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INTRODUCTIONWiththedevelopl11entofecono111yandoPeninghn1berInarket.thehlnbersizeiscaredaboutmorea11dl11ol'e.otl1ermse,l11uIhpleproductinventonesrequlresaccurateeshmatesofproductsizes(dial11eteral1dlengths)andvolume.Koreanpine(PinIisko1nIensisSib.etZucc.)isararehn1bersPeciesil1Heilol1roial1gProvince.ItisnecessarynotonlytopredicttI1evolumebasedonvolumetablebutalsotoas-sesstheassotheent.Accordingtothenahol1alhmbercritenonandthewoodqt1ality,thestandqualityisdetenl1i11ed.ThemainPOintofco…  相似文献   

The Max and Burkhart segmented taper model was fitted using nonlinear mixed-effects modeling techniques to account for within- and between-individual stem profile variation for Lebanon cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.), brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.), and cilicica fir (Abies cilicica Carr.) in Turkey. About 75% of the trees were randomly selected for model development, with the remainder used for model validation. Diameter measurements from various heights were evaluated for tree-specific calibrations by predicting random-effects parameters using an approximate Bayesian estimator. The procedure was tested with a validation dataset. Predictive accuracy of the model was improved by including random-effects parameters for a new tree based on upper stem diameter measurements. Prediction in stem diameter was less biased and more precise across the all sections of bole when compared to predictions based only on fixed-effects parameters. In the future, the proposed mixed models can be applied to region wide three species stands by fitting the model to a larger data set that more closely represents regional variation.  相似文献   

Accurate and affordable measurements of upper-stem diameters are now possible thanks to recent advances in laser technology. Measurement of the midpoint upper-stem diameter can be employed to improve the accuracy of diameter predictions along the tree bole. Felled-tree data from a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation was used to evaluate two approaches: (1) calibrating a segmented taper equation by constraining a parameter, and (2) localizing the taper model by predicting the random effects for each tree. The calibration technique is much simpler and produced less-biased prediction of diameters and is therefore recommended. Calibration results were similar for both fixed- and mixed-effects taper models, even though a slight gain in accuracy and precision was attained with the mixed-effects model.  相似文献   

The parasitoid complex of Choristoneura murinana (Hbn.), a pest of Abies cilicica Carr., was studied in Isparta, Turkey. Shoots and needles of A. cilicica with C. murinana larvae and pupae were collected and examined under laboratory conditions in 2002 and 2003. As a result of this study, 14 parasitoid species of C. murinana were determined: Apanteles obscurus Nees. (Hym.: Braconidae), Brachymeria intermedia Nees (Hym.: Chalcididae), Mesopolobus mediterraneus Mayr, Mesopolobus dubius Walker, Pteromalus chrysos Walker, Pteromalus sp. (Hym.: Pteromalidae), Monodontomerus aereus Walker (Hym.: Torymidae), Itoplectis maculator (Fabricius), Apophua bipunctoria Thunberg, Triclistus globulipes Desvignes, Dirophanes maculicornis Stephens, Hyposoter sp., Dusona sp. (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) and Aprostocetus sp. (Hym.: Eulophidae). In the studied parasitoid complex, A. obscurus, B. intermedia and I. maculator were the most important in reducing pest numbers. The level of total parasitism of the C. murinana was 19.4% in 2002 and 22.3% in 2003.  相似文献   

Comparison of the root system growth and water transport of southern pine species after planting in different root-zone environments is needed to guide decisions regarding when, and what species to plant. Evaluation of how seed source affects root system responses to soil conditions will allow seed sources to be matched to planting conditions. The root growth and hydraulic conductivity of three sources each of shortleaf, loblolly and longleaf pine seedlings were evaluated for 28 days in a seedling growth system that simulated the planting environment. Across species, an increase in root-zone temperature alleviated limitations to root growth caused by water stress. In the coldest temperature, longleaf pine maintained a higher hydraulic conductivity compared to shortleaf and loblolly pine. Without water limitation, the root growth and hydraulic conductivity of shortleaf and loblolly pine were superior to that of longleaf pine, but as water availability decreased, the root growth of longleaf pine surpassed that of loblolly pine. Hydraulic conductivities of the seed sources differed, and differences were attributed to either new root growth, or an increase in the efficiency of the root system to transport water.  相似文献   

