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Chen TC  Huang CW  Kuo YW  Liu FL  Yuan CH  Hsu HT  Yeh SD 《Phytopathology》2006,96(12):1296-1304
ABSTRACT The NSs protein of Watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV) was expressed by a Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) vector in squash. The expressed NSs protein with a histidine tag and an additional NIa protease cleavage sequence was isolated by Ni(2+)-NTA resins as a free-form protein and further eluted after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for production of rabbit antiserum and mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). The rabbit antiserum strongly reacted with the NSs crude antigen of WSMoV and weakly reacted with that of a high-temperature-recovered gloxinia isolate (HT-1) of Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV), but not with that of Calla lily chlorotic spot virus (CCSV). In contrast, the MAbs reacted strongly with all crude NSs antigens of WSMoV, CaCV, and CCSV. Various deletions of the NSs open reading frame were constructed and expressed by ZYMV vector. Results indicate that all three MAbs target the 89- to 125-amino-acid (aa) region of WSMoV NSs protein. Two indispensable residues of cysteine and lysine were essential for MAbs recognition. Sequence comparison of the deduced MAbs-recognized region with the reported tospoviral NSs proteins revealed the presence of a consensus sequence VRKPGVKNTGCKFTMHNQIFNPN (denoted WNSscon), at the 98- to 120-aa position of NSs proteins, sharing 86 to 100% identities among those of WSMoV, CaCV, CCSV, and Peanut bud necrosis virus. A synthetic WNSscon peptide reacted with the MAbs and verified that the epitopes are present in the 98- to 120-aa region of WSMoV NSs protein. The WSMoV sero-group-specific NSs MAbs provide a means for reliable identification of tospoviruses in this large serogroup.  相似文献   

 应用DAS-ELISA和RT-PCR方法从褪绿和银色斑驳的西瓜叶片中检测到病毒分离物(WSMoV-YN),感病样品能与WSMoV/GBNV复合抗血清(Agdia)呈阳性反应。获得WSMoV N蛋白的多克隆抗体,抗体能与WSMoV血清组成员CaCV和TZSV反应,但不能与INSV、TSWV、HCRV和GYSV反应。为明确引起该病害的病毒种类,采用Tospovirus通用引物对样品的总RNA进行RT-PCR扩增,获得长度为3 554 nt的S RNA全序列,经Blastn比对分析与WSMoV中国台湾分离物同源性最高,为95.8%,其N和NSs蛋白氨基酸序列同源性分别为99%和97.6%。构建系统进化树发现,西瓜银灰斑驳病毒云南分离物(WSMoV-YN)与其他WSMoV聚为一支。确定引起云南西瓜病害的病毒为WSMoV。  相似文献   

Lin YH  Chen TC  Hsu HT  Liu FL  Chu FH  Chen CC  Lin YZ  Yeh SD 《Phytopathology》2005,95(12):1482-1488
ABSTRACT Calla lily chlorotic spot virus (CCSV) isolated from central Taiwan was recently identified as a tospovirus serologically but distantly related to Watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV). To clarify the serological relationship between the two viruses, rabbit polyclonal antibody (PAb) to CCSV and mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to WSMoV NP or CCSV NP were produced in this investigation, using purified nucleocapsid protein (NP) as immunogens. The PAb to CCSV NP reacted stronger with the homologous antigen than with the heterologous antigen, with much lower A(405) readings in indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and low-intensity banding in immunoblotting. MAbs produced to CCSV NP or WSMoV NP reacted specifically with the homologous antigens but not with the heterologous antigens in both ELISA and immunoblot analyses. The CCSV S RNA was determined to be 3,172 nucleotides in length, with an inverted repeat at the 5' and 3' ends and two open reading frames encoding the NP and a nonstructural (NSs) protein in an ambisense arrangement. A typical 3'-terminal sequence (5'-AUUGCUCU-3') that is shared by all members of the genus Tospovirus also is present in the CCSV S RNA. The CCSV NP and NSs protein share low amino acid identities of 20.1 to 65.1% and 19.9 to 66.1%, respectively, with those of reported tospoviruses. Phylogenetic dendrogram analysis indicates that CCSV is a distinct member in the genus Tospovirus. The results provide evidence that CCSV is a new species in the genus Tospovirus and belongs to WSMoV serogroup.  相似文献   

西瓜银斑驳病毒(Watermelon silver mottle vi-rus,WSMoV)为布尼亚病毒科(Bunyaviridae)番茄斑萎病毒属(Orthotospovirus)病毒,通过蓟马以持久增殖型方式传播,主要危害番茄、辣椒、西瓜等茄科和葫芦科作物,引起褪绿轮纹、环斑、皱缩等症状,造成严重的经济损失[1]....  相似文献   

