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Pseudomonas fluorescens2P24是分离自山东小麦全蚀病自然衰退土的1株生物防治菌株,产生抗生素2,4-二乙酰基间苯三酚(2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol;2,4-DAPG)是其主要防病机制。2,4-DAPG是由phlACBD基因簇合成,受多种调控因子调控。本研究用Tn5转座子插入技术,获得1株phlA基因转录增强的突变体,其突变基因为抗生素合成的负调控基因phlF。与野生菌相比,phlF基因的缺失突变体中phlA的转录增强约100倍,抗生素产量提高492倍。同时,菌株2P24的phlF缺失突变体对病原真菌的拮抗作用明显增强。但2,4-DAPG过量表达菌株对多种作物种子根生长有抑制作用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The effects of three protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor herbicides, azafenidin, flumioxazin, and sulfentrazone, on Pythium root rot of sugarcane and the soil microbial community were evaluated in greenhouse experiments. Herbicides were applied as foliar and soil treatments. There were no consistent effects on plant growth or disease parameters. However, some herbicide treatments affected the relative frequency of isolation of Pythium spp. from roots and reduced colonization by the pathogenic species Pythium arrhenomanes. A comparison of sole carbon source utilization profiles indicated that soil-applied herbicides altered the functional diversity of the soil microbial community, with some variation depending on herbicide used. All three herbicides inhibited the in vitro mycelial growth of P. arrhenomanes, P. aphanidermatum, and P. ultimum. Active ingredients were less inhibitory than formulated product for azafenidin and flumioxazin but not for sulfentrazone.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the effect of salinity on pythium damping-off and tolerance to salinity among Pythium aphanidermatum isolates from different geographical origins, genetic backgrounds and saline/non-saline soils. Increasing irrigation-water salinity from 0·01 to 5 dS m−1 significantly increased mortality in cucumber seedlings inoculated with P. aphanidermatum and reduced dry weight of non-inoculated seedlings. In vitro tests in culture media amended with different concentrations of NaCl showed that growth of P. aphanidermatum, P. spinosum and P. splendens isolates was stimulated or unaffected at salinity levels stressful for cucumber (electrical conductivity = 5 dS m−1). Significant differences were found in tolerance to salinity among 47 P. aphanidermatum isolates obtained from different greenhouses. The concentration of NaCl required to reduce growth of P. aphanidermatum isolates by 50% varied from 23 to 62 dS m−1, with an average of 46 dS m−1, however, oospore production was more sensitive to salinity and no oospores were produced above 20 dS m−1. Analysis of tolerance of P. aphanidermatum isolates to salinity showed no relationship between tolerance to salinity and geographical origins or genetic data. Isolates of P. aphanidermatum from greenhouses with no salinity problems were as tolerant to salinity as isolates obtained from salinity-affected greenhouses, suggesting lack of evidence for ecological adaptation within P. aphanidermatum in Oman. Increased mortality in cucumber seedlings at higher salinity levels may imply a synergistic interaction between salinity stress and salinity-tolerant Pythium species on cucumber seedlings, resulting in greater seedling losses.  相似文献   

Biofumigation may be a promising tool for depletion of persistent weed seedbanks/bud banks. This technique is based on the incorporation of chopped glucosinolate‐rich plant biomass into the soil, upon which isothiocyanates with herbicidal properties are released. To gain acceptance by farmers and foster its implementation, the biofumigation process should be further optimised. This study elucidated the impact of biological (species), technical (burial depth, ground cover) and pedohydrological (temperature and moisture content) factors on efficacy of Brassica juncea biofumigation under (semi‐)natural conditions. In a first experiment (field experiment), seeds and vegetative propagules of various weed species were buried at different depths and exposed to different doses of fresh fine‐chopped B. juncea biomass in the presence or absence of a plastic ground cover. In a second experiment (container experiment), buried seeds of ten species were subjected to biofumigation at diverging soil organic matter content, soil moisture content and soil temperature. In a third experiment (dose–response Petri dish bioassay), unburied seeds of eight species were subjected to various doses of rehydrated B. juncea powder. Biofumigation efficacy was determined by analysing viability of treated and untreated propagules. In general, efficacy of biofumigation increased with decreasing burial depth and increasing B. juncea dose. Biofumigation was highly effective (mortality >85%) against small‐seeded species but less effective (mortality 0%–20%) against hard‐seeded and large‐seeded species at 200 t ha?1. Vegetative propagules of Sonchus arvensis, Equisetum arvense and Convolvulus sepium were highly sensitive (mortality >90%) to biofumigation. Efficacy was most pronounced under moist warm incubation conditions, in the presence of a plastic ground cover.  相似文献   

