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ABSTRACT Species-specific detection of Diaporthe phaseolorum and Phomopsis longicolla from soybean seeds was accomplished using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and TaqMan chemistry. To use these detection systems, fungal DNA was released from soybean seed coats using an ultrasonic processor to break the cells. DNA fragment lengths ranged from 200 to 1,200 base pairs (bp), with the majority of fragments <500 bp. Based on DNA sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of ribosomal DNA, three TaqMan primer/probe sets were designed. Primer/probe set PL-5 amplified a 96-bp fragment within the ITS1 region of P. longicolla, D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis, and D. phaseolorum var. sojae. Set PL-3 amplified a 86-bp DNA fragment within the ITS2 region of P. longicolla. Set DPC-3 amplified a 151-bp DNA fragment within the ITS2 region of D. phaseolorum var. caulivora. TaqMan primer/probe sets were able to detect as little as 0.15 fg (four copies) of plasmid DNA. When using PCR-RFLP for Diaporthe and Phomopsis detection, the sensitivity was as low as 100 pg of pure DNA. Among 13 soybean seed lots from Italy and the United States, the total Diaporthe and Phomopsis detected using a traditional seed-plating technique ranged from 0 to 32%. P. longicolla was most prevalent, followed by D. phaseolorum var. sojae. D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, which only occurred in 0.5% of the Italian seed lots, was not detected in the U.S. seed lots. D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis was not detected in either the U.S. or Italian seed lots. Using TaqMan primer/probe set PL-3, the frequency of P. longicolla was 18% in seed lot I3, similar to the frequency obtained from PCR-RFLP and potato dextrose agar plating detection. The frequencies of D. phaseolorum and P. longicolla in each seed lot obtained by the different detection methods were comparable with respect to total infection and individual species detection. However, TaqMan detection provided the fastest results of all the methods tested.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Diaporthe phaseolorum and Phomopsis longicolla isolates from soybean were examined using traditional mycological characteristics and molecular methods. Cultural characteristics including types of fruiting bodies and conidia were assessed for isolates collected from soybean stems and seeds. Cultures were identified as P. longicolla, D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis, or D. phaseolorum var. sojae. Molecular markers for these groups were developed and analyzed using polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLP) and DNA sequencing in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the 5.8S ribosomal DNA. The ITS(4) and ITS(5) primers amplified PCR products for all isolates studied. Gel electrophoresis of undigested PCR products and DNA sequencing produced various fragment lengths including 604 bp for P. longicolla, 602 and 603 bp for D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, 603 bp for D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis, and from 597 to 609 bp for D. phaseolorum var. sojae. Digestion of these PCR products with enzymes AluI, HhaI, MseI, RsaI, and ScrFI resulted in distinct bands for identification of P. longicolla and the varieties of D. phaseolorum I. All P. longicolla, D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, and D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis isolates were distinguished using AluI and HhaI with RsaI or ScrFI. The banding patterns of D. phaseolorum var. sojae isolates were complex and were separated into 11 subgroups after digestion with AluI, HhaI, MseI, RsaI, and ScrFI. Phylogenetic analysis of 20 isolates of D. phaseolorum and P. longicolla based on the DNA sequence of the ITS region resolved six clades termed A, B, C, D, E, and F. Clade A included all sequenced D. phaseolorum var. caulivora isolates, two from Italy and one from the United States. Isolates in clade B were exclusively associated with D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis. Clades A and B formed a well-supported monophyletic group. Isolates in clades C, D, E, and F were morphologically defined as isolates of P. longicolla, D. phaseolorum var. sojae, and Diaporthe spp. The ITS sequences similarity of seven geographically diverse P. longi-colla isolates illustrated that P. longicolla isolates have a similar genetic background, with some affiliations to some D. phaseolorum var. sojae isolates. Morphological characteristics of the isolates along with the terminal clades of the ITS phylogeny suggest that P. longicolla is an individual species, D. phaseolorum var. caulivora and D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis are varieties of D. phaseolorum, and D. phaseolorum var. sojae is either several varieties of D. phaseolorum or possibly several distinct species.  相似文献   