香石竹斑驳病毒(Carnation mottle virus,CarMV)是危害香石竹的一种重要病毒,本研究通过构建农杆菌介导的CarMV侵染性克隆来进一步研究该病毒基因功能。首先获得CarMV云南分离物全长序列,与报道的上海分离物相似性达到94.78%;将CarMV全长cDNA基因序列构建到具有35S启动子的双元表达载体pCV-nGFP,通过农杆菌浸润到本氏烟中瞬时表达,本氏烟系统叶片RT-PCR能检测到CarMV。试验结果表明,本研究构建Car-MV侵染性克隆通过农杆菌介导可快速高效侵染植物,可以用于病毒基因功能研究;同时CarMV云南分离物全长序列测定结果表明其属于P164 K331组群。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The genomes of two Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus (WmCSV) isolates, one from the Sudan and one from Iran, were cloned and sequenced. Sequence relationship with other geminiviruses characterizes WmCSV as a typical Eastern Hemisphere geminivirus with a bipartite genome. The two geographically distant WmCSV isolates from Africa and the Middle East share a very high overall sequence similarity: 98% between their DNA-A and 96% between their DNA-B components, and their respective capsid proteins are identical. A single amino acid change in the capsid protein (N131D) renders WmCSV whitefly nontransmissible. This region of the capsid is also implicated in transmission by Bemisia tabaci of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus.  相似文献   

A virus isoaate obtained from red clover in the Netherlands in 1957 has been identified as red clover mottle virus by means of host reaction studies, electron microscopy and serology. This isolate is considered to be a separate strain, however, on the basis of clear differences in severity of symptoms in broad bean, pea and red clover plants and especially of qualitative serological differences between this isolate and the English type strain. The virus produces granular inclusion bodies in artificially infected pea plants. It is especially distinguished from other legume viruses described so far by its reaction in broad bean, pea, and red clover plants. A discussion is given of its distant relationship to cowpea mosaic virus. This is the first report of the occurrence of the red clover mottle virus outside England. At present the virus appears to be of no economic importance in the Netherlands.Samenvatting Aangetoond kon worden dat een in 1957 in Nederland uit rode klaver geïsoleerd virus op grond van waardplantreacties (Fig. 1, 2, 3 en 5), elektronenmicroscopie (Fig. 6) en serologie overeenkomt met het in 1960 doorSinha in Engeland beschreven red clover mottle virus. Hiervoor wordt thans de Nederlandse naam vlekkerigheidsvirus van rode klaver ingevoerd. De Nederlandse isolatie moet echter worden beschouwd als een aparte stam van het virus op grond van geconstateerde duidelijke verschillen in hevigheid van de symptomen veroorzaakt in rode klaver (Fig. 1), erwt en tuinboon en vooral op grond van een in kruisreactie-en kruisverzadigingsproeven gevonden kwalitatief serologisch verschil (Tabel 1).Het virus doet in kunstmatig geïnfecteerde erwteplanten granulaire celinsluitsels ontstaan (fig. 4). Het is gemakkelijk van andere, tot dusver beschreven virussen van vlinderbloemigen te onderscheiden op grond van de in de reeds genoemde plantesoorten opgewekte verschijnselen en het onvermogen om komkommer en tabakssoorten te infecteren. Daar het volgens onderzoek vanAgrawal & Maat (1964) een verre verwantschep met het o.a. in Suriname voorkomende mozaïekvirus vanVigna (cowpea mosaic virus) vertoont, wordt het vermoedelijk niet door bladluizen, maar door bladhaantjes of aardvlooien overgebracht.Het virus is op dit moment in Nederland niet van praktische betekenis.  相似文献   

 用香石竹斑驳病毒(CarMV)免疫的BALB/c鼠脾细胞与Sp2/0鼠骨髓瘤细胞融合,经筛选克隆,获得5株能稳定传代且分泌抗CarMV单克隆抗体(MAb)的杂交瘤细胞,并分别制备它们的单克隆抗体腹水。5株单克隆抗体腹水间接ELISA效价达10-6,其中3G1、1B9、2A9和2F8的抗体类型及亚类均为IgG1,而2F2为IgG3。Western-blot分析表明,5株单克隆抗体均与CarMV 38 kD的外壳蛋白亚基有特异性反应。利用2A9单抗建立的抗原包被的间接ELISA (ACP-ELISA)检测CarMV方法,病叶1:800倍稀释、提纯CarMV病毒浓度为1 ng/mL (绝对检测量为0.1 ng)时仍能检测到病毒。利用ACP-ELISA对田间香石竹样品的检测表明,CarMV在香石竹上发病很普遍。  相似文献   

