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In a female Thuringian forest goat osteoporosis, dwarfism and anaemia were found. The animal was kept on a hobby farm with 30 further goats that did not show clinical signs. Radiological examination, computed tomographic imaging and pathological examination revealed reduced bone density and numerous fractures associated with limited or completely absent callus formation. Incineration of selected bones did not show any differences concerning the contents of calcium and phosphorus when compared to two control goats. Therefore, a regular mineralisation of the bone matrix was indicated. The dysfunction associated with the osteogenesis was assumed to be a copper deficiency.  相似文献   


Under the grassland farming regime in New Zealand, copper deficiency in cattle and sheep can be effectively controlled by topdressing all the pastures on the farm each year with 5 pounds of copper sulphate per acre. Such treatment removes the deficiency by increasing the copper content of the herbage to a level that is adequate for grazing animals.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect Coombs tests were performed on six experimentally chronic copper poisoned sheep and on two control sheep. Initially, all sheep were direct Coombs test negative and five of six experimental and one of two control sheep were indirect Coombs test positive. During intoxication, five of six experimental sheep became direct Coombs test positive while controls remained negative. Eluates, prepared from the red cells of three experimental sheep, sensitized normal sheep red cells, as measured by the indirect Coombs test. Similarly prepared eluates from control sheep were negative.  相似文献   

A procedure for taking biopsy samples from the ovine liver by a paracostal route is described. Samples were taken from 120 Merino rams on up to 3 occasions over a 3 month period. At the end of the period, the rams were subjected to 2 further biopsies and were then slaughtered, and the liver was removed and homogenised. Copper contents of all samples were determined.
Frequency of biopsy did not affect hepatic copper concentration which was significantly overestimated by the biopsy method by approximately 5%. Variability associated with the biopsy procedure was approximately ± 30 to 40 mg Cu/kg DM (SD) and was small relative to variability between animals. Experimental designs were preferred in which samples are taken before and after treatments are applied; changes in concentration are then analysed. Such analyses eliminate errors associated with variability between animals and the small bias in the sampling procedure. Liver biopsy did not significantly reduce bodyweight or the rate of gain.  相似文献   

Fourteen castrated male sheep of two breeds, the Mutton Merino (MMB) and Blackhead Suffolk cross breed (BSC), were exposed to an oral copper (Cu) intake of 3.7 mg/day per kg body weight for 84 days (high Cu group, HCu), and 11 castrated male sheep received a daily oral Cu intake of 0.16 mg/day per kg body weight (controls). Liver Cu concentration was measured in liver biopsies until 2.7 years after Cu overdose. Haematologic parameters, plasma Cu, enzymes and metabolites were analysed and post-mortem examinations were carried out. No haemolytic crises occurred. The highest liver Cu concentrations (133-677 mg/kg wet weight) were measured in HCu sheep around day 110 with significantly higher values in BSC than in MMB. The very slow decreases of liver Cu concentration of HCu sheep after day 215 showed individual half-life periods of 175 +/- 91 days. A progressive Cu retention in the liver of HCu sheep during Cu supplementation indicates strong Cu binding and storage in the liver. High values of glutamate dehydrogenase (20-940 U/l) measured frequently until day 700 and a diminished plasma clearance of bromosulphthalein as well as pathohistological findings of focal liver necrosis confirm the markedly chronic character of Cu poisoning.  相似文献   

Death occurred in sheep following diethylamine oxyquinoline sulphonate (DOS) copper injections given at recommended dose rates. The copper content in unused portions of DOS copper packs was normal and free of bacterial contamination. Liver and blood copper levels in dead and sick sheep were not high. Sick sheep showed signs of hepatic encephalopathy and dead sheep were generally piled against fences and scrub. Deaths were associated with acute, severe, generalised, centrilobular, hepatocellular necrosis and live sheep had elevated circulating levels of liver enzymes consistent with liver damage. In recovered sheep there were no residual complications. It would appear that even at 0.5 mg/kg of DOS copper the safety threshold may sometimes be exceeded in some sheep.  相似文献   

Sheep complement (C) is haemolytic for sheep erythrocytes sensitized with rabbit antibody (sheep E-rabbit A) provided serum is used as soon as possible after collection. If left at 4 °C to separate from the clot, serum C activity for sheep E-rabbit A is markedly reduced. Heparinized plasma retains its haemolytic titre for at least 24 h at 4 °C. Plasma from Mg2+-ethyleneglycoltetraacetic acid (EGTA) blood is non-haemolytic, but addition of Ca2+ partially restores the titre. A high concentration of rabbit A is necessary to sensitize sheep E.Sheep C is haemolytic for human erythrocytes sensitized with sheep antibody (human E-sheep A) in the presence of Mg2+-EGTA. This C activity is stable at 4 °C for 24 h in serum, Mg2+-EGTA plasma and heparinized plasma. Haemolytic activity of serum heated at 50 °C for 30 min was restored by a factor B containing CM-cellulose fraction of foetal lamb serum in the presence of Mg2+-EGTA for human E-sheep A but not sheep E-rabbit A.These findings show that sheep C haemolysis of sheep E-rabbit A requires a Ca2+-Mg2+-dependent pathway that is labile in vitro for 24 h at 4 °C.  相似文献   