Chun SC  Schneider RW 《Phytopathology》1998,88(12):1255-1261
ABSTRACT Seedling disease, caused primarily by several species of Pythium, is one of the major constraints to water-seeded rice production in Louisiana. The disease, also known as water-mold disease, seed rot, and seedling damping-off, causes stand reductions and growth abnormalities. In severe cases, fields must be replanted, which may result in delayed harvests and reduced yields. To develop more effective disease management tactics including biological control, this study was conducted primarily to determine sites of infection in seeds and seedlings; effect of plant age on susceptibility to P. arrhenomanes, P. myriotylum, and P. dissotocum; and minimum exposure times required for infection and seedling death. In addition, the effect of water depth on seedling disease was investigated. Infection rates of seed embryos were significantly higher than those of endosperms for all three Pythium spp. The development of roots from dry-seeded seedlings was significantly reduced by P. arrhenomanes and P. myriotylum at 5 days after planting compared with that of roots from noninoculated controls. Susceptibility of rice to all three species was sharply reduced within 2 to 6 days after planting, and seedlings were completely resistant at 8 days after planting. There was a steep reduction in emergence through the flood water, relative to the noninoculated control, following 2 to 3 days of exposure to inoculum of P. arrhenomanes and P. myriotylum. In contrast, P. dissotocum was much less virulent and required longer exposure times to cause irreversible seedling damage. Disease incidence was higher when seeds were planted into deeper water, implying that seedlings become resistant after they emerge through the flood water. These results suggest that disease control tactics including flood water management need to be employed for a very short period of time after planting. Also, given that the embryo is the primary site of infection and it is susceptible for only a few days, the disease should be amenable to biological control.  相似文献   

从山东、内蒙古、北京等地土壤中分离筛选出荧光菌 50 0 0余株 ,其中 1 2 0 0余株为抑制性荧光菌。经PCR检测 ,获得 73株 2 ,4 二乙酰基藤黄酚 (2 ,4 DAPG)产生菌。平板筛选结果表明 ,2 ,4 DAPG产生菌CPF 1 0和 2P8对沙打旺根腐病菌Sad1和Sad2均有较好的抑制效果 ,其中CPF 1 0的抑菌带宽分别为 5.0和 1 2 .0mm ;2P8抑菌带宽分别为 3 .5和 7.0mm。温室试验两次调查表明 ,CPF 1 0对沙打旺根腐病防治效果最好 ,达 63 .5%和 67.8% ;2P8防效也在 40 %左右 ,且均达到极显著水平。 2 ,4 DAPG产生菌可以显著促进沙打旺植株根系发育 ,CPF 1 0处理后地上部株高差异不显著 ,但鲜重和干重与对照相比有极显著的增加 ,说明两菌株菌剂处理可以促进植株生长。根部定殖结果表明 ,两菌株在沙打旺根部都有一定的定殖能力 ,在根表种群数量比较稳定 ,根内细菌数量在调查时间内呈逐渐上升的趋势  相似文献   

