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RT-LAMP技术检测菜豆荚斑驳病毒的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
菜豆荚斑驳病毒(Bean pod mottle virus,BPMV)是我国对外公布的检疫性有害生物,本研究采用环介导等温扩增技术(loop-mediated isothermal amplification,LAMP),建立了一种快速、灵敏和特异的BPMV检测方法。根据BPMV外壳蛋白编码基因上的8个位点,共设计了6条引物,通过RT-LAMP扩增得到特征性的瀑布状条带。特异性试验表明,引物对BPMV的检测具有良好的特异性;灵敏度试验显示RT-LAMP比RT-PCR灵敏度高1 000倍。该方法无需特殊的试剂和设备,只需在水浴锅中60℃等温扩增,整个检测周期约2~2.5 h,适合BPMV的快速、准确检测。  相似文献   

Diversity Among Isolates of Bean pod mottle virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本研究采用DAS ELISA、IC RT PCR及序列测定方法,对加拿大进境大豆种子进行菜豆荚斑驳病毒(Bean pod mottle virus, BPMV)和大豆花叶病毒(Soybean mosaic virus,SMV)检测,结果表明,BPMV的DAS ELISA和IC RT PCR检测结果均为阳性,且PCR扩增产物序列与已报道的BPMV基因序列相似性达97%以上,而SMV的DAS ELISA和IC RT PCR检测结果都为阴性。综合血清学、分子生物学检测结果,确认该批大豆携带有菜豆荚斑驳病毒。  相似文献   

菜豆荚斑驳病毒-危害大豆等豆科植物的重要病毒   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大豆原产中国,是我国重要的经济作物,我国大豆产量居世界第4位。近年来,位居大豆产量前三位的美国、巴西和阿根廷对华出口大豆数量不断增加,有害生物随大豆传人风险也在不断加大。菜豆荚斑驳病毒是危害大豆等豆科植物的重要病毒,在美国已引起大豆巨大的产量损失。我国无此病毒的分布。最近,我出入境口岸从进口的美国大豆中多次检出该病毒,它已对我国的大豆生产构成了现实的威胁,若此病毒随进口大豆传人国内,并定殖下来,将会对国内的大豆生产造成不可估量的损失。本文对该病毒的生物学特性,检验和鉴定方法以及重要性进行了介绍,供口岸检疫人员参考。  相似文献   

Accessions from Glycine, Phaseolus, and Vigna genera were screened for their reactions to different subgroups of isolates of Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) in order to establish a differential host system. Screening results indicated that the BPMV isolates differed in pathogenic aggressiveness but not in virulence. No major resistance genes were found in soybean (Glycine max) or G. soja since all screened accessions showed mosaic or necrotic symptoms to BPMV inoculation. However, these accessions expressed differences in severity of symptoms when challenged by various BPMV isolates. The inoculation of G. tomentella accessions did not result in mosaic symptoms, and some accessions did not support systemic infection of some of the isolates. Resistance, presented as a hypersensitive reaction, was observed in some of Phaseolus and Vigna genotypes, and resistant response or susceptibility was stable to all the isolates used in the screening. In conclusion, the selected G. soja genotypes PI 407019, PI 464889A, and PI 464928, and ‘Amsoy 71’ soybean may help to separate severe (reassortant) from mild isolates of BPMV based upon their phenotypic reactions.  相似文献   

半巢式RT-PCR检测进口大豆中菜豆荚斑驳病毒的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 菜豆荚斑驳病毒(Bean pod mottle virus,BPMV)在美国东部和南部的大豆产区广泛分布。该病毒能够造成3%~52%的产量损失并使大豆品质降低,目前我国未见其分布。针对进口大豆种子的植物病毒检测,本文建立了半巢式RT-PCR技术检测BPMV的方法。该方法采用Trizol快速提取大豆种子病毒总RNA,并根据BPMV的外壳蛋白编码基因设计特异性引物,经第一轮RT-PCR和第二轮半巢式PCR扩增,分别得到275 bp和196 bp大小的特异性基因片段。半巢式RT-PCR扩增产物的测序表明,该产物序列与BPMV的外壳蛋白编码基因存在91%~95%的高度同源性。检测灵敏度比较研究显示,DAS-ELISA与RT-PCR的检测灵敏度相近,半巢式RT-PCR的检测灵敏度比这2种方法高出103倍以上。  相似文献   

