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荷兰的有机农业(Organicfarming)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简要介绍了荷兰的有机农业状况。同时,介绍了荷兰的有机农业、有机农业农场及有机农产品等概念,并展望了有机农业在荷兰的发展前景。  相似文献   

瑞典是第二次世界大战以后最早推行有机农业的国家之一.本文简要梳理了瑞典有机农业的发展历史,介绍了其生产、管理、市场和相关研究的现状.在瑞典有机农业发展历程中,一些独立的研究机构、非政府组织和生产合作社促发了人们对生态伦理的思考,并率先开启了有机农业的实验,建立了一套认证标准和监管制度;政府在认识到有机农业的外部性以后,也以开放的姿态、不拘泥于“是否获得认证”的条件对从事有机生产的农场给予补贴,再加上欧盟的支持,使得有机农业的发展获得了强大的推力;此外,消费者的“生态消费”习惯也保障了有机农业的持续发展.  相似文献   

郝军虹 《河南农业》2005,(11):12-13
四、意大利的有机农业(一)意大利有机农业的概况欧洲是世界上开展有机农业最早的地区,同时也是有机农业最为发达的地区,欧洲的有机农场数居世界首位。在欧盟各国中,有机农业最为发达的国家当属意大利。它拥有欧盟1/4以上的有机农地和2/5的有机农场,而且无论从有机农场的数量还是从有机农业的面积上看都名列第一。意大利有机农业发达的原因主要有二,一是健康和环保意识深入人心,消费者愿意以较高价格购买有机食品,农民得到合理利润后更加愿意从事有机农业。二是积极运用欧盟支持有机农业发展的政策,如运用欧盟农业环保法令2078/92引导农民发…  相似文献   

基于环境保护、食品安全与健康、国际绿色壁垒和产业价值等方面的有机农业在全球范围内迅猛发展,引起了国内外学术界的普遍关注。目前国内研究大多侧重于对有机农业发展现状和产业的总体宏观发展,而较少关注活动的相关实体———有机农场。基于有机农业农场核心业务的形式,笔者认为可以将有机农业的发展类型划分为初级生产、加工营销和非农业务三类,从这三类角度出发,不同国家和地区的有机农业发展状况各有差异与特色,也对我国有机农业的发展提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   

社区支持型农业的发展现况与前景展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章从消费者的视角,以北京市5家社区支持型农业农场会员的问卷调查资料为基础,针对农场会员的人口特征、加入动机、服务质量满意度、互动情形及续约意愿等方面进行分析,以了解中国社区支持型农业的发展现况,并厘清社区支持型农业目前的困境与发展的前景。  相似文献   

人们的环境和食品安全意识不断增强,政府对有机农业日益重视。发展有机农业有利于保护和改善农村与农业生态环境,有效利用资源,提高食品质量和安全水平,保护人民群众身体健康,已经成为社会的共识。消费者健康和环保意识的增强促进了有机农业生产和有机农产品消费。许多地区编制了区域有机农业发展规划,出台了有机农业发展的支持政策,奠定了区域有机农业发展的基础。  相似文献   

法国的有机农业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有机农业在法国又称为生物农业,它是整体生产管理系统,在履行系统内的具体职能时尽可能地使用农艺、生物和机械方法,而不是使用合成材料。20世纪80年代,法国的有机农业在欧洲国家中发展最快,主要表现在有机农产品的质量、有机农场的数量以及相关信息技术上。法国“自然和进步”农产品协会于1972年制订了第一批有机农场和农产品的标准。1981年有机农业已通过立法,政府对有机农产品进行登记,1985年AB(即生物农业)标记的农产品已投放市场。由于政府制定了严格的标准,法国的有机农业在国内及周边国家得到了广泛的承认,并已成为有机农产品的出口…  相似文献   

我国有机农业发展的研究路径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪90年代以来,我国有机农业的生产规模迅速扩大,但与潜在生产能力相比,我国有机农业的生产仍然有许多发展的潜在空间。对国内外的有机农产品生产、消费以及政策支持等相关问题进行实证与理论研究,并从生产、消费和农民增收的视角出发,提出了我国有机农业发展的研究路径。  相似文献   

本文以乡村振兴战略为视角,对美国扶持有机农业发展的主要举措进行梳理,明确了生产者导向的扶持政策、循环一体的生产技术体系、协同推进的发展机制、持续有效的CSA经营模式等措施对美国有机农业的发展和农业农村的振兴起到了重要的作用。鉴于美国经验,中国应当构建以生产者为主体的政策支持体系、加强有机农业生产技术的研发与应用、创新有机农业经营模式,以及加大对有机生产者和消费者的宣传教育力度。  相似文献   