Diaporthe helianthi is the causal agent of a severe sunflower disease but, in Italy, disease outbreaks are sporadic with no significant losses. The present work investigates the role of meteorological conditions on the potential development of D. helianthi epidemics in Italy, using the French model Asphodel, which simulates the effect of air temperature, relative humidity and rainfall on ascospore maturation and dispersal, infection establishment, disease onset and severity during the period of host susceptibility. Meteorological data measured in eight stations distributed from north to south Italy, over a 5‐year period (1995–99), was used as model input. Results showed that meteorological conditions in Italy are frequently favourable for D. helianthi infections on sunflower, and severe epidemics are possible. Therefore, climatic conditions are not a limiting factor for disease development in the Italian sunflower‐growing areas. The lack of disease epidemics in Italy may be related to differences in the pathogen populations compared with the French ones.  相似文献   

Six male sterile sunflower lines were crossed with seven restorers in a factorial mating design. The 13 inbred lines and their 42 F1 hybrids were planted in a randomized block design with three replicates. Each replicate consisted of two rows, 5 m long (30–35 plants per replicate). Resistance to natural Phomopsis infection, presented as the percentage of plants with no encircling necrosis lesions of the fungus on the main stem, was determined at physiological maturity. Analysis of variance showed that female and male general combining abilities (GCA) and specific combining abilities (SCA) of F1 hybrids were significant. The ratio of additive variance to total variance was 0.662, a high value which indicates prevailing additive effects. The additive variance due to females was more important than that of males, probably because of the existence of maternal effects or more effective genes for resistance in the female lines used in this experiment. The estimates of GCA were significant and positive for LC1004A, KO549A, 50KD8 and LC1064C inbred lines. These lines should be considered in developing hybrids with improved resistance to Phomopsis in sunflower breeding programmes.  相似文献   

向日葵茎溃疡病菌(Diaporthe helianthi)是我国进境植物检疫性病原真菌.本研究针对D.helianthi的cal基因保守序列设计特异性引物,建立该病菌的重组酶聚合酶扩增检测技术(RPA)方法,并对其特异性、灵敏度及适用性进行评价.结果 显示,建立的RPA方法特异性强,只有3个D.helianthi样品能...  相似文献   