进口大豆上菜豆荚斑驳病毒的免疫捕获巢式RT-PCR检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于翠  杨翠云  宋绍祎  洪健 《植物检疫》2006,20(4):201-204
利用DAS-ELISA对进口大豆上BPMV进行检测发现,从美国进口的部分大豆样品对BPMV的多抗血清呈阳性反应;利用免疫吸附电镜观察发现,ELISA检测阳性的大豆种皮病汁液中存在直径约30nm的球状病毒粒子.根据BPMV外壳蛋白(CP)基因的保守序列设计了2对嵌合引物,建立了BPMV的高灵敏的免疫捕获巢式RT-PCR(IC-nested RT-PCR)检测方法.该方法经免疫捕获、反转录和2轮PCR扩增,能从带毒大豆种子中扩增到预期大小的DNA条带.序列测定与分析表明此条带的序列为BPMV部分CP基因,在系统关系树上与BPMV的其它分离物形成一簇亲缘关系很近.实验表明从进境大豆上检测到了BPMV.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The comovirus Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) is widespread in the soybean-growing regions in the United States. It has a bipartite genome consisting of RNA1 and RNA2, which are encapsidated separately. We previously have reported the occurrence in nature of two distinct subgroups of BPMV strains (subgroups I and II), as well as reassortants between the two subgroups. Here, we report the isolation and molecular characterization of naturally occurring partial diploid reassortant strains, which are diploid for RNA1 and haploid for RNA2. Whereas the RNA1s of the partial diploids are derived from two distinct strain subgroups (I and II), the RNA2 is derived from either subgroup I or II. The partial diploid strains induced strikingly severe symptoms on soybean, which could be explained based on the presence of two distinct RNA1s in the same plant. This conclusion was supported by the finding that pseudo-recombinants constructed with two diverse RNA1s induced very severe symptoms on soybean that mimicked those produced by the naturally occurring partial diploids. No enhancement of symptom severity was observed with pseudorecombinants constructed with closely related RNA1s. Likewise, no enhancement of symptom severity was noted with pseudo-recombinants that are diploid for RNA2 and haploid for RNA1. The potential role of genetic reassortment in the epidemiology and pathogenesis of BPMV is discussed.  相似文献   

 本研究建立了大豆种子中菜豆荚斑驳病毒(BPMV)和烟草环斑病毒(TRSV)单管双重实时荧光PCR检测方法。将含有相同浓度的分别带有BPMV和TRSV CP基因的质粒溶液作为阳性对照,以受两种病毒侵染的大豆种子作为待测样品进行实时荧光PCR检测,结果表明能从同一管中同时检测出这两种病毒而不发生交叉反应。尽管在阳性对照中,二者的检测限相当,均可达到35 pg/mL,但在实际应用中,两种病毒由于在大豆种子中的浓度不一致而存在一定的差别。该方法快速、灵敏、简便,同时特异性更强,在出入境检验检疫中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

