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Would you be happier if you were richer? A focusing illusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The belief that high income is associated with good mood is widespread but mostly illusory. People with above-average income are relatively satisfied with their lives but are barely happier than others in moment-to-moment experience, tend to be more tense, and do not spend more time in particularly enjoyable activities. Moreover, the effect of income on life satisfaction seems to be transient. We argue that people exaggerate the contribution of income to happiness because they focus, in part, on conventional achievements when evaluating their life or the lives of others.  相似文献   

天津高校毕业生“就业成本”分析及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校扩招,大学毕业生的就业形势变得越来越严峻。在就业过程中,毕业生为了提高就业的成功率,越来越重视自身包装、公关等方面的花费,就业成本引起了社会的关注。通过对天津10所高校2008届毕业生的调查与研究发现,学生的求职消费大干预估消费,大学期间的经济主要来源于家庭,求职信息主要来源于网络信息,不同的家庭条件决定了他们的求职理念。因此,学校应该改革现有教学和实习模式,加强毕业生诚信教育,加大学校就业指导和就业服务的力度,鼓励毕业生到西部和基层就业等,以降低大学生的就业成本。  相似文献   

美国收入分配自1980年代出现了加剧不平等的趋势,塞斯等人利用税收资料建立一个长期的高收入阶层的收入份额时间序列,利用其数据建立计量模型考察收入变动与股市指数的关系,发现股市是造成收入份额增长的一个因素,两者存在一定的正相关关系。同时,通过对不同收入组别与股指的相关系数的比较,发现收入阶层越高,其受股市影响程度越大,这也验证了收入越高其在股市中的投资比重越大,其收入增长来源越多地依赖于股市。通过时变参数模型度量了股指对收入份额的弹性系数的动态过程,发现自1981年开始弹性系数略有上升,其原因可能与税率下降及投资热情有关。  相似文献   

目前,洗钱行为呈上游犯罪高发、可疑交易规模扩大、金融体系被利用的风险增强等趋势。洗钱行为的治理,资金监管是关键,刑法应对是保障。司法认定中,应恪守以下原则:一是洗钱罪的主体不包括上游犯罪人;二是上游犯罪分子将违法所得及其产生的收益赠与他人,接受人应认定为窝藏毒赃罪;三是洗钱罪与其他犯罪的界限应从犯罪的构成要件上去把握。  相似文献   

浅谈测土配方施肥技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
人们常说:“有粮无粮在于水,粮多粮少在于肥”,事实并非完全如此。有的农民化肥没少用,但产量却不高,或产量较高、收入却没增加多少。这是因为农作物不同其需要养分也不同,单一施用肥料没有配合施用肥料效果好,不同类型的土壤施肥量也不一样。肥料并不是施得越多越好。盲目施用过多,既浪费肥料,又增加生产成本、降低产量、减少收益。测土配方施肥就是针对这些问题提出来的。推广潮土配方施肥技术,不但可以提高化肥利用率,节约用量,还能改善农产品质量,是一项增产节肥、节支增收的技术措施。  相似文献   

The psychological consequences of money   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vohs KD  Mead NL  Goode MR 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2006,314(5802):1154-1156
Money has been said to change people's motivation (mainly for the better) and their behavior toward others (mainly for the worse). The results of nine experiments suggest that money brings about a self-sufficient orientation in which people prefer to be free of dependency and dependents. Reminders of money, relative to nonmoney reminders, led to reduced requests for help and reduced helpfulness toward others. Relative to participants primed with neutral concepts, participants primed with money preferred to play alone, work alone, and put more physical distance between themselves and a new acquaintance.  相似文献   

首先重新审视了农业旅游和居民幸福感的定义,接着分析了农业旅游发展与居民幸福感两者之间的关系,认为农业旅游的综合效应使其越来越受到重视,发展农业旅游的侧重点逐步从提高农民经济收入转变到提升乡村居民幸福感上来。最后从提升乡村居民幸福感的视角,提出了发展农业旅游的对策,强调发展农业旅游不仅为了满足旅游者的需求,更要关注乡村居民的幸福诉求。  相似文献   

