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盛强  罗明  张祥林 《植物保护》2017,43(1):173-177
由黄褐假单胞Pseudomonas fulva侵染引起的辣椒细菌性叶斑病是近期在新疆北疆加工辣椒生产区发现的一种新病害。为评估辣椒品种对细菌性叶斑病的抗性水平,采用苗期人工接种结合田间调查,鉴定了生产中13个主栽辣椒品种对细菌性叶斑病的抗性。结果表明,供试材料对细菌性叶斑病均无免疫性,但不同辣椒品种对辣椒叶斑病抗性差异较大,‘改良佳线1号’和‘丰力红冠’为抗病品种;‘佳线4号’、‘新丰6号’、‘秦椒王’、‘陕早红’、‘宝丰2号’为耐病品种;‘红安6号’、‘朝天椒’为感病品种,高感品种为‘金塔’、‘铁皮椒’、‘红龙13’和‘超级韩国甜椒’。研究结果为辣椒的抗病育种和病害防治提供了基础。  相似文献   

新疆加工型辣椒细菌性斑点病的发生和病原鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 新疆加工型辣椒主要产区巴音郭楞蒙古自治州发生了一种严重危害辣椒的细菌性病害。从发病辣椒叶片中分离细菌,通过烟草过敏性反应、马铃薯软腐试验和接种辣椒等致病性测定,确定了13个致病菌株,各菌株之间致病力无明显差异。通过菌体形态、培养性状观察、生理生化反应、寄主范围测定,结合16S rDNA和rpoD基因扩增、序列测定和系统发育分析,将病原菌鉴定为丁香假单胞菌丁香致病变种(Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae)。病原菌人工接种还能侵染番茄、茄子、马铃薯及黄瓜、四季豆、白菜、萝卜、芹菜等植物。P. syringae pv. syringae引起加工型辣椒细菌性斑点病在国内属首次报道。  相似文献   

Twenty tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) cultivars were screened for resistance against bacterial spot disease incited byXanthomonas axonopodis pv.vesicatoria under field conditions with and without pathogen infection. Screening was done by artificially inoculating aX. axonopodis pv.vesicatoria suspension to 4-week-old tomato seedlings and observing them for typical symptoms of the disease. Seedlings were categorized into highly resistant, resistant, susceptible and highly susceptible cultivars on the basis of disease incidence. Tomato cultivars were screened for defense-related enzymes, total phenols and lignin contents. The temporal patterns of all these enzymes were estimated with a moderately susceptible tomato cultivar. Native PAGE analysis of both peroxidase (POX) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was carried out for the time course of enzyme activities and also by selecting three different tomato cultivars, following infection with the pathogen. Based on the inducible amounts of these enzymes upon pathogen infection, the tomato cultivars were correlated with the disease incidence under field conditions. A significant (P≤0.05) correlation was observed between the degree of host resistance and the enzyme levels. In highly resistant tomato cultivars the enzyme levels, total phenols and lignin contents were increased in comparison with highly susceptible tomato cultivars. Isoform analysis of POX and PPO enzymes indicated a clear difference between resistant and susceptible tomato cultivars in the number of isoforms and also in the intensity of each isoform in the presence of pathogen infection. The possible regulation of defense-related enzymes in imparting host resistance is discussed. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting March 11, 2008.  相似文献   

