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Clinicopathologic aspects of acute leukemias in the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nineteen cases of canine acute leukemia were diagnosed during a 4-year period. Two main categories were identified on the basis of cytologic, hematologic, and clinical features: acute lymphoid leukemia and acute myelogenous leukemia. Clinical features included history of weight loss, anorexia, shifting limb lameness, and incoordination. Physical findings were characterized by hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, mild generalized lymphadenopathy, and pallor. Ocular lesions were found in 29% of dogs with acute myelogenous leukemia. Hematologic abnormalities included anemia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, leukemia, and leukoerythroblastic reactions. Results of therapy were discouraging.  相似文献   

Some biochemical aspects of urology in the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Some aspects of the incidence, breed distribution, examination and the macroscopic and microscopic pathology of interdigital cysts are described. The aetiology and pathogenesis of this condition are discussed.
  • (a). Ninety-five dogs (1.6 per cent) of a total of 5923 dogs were presented for examination with interdigital cysts.
  • (b). The Pekingese, West Highland White Terrier and Scotch Terrier are predisposed to interdigital cysts.
  • (c). The incidence of interdigital cysts in the Border Collie is very low.
  • (d). Interdigital cysts occur most regularly in the 3/4, 4/5 interdigital space of one or both fore-feet.
  • (e). Interdigital cysts are essentially granulomatous lesions containing abscesses and sinus tracks.
  • (f). Staphylococcus aureus and β haemolytic streptococci are common secondary bacterial invaders.
  • (g). Interdigital cysts probably originate from a pedal dermatitis and folliculitis.
  • (h). It is suggested that the conformation of the interdigital web plays a part in the susceptibility of a dog to interdigital cyst.
Résumé. Certaines questions concernant la fréquence, la distribution d'après les races des signes cliniques et l'anatomie pathologique macroscopique et microscopique des kystes inter-digitaux sont évoqués. L'étiologie et la pathogénie de cette affection sont discutées.
  • (a). 95 chiens (1,6%) sur un total de 5 923 animaux présentés à l'examen étaient atteints de kystes interdigitaux.
  • (b). Les Pékinois, West Highland White Terrier et Scotch Terrier sont particulièrement prédisposés à cette affection.
  • (c). La fréquence des kystes interdigitaux chez le Border Collie est très basse.
  • (d). Les kystes interdigitaux s'observent avec prédilection dans les espaces interdigitaux 3/4 et 4/5 d'une ou des deux pattes antérieures.
  • (e). Les kystes interdigitaux présentent essentiellement des lésions granulomateuses contenant des abcès et des trajets fistuleux.
  • (f). Le Staphylocoque doré et le streptocoque β-hémolytique sont les germes d'infection secondaire les plus fréquents.
  • (g). Les kystes interdigitaux tirent probablement leur origine d'une dermatite et d'une folli-culite du pied.
  • (h). On estime que la conformation de la membrane interdigitale joue un rôle dans la sensibilité du chien aux kystes interdigitaux.
Zusammenfassung. Einige Aspeckte der Häufigkeit, der Verteilung auf die Hunderassen, der Untersuchung und der makroskopischen und mikroskopischen Pathologie der Interdigital-cysten werden beschrieben. Die Ätiologie und die Pathogenese dieses Zustands werden be-sprochen.
  • (a). 95 Hunde (1,6%) von insgesamt 5923 Hunden wurden mit Interdigitalcysten zur Untersuchung vorgeführt.
  • (b). Der Pekinese, der West-Highland-White-Terrier und der Scotch-Terrier sind für Interdigitalcysten prädisponiert.
  • (c). Die Häufigkeit von Interdigitalcysten beim Border Collie ist sehr gering.
  • (d). Interdigitalcysten treten am regelmässigsten im 3/4– und 4/5-Interdigitalraum einer oder beider Vorderpfoten auf.
  • (e). Interdigitalcysten sind im wesentlichen granulomatöse Läsionen, die Abszesse und Fistelgänge enthalten.
  • (f). Staphylococcus aureus und β-Hämolyse-Streptokokken sind häufig die Ursachen von Sekun-därinfektionen.
  • (g). Interdigitalcysten werden wahrscheinlich durch Fussdermatitis und Folliculitis verursacht.
  • (h). Es wird der Vermutung Amdruck gegeben, dass die Art der Ausbildung des Interdigital-gewebes eine Rolle bei der Empfindlichkeit eines Hundes fur die Entstehung von Interdigitalcysten spielt.