Paulitz TC  Adams K 《Phytopathology》2003,93(7):867-873
ABSTRACT Pythium spp. were isolated from a mixture of soil and roots collected from 80 wheat fields in eastern Washington in the summer of 2000 from an area encompassing approximately 27,000 km(2). These sites covered a range of soil textures (coarse to fine, silty loess), average annual precipitation (200 to 600 mm), and average annual temperatures (7 to 11 degrees C). Soil type and annual precipitation run in an east-west gradient, while temperature has a north-south gradient. Species were identified using classical methods and by sequencing the internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-1 region of the rDNA and comparing these sequences to a database from a worldwide collection of Pythium spp. The species with the highest frequency of occurrence among all the sites were P. abappressorium sp. nov. (A) (50%), P. rostratum (R) (40%), P. debaryanum (D) (37.5%), P. heterothallicum (H) (33.7%), P.oligandrum (O) (31.2%), an unidentified P. sp. (aff. echinulatum) (E) (25%), and P. ultimum (U) (18%). P. intermedium, P. irregulare, P. paroecandrum, P. sylvaticum, P. dissimile, and P. dissoticum were isolated at a low frequency. From one to six species were isolated at each site, and there were 46 different species combinations detected. The species presence/absence data from all sites were analyzed with Jaccard's similarity coefficient hierarchical cluster analysis. Six communities were identified (species within each community designation in order of frequency among the sites within the community)-AD, AOU, AR, DEH, HE, and RU. In general, P. abappressorium was evenly distributed over all zones. AOU was more prevalent in zones with lower precipitation and coarser soil, while DEH and HE were associated with zones with higher precipitation and finer-textured soils on the basis of comparison of frequency distributions with the expected distribution over all the sites. The RU community was more prevalent in higher temperature zones. Canonical correspondence analysis was performed to examine the relationship between species and environmental variables. Soil type and precipitation were highly correlated with each other and with axis 1, which separated P. ultimum and P. abappressorium (lower variable values) from P. heterothallicum (higher variable values). Axis 2 and 3 were most correlated with temperature, and these axes separated P. oligandrum (higher value) from P. debaryanum (lower value) and P. ultimum-P. rostratum from the other species. The results suggest that Pythium species composition, distributions, and associations on a given crop may be influenced by environmental factors at a mesoscale level (100 to 1,000,000 ha).  相似文献   

Pine pitch canker (PPC), caused by Fusarium circinatum, affects Pinus species worldwide. Although no effective solutions have yet been found to control it, there is a growing interest in using biological control agents (BCA) such as Trichoderma to avoid the application of chemical-based products. Using species with an increasing level of susceptibility to PPC (Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster and Pinus radiata), this study aimed to evaluate the effect of Trichoderma viride pre-inoculation on disease development, assessing several physiological and hormonal parameters. A 2-week period elapsed between T. viride and F. circinatum inoculation. Sampling for each species was performed independently when at least 50% of the plants of one of the inoculated groups developed disease symptoms. Fusarium circinatum infection reduced water status and photosynthesis, but increased proline, abscisic acid and jasmonic acid concentrations in plants of P. radiata and P. pinaster with symptoms; while in P. pinea water relations were maintained and anthocyanin accumulation occurred in the presence of F. circinatum. In P. radiata, T. viride pre-inoculation accelerated disease progression, with some PPC-induced responses augmented (decreased water potential and photosynthesis; increased substomatal CO2 concentration) and novel changes not found in seedlings inoculated exclusively with F. circinatum (increased electrolyte leakage and salicylic acid; decreased relative water content). This suggests that T. viride may be initially recognized as an invading organism, subverting the plant defence mechanisms for successful root colonization. If seedlings are not allowed to recover from this state, pathogen infection may thus be facilitated, highlighting the importance of application timing in BCA strategies.  相似文献   

Effect of low temperatures on 2,4-D behaviour in maize plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The foliar surface of 4-leaf maize plants was found to be poorly wettable and retained 106 μl g?1 dry matter when sprayed with a U46D (2,4-D formulation) blank. The third leaf retained 141 μl g?1. A 7-day cold spell (17/9°C) increased retention per unit dry matter by 53% (135% on the third leaf). Cold stress lowered epicuticular wax quantity by 29% on the third leaf. Contact angles of formulated 2,4-D lay between 115 and 125° and were not significantly affected by cold stress. 2,4-D rapidly entered into maize third leaf (66% in 24 h) but migration from it was less than 1.5%. 2,4-D was readily degraded in maize (80% in 72 h). The most abundant metabolite was probably an ester conjugate; little of the hydroxy derivatives were found. Cold stress reduced 2,4-D degradation, and 72 h after treatment the amount of undegraded 2,4-D was 78% higher in cold-stressed maize plants. It was concluded that 2,4-D selectivity in maize results from low spray retention per unit dry matter and active degradation of penetrated herbicide. Cold stress affects both factors.  相似文献   