Murphy JF  Bowen KL 《Phytopathology》2006,96(3):240-247
ABSTRACT The occurrence of more than one virus species in a single plant is not uncommon in cultivated and native plant species. A mixed virus infection may lead to greater disease severity than individual viral components and this is sometimes referred to as a synergistic disease. Although, in some cases, synergism has been demonstrated for various plant growth parameters such as plant height, weight, and yield, proof of synergy typically has not been demonstrated for symptom severity when the mixed virus infection was not lethal. We demonstrated synergy in bell pepper plants co-infected with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and Pepper mottle virus (PepMoV) relative to each virus alone for stem height (two of three trials) and aboveground fresh weight (one of three trials) using factorial analysis and Abbott's equation for synergy. This approach allowed affirmation of the type of response (i.e., synergistic rather than antagonistic) and statistical proof of synergy. A detailed evaluation of symptom severity for each viral treatment revealed three phases associated with host plant developmental stages. A numerical symptom severity rating scale was developed and used in each of two equations to demonstrate statistical proof for synergy based on symptom severity for co-infected plants. Virus accumulation in noninoculated leaves was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In singly infected plants, CMV titers declined in mildly symptomatic leaves representing later stages of plant development, but titers increased in similar leaves of co-infected plants. In contrast, PepMoV titers did not differ in singly or co-infected plants.  相似文献   

黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒(CGMMV)是一种检疫性植物病毒, 种传和农事操作是其主要传播途径, 因此种子和种苗的早期检测尤为重要?鉴于种子检测的特殊性及幼苗病毒含量低的特点, 本试验通过制备CGMMV单克隆抗体, 结合特异性引物, 建立了黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒的IC-RT-PCR早期检测方法, 比较了IC-RT-PCR与DAS-ELISA和RT-PCR方法的特异性?灵敏度, 并对实际检测效果进行了评价?在操作程序上, IC-RT-PCR法与DAS-ELISA法一样简便, 但灵敏度远大于DAS-ELISA?IC-RT-PCR与RT-PCR均可检出20~25 ng种子上的病毒, 且特异性相当, 而DAS-ELISA法只可检出10 μg种子上的病毒?综上所述, IC-RT-PCR法可简便有效地应用于种子和种苗上CGMMV的检测, 为病毒防治的早期干预提供技术支撑?  相似文献   

 本研究建立了大豆种子中菜豆荚斑驳病毒(BPMV)和烟草环斑病毒(TRSV)单管双重实时荧光PCR检测方法。将含有相同浓度的分别带有BPMV和TRSV CP基因的质粒溶液作为阳性对照,以受两种病毒侵染的大豆种子作为待测样品进行实时荧光PCR检测,结果表明能从同一管中同时检测出这两种病毒而不发生交叉反应。尽管在阳性对照中,二者的检测限相当,均可达到35 pg/mL,但在实际应用中,两种病毒由于在大豆种子中的浓度不一致而存在一定的差别。该方法快速、灵敏、简便,同时特异性更强,在出入境检验检疫中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

葫芦种子传黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒的检测*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从感染黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒(Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, CGMMV)的葫芦植株上收取种子,通过苗期症状观察法、双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附法(DAS-ELISA)、免疫捕获反转录PCR(IC-RT-PCR)法测定葫芦种子的带毒情况,并用生物学接种方法测定葫芦种子携带病毒的侵染活性。苗期症状观察法结果表明,199株幼苗有2株表现花叶斑驳症状,种子传毒率为1.01%;而利用DAS-ELISA和IC-RT-PCR法随机检测30粒葫芦病株种子,CGMMV检出率为100%。种子各部位携带的CGMMV接种葫芦表现典型的花叶斑驳症状,表明葫芦种子携带的CGMMV具有侵染活性。DAS-ELISA检测葫芦种子CGMMV的灵敏度为1/5120种子研磨液。  相似文献   

RT-PCR with degenerate primers was used for the screening of the genome of some members of the Closterovirus, Vitivirus and Trichovirus genera. Two sets of primers, targeted to conserved sequences of the heat shock protein 70 homologue of closteroviruses or to the RNA dependent RNA polymerase genes of tricho- and vitiviruses, amplified the expected fragments from total RNA extracts or double-stranded RNAs of infected plants. Amplified cDNAs were cloned, sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed. Results support the allocation of grapevine viruses A, B, D and heracleum latent virus (HLV) in the genus Vitivirus, whereas, the detection of a HSP70 homologue in grapevine leafroll-associated viruses agrees with their assignment in the genus Closterovirus. The use of degenerate primers for the identification of grapevine viruses belonging to Vitivirus and Closterovirus genera is envisaged.  相似文献   

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