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Sebaceous adenitis (SA) may be idiopathic (ISA) or associated with other disorders. The purpose of the present study was to compare the cutaneous histopathology of SA in cases in which Leishmania organisms were detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC) with that of cases diagnosed as ISA. Skin sections of 29 patients were evaluated histologically and divided into two groups, one characterized by several epidermal and subepidermal lesions, a granulomatous to pyogranulomatous nodular to diffuse dermatitis involving the sebaceous glands and a positive IHC for Leishmania spp. The other group was characterized by orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, follicular keratosis with different degrees of pyogranulomatous to granulomatous SA, lack of nodular dermatitis and a negative IHC for Leishmania spp. Hidradenitis was present in both groups. From these results it can be concluded that SA in canine Leishmaniosis (CL) is usually present together with a nodular to diffuse dermal infiltrate and epidermal and subepidermal lesions, and that SA in the absence of dermal inflammation is probably not associated with or suggestive of CL, even in regions where the disease is endemic.  相似文献   

A novel form of mural folliculitis is described in seven cats. Clinically, all cats exhibited generalized alopecia with scaling or crusting that was more pronounced over the head, neck, and shoulders. The face and muzzle of all cats was unusually thickened. Six of seven cats were progressively lethargic but did not demonstrate any other consistent systemic abnormalities. Histologically, there was severe mixed inflammation of the wall of the follicular isthmus in all cats, accompanied by some follicular destruction in five cats. Sebaceous glands were not affected. All cats had variable, but often striking, follicular mucin deposition, as well as epidermal hyperkeratosis and crusting. The cause of the severe mural folliculitis was not identified, and all cats responded poorly to immunomodulating therapy. Follicular mucinosis may be a nonspecific finding, likely reflective of the follicular lymphocytic milieu, and does not always herald follicular lymphoma.  相似文献   

Granulomatous sebaceous adenitis was diagnosed in a 2 year old spayed Miniature Pinscher. Initial treatment with isotretinoin for 3 weeks resulted in little response and decreased tear production. Immunosuppressive doses of prednisone for 3 weeks resulted in mild response of the dermatitis; however, the dog developed transient diabetes mellitus secondary to this treatment. Cyclosporine (5 mg/kg of body weight, po, q 12 h) resulted in good clinical response for 12 months, but histologically, the sebaceous glands remained absent. Although cyclosporine has immunosuppressive properties, this drug also has inhibitory effects of keratinocyte proliferation. These mechanisms may explain the beneficial response of cyclosporine in the treatment of granulomatous sebaceous adenitis in this dog.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old rabbit was presented with a chronic exfoliative dermatitis and patchy alopecia. General physical examination revealed no abnormalities. Skin scrapings and fungal culture were negative. A blood sample was obtained for a complete blood cell count and biochemical profile, and yielded results that were within normal limits. Radiographic examination of the thorax excluded the presence of a thymoma. Histopathology of the skin showed orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, absence of sebaceous glands and mural lymphocytic folliculitis, consistent with sebaceous adenitis. Oral treatment was started with ciclosporin dissolved in a medium-chain triglyceride solution (Miglyol 812), combined with essential fatty acids and topical propylene glycol sprays. Within 2 months of treatment, complete regression of skin lesions and regrowth of hair was observed. Serum chemistry values including kidney and liver function tests remained within reference range during the course of treatment. Histopathological examination of control biopsies of the skin showed presence of normal sebaceous glands and active hair follicles. Treatment was changed to a different pharmaceutical formulation of ciclosporin without Miglyol and deterioration of clinical signs was noticed. Using pure Miglyol 812, however, resulted in a gradual improvement of 60%. A nearly complete response was again observed after re-administration of the combination ciclosporin/Miglyol. It is hypothesized that sebaceous adenitis in the rabbit is most likely due to an autoimmune reaction directed at the sebaceous glands and a defect in lipid metabolism. The outcome indicates that a combination of ciclosporin and Miglyol 812 is a promising new treatment for sebaceous adenitis in rabbits.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old cat developed a raised hair coat and adherent crusting lesions involving the skin of the head, dorsal neck and abdomen. Erosions were present on the lips and eyelids. The footpads were dry and scaly. Histopathology revealed infiltrative lymphocytic folliculitis, moderate lymphocytic infiltration into the epidermis and apoptotic epidermal cells. A restricted diet as the only therapy resulted in gradual resolution of the skin lesions. Despite an improvement in the dermatological condition, the cat increasingly lost all appetite and marked weight loss occurred. The cat died 4 months after presentation. Post-mortem revealed a perforated gastric ulcer and a mild to moderate inflammatory bowel disease. The clinical course of lesion resolution in this cat suggested a diet-related pathogenesis. The late finding of intestinal disease in a patient with diet-related skin disease is still interesting and needs to be evaluated by further case studies.  相似文献   

