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Madam:– Aujeszky's disease (AD) was first diagnosed in New Zealand in 1976.(1 Anon. Aujeszky's disease in N.Z. pigs Surveillance New Zealand 1976 3 2 3 4  [Google Scholar]) While elinical AD has been uncommon and the disease has had no appreeiable impact on the production of pigmeat for the domestic market, the presence of infection denies New Zealand pigmeat acccss to a number of overseas markets.(1 Anon. Aujeszky's disease in N.Z. pigs Surveillance New Zealand 1976 3 2 3 4  [Google Scholar]) Access to these could be obtained if meat were derived from herds certified free from AD.  相似文献   

The Pig Health Control Association launched a control scheme for Aujeszky's disease in Britain in January 1978. Participating herds must not show clinical signs suggestive of Aujeszky's disease and must be serum-sampled every six months for the absence of antibodies. Importations are allowed only from listed herds, or through hysterectomy or hysterotomy, embryo transfer, or artificial insemination (the donor animals in each case having been serologically screened beforehand). During the subsequent eight years, 103 herds have qualified, and at the end of 1985, 49 herds (average size 249 sows) were listed. Despite a high degree of inter-herd stock movements, no clinical or serological evidence of Aujeszky's disease has occurred, and the disease has not arisen in any herd established from the listed herds. During the same period, Aujeszky's disease was spreading in Britain and an eradication programme began in March 1983. By the end of 1985, 502 herds not on the Pig Health Control Association's scheme comprising 421,825 pigs had been slaughtered, together with 259 serologically positive animals in 69 other herds. The Pig Health Control Association's register has provided a safe source of stock.  相似文献   

Aujeszky's disease was first diagnosed in the North Island of New Zealand in 1976. It has never been reported in the South Island. An industry-funded eradication programme was initiated in 1989 to eradicate the disease from the national pig herd. By using a combination of serological surveys, abattoir surveillance, test and slaughter, depopulation, vaccination and movement restrictions, Aujeszky's disease was eradicated by 1997.  相似文献   

Two epidemiological studies were conducted from August 1997 to May 1998: a case-control study to identify herd level risk factors for antibodies to Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV) in sows in the state of Yucatan, Mexico and a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of antibodies against ADV in fattening pigs. In the case-control study, data on herd management and biosecurity were obtained from all the 27 ADV known field-virus-seropositive farms (cases) and 62 randomly selected seronegative farms (controls) by questionnaire. Breeding animals of these seropositive farms had received a gE-deletion vaccine. In the cross-sectional study, 26 farrow-to-finish farms of the 27 seropositive farms were used and blood samples taken from 60 fattening pigs per herd (15 pigs for each stage of production). Serum samples were analyzed by the screening-ELISA and gE-ELISA tests. In the case-control study, three of the 15 risk factors were significant. Odds ratios for distance to the nearest farm (< or = 2.5km), not sampling for the detection of ADV and herds with origin of breeding animals within the state were 9.5, 18.1 and 8.7. In the cross-sectional study, 11 (42.3%) of the 26 sampled farms were seropositive to vaccine antibodies. None of the piglets were positive to antibodies against field virus risk--suggesting that the strategy of vaccinating only the breeding animals reduced the ADV infection of the piglets.  相似文献   

A vaccination eradication programme against Aujeszky's disease (AD), based on the use of gE-negative killed vaccine, was carried out between 1987 and 1992 in 5 Swedish weaner pig producing or farrow-to-finish herds, with 63 to 398 breeding animals. All breeding animals were tested at the start and the end of the programme. Seroprevalence to Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV) ranged between 47% and 100% in the herds at the first test. During the programme, all breeding animals were vaccinated simultaneously every 4 months and ADV-free replacement animals were vaccinated shortly after arrival and boostered within a month. In one herd only, a limited number of fatteners were vaccinated. The herds were declared free (gE-negative) 12 to 53 months after the start of the programme. When all seropositive breeding animals had been culled, the programme ended after 2 negative tests of the breeding animals. Seroconversion was limited in all herds but one, where initially no isolation unit was available for replacement animals. The attitude of the herd owners towards the programme and the special conditions prevailing in the herds are discussed. It is suggested that vaccination may promote risk behaviour of herd managers.  相似文献   