本研究对菜豆荚斑驳病毒大、小亚基编码的基因密码子进行了优化并人工合成了这两个基因,然后克隆到原核表达载体p ET-22b(+)中,通过转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)菌种并在IPTG的诱导下进行了成功表达,大亚基表达产物分子量为41 k D、小亚基表达产物分子量为22 k D,并制备出了大小亚基基因表达产物的抗血清。测试结果表明,优化后的CP的大、小亚基基因在37℃、1.0 mmol/L IPTG诱导下,3 h后得到了成功的表达,制备的两种抗血清特异性强、效价都达到1∶3.2×10~4,可以对BPMV CP 3个不同的区域同时进行检测,提高了检测的准确度。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A quantitative method to screen common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants for resistance to Bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV) is described. Four parameters were assessed in developing the quantitative method: symptoms associated with systemic virus movement, plant vigor, virus titer, and plant dry weight. Based on these parameters, two rating systems (V and VV rating) were established. Plants from 21 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a Sierra (susceptible) x Olathe (partially resistant) cross inoculated with the BCMNV-NL-3 K strain were used to evaluate this quantitative approach. In all, 11 RILs exhibited very susceptible reactions and 10 RILs expressed partially resistant reactions, thus fitting a 1:1 susceptible/partially resistant ratio (chi(2) = 0.048, P = 0.827) and suggesting that the response is mediated by a single gene. Using the classical qualitative approach based only on symptom expression, the RILs were difficult to separate into phenotypic groups because of a continuum of responses. By plotting mean percent reduction in either V (based on visual symptoms) or VV (based on visual symptoms and vigor) rating versus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) absorbance values, RILs could be separated clearly into different phenotypic groups. The utility of this quantitative approach also was evaluated on plants from 12 cultivars or pure lines inoculated with one of three strains of BCMNV. Using the mean VV rating and ELISA absorbance values, significant differences were established not only in cultivar and pure line comparisons but also in virus strain comparisons. This quantitative system should be particularly useful for the evaluation of the independent action of bc genes, the discovery of new genes associated with partial resistance, and assessing virulence of virus strains.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The 50-kDa protein (P50) encoded by the open reading frame 2 of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), a putative movement protein, was expressed in transgenic Nicotiana occidentalis plants. P50 in transgenic plants was mainly detected in a modified form in the cell wall fraction, similar to that in infected leaves. The P50-expressing plants (P50 plants) complemented the systemic spread of the P50-defective mutants of an infectious cDNA clone of ACLSV (pCLSF), indicating that P50 in transgenic plants was functional. Severity of symptoms was greatly enhanced and accumulation of virus in upper leaves was increased in P50 plants inoculated with pCLSF or ACLSV compared with that in nontransgenic control plants (NT plants). Conversely, transgenic plants expressing the coat protein of ACLSV (CP plants) showed a significant delay in symptom development and a reduction of virus accumulation. However, most P50 plants inoculated with Grapevine berry inner necrosis virus (GINV), another species of the genus Trichovirus, neither developed obvious symptoms nor supported virus accumulation in inoculated or upper leaves. In contrast, systemic symptoms developed and virus accumulated equally in NT and CP plants inoculated with GINV. After inoculation with Apple stem grooving virus or Apple stem pitting virus, there was no difference in symptom development and virus accumulation among P50, CP, and NT plants. Our results indicate that transgenic plants expressing a functional P50 were more susceptible to homologous virus and, on the contrary, showed strong resistance to the heterologous virus GINV.  相似文献   

Gunduz I  Buss GR  Chen P  Tolin SA 《Phytopathology》2004,94(7):687-692
ABSTRACT Resistance to Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) was identified in PI 88788 soybean, a germ plasm accession from China that is used widely as a source of resistance to soybean cyst nematode. Strains SMV-G1 through -G7 infected the inoculated leaves of PI 88788 but were not detected in upper, noninoculated trifoliolate leaves. Inheritance of resistance was determined by inoculating progenies of crosses of PI 88788 with susceptible cvs. Essex and Lee 68 with SMV strains G1 and G7. Allelomorphic relationships with known genes for resistance to SMV were tested in crosses with the resistant genotypes PI 96983, L29, and V94-5152, possessing Rsv1, Rsv3, and Rsv4 genes, respectively. Data analyses showed that resistance in PI 88788 to SMV-G1 is controlled by a single, partially dominant gene; however, to SMV-G7, the same gene was completely dominant. The PI 88788 gene was independent of the Rsv1 and Rsv3 loci, but allelic to Rsv4 in V94-5152. Expression of the Rsv4 gene in PI 88788 resulted in a reduced number of infection sites and restricted short- and long-distance movement of virus, rather than hypersensitivity. A unique late susceptible phenotype was strongly associated with heterozygosity. This gene has potential value for use in gene pyramiding to achieve resistance to several SMV strains, as well as for rate-reducing resistance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Transgenic soybean (Glycine max) plants expressing Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) helper component-protease (HC-Pro) showed altered vegetative and reproductive phenotypes and responses to SMV infection. When inoculated with SMV, transgenic plants expressing the lowest level of HC-Pro mRNA and those transformed with the vector alone initially showed mild SMV symptoms. Plants that accumulated the highest level of SMV HC-Pro mRNA showed very severe SMV symptoms initially, but after 2 weeks symptoms disappeared, and SMV titers were greatly reduced. Analysis of SMV RNA abundance over time with region-specific probes showed that the HC-Pro region of the SMV genome was degraded before the coat protein region. Transgenic soybean plants that expressed SMV HC-Pro showed dose-dependent alterations in unifoliate leaf morphologies and seed production where plants expressing the highest levels of HC-Pro had the most deformed leaves and the lowest seed production. Accumulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) and mRNAs putatively targeted by miRNAs was analyzed in leaves and flowers of healthy, HC-Pro-transgenic, and SMV-infected plants. Neither expression of SMV HC-Pro nor SMV infection produced greater than twofold changes in accumulation of six miRNAs. In contrast, SMV infection was associated with twofold or greater increases in the accumulation of four of seven miRNA-targeted mRNAs tested.  相似文献   