Kousik CS  Ritchie DF 《Phytopathology》1999,89(11):1066-1072
ABSTRACT Disease severity caused by races 1 through 6 of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria on eight near-isogenic lines (isolines) of Early Calwonder (ECW) with three major resistance genes (Bs1, Bs2, and Bs3) in different combinations was evaluated in the greenhouse and field. Strains representing races 1, 3, 4, and 6 caused similar high levels of disease severity, followed by races 2 and 5 on susceptible ECW. Race 3 caused severe disease on all isolines lacking resistance gene Bs2. Race 4, which defeats Bs1 and Bs2, caused less disease on isoline ECW-12R (carries Bs1 + Bs2), than on isolines ECW, ECW-10R (carries Bs1), and ECW-20R (carries Bs2). Similar results were obtained with race 4 strains in field studies conducted during 1997 and 1998. In greenhouse studies, race 6, which defeats all three major genes, caused less disease on isoline ECW-13R (carries Bs1 + Bs3) and ECW-123R (carries Bs1 + Bs2 + Bs3) than on isolines ECW, ECW-10R, ECW-20R, and ECW-30R (carries Bs3), but not on ECW-23R (carries Bs2 + Bs3). In greenhouse studies with commercial hybrids, strains of races 4 and 6 caused less disease on Boynton Bell (carries Bs1 + Bs2) than on Camelot (carries no known resistance genes), King Arthur (carries Bs1), and X3R Camelot (carries Bs2). Race 6 caused less disease on hybrid R6015 (carries Bs1 + Bs2 + Bs3) and Sentinel (carries Bs1 + Bs3) than on Camelot. Residual effects were not as evident in field studies with race 6 strains. Defeated major resistance genes deployed in specific gene combinations (i.e., gene pyramids) were associated with less area under the disease progress curve than when genes were deployed individually in isolines of ECW or commercial hybrids. Successful management of bacterial spot of pepper is achieved incrementally by integrating multiple tactics. Although there is evidence of residual effects from defeated genes, these effects alone likely will not provide acceptable bacterial spot control in commercial production fields. However, when combined with sanitation practices and a judicious spray program, pyramids of defeated resistance genes may aid in reducing the risk of major losses due to bacterial spot.  相似文献   

Romero AM  Ritchie DF 《Phytopathology》2004,94(12):1376-1382
ABSTRACT The lack of durability of host plant disease resistance is a major problem in disease control. Genotype-specific resistance that involves major resistance (R) genes is especially prone to failure. The compatible (i.e., disease) host-pathogen interaction with systemic acquired resistance (SAR) has been studied extensively, but the incompatible (i.e., resistant) interaction less so. Using the pepper-bacterial spot (causal agent, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria) pathosystem, we examined the effect of SAR in reducing the occurrence of race-change mutants that defeat R genes in laboratory, greenhouse, and field experiments. Pepper plants carrying one or more R genes were sprayed with the plant defense activator acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) and challenged with incompatible strains of the pathogen. In the greenhouse, disease lesions first were observed 3 weeks after inoculation. ASM-treated plants carrying a major R gene had significantly fewer lesions caused by both the incompatible (i.e., hypersensitive) and compatible (i.e., disease) responses than occurred on nonsprayed plants. Bacteria isolated from the disease lesions were confirmed to be race-change mutants. In field experiments, there was a delay in the detection of race-change mutants and a reduction in disease severity. Decreased disease severity was associated with a reduction in the number of race-change mutants and the suppression of disease caused by the race-change mutants. This suggests a possible mechanism related to a decrease in the pathogen population size, which subsequently reduces the number of race-change mutants for the selection pressure of R genes. Thus, inducers of SAR are potentially useful for increasing the durability of genotype-specific resistance conferred by major R genes.  相似文献   

Phytohormones are involved in the regulation of plant responses to biotic stress. How a limited number of hormones differentially regulate defence responses and influence the outcome of plant–biotic interactions is not fully understood. In recent years, cytokinin (CK) was shown to induce plant resistance against several pathogens. In the present study, we investigated the effect of CK in inducing tomato resistance against the hemibiotrophic pathogenic bacteria Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst). We demonstrate that CK enhances tomato resistance to Xcv and Pst through a process that relies on salicylic acid and ethylene signalling. CK did not directly affect the growth or biofilm formation ability of these pathogens in vitro. Overall, our work provides insight into the underlying mechanisms of CK-induced immune responses against bacterial pathogens in tomato.  相似文献   

Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is an important economic crop in China. Bacterial leaf spot disease is the major limiting factor for the ginger crop production in Shandong. In recent years, a bacterial leaf spot disease was observed on ginger in Laiwu and Anqiu, that became a major limiting factor in ginger production. Yellowish bacterial colonies that were obtained after incubation at 28°C for 2 days from infected leaves were purified by streaking on nutrient agar. The purified isolates were initially identified as Pantoea ananatis by the phenotypic and biochemical characterization. Further molecular identification based on the 16S rDNA sequence analysis and multilocus sequence analysis with the gyrB, rpoB, and atpD sequences confirmed that the isolates were P. ananatis. To our knowledge, this is the first report of bacterial leaf spot of ginger caused by P. ananatis in Shandong. Our study will provide basic references for disease management of this pathogen.  相似文献   

In 2008, a severe bacterial disease was observed in Wenchang, Hainan Province. Symptoms consisted of small circular to elongated brown lesions surrounded by yellow halos. All isolates, which formed white colonies, were gram-negative and each had a single, polar, sheathed flagellum. Isolates were oxidase and catalase positive, negative for arginine dihydrolase, gelatin hydrolysis and starch hydrolysis, and acid production from levan. Sequences of the 16S rDNA gene of the isolates shared 98% sequence identity with that of Burkholderia andropogonis strain LMG2129 (GenBank accession No. NR118985). Pathogenicity tests were conducted and fulfilled Koch's postulates, indicating that these isolates are causative agent of the disease. The results led to the conclusion that the causal pathogen of betel palm bacterial leaf spot was B. andropogonis. It is the first report of B. andropogonis causing bacterial leaf spot of betel palm in mainland China.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The susceptible parent FR1141, the resistant parent 061, the F1 cross, and 301 families selfed once from backcrosses to the susceptible parent were evaluated for gray leaf spot (GLS) severity for two years in Urbana, IL, and one year in Andrews, NC. Linkage between ear height and GLS severity was suspected. Therefore, plant height characteristics were noted for two years in Urbana, IL. Eighty-six polymorphic probes were used to construct a random fragment length polymorphism linkage map, and the presence, locations, effects, and interactions of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with GLS, plant and ear height were determined. Five QTL were significantly associated with GLS resistance across all environments and rating periods. These five regions are associated with additive effects on phenotype and account for between 51.0 and 58.7% of the phenotypic variation associated with GLS severity. Additionally, six QTL were identified with maturity-dependent associations to GLS severity. Heritability of GLS resistance was estimated to be approximately 0.73. Four QTL were identified with associations to ear height relative to total plant height. One of the four was associated with higher ear height and GLS resistance.  相似文献   