Both in the Federal Republic of Germany and in some neighbouring countries the epizootic situation of Aujeszky's disease has been unsatisfactory for a long time, especially in areas with a high pig density. New findings on vaccines with certain protein deletions have recently indicated the possibility that the disease might be eradicated even in vaccinated herds. By using labelled vaccines it seems possible to distinguish the carriers of vaccine virus antibodies from the carriers of field virus antibodies and to eliminate the animals infected with field virus, while leaving the other animals in the herd and protecting them from infection by vaccination. This procedure would also be practicable in epizootically infected areas and would be less expensive than eradicating the disease on the basis of serological tests without using vaccines. A skeleton of an eradication programme, which was discussed and agreed with scientific experts and with the Federal Laender, as well as rough estimates of costs are being presented.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that after experimental infection of pig slurry from the space under the slatted floor (infection dose of 10(6)PFU per ml), the Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV) survived for 72 hours at the temperature of 15 degrees C and at pH 6.5, but was inactivated after 96 hours. When technologically treated pig slurry from the storage tanks was saturated with water and infected with ADV at the dose of 10(5)PFU per ml, the virus survived for 23 days when kept at 15 degrees C and 4 degrees C and at pH 6.8, but was inactivated under the same conditions after 30 days. When the infective ADV dose in the technologically treated pig slurry in the storage tanks was reduced to 10(4)PFU per ml, the virus survived 16 days at +4 degrees C and pH 7.0 and 8.0 but was inactivated within 23 days after infection.  相似文献   

The survival of Aujeszky's disease virus was studied in muscle, lymph node and bone marrow frozen at -18 degrees C, following infusion of a large dose of the virus into the hindquarter of a freshly killed pig. Previous attempts to induce an adequate viraemia for such studies, using intranasal and intravenous routes of inoculation of large doses of virus in live pigs, were unsuccessful. In frozen meat and marrow, the virus showed a biphasic inactivation curve with time, similar to that seen with cell-cultured virus. Most virus was rapidly inactivated initially but a small population of more stable virus persisted for a considerable period of time. In contrast, virus in lymph node showed a uniform inactivaton rate, like that of the more stable componet only. Virus was not detectable in any of the tissues after 35 days of storage at -18 degrees C.  相似文献   

Epidemiological aspects of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mh), influenza H1N1 and H3N2 viruses, and Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV) were investigated in slaughter pigs from 50 fattening pig herds. Herd factors as potential risk indicators for respiratory disease were obtained by means of a questionnaire. At slaughter, blood samples were collected from each herd, and the proportion of seropositive pigs per herd was assessed for each of these pathogens. The median herd-level seroprevalence of the agents were: Mh 88%, H1N1 100%, H3N2 60% and ADV 90%. The percentage of herds in which all investigated fattening pigs were seronegative for these agents was: Mh 0%, H1N1 0%, H3N2 12% and ADV 18%. The percentage of herds in which all investigated fattening pigs were seropositive for these agents was: Mh 8%, H1N1 71%, H3N2 22% and ADV 40%. A positive association was found between influenza H1N1 and H3N2 viruses, and a negative association between influenza H3N2 virus and ADV. There were no risk indicators for the seroprevalence of Mh. Three risk indicators were associated with the seroprevalence of influenza H1N1 virus: a fully slatted floor, an increasing number of pigs in the municipality and dry feeding. Three risk indicators were found for the seroprevalence of influenza H3N2 virus: purchase of pigs from > or = two herds, an increasing number of pigs in the municipality and natural ventilation. The seroprevalence of ADV was influenced by two risk indicators: an increasing number of pig herds in the municipality and an increasing number of pigs per pen.  相似文献   

Eradication of Aujeszky's disease from a large-scale pig farm by the 'test-and-cull' eradication procedure based on the use of gene-deleted vaccines and serological monitoring using gE ELISA is described. Aujeszky's disease free status was successfully achieved on a farrow-to-finish type farm characterised by three difficulties interfering with the success of eradication: (i) weaned (30-day-old) piglets remained in the farrowing house until 65 days of age; (ii) the farm did not use nursery rearing; (iii) fatteners were kept together with the breeding gilts. Thus, the immunisation programme had to be adjusted to the management technology used on the farm, and by regular serological monitoring it had to be periodically modified to make it suitable for attaining the goals. This meant that breeding animal candidates of a wide age range and kept in the same air space had to be provided with a continuously high-level immunity by regular vaccination sufficient even for rectifying potential human errors. The immunisation programme was designed by taking into consideration the disappearance of maternal immunity, and a strict vaccination programme was applied during the rearing of breeding gilts kept together with the fattening pigs. Frequent immunisation applied during the rearing of the own breeding animal replacements proved to be of decisive importance for the eradication of Aujeszky's disease from the entire herd. In addition to the accurate implementation of the vaccination programme, regular serological monitoring also made a major contribution to the success of eradication.  相似文献   