Bau HJ  Cheng YH  Yu TA  Yang JS  Yeh SD 《Phytopathology》2003,93(1):112-120
ABSTRACT Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is a major limiting factor for cultivation of papaya (Carica papaya) in tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world. Although the coat protein (CP) gene of PRSV has been transferred into papaya by particle bombardment and transgenic lines with high resistance to Hawaii strains have been obtained, they are susceptible to PRSV isolates outside of Hawaii. This strain-specific resistance limits the application of the transgenic lines in other areas of the world. In this investigation, the CP gene of a local strain isolated from Taiwan, designated PRSV YK, was transferred into papaya via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. A total of 45 putative transgenic lines were obtained and the presence of the transgene in papaya was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction amplification. When the plants of transgenic lines were challenged with PRSV YK by mechanical inoculation, they showed different levels of resistance ranging from delay of symptom development to complete immunity. Molecular analysis of nine selected lines that exhibited different levels of resistance revealed that the expression level of the transgene is negatively correlated with the degree of resistance, suggesting that the resistance is manifested by a RNA-mediated mechanism. The segregation analysis showed that the transgene in the immune line 18-0-9 has an inheritance of two dominant loci and the other four highly resistant lines have a single dominant locus. Seven selected lines were tested further for resistance to three PRSV heterologous strains that originated in Hawaii, Thailand, and Mexico. Six of the seven lines showed varying degrees of resistance to the heterologous strains, and one line, 19-0-1, was immune not only to the homologous YK strain but also to the three heterologous strains. Thus, these CP-transgenic papaya lines with broad-spectrum resistance have great potential for use in Taiwan and other geographic areas to control PRSV.  相似文献   

 用香石竹斑驳病毒(CarMV)免疫的BALB/c鼠脾细胞与Sp2/0鼠骨髓瘤细胞融合,经筛选克隆,获得5株能稳定传代且分泌抗CarMV单克隆抗体(MAb)的杂交瘤细胞,并分别制备它们的单克隆抗体腹水。5株单克隆抗体腹水间接ELISA效价达10-6,其中3G1、1B9、2A9和2F8的抗体类型及亚类均为IgG1,而2F2为IgG3。Western-blot分析表明,5株单克隆抗体均与CarMV 38 kD的外壳蛋白亚基有特异性反应。利用2A9单抗建立的抗原包被的间接ELISA (ACP-ELISA)检测CarMV方法,病叶1:800倍稀释、提纯CarMV病毒浓度为1 ng/mL (绝对检测量为0.1 ng)时仍能检测到病毒。利用ACP-ELISA对田间香石竹样品的检测表明,CarMV在香石竹上发病很普遍。  相似文献   