Acetylcholine and cholinesterase occur in many different species of unicellular and multicellular animals and their presence is oftenrelated to nerve and muscle activity and to movement. The substances occur in parasitic helminths and several modern anthelmintics appear to act by disrupting cholinergic mechanisms. One such group, the organophosphorous compounds, inactivate cholinesterase allowing preservation of endogenous acetylcholine and consequent interference with normal motor activity. A second group owes its basic mode of action to chemical and biological features shared with acetylcholine and acts, essentially, by mimicking the effects of excessive amounts of the natural neurotransmitter. Examples are, bephenium and thenium, both of which possess the configuration (Broome, 1962 Broome, A.W.J. 1962. “Mechanisms of anthelmintic action with particular reference to drugs affecting neuromuscular activity”. In Drugs Parasites and Hosts, London: Churchill. In [Google Scholar]) and methvridine, which has a -CH2-CH2-O-CH3 grouping.  相似文献   

In 21 dogs with clinical features of German Shepherd dog Pyoderma (GSP) parameters of the specific and aspecific immune system have been examined. Chemotaxis and killing capacities of neutrophilic leucocytes were undisturbed, whereas in skin biopsies no specific immunoglobulin or complement deposits were found with immunofluorescence. With double immunodiffusion, antibodies against Gram-positive bacteria were found. In a laser nephelometric assay significantly elevated levels of IgG, IgGab, IgGd, IgM and bacterial components, associated and non-associated with circulating immune complexes, were detected. However, no relation was found with the disease state. It is concluded that dogs with GSP are immunologically normal reactors. A bacterial hypersensitivity reaction is hypothesized as a possible initiating factor in the pathogenesis of GSP.  相似文献   

The present situation in human renal transplantation is described and the difficulties are emphasized. The value of canine experiments in solving the problems is explained. Résumé. On décrit la situation actuelle en matière de greffes rénales chez l'homme et on souligne les difficultés rencontrées. On explique l'apport que les experiénces sur les chiens pourrait faire à la solution des problèmes. Zusammenfassung. Die gegenwärtige Situation hinsichtlich der Nierentransplantation beim Menschen wird beschrieben und die Schwieregkeiten werden betont. Der Wert der Tierversuche mit Hunden für die Lösung der Probleme wird erläutert.  相似文献   

随着我国警犬技术工作的发展,警犬技术的应用领域越来越广,从业人员也越来越多,此前只有男民警从事的职业也逐渐涌现出一批女民警,使得带犬女民警在北京、上海、合肥、郑州等城市的应用出现了一道亮丽的风景线。女民警带犬在给警犬技术带来活力的同时,其性别优势在警犬技术的训  相似文献   

An 11-year-old female crossbred dog showed signs of polyuria, polydipsia, vomiting, posterior weakness and ataxia. Clinical and laboratory findings suggested the diagnosis of polycythaemia vera. The haematological values shown over a six-month period are presented. In four samples some aspects of erythrocyte function (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase [G6PD] and pyruvate kinase [PK] activities, 2,3 diphosphoglycerate [2,3 DPG] concentration, osmotic fragility and intracellular sodium and potassium concentrations) were studied. Variable activities of G6PD and PK, probably related to different reticulocyte number, were detected together with normal osmotic fragility and intracellular sodium and potassium concentrations. 2,3 DPG concentration was higher than normal in all four samples. This could be interpreted as a response to a low tissue perfusion rather than a higher content of 2,3 DPG in red blood cells from the polycythaemic dog.  相似文献   

The properties of antibiotic drugs and the principles underlying their effective clinical use are discussed.  相似文献   

一、自由搜索与适当牵引相结合 为使犬充分发挥能动性,训犬员首先应将犬的兴奋性调节到最佳状态,然后解开犬的牵引带,指挥犬有序进行搜索.为发挥犬自由搜索的能动性,要求训犬员应与犬保持一定的距离.在搜索中,如果犬出现一些困难时,训犬员应及时果断地采取牵引控制的方法,并辅以口令和手势的指挥,顺利引导犬完成搜索.  相似文献   

The limited literature on canine lung pathology is reviewed and the relative importance of canine pulmonary conditions is discussed. Résumé. On passe en revue la littératwe peu abondante concernant la pathologie pulmonaire du chien et on discute l'importance relative des affections en question chez l'espèce canine. Zusammenfassung. Die begrenzte Literatur über die Pathologie der Lunge des Hundes und die relative Bedeutung der Pulrnonalzustände beim Hund werden besprochen.  相似文献   

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