Mycosphaerella species that cause the ‘Sigatoka disease complex’ account for significant yield losses in banana and plantain worldwide. Disease surveys were conducted in the humid forest (HF) and derived savanna (DS) agroecological zones from 2004 to 2006 to determine the distribution of the disease and variation among Mycosphaerella species in Nigeria. Disease prevalence and severity were higher in the HF than in the DS zone, but significant (P < 0·001) differences between agroecological zones were only observed for disease severity. A total of 85 isolates of M. fijiensis and 11 isolates of M. eumusae were collected during the survey and used to characterize the pathogenic structure of Mycosphaerella spp. using a putative host differential cultivar set consisting of Calcutta‐4 (resistant), Valery (intermediate) and Agbagba (highly susceptible). Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) was higher on all cultivars when inoculated with M. eumusae than with M. fijiensis, but significant (P < 0·05) differences between the two species were only observed on Valery. Based on the rank‐sum method, 8·3% of the isolates were classified as highly aggressive and 46·9% were classified as aggressive. About 11·5% of all the isolates were classified as least aggressive, and all of these were M. fijiensis. The majority of M. eumusae isolates (seven out of 11; 64%) were classified as aggressive. A total of nine pathotype clusters were identified using cluster analysis of AUDPC. At least one M. fijiensis isolate was present in all the nine pathotype clusters, while isolates of M. eumusae were present in six of the nine clusters. Isolates in pathotype clusters III and V were the most aggressive, while those in cluster VIII were the least aggressive. Shannon’s index (H) revealed a more diverse Mycosphaerella collection in the DS zone (H = 1·81) than in the HF (H = 1·50) zone, with M. fijiensis being more diverse than M. eumusae. These results describe the current pathotype structure of Mycosphaerella in Nigeria and provide a useful resource that will facilitate screening of newly developed Musa genotypes for resistance against two important leaf spot diseases of banana and plantain.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Adult pollen beetles, Meligethes spp. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), were sampled from 27 and 35 oilseed rape (Brassica napus subsp. oleifera) fields...  相似文献   

Ceratocystis fimbriata is a complex of many species that cause wilt and cankers on woody plants and rot of storage roots or corms of many economically important crops worldwide. In Brazil, C. fimbriata infects different cultivated crop plants that are not native to Brazil, including Gmelina arborea, Eucalyptus spp., Mangifera indica (mango), Ficus carica (fig), and Colocasia esculenta (inhame). Phylogenetic analyses and inoculation studies were performed to test the hypothesis that there are host-specialized lineages of C. fimbriata in Brazil. The internal transcribed spacer region ribosomal DNA sequences varied greatly but there was little resolution of lineages based on these sequences. A portion of the MAT1-2 mating type gene showed less variation, and this variation corresponded more closely with host of origin. However, mango isolates were found scattered throughout the tree. Inoculation experiments on the five exotic hosts showed substantial variation in aggressiveness within and among pathogen populations. Native hosts from the same families as the exotic hosts tended to be less susceptible than the cultivated hosts, but there was little correlation between aggressiveness to the cultivated and native hosts of the same family. Cultivation and vegetative propagation of exotic crops may select for strains that are particularly aggressive on those crops.  相似文献   

Three strains ofPseudomonas fluorescens (63-49, 63-28, and 15), one strain ofPseudomonas corrugata (13) and one strain ofSerratia plymuthica (R1GC4) were tested on rockwool-grown cucumbers for their ability to reduce Pythium root-rot caused byPythium aphanidermatum. These strains were previously selected for biocontrol ability from collections of >4000 bacteria. Strains 63-49 and 63-28 were tested on cucumber plants grown in rockwool in two replicatedPythium-inoculated trials conducted in British Columbia (B.C). Another inoculated, replicated trial was conducted in Quebec with all five strains. Cucumber yields (fruit number and weight) were measured over a ten-week harvest period. Strain 63-49 caused an early promotion of plant growth and increased cucumber yields at early harvests. No measurable effect ofPythium inoculation on disease development was observed in the Quebec trial, due to unfavourable cool weather. However, 63-49 significantly increased the total number of cucumbers (12%) and cucumber weight (18%), compared to the non-treated control. Strains 13, 15 and R1GC4 slightly increased the cumulative cucumber yields, but strain 63-28 had no effect. In the B.C. trial, inoculation withP. aphanidermatum reduced the number and weight of cucumbers by 27%. Treatments ofPythium-inoculated cucumbers with 63-49 significantly increased fruit number and weight by 18%, compared to thePythium-inoculated control. Strain 63-28 increased the cumulative number of cucumbers over time, compared to thePythium-inoculated control, but the increase was less than with 63-49. The use ofPseudomonas spp. in rockwool-grown cucumbers can increase yields, both in the presence and absence of Pythium root rot, and with variable seasonal conditions and disease pressures.  相似文献   