Granulomatous sebaceous adenitis (GSA) is uncommon in dogs; however, certain breed predilections exist. In this report, three cases of GSA in unrelated vizslas have been described. All cases initially presented with episodes of otitis externa followed by severe inner pinnal lesions. In one case, multifocal coalescing inner pinnal ulceration appeared 4 wk prior to the occurrence of the skin lesions. The other two cases presented with simultaneous pinnal and skin lesions following episodes of bilateral otitis. The pinnae were diffusely erythematous and had multiple coalescing erosions and ulcers. The body lesions consisted of multifocal alopecia, papules, and fine scales. Biopsies of the skin and pinnae confirmed GSA. Two dogs responded to treatment with synthetic retinoids and cyclosporin A, respectively. One dog was not treated, and the owners preferred euthanasia when the ear lesions recurred and did not respond to glucocorticoids. To the best of the authors' knowledge, GSA with multifocal coalescing ulcerative pinnal lesions has not previously been reported.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old, thoroughbred mare was presented with an 8-year history of multifocal, generalized, noninflammatory alopecia and a 3-month history of alopecia, erythema and scaling of the white star on the forehead and muzzle. Histopathological examination of biopsy samples from multiple sites on the body (mane, neck, shoulder, flank and gluteal region) showed a subtle lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate affecting and surrounding the anagen hair bulbs, consistent with a diagnosis of alopecia areata. The biopsy sample from the star on the forehead showed atrophic hair follicles with perifollicular and mural mononuclear folliculitis affecting the isthmus. Immunohistochemical staining with a CD3 marker confirmed the T-lymphocytic origin of the inflammatory infiltrate in all the samples. The concurrent presence of lymphocytic infiltration at the bulbar and isthmic level of the hair follicles in the same horse is unusual. This finding may represent a variation of the histological appearance of alopecia areata.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of cyclosporine A in the treatment of sebaceous adenitis in dogs. DESIGN: Open-label clinical trial. ANIMALS: 12 dogs with sebaceous adenitis. PROCEDURE: Dogs were treated with cyclosporine A at a dosage of 5 mg/kg/d (2.3 mg/lb/d), PO, for 12 months and reevaluated every 4 months. A clinical score was calculated by grading the extent of alopecia and severity of follicular casts as absent, mild, moderate, or severe in each of 17 body regions. Biopsy specimens were obtained and examined histologically and by means of immunohistochemical staining. RESULTS: Mean clinical score was significantly decreased, compared with baseline score, after 4 months of treatment and remained low after 8 and 12 months. Histologically, the severity of inflammation was significantly decreased, as were numbers of macrophages, CD3+ T cells, and major histocompatibility complex class II-expressing cells. The percentage of hair follicles with sebaceous glands increased, suggesting regeneration of sebaceous glands. Clinical signs recurred when cyclosporine administration was discontinued. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that administration of cyclosporine A at a dosage of 5 mg/kg/d may reduce the inflammation associated with sebaceous adenitis in dogs. Long-term treatment appears to be neccessary to control the disease.  相似文献   

Medical records of dogs with sebaceous adenitis diagnosed by histopathology over an 18-year period were reviewed. From a total of 40 cases, 24 were treated with oral vitamin A. Dogs ranged from 9 months to 12 years of age at the time of disease onset. Purebred as well as mixed-breed dogs were affected. Akitas represented approximately one-third of the affected population. No sex predilections were observed. Vitamin A was administered for a minimum of 1 month. Doses varied from 380 to 2667 IU/kg/day, with a mean of 1037 IU/kg/day. Two dogs received oral vitamin A exclusively. Concurrent treatments included systemic antibiotics, systemic antifungal medications, fatty acid supplementation and various topical treatments. Of 24 dogs treated with vitamin A, three were lost to follow-up. Twelve owners were satisfied with the overall appearance of their dogs, reporting ≥25% improvement in clinical signs, including level of pruritus, amount of scale, alopecia and overall coat quality, compared with pretreatment appearance. Three owners observed adequate initial improvement, with regression to pretreatment state within 6 months of starting treatment. Two owners reported 25-50% improvement in clinical signs while on oral vitamin A supplementation; however, changes were attributed to concurrent topical treatment. Six owners reported no improvement and discontinued oral administration of vitamin A within 7 months. No correlations could be made between vitamin A dosage and response to treatment; prognoses could not be made based on clinical and histopathological findings.  相似文献   