The impact of disease outbreaks on the phytosanitary quality of seeds was investigated for two pathosystems: tomato–Xanthomonas vesicatoria and pepper–Xanthomonas euvesicatoria. This study, which was performed in Italy and Serbia, aimed to evaluate the season‐to‐season transmission of phytopathogenic regulated bacteria associated with phytosanitary risks posed by seeds produced in areas where bacterial infections are possible. For each pathosystem, field plots were experimentally inoculated to simulate an initial infection rate of 1%, 5% and 15%. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was calculated for each field plot, the seeds produced were analysed to determine the contamination level and rate, and the plant‐to‐seed transmission was evaluated by a seedling grow‐out (SGO) assay. To investigate transmission under field conditions, a second‐year experiment was performed, wherein seeds collected from the first year were used to establish new field plots. During the first growing season, AUDPC values were positively correlated with the percentages of initial infection for each pathosystem. Seed contamination levels in pepper ranged from 34 to 100 CFU g?1, and the contamination rate ranged from 1.50% up to 3.17% for X. euvesicatoria, whereas processing and fresh market tomato seeds produced both in Italy and Serbia were not infected by X. vesicatoria. During SGO assays and the second cropping year, no symptoms were observed in either tomato or pepper plants. Therefore, the calculated pepper seed contamination rate for X. euvesicatoria appeared to be less than the threshold necessary to initiate a disease outbreak. Finally, all seeds obtained during the second cropping year were uninfected.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Spot blotch, caused by Cochliobolus sativus, is an important disease of barley in many production areas and is best controlled through the deployment of resistant cultivars. Information on the genetics of resistance in various sources can be useful in developing effective breeding strategies. Parents of the doubled haploid mapping population Calicuchima-sib/ Bowman-BC (C/B) exhibit a differential reaction to pathotypes 1 and 2 of C. sativus. To elucidate the genetics of spot blotch resistance in this population, C/B progeny were evaluated with both pathotypes at the seedling stage in the greenhouse and at the adult plant stage in the field. At the seedling stage, progeny segregated 84 resistant to 26 susceptible based on the qualitative analysis of infection response (IR) data to pathotype 1. This fit best to a 3:1 ratio, indicating that two genes were involved in conferring resistance. Quantitative analysis of the raw IR data to pathotype 1 revealed a single quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 4(4H) explaining 14% of the phenotypic variance. Adult plant resistance to pathotype 1 was conferred by QTL on chromosome 2(2H) and chromosome 3(3H), explaining 21 and 32% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. Bowman contributed the resistance alleles on chromosome 3(3H) and chromosome 4(4H), whereas Calicuchima-sib contributed the resistance allele on chromosome 2(2H). Resistance to pathotype 2 was conferred by a single gene (designated Rcs6) on chromosome 5(1H) based on qualitative analysis of data. Rcs6 was effective at both the seedling and adult plant stages and was contributed by Calicuchima-sib. This result was corroborated in the quantitative analysis of raw IR (seedling stage) and disease severity (adult plant stage) data as a single major effect (r(2) = 0.93 and 0.88, respectively) QTL was identified on chromosome 5(1H). Progeny with resistance to both pathotypes were identified in the C/B population and may be useful in programs breeding for spot blotch resistance.  相似文献   

辣椒细菌性疮痂病病原菌分类、检测及综合防治研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辣椒细菌性疮痂病是一种世界性分布的细菌性病害,该病能引起辣椒严重的产量损失和品质下降。国外特别是美国对该病害研究较早且较深入,国内相关研究几乎是空白。本文主要围绕病原菌的分类、检测和病害综合防治等研究进展做一概述。  相似文献   

新疆加工型辣椒一种新的细菌性叶斑病病原的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2014—2015年在新疆沙湾县加工型辣椒Capsicum annuumL.上发现一种细菌性叶斑病。为明确其病原种类,采用组织分离法分离病原菌,依据柯赫氏法则进行致病性测定,并对菌株进行16S rDNA和持家基因rpoD及gry B的扩增、序列测定和系统发育分析,对其进行鉴定。结果表明,获得的8个细菌菌株间致病力无明显差异。致病细菌与已报道的黄褐假单胞菌Pseudomonas fulva菌株的16S rDNA、rpoD基因、gry B基因的同源性分别达到了99.1%~99.9%、99.4%~99.5%和97.6%~100.0%。结合革兰氏染色反应、菌体形态、培养性状、生理生化反应、寄主范围等特征,将病原菌鉴定为黄褐假单胞菌。该病原菌通过人工接种还能侵染番茄、茄子、马铃薯、黄瓜、西瓜、甜瓜、四季豆、豆角、豇豆、白菜、萝卜、胡萝卜及芹菜等多种植物。  相似文献   

