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Pear decline (PD) is an important phytoplasmal disease that occurs mainly in Europe and North America. In 1994, pear trees exhibiting symptoms typical of PD disease were observed in orchards of central Taiwan. The sequence of 16S rDNA and 16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer region (ISR) of the causative agent of pear decline in Taiwan (PDTW) were amplified with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a DNA template prepared from the diseased leaves. Sequence analysis of 16S rDNA revealed that the PDTW agent was closely related to the phytoplasmas of the apple proliferation group that cause diseases in stone fruits, pear and apple. Consistent with the result of 16S rDNA sequence analysis, sequence analysis of the 16S–23S rDNA ISR and putative restriction site analyses of 16S rDNA and 16S–23S rDNA ISR sequences provided further support for the view that the PDTW phytoplasma causing pear decline in Taiwan may represent a new subgroup of the apple proliferation group. According to the rDNA sequence of PDTW phytoplasma, two specific PCR primer pairs, APf2/L1n and fPD1/rPDS1, were designed in this study for the detection of the etiological agent in pear trees and insect vectors. Based on the sequence analyses of the PCR-amplified fragments, two species of pear psyllas, Cacopsylla qianli and Cacopsylla chinensis, were found to carry PDTW phytoplasma.  相似文献   

Seasonal detection of pear decline phytoplasma was studied in three pear cultivars: Bartlett, Limonera and Blanquilla. Samples from 43 infected trees were collected monthly over 2 years and analysed by nested PCR. The three cultivars each showed a different pattern of phytoplasma detection. The maximum detection rate of pear decline phytoplasma occurred in December in the three orchards, and it remained high throughout the winter months. In spring, when new buds appeared and sap was produced, the detection rate decreased. Leaf midribs, buds and stems were compared to determine which sample was more reliable for phytoplasma detection. The best indicators were stems. The presence of phytoplasma in sieve tubes during the dormant season was determined by grafting. The results suggest that phytoplasmas could overwinter in shoots, with the implication that vegetative propagation during this period could also disseminate the disease.  相似文献   

Potebniamyces pyri (anamorph Phacidiopycnis piri) is the causal agent of Phacidiopycnis rot, a postharvest disease of pear fruit (Pyrus communis). Infections of pear fruit by P. pyri occur in the orchard, and symptoms develop after harvest during storage or in the market. P. pyri also is the cause of a canker and twig dieback disease of pear trees. To determine inoculum availability of P. pyri, dead bark and dead fruit spurs were periodically collected in two commercial ‘d’Anjou’ pear orchards and examined for the presence and viability of fruiting bodies of P. pyri. To determine seasonal survival of P. pyri, 2-year-old twigs of ‘d’Anjou’ pear in a research orchard were inoculated approximately monthly over 2 years with P. pyri and monitored for canker development. Inoculated twigs were removed from the trees 6 months post inoculation and examined for formation, viability of pycnidia of P. pyri, and reisolation of the pathogen. In both commercial orchards, all sampled trees were infected by P. pyri; viable pycnidia of P. pyri were observed on 42–78 % of the sampled bark and 5–32 % of the sampled fruit spurs; and viable conidia were observed at all sampling times during the fruit growing season. Apothecia of P. pyri also were observed on sampled dead bark and fruit spurs, but at a frequency ranging from 0 % to 19 %. P. pyri was recovered from inoculated twigs 6 months after inoculation at all sampling times during the 2-year study, but recovery frequency varied. P. pyri formed pycnidia on most cold-injured and inoculated twigs. The results suggest that: i) the conidial state of P. pyri is the main type of inoculum in pear orchards in the region; ii) viable inoculum of P. pyri for potential fruit infections is available during the pear fruit-growing season; iii) P. pyri can form pycnidia on cankers of twigs infected by the fungus at different seasons during the year; and iv) P. pyri can survive as mycelium in diseased pear twigs year round in the orchard.  相似文献   

 根据植原体16S rDNA 保守区设计Cycling 探针LST2probe及引物,建立了梨衰退植原体Cycleave实时荧光PCR检测方法。结果表明,探针LST2probe 能特异的检测梨衰退植原体,供试同一组内不同亚组植原体及参试病原细菌均为阴性,检测灵敏度可达0.5 pg/μL。该Cycleave实时荧光PCR检测方法可用于梨衰退植原体的快速检测,并为其他有害生物鉴定提供借鉴依据。  相似文献   