Phomopsis husk rot (PHR) in macadamia is a disease of economic importance in major commercial production areas in Australia and South Africa. Effective control of PHR is hindered by limited knowledge about its aetiology and epidemiology. The diversity and pathogenicity of more than 50 isolates of Diaporthe associated with PHR in macadamia orchards in Australia and South Africa was assessed. Multilocus phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences of the ITS, tef1α, and tub2 gene loci revealed four novel clades that are described as Diaporthe australiana sp. nov., Ddrenthii sp. nov., Dmacadamiae sp. nov., and Dsearlei sp. nov. Pathogenicity tests with representative isolates found that all four species caused PHR of varying severity between and within species, as well as between the two macadamia cultivars HAES 344 and HAES 816. The Australian species, Daustraliana, was the most aggressive species compared with the three South African species. This study improves our understanding of the aetiology of PHR in macadamia and paves the way for more effective disease management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Isolates of the Diaporthe/Phomopsis (D/P) complex were collected in the main soybean producing area of Argentina during the 1996-97, 1997-98, and 1998-99 growing seasons. Twenty-three morphologic characters related to type of colonies, stroma, pycnidia and conidia, presence of perithecia, and asci length were studied by principal component analysis (PCA). Genomic DNA were analyzed by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. From both studies, 18 isolates were identified as D/P complex and grouped in four major taxa: (i) Diaporthe phaseolorum var. meridionalis, (ii) D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, (iii) D. phaseolorum var. sojae, and (iv) Phomopsis longicolla. In addition to distinguishing interspecific and intraspecific variability, molecular markers allowed the detection of differences among isolates within the same variety. Pathogenicity was assayed in the greenhouse, by the toothpick method, inoculating the D/P isolates to soybean genotypes carrying different resistance genes (Rdc1, Rdc2, Rdc3, and Rdc4) against soybean stem canker (SSC). Pathogenic analysis distinguished two main groups: (i) the SSC-producing isolates, including D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis and D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, and (ii) the non-SSC-producing isolates, including D. phaseolorum var. sojae and P. longicolla. Cultivar RA-702 (susceptible control) was compatible with both D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis and D. phaseolorum var. caulivora isolates; meanwhile, Tracy-M (Rdc1 and Rdc 2 genes) was incompatible with D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis but compatible with D. phaseolorum var. caulivora isolates. The fact that Rdc1 and Rdc2 together (as in Tracy-M) confer an almost immune reaction to all assayed isolates of D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis but were ineffective against the D. phaseolorum var. caulivora isolates evaluated suggests that the virulence or avirulence genes in D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis and D. phaseolorum var. caulivora are different. Moreover, physiological races of D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis were detected by using differential soybean genotypes carrying distinct single Rdc genes. As far as we know, this is the first report on the existence of physiological races of D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis in South America. Selective pressure due to deployment of resistant host cultivars may have changed the frequency of the virulence or avirulence genes within the population of D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis. On the whole, our results show that pathogenic variability of D. phaseolorum in the core soybean-producing area of Argentina is higher than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Three artificial infection tests measuring the rate of mycelial growth of 7 Phomopsis/Diaporthe helianthi isolates were used on leaves, stems and capitula of 6 sunflower hybrids. Isolates and hybrids were chosen to cover the range of variability and resistance levels known at the present time. Significant genotype and isolate effects and isolate×genotype interactions were shown in all the tests, with some changes in order of hybrids according to the isolate used for infection. Consequences of interactions in breeding for stable resistance to P./D. helianthi are discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Mating type diversity has been recently studied in Diaporthe/Phomopsis isolates from different hosts and geographical origin. Two idiomorphic mating...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A degree of genetic diversity may exist among Verticillium dahliae isolates within vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) that bears phytopathological significance and is worth investigating using molecular tools of a higher resolution than VCG characterization. The molecular variability within and among V. dahliae VCGs was studied using 53 artichoke isolates from eastern-central Spain, 96 isolates from cotton, 7 from cotton soil, and 45 from olive trees in countries of the Mediterranean Basin. Isolates were selected to represent the widest available diversity in cotton- and olive-defoliating (D) and -nondefoliating (ND) pathotypes, as well as for VCG. The VCG of 96 cotton and olive isolates was determined in this present study. Molecular variability among V. dahliae isolates was assessed by fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for DNA fragments associated with the D (462 bp) and ND (824 bp) pathotypes, as well as a 334-bp amplicon associated with D pathotype isolates but also present in some VCG2B isolates. Isolates from cotton were in VCG1A, VCG1B, VCG2A, VCG2B, and VCG4B and those from olive trees were in VCG1A, VCG2A, and VCG4B. Artichoke isolates included representatives of VCG1A, VCG2A, VCG2B (including a newly identified VCG2Ba), and VCG4B. AFLP data were used to generate matrixes of genetic distance among isolates for cluster analysis using the neighbor-joining method and for analysis of molecular variance. Results demonstrated that V. dahliae isolates within a VCG subgroup are molecularly similar, to the extent that clustering of isolates correlated with VCG subgroups regardless of the host source and geographic origin. VCGs differed in molecular variability, with the variability being highest in VCG2B and VCG2A. For some AFLP/VCG subgroup clusterings, V. dahliae isolates from artichoke grouped in subclusters clearly distinct from those comprising isolates from cotton and olive trees. In addition, VCG2B isolates from artichoke formed two distinct clusters that correlated with PCR markers of 334 bp (VCG2B(334)) or 824 bp (VCG2B(824)). Artichoke isolates in the VCG2B(334)/2beta(334) cluster were molecularly similar to isolates of VCG1A. The molecular difference found among artichoke isolates in VCG2B correlates with virulence of isolates to artichoke and cotton cultivars demonstrated in a previous study.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Viral sequences amplified by polymerase chain reaction from 25 isolates of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV), varying in the symptomatology they cause in six different Prunus spp., were analyzed for restriction fragment polymorphisms. Most of the isolates could be discriminated by using a combination of three different restriction enzymes. The nucleotide sequences of the RNA 4 of 15 of these isolates were determined. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses of the RNA 4 and coat proteins (CPs) revealed that all of the isolates clustered into three different groups, represented by three previously sequenced PNRSV isolates: PV32, PE5, and PV96. The PE5-type group was characterized by a 5' untranslated region that was clearly different from that of the other two groups. The PV32-type group was characterized by an extra hexanucleotide consisting of a duplication of the six immediately preceding nucleotides. Although most of the variability was observed in the first third of the CP, the amino acid residues in this region, which were previously thought to be functionally important in the replication cycle of the virus, were strictly conserved. No clear correlation with the type of symptom or host specificity could be observed. The validity of this grouping was confirmed when other isolates recently characterized by other authors were included in these analyses.  相似文献   