As invasion science accepts that there is no single causal factor for biological invasion,the identification of groups of traits that are often associated,or "syndromes",is a logical move forward.Invasion syndromes are proposed to identify suites of site conditions(biotic and environmental)that render a site vulnerable to invasion by different types of invaders.This paper proposed four invasion syndromes which relate invader attributes(competitive ability,niche construction,phenotypic plasticity,and phenological niche separation)to the biotic characteristics(biodiversity and enemies)and environmental conditions(resource abundance and fluctuation)of invaded sites.The four invasion syndromes described in this paper are a development of hypotheses of how the many factors that influence species invasion might be associated.Invasion Syndrome 1 proposes that sites with relatively high resource abundance and high diversity should be vulnerable to invasion by species with high competitive ability.Invasion Syndrome 2 hypothesizes that sites with relatively low resource abundance and low diversity should be vulnerable to invasion by species with niche construction ability.Invasion Syndrome 3 postulates that sites with moderate or fluctuating resources and moderate diversity should be vulnerable to invasion by species with high phenotypic plasticity.Invasion Syndrome 4 hypothesizes that species introduced into a site where it has phenological niche separation from natives will not have to contend with interference from the biotic community at a site(diversity or natural enemies)and may invade where ever site environmental conditions suit its life history.Further work is needed to support,contradict,or refine these hypotheses and almost certainly will identify more invasion syndromes.  相似文献   

The effect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA), and their derivatives: phenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP), 2,4-dimethylphenol (2,4-DMP), and catechol on the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC in human erythrocytes was studied. Phenol, MCPA, and 2,4-DMP did not significantly change AChE activity in human erythrocytes (in vitro). Decrease of AChE activity was observed under the highest applied dose of 2,4-D—500 and 1000 ppm. Decrease of AChE activity exposed to 2,4-DCP and catechol was noted and depended on the doses of applied compounds. The relationship between activities and substrate concentrations (curves) was analyzed for reactions of acetylcholinesterase. Catalytic constants Km and Vmax were calculated from the Michaelis curve. Statistically significant decrease of Vmax and Km was observed in the activity of AChE incubated with 2,4-DCP and catechol, revealing mixed inhibition type of AChE inhibition (this compound may affect not only on enzyme but also on complex ES as well). 2,4-D decreases Vmax but do not change Km value, what reveals non-competitive type of AChE inhibition by this compounds. Non-competitive inhibition does not depend on the substrate concentrations but only on the inhibitor concentration and its Ki value, characterizes the affinity of inhibitors towards enzyme. In conclusion, changes of AChE activity upon 2,4-D, 2,4-DCP, and catechol are the consequences of direct interactions between compounds and the enzyme and indirect via membrane modification and increase of Reactive Oxygen Species.  相似文献   

In order to develop a method for discrimination of Corynespora cassiicola isolates pathogenic to sweet pepper among Japanese isolates, this study analysed pathogenic variations of 64 Japanese isolates of C. cassiicola on perilla, cucumber, tomato, aubergine and sweet pepper, and their multigene phylogeny. Japanese isolates were divided into seven pathogenicity groups (PG1–PG7). The virulence of isolates in PG1–PG5 was restricted to perilla, cucumber, tomato, aubergine and sweet pepper, respectively. Isolates in PG6 were virulent to sweet pepper, tomato and aubergine. Isolates in PG7 were avirulent to all tested plants. Multigene phylogenetic analysis of the isolates based on β‐tubulin, translation elongation factor 1‐α, calmodulin and actin genes showed three divergent clusters, MP‐A, MP‐B and MP‐C. These clusters included all isolates in PG1, PG2, PG8 and PG9 (MP‐A), PG3 and PG5 (MP‐B) and PG4 and PG6 (MP‐C). Isolates in PG7 were distributed amongst all clusters. Furthermore, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis using universal primers, Q17 (5′‐GAAGCCCTTG‐3′) and Q13 (5′‐GGAGTGGACA‐3′), facilitated discrimination of isolates virulent on sweet pepper amongst isolates in MP‐B and MP‐C, respectively. Together, a combination of the multigene analysis and the RAPD technique allowed the discrimination of the isolates virulent to sweet pepper.  相似文献   