Lynn L 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1986,233(4761):296-301
Until recently the Japanese did not spend much on research and what they did spend was concentrated on the commercial development of technology. As a result there have so far been few Japanese breakthroughs in either science or technology. Dramatic changes have recently occurred, however, and Japan now trails only the United States and the Soviet Union in research spending. Beyond this, Japanese policy-makers are making a determined effort to overcome Japan's social and institutional barriers to scientific creativity.  相似文献   

Previous literature has demonstrated that low-income people are more likely to settle for poor health choices in developed countries. By using income as a budget constraint and signal for future wellbeing in a life-course utility model, we examine the association amongst income and overweight. The data used for this study are from the China Health and Nutrition Survey(CHNS). Estimations are conducted for overweight initiation, cessation, and participation mirroring a decision to begin and a past decision to not terminate. Our findings propose that body weight and the likelihood of overweight commencement rise with additional income but at a diminishing degree, representing a concave relation; while the likelihood of overweight discontinuance declines with additional income but at an accelerating degree, suggesting a convex relation.We presume that, as opposed to developed countries, low-income people are less inclined to be overweight in China, a country in transition. This could be explained by an income constraint for unhealthy foodstuff. Nevertheless, it will switch when income surpasses the critical threshold of the concave or inverted U-shape curve indicating that low-income people appear to receive not as much utility from future health. Specifically, this adjustment seems to occur earlier for females and inhabitants of urban areas.  相似文献   

改革开放 2 0多年来,京郊农村发生了翻天覆地的变化,农村居民的收入水平大幅度提高。与此同时,农村居民用于食品方面的支出占其纯收入的比重显著下降,食品需求结构也发生明显改变,表现在:粮食的消费支出在食品消费支出中所占比重下降,肉、蛋、奶及各种加工食品的消费支出增加。需求结构的变化对食品的生产和供应提出新的要求,从而带动农业结构的调整  相似文献   

本文选择了农民人均纯收入与人均GDP指标,来分析山西省"两区"县的强县与富民之间的关系。结果发现,农民收入比较稳定,与县域GDP增长相关性不大。原因在于GDP分配存在一定缺陷,煤炭财富集中、外逃。因此,"两区"县要走以煤补农道路、协调贫富差距共同富裕道路、产煤区与非产煤区协调发展道路。  相似文献   

近年来,农村经济快速发展,农民收入增加,农民消费状况有所改善。农民衣着消费金额增加且比重下降,人均居住消费支出不断增加,教育支出和医疗保健支出受到政策影响有所减少,交通消费价格指数和文化娱乐消费价格指数有所上升,农民生活质量提高,消费结构趋于合理。  相似文献   

运用结构向量自回归模型(SVAR)对中国改革开放30年来货币政策效果的城乡差异进行实证。协整检验表明,广义货币供应、信贷规模、城镇收入、农村收入之间具有长期稳定关系。脉冲响应表明,相较农村收入而言,城镇收入对货币政策的响应更敏感,作用时间更长;方差分解表明货币供应对城镇收入变动的贡献率较大,信贷规模对农村收入变动的贡献率较大。因此,基于中国货币政策效果的城乡差异显著,完全统一的货币政策不利于城乡经济协调发展,实行差异化的城乡货币政策十分必要。  相似文献   

随着吉林市经济的不断发展,人民收入水平的不断提高,对生活的质量有了更高的要求,房屋成了人们首要改善的东西.但是,根据吉林市人民收入水平,能够一次性付清房款的人还是少数,对于更多的市民来说,要想拥有一套自己的住房的梦想只能通过贷款来实现.个人住房消费性贷款是帮助有能力的新青年解决婚房问题及有条件的农村居民移居城市的住房问题的重要途径.它与吉林市城市化建设息息相关,是关乎吉林市民生的重要问题.  相似文献   

引导大众合理地支配消费时间,可为文化产业发展提供土壤,对公众消费潜力的挖掘,可为文化产业的发展提供动力。增加民众收入,转变消费观念、消除大众的消费顾虑等,是推动我国文化产业发展的关键。  相似文献   