Infiltrative lymphocytic mural folliculitis (ILMF) is a histopathological reaction pattern reported to occur in a small number of equine inflammatory dermatoses. However, the prevalence of ILMF in a variety of equine dermatoses has not been reported. Skin biopsy specimens from 250 horses with inflammatory dermatoses and from 27 horses with physically healthy skin were therefore evaluated. ILMF was present in 82% of the diseased skin specimens examined. ILMF was not seen in physically healthy skin. It appears that ILMF is frequently seen in a wide variety of equine inflammatory dermatoses and therefore is of little diagnostic significance. However, ILMF is not seen in physically healthy equine skin and the presence of lymphocytes in equine hair follicle epithelium should therefore be considered abnormal.  相似文献   

A 6‐year‐old entire male black Labrador retriever was presented with nonpruritic multicentric, well‐demarcated alopecia of 12‐weeks duration. Skin biopsies from the margins of alopecic regions showed sebaceous adenitis and sub‐follicular panniculitis. Biopsies from alopecic areas showed severe follicular atrophy with residual fibrous tracts, loss of sebaceous glands and lymphohistiocytic panniculitis beneath individual atrophic hair follicle groups. These features differed from previous reports of pilosebaceous diseases of dogs and appeared to extend the spectrum of inflammatory patterns in presumed immune‐mediated adnexal diseases of this species. During the 12‐month follow‐up, there was partial hair regrowth without treatment but alopecia was permanent in the centre of larger lesions.  相似文献   

The clinical, histopathologic and immunopathologic features of a novel form of isthmus mural folliculitis in dogs, which resembles pseudopelade in humans, were characterized. Clinically, dogs exhibited variably distributed foci of alopecia that persisted without treatment or did not respond to immunosuppressive therapy. Histopathologically, mixed mononuclear cell infiltrates, largely lymphocytes, infiltrated the follicular isthmus. Occasionally, inflammation extended above and below the follicular isthmus but did not involve the hair bulb or the epidermis. Severe follicular atrophy and variable atrophy of sebaceous glands occurred in all dogs. Folliculotropic lymphocytes exhibited most commonly CD3 and CD8 (cytotoxic T cells). Autoantibodies specific for the lower hair follicle were detected in the serum of affected patients. Western immunoblotting demonstrated binding of these antibodies to multiple follicular keratinocyte proteins, including hair keratins and trichohyalin. Lack of hair regrowth (in contrast to canine alopecia areata), as well as location of inflammation and extreme atrophy of adnexal units are similar to findings seen in human pseudopelade.  相似文献   

Canine idiopathic sebaceous adenitis (ISA) is an inflammatory reaction of sebaceous glands, potentially resulting in their complete loss. It is considered a T‐cell‐mediated disease, but its precise pathogenesis is still unknown. Topical treatment with oil soaks, humectants and shampoos is effective but laborious. Ciclosporin A (CsA), an immunomodulatory drug, has recently been shown to ameliorate the clinical picture of ISA and to reduce inflammation greatly. It is, however, an expensive treatment option. The objective of this multicentre, partly double‐blinded, randomized controlled study was to evaluate the efficacy of ciclosporin A, either alone or with topical therapy, in comparison to conventional topical treatment alone, as measured by the primary end‐points alopecia and scaling, and multiple histopathological secondary objectives. Thirty‐four dogs with an established diagnosis were treated for 4–6 months and were evaluated before, during and after therapy. Both CsA and topical therapy demonstrated efficacy in this study. Differences between the treatment protocols were marginal. Topical treatment, both alone and in combination with CsA, appeared to reduce scaling more effectively than CsA alone. Both therapies reduced alopecia. There is evidence of a synergistic benefit on both scaling and alopecia, if both treatment options are combined. Inflammation of the sebaceous glands is also best reduced by a combination of both CsA and topical therapy. There is evidence that regeneration of sebaceous glands is best achieved by CsA, either given alone or in combination with topical treatment.  相似文献   

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