Functional antibody tests, including virus neutralising activity of serum, antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity and complement mediated lysis, were used to measure the response of pigs given either live or inactivated Aujeszky's disease virus vaccines. Pigs were then challenged with virulent Aujeszky's disease virus and antibody responses were analysed and found not to correlate with protection. Reasons for this lack of correlation are discussed and it is suggested that these results indicate that more emphasis should be placed on measuring the local immune response.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in nine unvaccinated Swedish weaner pig-producing herds, ranging in size from 20 to 134 breeding animals, which had experienced a previous outbreak of Aujeszky's disease (AD) and in which seropositive sows were still present. The objective was to quantify the seroconversion rate to Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV) in breeding animals and to find out whether unvaccinated herds could become free from ADV by using only seronegative animals for replacement. Serum samples were initially obtained from all adult pigs in the herds. Animals testing negative, as well as replacement animals, were subsequently tested every second or third month and the herds were followed for 10-28 months. The herd owners were advised to keep seropositive and seronegative animals separate whenever possible and to implement sanitary measures against the reintroduction of the virus into the herds. All herds experienced long consecutive periods (> or = 4 months, median 9 months) without seroconversion. Three herds became free from ADV during the serological study; in two of these herds no seroconversion was observed. In those seven herds where seroconversion occurred, between 9 and 86% of the susceptible pigs became infected. The reinfection was indicative of the reactivation of latent virus in all herds but two, where the reintroduction of the virus was most likely. The pattern of seroconversion was either sporadic, involving not more than three animals at a time, or epidemic, involving a large proportion of the susceptible animals in the herd. Severe clinical outbreaks hit the two largest herds and these only became ADV-free after the conclusion of the study when vaccine was used, which reduced the incidence of seroconversion to zero. The results from the present study show that it is possible for smaller herds to achieve freedom from ADV without any radical control methods, provided that only ADV-free replacement animals are used and the virus is not reintroduced. Moreover, the finding that long periods can elapse without transmission suggests that when infection is discovered in a herd, the risk of massive spread is not necessarily imminent.  相似文献   

The Danish Salmonella Surveillance and Control Programme for pigs operates at all stages of the production chain and has been applied nationally since 1995. Due to the program the level of Salmonella in Danish pork has declined from 3.5% in 1993 to 0.7% in the year 2000. Simultaneously, the number of human cases with salmonellosis due to pork has declined from approximately 1,144 in 1993 to 166 in 2000. In year 2001, the programme has been improved at a number of stages. A new classification scheme for the serological surveillance of finisher herds has been developed. The individual test cut-off in the mix-ELISA has been reduced to 20 OD%. Only herds producing more than 200 finishers/year are sampled. Based on the serological result from the last 3 months a new weighted salmonella index is calculated: The Danish Bacon and Meat Council has agreed on a new stricter penalty system. Level 2 and 3 herds get a penalty of 2% and 4% of the value per slaughter carcass, respectively. A new method of Salmonella testing on carcasses has been introduced; 5 carcasses per slaughter day are swabbed at 3 defined areas at 100 cm2 for each sample. This method is more sensitive than the one used previously. Herds infected with multiresistant Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 have to follow special restrictions. These include a requirement for a herd intervention plan, restriction on livestock trade, and a requirement for special slurry handling. Carcasses from DT 104 herds must be heat-treated or decontaminated with hot water.  相似文献   

In Belgium, pseudorabies in swine has been the subject of a mandatory eradication programme since 1993. From December 1995 to February 1996, a survey was conducted in the five provinces of northern Belgium to estimate the provincial pseudorabies virus (PRV) herd seroprevalence. Seven hundred and twenty randomly selected herds were included in this survey. To detect recently infected animals, only young sows were sampled. The results show that 44% of these herds had an important number of PRV-seropositive young sows. The highest herd seroprevalence was observed in West Flanders (68%), followed by Antwerp (60%), East Flanders (43%), Limburg (18%), and Flemish Brabant (8%). Assuming a diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity of 95% and 99%, respectively, and a true PRV within-herd prevalence of 43%, the overall true PRV herd prevalence was estimated to be 35%. A logistic multiple-regression revealed that the presence of finishing pigs was associated with a two-fold increase in odds of a herd being seropositive (odds ratio (OR)=2.07, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.31–3.26); a breeding herd size ≥70 sows was associated with a four-fold increase in odds of a herd being seropositive (OR=4.09, 95% CI=2.18–7.67); a pig density in the municipality of ≥455 pigs/km2 was associated with a 10-fold increase in odds of a herd being seropositive (OR=9.68, 95% CI=5.17–18.12). No association was detected between the PRV herd seroprevalence and purchase policy of breeding pigs (purchased gilts, or use of homebred gilts only).  相似文献   

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