贵州省发展有机蔬菜的优势及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农产品贸易绿色壁垒的不断涌现和对食品安全的日益关注,给有机农业的发展带来了新的机遇,有机蔬菜是有机农业的重要组成部分.贵州在劳动力、气候资源、地理条件、农业技术等方面具有发展有机蔬菜的优势和潜力.为促进贵州有机蔬菜的发展,针对贵州有机蔬菜的优势,在分析了影响因素的前提下,提出了发展思路及对策:应加强政府扶持,以生态学原则指导有机蔬菜生产;在具体实施中,应加强有机蔬菜理论和关键技术的研究,建立基地、重点开发、逐步转变,引导企业做好有机蔬菜产业.  相似文献   

推进家庭农场适度规模经营是发展现代农业、建设社会主义新农村的必然趋势。选取粮食作物家庭农场为研究对象,对我国粮食作物家庭农场适度规模相关文献进行归纳与总结,主要针对粮食作物家庭农场的适度规模进行了比较,提出需确保粮食作物家庭收入达到当地城镇居民收入水平;种植水稻家庭农场的适度规模,应该约为10 hm~2,小麦的适度规模约为30 hm~2,无法达到规模的地区,应考虑种养结合、或者不同农作物的轮作和套种来实现适度规模经营;地理位置较偏远的山区,可考虑发展种植经济作物的家庭农场和农业合作社,利用合作社的优势为家庭农场的发展提供产业链服务,以期为我国的农业生产实践提供指导建议。  相似文献   

Review of History and Recent Development of Organic Farming Worldwide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The history of the organic farming worldwide was reviewed in this paper. The development of the organic farming worldwide had gone through three stages, emergence, expansion, and growth. The contributors and their thoughts during the different development stages of the organic farming were briefly introduced. And the development status of the organic farming worldwide was reviewed from the aspects of land area under organic management, land area under organic management in percentage of total agricultural area, and world markets for organic products. Besides, the main existing problems for the further development of the world's organic farming, as well as the development status, problems and strategies of the Chinese organic farming were discussed.  相似文献   

The maintenance of organic farming production schemes is a theme receiving a growing interest now that there are signs of a slowing in organic farming uptake in Italy. The present study develops a model based on a Bayesian network (BN) that is aimed at investigating the factors that affect the exit of a farm from the organic sector and to simulate the probability of maintaining an organic scheme for different farm types. The model is based on a database of organic farms, which has been integrated with qualitative information. Farm-type simulation and sensitivity analysis of most of the relevant variables have been carried out. Main results show that arable farm types are those with a higher probability to stay in the organic sector, while farmers’ age, Province the farm is situated in and farm size are the factors mostly influencing probability scores.  相似文献   

20世纪50年代,由苏联提供全部农机设备,派来不同层次专家援建的国营友谊农场,是新中国第一个按照先勘探、后设计、再开荒的科学程序建立的大型机械化国营农场,开荒当年获得丰收。它的建立,引入了土地整理和国营农场建设、管理的技术与经验;为中国大规模建设国营农场培养、锻炼和输出大批经营管理干部和技术人才,提供大量农业技术和良种;并在建场规划、开荒生产和经营管理等方面对全国国营农场建设起到示范和借鉴作用,达到了周恩来总理提出的“出粮食、出经验、出人才”的要求。  相似文献   

Based on the investigation and research on 75 dairy farms in Heilongjiang Province, evaluation index system of dairy farm market risk was set up, and dairy farm market risks were divided into pairing risk, price risk, production risk, contract risk and policy risk, five aspects of a total of 12 assessment indicators. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to evaluate the market risk. The evaluation results showed that the market risk of dairy farms in Heilongjiang Province was at low risk; however, the policy risk was high. Finally, according to the results of the assessment, the suggestions was made as the followings: the government should expand the scope of policy insurance for dairy farming, vigorously promote the development of cooperative organizations and intermediary organizations in dairy farms by purchasing services through government, increase their functional roles and establish strict supervision mechanisms, including the establishment of official advice hotline and consultation channel online and improving third-party testing mechanism; government and the department of management industry would improve their abilities of management and do a good job of training and guiding.  相似文献   