Summer-form pear psylla, Psylla pyricola Foerster, from sprayed pear were resistant to endosulfan (2·4-fold), methiocarb (2·5-fold), ethylan (5·8-fold), azinphos-methyl (7·7-fold), and fenvalerate (40·1-fold). Esterase (3·8-fold), glutathione transferase (1·8-fold), and cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase (1·6-fold) detoxification enzyme activity was higher in resistant than in susceptible summer forms. Synergism by piperonyl butoxide and S,S,S-tributylphosphorotrithioate (DEF) was added evidence for cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases and esterases as resistance mechanisms. Reduced penetration may also have contributed to resistance, as indicated by a 1·6-fold slower penetration of azinphos-methyl in resistant than susceptible summer-forms. Similar differences in insecticide toxicity and esterase and glutathione transferase activities were observed between winter-forms of resistant and susceptible pear psylla. Winter-forms of P. pyricola were up to three times more tolerant to insecticides than summer-forms. Higher cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase activity (1·7-fold) and slower azinphosmethyl penetration (2·1-fold) in winter-forms may have contributed to their greater insecticide tolerance; however, sequestration may also have been involved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Increasing attention has been paid to enhancing biological control through habitat management in agricultural systems for enhanced pest management. Pest management benefits can be realised by intercropping, which can increase natural enemy abundance and, in turn, reduce pest abundance. In this study, the composition and temporal dynamics of arthropod communities in pear orchards when intercropped with aromatic plants were investigated, and the effectiveness and applicability of aromatic plants as intercrops for enhancing insect control were assessed. RESULTS: When compared with natural grasses or clean tillage, intercropping significantly reduced pest abundance and increased the ratio of natural enemies to pests. Intercropping also shortened the occurrence duration and depressed the incidence peak in annual dynamics curves of the pest subcommunity and the arthropod community, mainly because of the repellent effects of aromatic plants. Equally important, intercropping significantly reduced the numbers of major pests, such as Psylla chinensis, Aphis citricola and Pseudococcus comstocki, while their incidence period was delayed to varying degrees, and the numbers of their dominant natural enemies (Coccinella septempunctata, Phytoseiulus persimilis and Chrysoperla sinica) increased. CONCLUSION: Intercropping with aromatic plants led to a considerable improvement in arthropod pest management by enhancing the activity of the beneficial arthropod community within the pear orchard ecosystem. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The common pistachio psylla, Agonoscena pistaciae, is a serious global pest menacing pistachio orchards. Considering the dangers of using excessive chemical pesticides, it seems that using natural insecticides such as diatomaceous earth is a suitable way to lower the residual amount of highly hazardous pesticides. In this study, the effects of diatomaceous earth with different additives, including dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, polyurethane glue as a wood adhesive, and potassium silicate, were investigated in several concentrations over two years in orchard conditions. Although all treatments showed significant effects, the most effective treatments were (diatomaceous earth+dipotassium hydrogen phosphate) and (diatomaceous earth+polyurethane glue). Therefore, the use of diatomaceous earth combined with the additive materials mentioned can potentially be a safe method for the integrated management of the common pistachio psylla.  相似文献   

王锦  刘奇志 《植物保护》2020,46(4):291-295
2019年4月底,在北京、甘肃、湖北、辽宁等地一些梨园陆续发现梨树叶片异常被害状,经调查发现造成该为害状的害虫为一种未知梨木虱,在国内尚未见报道。本文简要描述了此种梨木虱的形态识别特征,测定了该害虫的16S rDNA和C OⅠ基因片段序列,依据测序结果及形态特征,鉴定为苏嘎梨喀木虱Cacopsylla pyrisuga,为国内新记录种。本文还描述了该害虫的为害状、为害程度、药剂防治效果,为深入研究其发生规律和防治技术提供参考。  相似文献   

为系统研究梨园气溶胶中梨火疫病菌的含量, 本研究于2019年-2021年在新疆库尔勒市人和农场梨园, 利用病原菌孢子捕捉器在每年春季(4月下旬)、夏季(6月中旬)、秋季(9月中旬)收集梨园气溶胶, 检测梨火疫病菌。结果显示, 健康梨园气溶胶中未检测到梨火疫病菌, 不同发病程度的梨园气溶胶中均能检测到梨火疫病菌, 携菌量均值在102 cfu/(24cm2·h)以上, 其中, 气溶胶中梨火疫病菌含量最高值为2.81×104 cfu/(24cm2·h), 最低值为8.50×102 cfu/(24cm2·h); 重度、中度、轻度发病果园收集的气溶胶中含梨火疫病菌总菌落数均值分别为8.74×103、4.55×103、2.36×103 cfu/(24cm2·h)。此外, 在同一高度收集的气溶胶中, 梨火疫病菌菌落数随收集时间的延长而增加。不同季节气溶胶携菌量检测结果表明, 秋季发病梨园中气溶胶携菌量明显高于夏季和春季, 与梨园梨火疫病发病规律相符。致病性测定结果表明, 气溶胶中分离的梨火疫病菌具有致病性。  相似文献   