依据出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 3174-2012,对新疆口岸进境的哈萨克斯坦油葵中的向日葵黑茎病菌进行检疫鉴定。挑取油葵样品中的可疑病种子和植株残体作为实验材料,分别提取其DNA,用向日葵黑茎病菌特异性检测引物LEPB/LEPF对挑取的样品进行PCR检测初筛,初筛结果阳性者,进行病原分离培养。对分离获得的阳性纯培养菌株的菌落、孢子形态进行观察,PCR检测及致病性测定,最终确定其为向日葵黑茎病菌。本研究从进境哈萨克斯坦油葵中分离到检疫性病原菌,新疆周边口岸应进一步加强疫情监测与调查。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii, the causal organism of stem rot or southern blight of groundnut, can be placed in mycelial compatibility groups (MCGs) based on hyphal interactions between isolates. The aim of this study was to determine whether amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was a suitable technique to assess genetic variability between isolates and MCGs of S. rolfsii. For preliminary genetic analysis, 10 isolates were selected from each of two MCGs and compared with each other using the restriction enzymes EcoRI and MseI and 4 primer pairs. The number of polymorphisms ranged from 10 to 36 per primer combination, with an average of 22.5. AFLP analysis clearly showed genotypic differences (22%) among MCGs B and C, with a maximum variation of 6.41% between any two isolates per group using four primer pairs. Certain isolates could not be distinguished from each other. A more in-depth study of 10 isolates from MCG B, using 8 additional primer pairs, showed small genetic differences (maximum of 4.2% and minimum of 0.2%) between isolates. These results suggested that DNA could be pooled for comparison of MCGs. Pooled DNA from isolates within groups using 20 primer pairs confirmed differences between 9 MCGs. This technique effectively differentiated MCGs of S. rolfsii from each other and also detected differences between isolates within a single MCG.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The evolutionary relationships of fungi in the Fusarium redolens-F. hostae clade were investigated by constructing nuclear and mitochondrial gene genealogies for 37 isolates representing the known genetic and pathogenic diversity of this lineage, together with 15 isolates from putative sister groups that include the Gibberella fujikuroi and F. oxysporum species complexes and related species. Included in the analyses were 29 isolates of F. redolens from Asparagus, Convallaria, Dianthus, Fritillaria, Hebe, Helleborus, Hordeum, Linum, Pisum, Pseudotsuga, and Zea spp., and from soil. Isolates of F. hostae analyzed included two reference isolates from Hosta spp. and six isolates from Hyacinthus spp. that originally were classified as F. oxysporum f. sp. hyacinthi. DNA sequences from a portion of the nuclear translation elongation factor 1alpha (EF-1alpha) gene and the mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) were analyzed individually and as a combined data set based on results of the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed ranks Templeton combinability test. Maximum parsimony analysis of the combined data set identified the F. redolens-F. hostae clade as a sister group to a phylogenetically diverse clade in which the G. fujikuroi species complex formed the most basal lineage. Also included in this latter clade were two unnamed Fusarium spp. that are morphologically similar to F. oxysporum and putative sister taxa comprising the F. oxysporum complex and a F. nisikadoi-F. miscanthi clade. Phylogenetic diversity in F. redolens was small; all isolates were represented by only three EF-1alpha and two mtSSU rDNA haplotypes. Both the isolates of F. redolens f. sp. asparagi and those of F. redolens f. sp. dianthi were nearly evenly distributed in the combined molecular phylogeny between the two major subclades within F. redolens.  相似文献   