为明确转cry1Ab+cry1C双价抗虫水稻对二化螟的抗性及其杀虫蛋白的时空表达,本研究采用离体水稻组织生测法系统评价了cry1Ab、cry1C、正交cry1Ab+cry1C和反交cry1C+cry1Ab 4种抗虫水稻品系对二化螟的杀虫效果,并用ELISA方法测定了Cry1Ab、Cry1C蛋白在各个抗虫水稻品系中的表达情况。结果显示,二化螟在不同生育期的4种转基因抗虫水稻上取食的叶面积显著低于非转基因对照亲本明恢63。4个转基因抗虫水稻品系在生长前期(苗期、分蘖和拔节期)对二化螟表现极高的杀虫效果,生长后期(孕穗期和成熟期)杀虫效果有所下降。两双价抗虫水稻杀虫效果最好,其次为转cry1Abcry1C水稻。Bt蛋白表达水平随着抗虫水稻生育期的变化而变化,且差异显著;Cry1Ab的蛋白表达量在水稻整个生长期均显著高于Cry1C。Cry1Ab蛋白在单价抗虫水稻叶片和茎杆中均表现出随生育期先升高后下降的趋势,但在双价抗虫水稻中表现出随生育期逐渐下降的趋势。Cry1C蛋白在单、双价抗虫水稻的叶片组织中均表现出逐渐升高的趋势。与单价抗虫水稻相比,双价抗虫水稻中的Cry1Ab、Cry1C的蛋白表达水平并没有表现出显著的降低。因此,双价抗虫水稻不仅能高效防治害虫,还能延缓害虫抗性,在生产上表现出良好的应用前景。该研究结果可望为转Bt基因抗虫作物的环境安全评价提供科学数据和理论依据。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Transformation of plants with the nucleocapsid (N) gene of Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV) provides resistance to disease development; however, information is lacking on the response of plants to natural inoculum in the field. Three tobacco cultivars were transformed with the N gene of a dahlia isolate of TSWV (TSWV-D), and plants were evaluated over several generations in the greenhouse. The resistant phenotype was more frequently observed in 'Burley 21' than in 'KY-14' or 'K-326', but highly resistant 'Burley 21' transgenic lines were resistant to only 44% of the heterologous TSWV isolates tested. Advanced generation (R(3) and R(4)) transgenic resistant lines of 'Burley 21' and a 'K-326' F(1) hybrid containing the N genes of two TSWV isolates were evaluated in the field near Tifton, GA, where TSWV is endemic. Disease development was monitored by symptom expression and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis. Whereas incidence of TSWV infection in 'Burley 21' susceptible controls was 20% in 1996 and 62% in 1997, the mean incidence in transgenic lines was reduced to 4 and 31%, respectively. Three transgenic 'Burley 21' lines were identified that had significantly lower incidence of disease than susceptible controls over the two years of the study. In addition, the rate of disease increase at the onset of the 1997 epidemic was reduced for all the 'Burley 21' transgenic lines compared with the susceptible controls. The 'K-326' F(1) hybrid was as susceptible as the 'K-326' nontransformed control. ELISA analysis demonstrated that symptomless plants from the most resistant 'Burley 21' transgenic lines accumulated detectable nucleocapsid protein, whereas symptomless plants from more susceptible lines did not. We conclude that transgenic resistance to TSWV is effective in reducing incidence of the disease in the field, and that accumulation of transgene protein may be important in broad-spectrum resistance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Components of resistance to the faba bean rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae) were studied at the histological level in seedlings and adult plants of nine faba bean (Vicia faba) lines differing in their level of resistance. Resistance of these lines was previously shown to be characterized macroscopically by an increased latent period, a decreased colony size, and a relatively decreased infection frequency. In some lines, the resistance also was associated with macroscopically visible necrosis. Histological investigations revealed few differences in spore germination and appressorium formation. Significant levels of aborted stomatal penetration by the rust fungus were found on all resistant lines. However, differences among lines were more evident once the stomata were penetrated by the infection structures. Resistance was mainly due to a restriction of haustorium formation with varying levels of early abortion of the colonies, a reduction in the number of haustoria per colony, and smaller colony size. In addition, necrosis of the host cells associated with infection hyphae was detectable in some lines from the beginning of colony development. This microscopically visible necrosis became stronger from 4 days after inoculation, resulting in a reduced growth of the colony. Differences in resistance levels were more marked in adult plants than in seedlings.  相似文献   

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