each test, however, variation was observed in the detection sensitivity when different antigens were used. The microagglutination titers of serum samples were determined by serial dilution. Antibody titers peaked at 1 to 2 weeks postinoculation and declined steadily, although most birds were still identified as seropositive at 10 weeks postinoculation. The mean microtest titers obtained with S. enteritidis antigens were higher than with an S. pullorum antigen, indicating greater test sensitivity. However, use of the S. pullorum antigen resulted in fewer false positives when sera from uninfected control hens were tested. The titers of contact-exposed hens peaked later and at lower values than did those of inoculated hens, but these two groups of hens had similar antibody titers after the third week postinoculation.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni frequently colonizes the avian intestine. Recent evidence suggests that this organism can also colonize the oviduct of laying hens. However, the source and role of this colonization are unknown. Isolates from the ceca, cloacae, and oviducts of 11 laying hens in three intensive egg-producing flocks were genotyped by Fla typing with the restriction fragment length polymorphism of the polymerase chain reaction product of the flaA and flaB genes (fla typing) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). A diversity in fla types and PFGE types was observed within and between flocks. Individual birds could be colonized by different genotypes at various intestinal and oviduct sites. However, the oviduct of individual birds appeared to be colonized by only one genotype at the time of sampling. In two birds, matching isolates investigated from the intestinal and reproductive tracts were genotypically identical but different from those oviduct isolates found in other birds in the same flock. Interestingly, not all cecal isolates appeared to be equally able to colonize the oviduct. These results suggest that oviduct colonization may result from ascending infection via the cloaca and that some strains of C. jejuni may be better adapted than others to oviduct colonization.  相似文献   

Increasing emergence of salmonellosis presents a threat to the effective control of foodborne disease in humans. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of drug susceptibility and molecular characteristics of non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) isolated from laying hens (LH) in 3 Moroccan regions, Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaër (RSZZ), Souss-Massa-Drâa (SMD), and the grand Casablanca (GC). A total of 351 samples were collected from 30 consumer egg laying houses at the end of the egg laying period from April to July 2011. Sixty-four out of these 351 examined samples were contaminated by Salmonella. The Salmonella isolated strains were then serotyped and tested for drug susceptibility and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of the invasion-associated genes invA and spvC and nalidixic acid resistance-associated qnr gene. The prevalence of NTS infection in LH was estimated to be 73.3%. Seven Salmonella enterica serovars were identified: Enteritidis (37.5%), Kentucky (31.2%), Infantis (10.9%), Typhimurium (6.2%), Thompson (6.2%), Agona (4.6%), and Amsterdam (3.1%). Drug susceptibility testing showed that 65.6% of Salmonella were resistant to at least one antibiotic and 25% were resistant to ciprofloxacin. All isolates were positive for the invasion gene invA and 28% of them were positive for the virulence gene spvC. All nalidixic acid-resistant S. Enteritidis isolates were negative for qnr plasmid genes. Our findings clearly suggest the necessity to establish an NTS monitoring and control program for LH in Morocco.  相似文献   

Salmonella in Belgian laying hens: an identification of risk factors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the 1980s, the prevalence of Salmonella in Belgian poultry layers and broilers has greatly fluctuated with a rise observed in 2003 and a significant decrease in 2005. In order to alleviate the risk at egg consumer level, it is crucial to understand the factors which influence the contamination and the spread of Salmonella in laying hens. To study such determinants we explored the Belgian data from the 2005 baseline study on the prevalence of Salmonella in laying flocks of Gallus gallus in the European Union. The response variables corresponded to presence or absence of Salmonella from dust and faecal samples taken from the environment of a Belgian layer flock. The explanatory variables included: region of Belgium, sampling time (month the flock was sampled), production type (cage or barn and free range), Salmonella vaccination status, flock age and flock size. Analyses of these data were performed using a bivariate logistic regression model assuming independence between the two responses and bivariate generalized estimating equations model, which incorporates the correlation between the two responses on the same flock. The main risk factor that was identified was rearing flocks in cages compared to barns and free-range systems. The results also showed a significant higher risk for Salmonella for a 1 week increase in flocks’ age as well as with a unit increase in the size of the flock.  相似文献   

In total, 26 Campylobacter (C.) strains, isolated from liver, spleen, caecal or jejunal content of laying hens from different flocks were examined. In these flocks a drop in egg production, an increasing mortality and livers with whitish-grey lesions as post-mortem finding were observed. Suspected Campylobacter colonies were differentiated using a modified m-PCR in 13 Campylobacter jejuni and 13 Campylobacter coli strains. All isolates were characterised by typing of the flaA and flaB gene each with two restriction enzymes. To compare the four different profiles for all strains an artificial “fla-type” was generated. Different and identical fla-types of C. jejuni and C. coli were recovered from both intestinal and extra-intestinal organs of the laying hens and even from individual birds. One significant observation is that some fla-types of C. jejuni or C. coli were detected in intestinal and systemic sites but not all fla-types of both species appeared to be equally able to invade internal organs.  相似文献   