为筛选诱导黄瓜抗细菌性角斑病(angular leaf spot, ALS)的最佳诱抗药剂,选取11种商品诱抗剂,研究其室内诱导黄瓜抗细菌性角斑病的作用效果。结果显示11种诱抗剂的预处理均能有效提高黄瓜植株的长势,提高黄瓜对细菌性角斑病的抗性,表现为叶片病斑面积显著下降。其中药剂信号施康乐(SK)能有效减小叶片病斑面积,防效最好,而药剂顶花增瓜嫩直长(DH)处理的植株叶片病斑面积最大。为了进一步明确诱抗剂的作用机制,对诱抗剂SK和DH处理后的抗性相关基因SOD、SSU以及PR1-1a的相对表达量进行了初步分析。结果表明,SK和DH处理后3个基因的相对表达量均显著提高,SK处理的相对表达量显著高于DH处理。综上所述,合理施用信号施康乐可以诱导黄瓜幼苗提高对细菌性角斑病的抗性,对于黄瓜细菌性角斑病的早期预防和减少农药使用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为明确近年来云南省严重发生的玉米白斑病病原菌及不同玉米品种对玉米白斑病的抗性差异,2021年于云南省昆明市阿子营乡和曲靖市罗平县九龙镇采集病样,进行病斑组织分离纯化,通过形态学特征和分子生物学方法对病原菌进行鉴定,并在云南省曲靖市罗平县九龙镇采用田间自然发病方法对622份玉米品种的抗性进行鉴定。从2个采样地点的病叶中各分离出5株和9株菌株,经柯赫氏法则验证,确定了菌株WS-1、WS-191为白斑病致病菌;经形态学观察以及基于ITS、rpb2、tub2和LSU基因序列构建的系统发育树分析结果确定其分类学种名为宽颈附球菌Epicoccum latusicollum。田间抗病性试验结果表明,在622份区域试验品种中对白斑病表现高抗、抗病、中抗、感病和高感的品种分别为4、184、216、186和32份,分别占品种总数的0.64%、29.58%、34.73%、29.90%和5.14%。  相似文献   

采用16S rDNA鉴定甜瓜细菌性叶斑病菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从甘肃河西、新疆阿勒泰甜瓜上分离获得的2株致病细菌,通过16S rDNA序列测定以及序列同源性比较,结合病原菌落培养性状、菌体形态观察和革兰氏染色反应等,初步确定当地甜瓜细菌性叶斑病菌为丁香假单胞杆菌[Pseudomonas syringae pv.lachrymans (Smith et Bryan) Younget al.]  相似文献   

从甘肃河西、新疆阿勒泰甜瓜上分离获得的2株致病细菌,通过16S rDNA序列测定以及序列同源性比较,结合病原菌落培养性状、菌体形态观察和革兰氏染色反应等,初步确定当地甜瓜细菌性叶斑病菌为丁香假单胞杆菌[Pseudomonas syringae pv.lachrymans (Smith et Bryan) Young et al.]  相似文献   

Pseudocercosporella capsellae (white leaf spot disease) is an important disease on crucifers. Fifty‐four single‐conidial isolates collected from Brassica juncea (Indian mustard), B. napus (oilseed rape), B. rapa (turnip), and Raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish) across Western Australia were investigated for differences in pathogenicity and virulence using cotyledon screening tests, genetic differences using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, and growth rates on potato dextrose, V8 juice and malt extract agars. All isolates from the four crucifer hosts were pathogenic on the three test species: B. juncea, B. napus and R. raphanistrum, but showed differences in levels of virulence. Overall, isolates from B. juncea, B. napus and B. rapa showed greatest virulence on B. juncea, least on R. raphanistrum and intermediate virulence on B. napus. Isolates from R. raphanistrum showed greatest virulence on B. juncea, least on B. napus and intermediate virulence on R. raphanistrum. Growth and production of a purple‐pink pigment indicative of cercosporin was greatest on malt extract agar and cercosporin production on V8 juice agar was positively correlated with virulence of isolates on B. juncea and B. napus. ITS sequencing and phylogenetic analysis showed that isolates collected from B. napus, B. juncea and B. rapa, in general and with few exceptions, had a high degree of genetic similarity. In contrast, isolates from R. raphanistrum were clearly differentiated from isolate groups collected from Brassica hosts. Pseudocercosporella capsellae reference isolates from other countries generally grouped into a single separate cluster, highlighting the genetic distinctiveness of Western Australian isolates.  相似文献   

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