有机烟叶及其生产地的评估研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
参照有关有机、绿色农产品对产地环境要求的国家标准,以及有机茶叶的相关质量标准,对有机烟叶生产基地拉乌乡的有关生产情况进行分析评价,对烟叶样品中有害物质和农药残留33个项目比较分析。结果表明,种植试验基地的农田灌溉用水和种植基地土壤环境质量优于国家标准对产地环境要求。试验种植的有机烟叶达到国家有机茶标准。烟叶产品中25项农药没有发现残留,8项有害物质(重金属)的检测值也远低于对比的有机茶叶标准。该基地的有机烟叶种植试验基地无论是环境质量还是所生产的烟叶,均达到国家有机农产品标准。目前中国还没有有机烟叶的生产标准,本试验研究在国内尚属首次,旨在对有机烟叶生产地和有机烟叶农残、重金属量进行评估,为规模生产有机烟叶及其在卷烟工业上的使用作前期研究。研究表明,良好的生态环境,土壤条件是生产有机烟叶的重要基础。建立有机烟叶生产基地及其评价体系,制定相应的有机烟叶质量标准和相关生产技术规程是有机烟叶的规模种植的保证。  相似文献   

昆明地区梅花鹿养殖评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
5模拟鹿场经济效益分析5.1鹿场建设的指导思想和原则(1)肉、茸兼用是鹿场设计时的一个主导思想.在存栏梅花鹿中既要有相当数量公鹿,保持产茸量,又要有一定数量母鹿,以繁殖补充每年肉用应的消耗量.(2)提高鹿产品的综合加工能力是鹿场规划的基本原则.综合利用能提高养殖场的经济效益,鉴于昆明地区目前尚无专门的鹿产品加工厂,兴建一加工厂不仅可以加工自己的产品,而且可以面向其它养殖场.(3)鹿场规划生产年限应落在生产稳定期之后.鹿场建设大致可分为3个时期.第1期为育成期,建场的前4年基本上为幼鹿的育成阶段,该期的经…  相似文献   

Reasons for converting to organic farming have been studied in a number of instances. However, the underlying rationale that motivates the behavior is not always made clear. This study aims to provide a detailed picture of farmers decision-making and illustrate the choice between organic and conventional farm management. Based on 21 interviews with farmers, a decision-tree highlighting the reasons and constraints involved in the decision of farmers to use, or not to use, organic production techniques was formulated. The accuracy of the decision-tree was tested through a written survey of 65 randomly sampled farmers. The decision-tree permits the identification of decision criteria and examines the decision-making process of farmers in choosing their farming method. It also allows for the characterization of farmer strategies and values, identifying five types of farmers: the committed conventional; the pragmatic conventional; the environment-conscious but not organic; the pragmatic organic; and the committed organic. The importance of taking into account heterogeneity in farmers attitudes, preferences, and goals and their impact on the choice of a farming method is emphasized.Ika Darnhofer is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Economics at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. She received both her MSc and PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, working on issues of agricultural development in Africa. Her current research interests include economic and sociological analyses of factors that shape farmers land use decision-making behavior, with a particular focus on organic farming.Walter Schneeberger is a Full Professor of Farm Business Management and Head of the Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Economics at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. His current research interests include the economics of producing and processing agricultural products and farm business management for both conventional and organic farms.Bernhard Freyer is a Full Professor of Organic Farming and Head of the Institute of Organic Farming of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. His work on organic farming focuses on its agronomic aspects (plant cultivation, crop rotations, and soil fertility) as well as on the analysis of conversion to organic farming (planning process, farm development) and its potential for regional development.  相似文献   

北京郊区具备发展休闲型家庭农场的多种条件,可以通过理性规划,准确定位;注入农耕文化,融于体验;塑造品牌,注重营销的创新发展策略来展开。在此基础上,政府应通过加强引导,提供各种政策保障;调整发展思路,促进农场区域化发展;建立休闲型农场专门人才的培养机制,提升农场主文化与经营水平等一系列保障机制来实现。  相似文献   

This paper presents research conducted during two coffee farming seasons in Costa Rica. The study examined coffee farmers?? weed management practices and is presented in the form of a case study of small-scale farmers?? use of labor and herbicides in weed management practices. Over 200 structured interviews were conducted with coffee farmers concerning their use of hired labor and family labor, weed management activities, support services, and expectations about the future of their coffee production. ANOVA and regression analyses describe the relationships between farm size, labor, and herbicide use, and three farm types (i.e., conventional, semi-conventional, and organic). Based on findings regarding the amount of labor used to manually control weeds on different types of farms (large farms, small conventional, semi-conventional, and organic farms) I am able to challenge small conventional farmers?? perceived need for herbicide use. Semi-structured interviews of coffee farmers and extension workers further revealed a dominant role played by agro-chemical companies in assisting farmers with production problems, and documented a high transaction cost for information provided from elsewhere. Chemical companies hire extension workers to visit farmers at their farms, free of charge, to offer recommendations on how to treat different pest problems, while government and cooperative extension agents charge for the service. There is a need to increase the amount of resources available to the National Coffee Institute to fund one-on-one farmer support services in order to balance the influence of agro-chemical company representatives and allow farmers to make better decisions regarding weed management.  相似文献   

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