Seven Canadian layer flocks with Salmonella enteritidis in their environment were investigated to determine the numbers of hens infected with S. enteritidis, the localization of S. enteritidis in organs of infected hens and the numbers of S. enteritidis-infected eggs produced by two affected flocks. By a microagglutination test (MAT) using S. pullorum antigens, these flocks had more seropositive hens (mean 51.9 +/- 16.9%) than two Salmonella-free flocks (mean 13.0 +/- 4.2%). Culture of tissues of 580 hens (433 seropositive) from the seven flocks detected 26 (4.5%) S. enteritidis-infected hens from two flocks. In one flock, 2/150 hens were infected with S. enteritidis phage type (PT) 8, which was confined to the ceca, and no Salmonella spp. were isolated from 2520 eggs (one day's lay). In the second flock, where 24/150 hens were infected with S. enteritidis PT13, extraintestinal infection was found in nine hens and involved the ovaries and/or oviduct in two hens. Salmonella enteritidis PT13 was isolated from one sample of egg contents and from one sample of cracked shells from among 14,040 eggs (one day's lay) from this flock. The overall prevalence of S. enteritidis-contaminated eggs from the two flocks with infected hens was less than 0.06%. Other Salmonella spp. isolated were S. heidelberg from 58 hens (10%), and S. hadar, S. mbandaka and S. typhimurium from one hen (0.2%) each. The MAT with antigens of S. pullorum had a sensitivity of 81% and a specificity of 24% for detecting S. enteritidis-infected hens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In total, 26 Campylobacter (C.) strains, isolated from liver, spleen, caecal or jejunal content of laying hens from different flocks were examined. In these flocks a drop in egg production, an increasing mortality and livers with whitish-grey lesions as post-mortem finding were observed. Suspected Campylobacter colonies were differentiated using a modified m-PCR in 13 Campylobacter jejuni and 13 Campylobacter coli strains. All isolates were characterised by typing of the flaA and flaB gene each with two restriction enzymes. To compare the four different profiles for all strains an artificial “fla-type” was generated. Different and identical fla-types of C. jejuni and C. coli were recovered from both intestinal and extra-intestinal organs of the laying hens and even from individual birds. One significant observation is that some fla-types of C. jejuni or C. coli were detected in intestinal and systemic sites but not all fla-types of both species appeared to be equally able to invade internal organs.  相似文献   

The abilities of Salmonella serovars to colonize the reproductive organs of chickens and to contaminate eggs were compared. Mature laying hens were inoculated intravenously with 10(5) colony-forming units of Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella infantis, Salmonella hadar, Salmonella heidelberg, or Salmonella montevideo to cause the systemic infection. Salmonella enteritidis was recovered from three yolks of the laid eggs (7.0%), suggesting egg contamination from the transovarian transmission of S. enteritidis. The liver, spleen, and cecum were colonized by each serovar similarly at 4 or 7 days postinoculation (PI), whereas the ovary and preovulatory follicles were colonized by S. enteritidis with significantly (P < 0.05) higher levels than by the other serovars at 4 and 7 days PI. Salmonella enteritidis was recovered from the cloaca and vagina at 2, 4, and 7 days PI and from the other portions of the oviduct at 4 and 7 days PI. In addition, S. enteritidis had been persistent in the peripheral blood for 7 days PI. These results suggest that S. enteritidis is the predominant serovar to colonize the reproductive organs of mature laying hens among six serovars used in this study, reflecting the field situatibn in which the predominant outbreaks of human salmonellosis were caused by S. enteritidis-contaminated eggs recently. The ability of S. enteritidis to colonize the reproductive organs may be one of the reasons that egg contamination with S. enteritidis has increased.  相似文献   

1. The effects of taking a blood sample from one bird in a caged group on plasma concentrations of corticosterone and glucose in birds from its own group and birds from other groups were investigated. 2. Two blood sampling protocols were used: successive (all birds within a group were sampled one immediately after another) and alternative (birds from different groups were sampled one after another until all birds in all groups had been sampled). 3. Neither sampling protocol nor between or within group sampling rank was related to plasma concentrations of corticosterone and glucose. 4. The time taken to remove a blood sample (generally more than 45 s but less than 2 min) did not influence circulating corticosterone and glucose. 5. In individual birds plasma concentrations of corticosterone and glucose were poorly correlated with one another. 6. It is concluded that it is possible to take blood samples from a bird, kept in a group, without affecting plasma concentrations of corticosterone and glucose in other birds from that group or in birds from other groups in other cages.  相似文献   

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