From 1986 to 1989, 5 desert bighorn sheep (3 Ovis canadensis mexicana and 2 O c nelsoni), ranging in age from 2 to 3 years, were exposed to a flock of exotic wild and domestic sheep to potentially achieve naturally acquired pneumonia. Pasteurella multocida was isolated from nasal samples from 4 of 6 sheep randomly sampled from the flock. Bighorn sheep were exposed individually and each exposure period was a trial. Treatment before and after exposure varied and included combinations of alpha interferon, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vaccines. Treatments were chosen on the basis of recommendations of others for treating pneumonia in desert bighorn sheep as well as our own experience in sheep and cattle. Regardless of treatment used, bighorn sheep in trials 1 to 4 developed signs of pneumonia within 10 to 14 days of exposure. Bighorn sheep in trials 1 to 3 died within 11 to 17 days of initial exposure. In trial 4, the bighorn sheep was isolated from the carrier sheep for treatment of pneumonia on day 14 and died on day 30. Pasteurella multocida was isolated from lung tissue in 3 of the 4 bighorn sheep. On the basis of results of trials 1 to 4, a more in depth clinical study was conducted in trial 5. Nasal and blood specimens were collected prior to and during trial 5 for bacteriologic culturing and serologic testing for bovine viral diarrhea virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, parainfluenza-3 virus, and respiratory syncytial virus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin as an indicator of copper status in cattle and sheep.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The relationship between ceruloplasmin, a metalloenzyme with oxidase activity, and copper was investigated in cattle and sheep. The oxidase activity of ceruloplasmin correlated closely with the serum or plasma copper concentrations in cattle. The respective correlation coefficients were 0.83 and 0.60. In sheep serum, a correlation coefficient of 0.92 was obtained. In each instance, the relationship remained linear from the deficient to the high normal ranges of copper. Comparison of the linear regression relationships indicated the ceruloplasmin activity in bovine serum was statistically lower than the activity in bovine plasma (P less than 0.0001), through the intercepts from the regression lines of the two relationships were similar (P = 0.412). Comparisons of ovine and bovine serum-ceruloplasmin relationships indicated that a significant species difference was present. Ovine ceruloplasmin activity increased more rapidly as compared to the corresponding bovine activity over the range of copper concentrations investigated (P less than 0.0001). The intercept from the ovine regression relationship was also lower (P less than 0.0001). A correlation coefficient of 0.35 was observed between the serum ceruloplasmin activity and hepatic copper concentrations in cattle indicating that the mathematical relationship was not as well defined. Ceruloplasmin activity appears to correlate more closely with serum or plasma copper concentrations as compared to corresponding liver copper concentrations.  相似文献   

Events leading to the deaths of two fillies at pasture are described. Pasture hay containing the flowering stages of Senecio jacobea (ragwort) had been fed three to four months earlier. Paddocks were subdivided with posts and rails treated with copper chrome arsenate. Six horses on the property chewed rails spasmodically. Both fillies presented with haemoglobinurea. Values in liver of 83 mg Cu kg and kidney 35 mg Cu kg wet weight and serum 1.4 mg Cu/l together with histophathology of seneciosis support a sequence of ragwort poisoning followed by copper accumulation in liver and kidney terminating in a haemolytic crisis. The source of copper appeared to he from wood containing concentrations of copper of 0.17% at the core and 1.68% in shavings from surface of treated timber.  相似文献   

Four weeks after the introduction of a new ration, a herd of sheep in the Swiss midland area was affected by depression, anorexia, decreased milk production, anemia, hemoglobinuria and frequent recumbency. Seventeen ewes died within a few days. A diagnosis of chronic copper poisoning was based on the results of feed analysis, histopathological findings and the toxicological examination of liver tissue. The remaining sheep were treated with oral ammonium molybdate and sodium sulfate, which together provide an inexpensive alternative to the chelator D-penicillamine.This combination not only prevents further copper intake, but also supports its elimination from the hepatocellular storage compartments. Serum copper levels have been determined to monitor the mobilization of copper following this antidote therapy.  相似文献   

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