A collection of 102 Diaporthe isolates was compiled from lesions on carrot, parsley and wild Apiaceae species in France from 2010 to 2014. Molecular typing based on ITS rDNA sequences resulted in the identification of 85 D. angelicae and 17 D. eres isolates. Based on sequences of the 3′ part of the IGS rDNA, intraspecific variability was analysed for 17 D. angelicae and 13 D. eres isolates from diverse plant species, locations in France, and plant tissues. The genetic diversity was greater for D. angelicae isolates than D. eres isolates. In vitro sensitivity of five D. angelicae and four D. eres isolates to each of nine fungicides was similar for isolates of both species, with a marked variation in fungicide sensitivity depending on the active ingredient. To assess the pathogenicity of D. angelicae and D. eres isolates on carrot, one isolate of each species was inoculated onto umbels in a controlled environment. Typical lesions were observed for both isolates. Carrot crop debris collected from a seed production field in France and placed in controlled conditions produced perithecia and ascospores typical of Diaporthe, that were further characterized molecularly as belonging to D. angelicae. Detection of Diaporthe species on seed lots from three carrot production fields in France was investigated. Both species were detected on seeds by conventional PCR assay, with a greater frequency for D. angelicae than D. eres (67% vs 33%, respectively). Overall, the results highlighted that umbel browning in carrot seed crops in France was mainly caused by D. angelicae.  相似文献   

Molecular Variability of the Capsid Protein of the Prune Dwarf Virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sequences of the capsid protein gene and the preceding intergenic region of eleven isolates of prune dwarf virus from central Europe were determined. The isolates were obtained from plum, cherry and peach trees. Comparison of all sequenced isolates (including two sequences published previously) revealed high (88%) conservation of the capsid protein gene. The highest degree of identity was observed in the C-terminal half, where only 13 amino acid substitutions could be observed in contrast to the N-terminal half with 22 substitutions. No reasonable correlation between amino acid substitutions and host species and/or geographic origin of the isolates was observed. Alignment with capsid protein genes of other ilarviruses revealed apple mosaic virus, elm mottle virus, lilac ring mottle virus and prunus necrotic ringspot virus as the most related to prune dwarf virus. Unlike the isolates of related prunus necrotic ringspot virus all the isolates of prune dwarf virus shared extensive conservation of the intergenic region. Portions of RNA3 were selected for design of universal primers for PCR detection.  相似文献   

Several potyviruses affect lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and chicory (Cichorium spp.) crops worldwide and are important constraints for production because of the direct losses that they induce and/or because of their seed transmission. Here, the molecular and biological properties are described of two potyviruses that were recently isolated from lettuce plants showing mosaic or strong necrotic symptoms in an experimental field in southeastern France. The first potyvirus belongs to the species Endive necrotic mosaic virus and is present in a large number of wild plant species, especially Tragopogon pratensis. It is unable to infect lettuce cultivars with a resistance to Turnip mosaic virus that is present in many European cultivars and probably conferred by the Tu gene. The second potyvirus belongs to the tentative species lettuce Italian necrotic virus and was not observed in wild plants. It infected all tested lettuce cultivars. Wild accessions of Lactuca serriola, Lactuca saligna, Lactuca virosa and Lactuca perennis were identified as resistant to one or the other potyvirus and could be used for resistance breeding in lettuce. No resistance against these two potyviruses was observed in the tested Cichorium endivia cultivars. In contrast, all tested Cichorium intybus cultivars or accessions were resistant.  相似文献   

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