采用聚集度指标分析了山楂叶螨聚集强度的时序变化,以指数模型进行拟合数量动态,运用最优分割法分析了山楂叶螨在香梨上的种群动态。山楂叶螨在香梨上的空间格局为聚集分布,分布的基本成分为个体群,聚集强度与叶螨的密度有关。山楂叶螨在香梨上呈指数增长,模型为Nt=15.199 4e0.054 t(R=0.913 2**);将山楂叶螨种群动态划分为3个阶段:发展期、高峰期和衰退期。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Lethal yellowing (LY), a disease caused by a phytoplasma, is the most devastating disease affecting coconut (Cocos nucifera) in Mexico. Thousands of coconut palm trees have died on the Yucatan peninsula while plantations in Central America and on the Pacific coast of Mexico are severely threatened. Polymerase chain reaction assays enable identification of incubating palm trees (stage 0+, phytoplasma detected but palm asymptomatic). With the development of LY, palm trees exhibit various visual symptoms such as premature nut fall (stage 1), inflorescence necrosis (stages 2 to 3), leaf chlorosis and senescence (stages 4 to 6), and finally palm death. However, physiological changes occur in the leaves and roots prior to onset of visual symptoms. Stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, and root respiration decreased in stages 0+ to 6. The number of active photosystem II (PSII) reaction centers decreased during stage 2, but maximum quantum use efficiency of PSII remained similar until stage 3 before declining. Sugar and starch concentrations in intermediate leaves (leaf 14) and upper leaves (leaf 4) increased from stage 0- (healthy) to stages 2 to 4, while root carbohydrate concentrations decreased rapidly from stage 0- to stage 0+ (incubating phytoplasma). Although photosynthetic rates and root carbohydrate concentrations decreased, leaf carbohydrate concentrations increased, suggesting inhibition of sugar transport in the phloem leading to stress in sink tissues and development of visual symptoms of LY.  相似文献   

梨木虱在北方梨区发生较普遍,近几年随着梨树栽培面积的不断扩大,在湖北省梨区都有大面积的发生,部分受害严重的梨园被害株率几乎100%,造成树势衰弱,影响花芽分化,导致连年减产,果品品质下降,为此,笔者在湖北省农科院果茶所就梨木虱的危害、发生规律与防治进...  相似文献   

为明确冻融对冬型中国梨木虱存活的影响,本研究在测定冬型中国梨木虱过冷却点及-20℃低温下的存活情况的基础上设计了4组冻融梯度(-20℃/2℃、-20℃/5℃、-20℃/10℃、-20℃/20℃),3组频段(1、2、3 h),以探索迅速冻融对冬型中国梨木虱存活的影响.结果表明:冬型梨木虱的过冷却点主要分布在-14℃~-1...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Brown rot, caused by Monilinia fructicola, is a destructive disease of stone fruit in California. Disease management requires information on inoculum dynamics and development of latent and visible fruit infections during the season to help make decisions on timing of fungicide treatments and choice of cultural practices. In this study, the daily spore concentration (ascospores and conidia) of M. fructicola in the air was monitored with spore traps in two prune orchards during the growing seasons in 2001 and 2002. The spore concentrations were low to moderate at early bloom, increased at full bloom, and decreased to the lowest level at the end of bloom. Improper timing of fruit thinning and irrigation in midseason increased spore concentration in the air and fruit infections late in the season. Artificial fruit inoculations were conducted periodically in 10 prune orchards in 2002 and 2004, and incidence of fruit rot at different inoculation dates was assessed. Fruit rot development rate increased linearly with inoculation date during the growing season. Natural blossom and fruit infections were monitored periodically in 10 prune orchards, and incidence of latent fruit infection was determined by using the overnight freezing-incubation technique. Incidence of fruit rot also was assessed 2 weeks before harvest in these orchards. The incidence of latent fruit infection at the pit hardening stage significantly correlated with that at the late stages and with the incidence of fruit rot at harvest.  相似文献   