邹红兵 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(22):13803-13804,13807
通过对国内外涉及收入水平与幸福感关系的研究进行元分析,研究了收入水平与幸福感间的关系。结果表明,收入水平和幸福感之间的关系呈类似于倒"U"型曲线,且可以从适应、社会比较和心理预期3方面进行解释。最后,就如何在提高农村居民收入水平的的同时能提高我国农村居民的幸福感提出相应的政策性建议:缩小城乡居民收入分配差距;淡化人们对金钱和物质地位的竞争;完善农村社会保障体系;努力创造农村居民各尽其能的条件。  相似文献   

专业化是我国农业发展的一个方向,最近几年专业种植和养殖成了农民致富的一个主要途径,那么,现状这些专业农户通过专业化的种养殖致富状况如何,他们致富的方式和投入方面有哪些特点,为了能够有一个系统全面的了解,为涉农企业的经营者提供数据参考,我们进行了本次调查。  相似文献   

Research news     
《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1976,191(4233):1250
The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy is the largest meeting devoted to chemical instrumentation in the United States, and probably the largest in the world. From 1 to 5 March, more than 7500 scientists gathered at the Cleveland Convention Center to listen to some 497 papers and to visit the booths of 324 instrument manufacturers and distributors. Another 3000 visited only the instrument exhibition. Because so many manufacturers exhibit their established instruments and introduce new ones at the Pittsburgh Conference (which is so named because it is sponsored by the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh and the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh even though it has been held in Cleveland for the past 9 years), it is an ideal place to examine trends in instrumentation and, thereby, current trends in chemistry. Many of those trends are discussed in the following stories. Other trends include the growing number of women participants. As recently as 5 years ago, there was only one woman among the manufacturer's representatives at the meeting. No figures are available this year, but women probably accounted for at least 5 percent of the sales force. Also the number of professional women visiting the exhibition was much greater than ever before. Another important trend was the enthusiasm of the visitors to the exhibition. Many of them seemed to have money in their pockets and to be ready to spend it, an indication that the instrument business-and, therefore, the physical sciences-will enjoy a year of healthy growth.  相似文献   

近年来,人民生活幸福指数成为政府工作报告中的关键词,关注“生活幸福指数”既是“以人为本”科学发展观的体现,也是经济与社会和谐发展的内在要求。本研究采用问卷走访的方式,以江苏省泰州市靖江区、无锡市江阴县、常州武进区、无锡宜兴市、苏州吴中区、苏州吴江区等6区县的150名退捕渔民为研究对象,分析当地退捕渔民生活幸福感现状及其影响因素,通过建立广义加性模型(Generalized additive model,GAM)以及生活幸福指数量表分析影响退捕渔民生活幸福感的影响因子。研究发现健康的身体状况、稳定的生活模式、不断增加的家庭支出、良好的居住环境、更高的受教育程度是使渔民对生活感到满意的主要因素,不健康的身体状况、不稳定的生活模式、拥有一定积蓄后缺乏长远金钱规划意识和合理掌控消费支出的能力、两个以上独立生活子女数量是导致渔民对生活感到不满意的主要因素。政府可通过适当放宽安置房条件、新增就业、开展精神文明建设、常见疾病预防知识培训、新建公共活动设施等措施提升退捕渔民生活幸福感指数。  相似文献   

居民对城市森林生态效益经济补偿支付意愿实证分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
城市森林生态功能价值的最大受益者是其周边地区的居民,实行城市森林生态效益经济补偿政策首先应从城市森林周边地区开始,为此,需要调查周边地区居民对城市森林生态功能价值的支付意愿(WTP).该文是在对哈尔滨城市森林周边的四个居民区进行调查的基础上,应用假设市场价值评估法(CVM)对城市森林周边地区居民进行城市森林生态效益经济补偿支付意愿(WTP)调查.对调查数据的分析表明,66%的居民认为空气质量有好转,96%的居民认为需要加强城市森林投入,70·6%的居民愿意出资(人均33·2元/a),80·3%以上的居民愿意出力(5·5h/a);影响支付意愿的方式及支付大小主要有文化程度、人均收入两种因素;进行的Logistic回归分析能够预测不同收入居民的出资概率.综上,建议对城市森林生态效益实行经济补偿的方式应包括出资和出力两种形式,支付额度要符合居民的支付意愿.  相似文献   

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