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Global economic activity is networked through cross‐national linkages between firm headquarters, branches, and subsidiaries. Brokerage emerges as a key territorial function of this network, with some places acting as gateways or intermediaries for flows of global knowledge, information, or trade. This function is particularly salient for small states and territories leveraging the benefits of borrowed size by offering global professional services, warehousing, logistics, shipping, and finance to wealthy nations or high net individuals. Nonetheless, to date our understanding of how small states and territories facilitate wealth accumulation is limited to broad concepts of their role as “gateways” or “brokers.” Drawing on a typology of brokerage and a network analysis applied to the ties between approximately 700,000 firm headquarter and subsidiary locations of 13 of the world's largest stock exchanges, we explore the brokerage role of small states and territories through case studies of Luxembourg, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Panama. Brokerage is found to play an important role in the economy of all four. We argue that each of these small states and territories is uniquely positioned as a broker in global corporate networks, but that this role differs according to geo‐economic and political positionality. 相似文献
利用高效液相色谱检测京白梨 ╳ 鸭梨杂种实生树的叶片、韧皮部和芽中的多酚类物质的含量,结果表明,叶片中的槲皮素、儿茶素、绿原酸和芦丁含量在86-90节迅速升高,在86-90节以下,槲皮素和儿茶素含量变化不大,绿原酸含量持续下降,芦丁在51-55节出现一个含量高峰;韧皮部中的根皮苷和杨梅苷在66-70节均出现一个含量高峰,在86-90节以上,根皮苷的含量趋于平稳,杨梅苷的含量迅速升高;芽中的咖啡酸含量在81-85节以下变化不大,81-85节以上迅速升高。 相似文献
To understand the processes of growth and biomass production in plants, we ultimately need to elucidate the structure of the
underlying regulatory networks at the molecular level. The advent of high-throughput postgenomic technologies has spurred
substantial interest in reverse engineering these networks from data, and several techniques from machine learning and multivariate
statistics have recently been proposed. The present article discusses the problem of inferring gene regulatory networks from
gene expression time series, and we focus our exposition on the methodology of Bayesian networks. We describe dynamic Bayesian
networks and explain their advantages over other statistical methods. We introduce a novel information sharing scheme, which
allows us to infer gene regulatory networks from multiple sources of gene expression data more accurately. We illustrate and
test this method on a set of synthetic data, using three different measures to quantify the network reconstruction accuracy.
The main application of our method is related to the problem of circadian regulation in plants, where we aim to reconstruct
the regulatory networks of nine circadian genes in Arabidopsis thaliana from four gene expression time series obtained under different experimental conditions. 相似文献
以5个亚有限型大豆品种和3个有限型大豆品种为试材,研究了主茎上部各节位的叶面积、粒重及粒叶比。结果表明,两种结荚习性大豆品种均存在顶端结荚优势,使倒数第2节位的粒重受到很大影响。亚有限型大豆品种植株上部9个节位的叶面积与粒重极显著相关,而有限型品种因受顶端结荚优势影响较大,植株上部5个节位的叶面积与粒重不相关。不同品种间植株不同节位的叶面积大小不能直接反应其对应节位的粒重大小。换算成各节位单位叶面积的籽粒生产能力时发现,存在较大的品种间差异,高产品种的叶片具有较高的籽粒生产效率。 相似文献
Abstract: The papers in this special issue are the product of a comparative interdisciplinary workshop on ‘Natural Resources and Violent Ethnic Conflicts in the Asia Pacific Region’ held in Honolulu, Hawaii, 18–20 March 2005. The workshop brought together scholars who study conflicts between ethnic groups and those who study conflicts over natural resource claims in order to examine the interplay of resources and ethnicity and to seek answers to the question of why violence occurs in some cases and not in others. Both sets of scholars agreed on some points but disagreed on others. They agreed that ethnic and resource grievances occur not so much out of objective deprivation but out of ‘relative deprivation’ when groups compare their situation with others, to the past, or to future expectations. They both stressed the role of democratic processes in alleviating resource competition and ethnic conflicts – but they did this in different ways. The perspectives and solutions offered by these papers sum to a deeper and more contextualised understanding of the cause of conflict and to mutually reinforcing solutions for resolving them. 相似文献
Abstract: The literature on environmental conflict has expanded greatly over the past 10 years, yet most of the cases and theory have been from a Western, Northern, and developed world context. This volume concentrates on cases of current conflict and its management from Asian and Pacific nations. This paper presents a brief literature review of the nature of environmental conflict and highlights some of the key authors who have featured. Their conclusions are summarised into four key suppositions; a) Environmental conflict is a result of scarcity and represents social struggles against uneven usage and allocation of resources; b) Environmental conflict reflects poor performance by governments in developing complex public policy; c) Environmental conflict involves the issues of power and rights; d) Environmental conflict is an inevitable consequence of development and can be constructive. 相似文献
笔者通过对塞罕坝亚高山野生植物进行引种栽培试验,旨在寻找适宜承德地区生长的野生观赏植物。笔者直接将野外采挖的野生植物种源,按其分类进行适当的处理后,进行栽培试验,包括6科13属13种。结果表明,物种的适应性有一定的差异性。其中,草芍药、瑞香狼毒死亡,鹿蹄草死亡率较高,最后流失;三角叶驴蹄草、玉竹、铃兰、华北耧斗菜、银莲花、大瓣铁线莲等6种虽然在夏季高温时期会有短暂的休眠,但是第2年仍能正常萌发、开花;舞鹤草、茖葱生长良好;荚果蕨、木贼等2种在遮荫下适应性比较好。所以,10种植物可作为承德地区的引种植物。 相似文献