以黑龙江不同积温带的3个大豆主栽品种‘东农52’、‘合丰55’、‘黑河48’为材料,运用盆栽试验方法,在大豆播后苗前施用不同剂量的2,4-滴丁酯进行土壤处理,探讨了2,4-滴丁酯对不同大豆品种的产量及产量构成因素的影响。结果表明:2,4-滴丁酯对供试3个大豆品种的百粒重均无影响;2,4-滴丁酯造成大豆减产的处理,大豆单株粒数必然减少,而单株荚数、有效荚数不一定减少,造成大豆减产的主要原因是大豆单株粒数减少。可见,施用2,4-滴丁酯是否造成大豆减产可通过调查大豆单株粒数进行评判;供试3个大豆品种对2,4-滴丁酯的敏感性不同,2,4-滴丁酯施药量达1 080 g/hm2时引起‘黑河48’减产,达1 620 g/hm2时引起‘东农52’减产,达2 160 g/hm2时才引起‘合丰55’减产。供试大豆品种对2,4-滴丁酯的敏感性顺序为:‘黑河48’>‘东农52’>‘合丰55’。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In recent years, many studies have been carried out on the behavioural and electrophysiological responses of Cydia pomonella (L.) to host volatile emissions, to find alternative attractants to the sex pheromone for pest monitoring. These studies have focused on apple and pear, and very little has been done on walnut. In the present work, the diurnal and seasonal variation in walnut volatile emissions and the electrophysiological response of C. pomonella have been studied. RESULTS: Ninety compounds were detected in walnut emissions, mainly monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. The most abundant compound was β‐pinene, which, together with (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate, (E)‐β‐ocimene, limonene, germacrene D, 1,8‐cineole, sabinene, (E)‐β‐farnesene, (E)‐β‐caryophyllene, β‐myrcene and β‐phellandrene, constituted between 81.9 and 90.5% of the total chromatographic area. Differences between seasonal periods were significant for 39 compounds, and between daytimes for 14 compounds. Discernible and consistent EAD responses were detected to 11 walnut‐origin compounds, and confirmed with synthetics to seven of them. Except for alloocimene, pinocarvone and caryophyllene oxide, all these compounds are also emitted by apple. CONCLUSION: Walnut volatile emissions differ widely from apple ones, but both share many compounds that are EAD‐active in C. pomonella. However, among EAD‐active compounds there are three walnut‐specific ones, which should be further tested in behavioural assays. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The effects of exposure of human erythrocytes to different concentrations of 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) and its metabolite—2,4-dimethylphenol (2,4-DMP) were studied. The investigations concerned mainly the content of glutathione (GSH and GSSG), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione transferase (GST), and the level of adenine energy charge (AEC). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, and nitric oxide are produced during normal processes in the cell. Under normal conditions, antioxidant systems of the cell minimize damage caused by ROS. When ROS generation increases to an extent that it overcomes the cellular antioxidant systems, the result is oxidative stress. We observed that MCPA and 2,4-DMP decreased the level of GSH in erythrocytes in comparison with control. MCPA did not affect glutathione peroxidase and glutathione transferase activity, while 2,4-DMP increased their activity. 2,4-DMP decreased the level of ATP and increased the content of ADP and AMP, leading to the fall of the level of AEC. MCPA and 2,4-DMP transform hemoglobin into methemoglobin, thus preventing oxygen transport. Comparison of the toxicity of MCPA and 2,4-DMP revealed that the most prominent changes occurred in human erythrocytes incubated with 2,4-DMP.  相似文献   

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