为明确梨木虱在不同品种梨树上的发生规律,于2015-2016年对天津市混栽梨园中3个品种梨树上中国梨喀木虱Cacopsylla chinensis的周年发生情况进行调查。结果表明,中国梨喀木虱冬型成虫在早酥梨树上的出现日期为2月底,在黄冠和晚秋黄梨树上的出现日期为3月上旬至中旬。3月中下旬始见第1代卵,4月上旬达高峰期,4月下旬孵化为若虫并达到高峰期,4月底至5月初始见第1代夏型成虫,5月上旬至下旬达高峰期;5月下旬第2代若虫孵化,6月初达高峰期,中旬成虫羽化,下旬成虫达高峰期;6月底至7月初第3代若虫陆续出现,7月上旬至下旬达高峰期,下旬成虫羽化;8月上旬第4代若虫出现,中下旬达高峰期;9月中旬第5代若虫出现,月底达高峰期。早酥梨树上中国梨喀木虱发生高峰期的数量显著高于黄冠和晚秋黄梨树上的数量,晚秋黄梨树上1、2代的发生量显著高于黄冠梨树上的发生量。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Localization of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and the roles of peroxidases, malondialdehyde, and reduced glutathione in three apple cultivars were compared in healthy trees, trees infected with apple proliferation phytoplasma (APP), and trees that had recovered from the infection. In recovered apple trees, symptoms of the disease and the pathogen had disappeared from the canopy, but phytoplasmas remained in the roots. H(2)O(2) was detected cytochemically by its reaction with cerium chloride to produce electron-dense deposits of cerium perhydroxides.H(2)O(2) occurred in the plasmalemma of the phloem of leaves of recovered apple trees, but not in healthy or APP-infected leaves. In all cultivars, the peroxidase activity detected in tissue from APP-diseased trees was greater than or equal to that of tissue from recovered trees, which equaled or exceeded that of tissue from healthy trees, at two sampling times (May and September). In contrast, the glutathione content of leaves decreased in the reverse order. More malondialdehyde was observed in leaves from recovered trees than in leaves from healthy or APP-infected trees in three of six cultivar-date combinations; in the other three combinations, the malondialdehyde contents of leaves from healthy, infected, and recovered trees were not significantly different from one another. The results suggest that some components of the oxidant-scavenging system in recovered leaves are not very active, leading to an overproduction of H(2)O(2) and, possibly, to a membrane lipid peroxidation.The production of H(2)O(2) appears to be involved in counteracting pathogen virulence.  相似文献   

Particles of California tobacco rattle virus (CTRV) were observed in thin sections of vascular elements of leaves showing oak leaf symptoms. At no time during this study were particles observed in mesophyl cells of these leaves. A peculiar chloroplast breakdown is described.  相似文献   

<正>康氏粉蚧[Pseudococcus comstocki(Kuwana)]属粉蚧科,又名梨粉蚧,是1种刺吸式害虫。该虫喜在阴暗处活动,梨果套袋内是其为害的最佳场所。随着套袋技术的推广与普及,康氏粉蚧发生呈上升趋势,为害程度不断加重,成为为害套袋梨果的重要害虫之一。据调查,在河北省晋州市,2008年康氏粉蚧  相似文献   

Brown spot disease on pear caused by Stemphylium vesicarium may affect leaves and fruits. Inoculum sources present on orchard floors play an important role in the epidemiology of pear brown spot. The pathogen can overwinter on plant residues and multiply and spread on the residues during the growing season. In the Netherlands, brown spot characteristically occurs only in a fraction of the orchards per season. Until now, no tools are available for Dutch pear growers to predict the risk of brown spot in specific orchards. As a consequence, preventive fungicide sprayings are common. The concentration of DNA of pear-pathogenic S. vesicarium was quantified by a specific TaqMan-PCR assay for various types of plant residues present on orchard floors to evaluate their importance as potential inoculum source. The pathogen was often found in residues of pear leaves, grasses and weeds, but only occasionally in mummies and prunings. Studies of the population dynamics showed that S. vesicarium decreased in dead pear leaves during early winter whereas pathogen populations developed with irregular pattern during the growing season on residues of weeds and grasses. Based on DNA concentrations of S. vesicarium in plant residue samples taken in 78 to 106 orchards in the springs of 2010, 2011 and 2012, the risk of brown spot development could be predicted for individual orchards. Such a risk prediction will allow growers to adapt their fungicide spray schedules to avoid unnecessary sprays in low-risk orchards.  相似文献   

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