The research described in this paper was performed in the Niepolomice Forest (Southern Poland) in 2001 as part of the Forest Environmental Monitoring and Management System (FOREMMS; 5FP IST) project. The material for the present study consisted of the measurement results of the biomass of Scots pine shoots with needles and needles alone carried out on 113 felled sample trees. The purpose of this study was to construct empirical equations for estimating the foliage biomass of Scots pine from easy to measure parameters. To achieve this aim, the dependence of the foliage biomass of Scots pine on stem diameter, height, age, crown length, basal area increment of the trees was analyzed. Using the biometric characteristics such as: tree diameter at breast height (dbh), basal area increment, age, height, and crown length empirical equations for estimating the foliage biomass of Scots pine reasonably precisely have been established. The created empirical equation gives accurate foliage biomass estimates. The explained variability varies between 65 and 85%, it depends on the number of variables applied in the equation. The equations presented in this paper were created with a view to their possible use in ecological studies where biomass quantity may be used, for example, in modeling carbon circulation in the forest ecosystem. From the point of view of forestry practice, these equations may help to assess biomass production in Scots pine stands.  相似文献   

We carried out this study to clarify the relationships between the seasonal changes of bark stripping and food quality, and between bark-stripping intensity and bark nutrition with age of veitch fir (Abies veitchii) by sika deer (Cervus nippon) in the northern Mount Fuji district, from June 2000 to July 2003. We found that sika deer gnawed and ate all of the bark stripped, and a seasonal change in bark stripping occurred from December to May or June with a peak in March–April. The stripping period largely overlapped with the periods of low food availability and poor food nutrition (indicated by fecal chemical component index) of sika deer, from January to April. Both bark nutritional quality and bark-stripping intensity related to stand age and tree size of veitch fir negatively. Consequently, bark-stripping intensity related to bark nutritional quality positively. February is the worst forage period in terms of both quantity (due to deep snow) and quality (indicated by fecal chemical components). There was a time lag of 1 to 2 months in the peak of bark stripping in March–April when compared with the poor forage period in February. This time lag may suggest that sika deer need more nutritious and easily digested food from March due to increased nutrient demands that result from depleted body condition in both sexes, gestation of pregnant females, and the recovery of active metabolism.  相似文献   

Forest volume, the major component of forest biomass, is an important issue in forest resource monitoring.It is estimated from tree volume tables or equations. Based on tree volume data of 1840 sample trees from Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations in Guizhou Province in southwestern China, parallel one- and two-variable tree volume tables and tree height curves for central and other areas were constructed using an error-in-variable modeling method. The results show that, although the one-variable tree volume equations and height curves between the central and other areas were significantly different, the two-variable volume equations were sufficiently close, so that a generalized two-variable tree volume equation could be established for the entire province.  相似文献   

Since biomass is one of the key variables in ecosystem studies, widespread effort has aimed to facilitating its estimation. Numerous stand-specific volume and biomass equations are available, but these cannot be used for scaling up biomass to the regional level where several age-classes and structural types of stands coexist. Therefore simplified generalized volume and biomass equations are needed. In the present study, generalized biomass and volume regression equations were developed for the main tree species in Europe. These equations were based on data compiled from several published studies and are syntheses of the published equations. The results show that these generalized equations explain 64–99% of the variation in values predicted by the original published equations, with higher values for stem than for crown components.
P. MuukkonenEmail:

The objective of our study was to examine whether distribution of regeneration in uneven-aged fir (Abies alba Mill.) forests is related to the spatial pattern of trees. In 12 sample plots of size 0.45–1.00 ha (in total 8.65 ha, with stand basal areas ranging from 27.6 m2 ha–1 to 39.5 m2 ha–1), all live and dead trees above 5 cm in d1.3 were mapped and their diameters measured. In eight plots, all live and dead fir saplings were mapped. In three plots, the number of live fir saplings and seedlings was registered on small systematically distributed circular plots. The values of an analytically developed index of stand influence were compared in patches occupied and unoccupied by live or dead fir regeneration. Contrary to preliminary assumptions, only in a few cases did saplings and trees 5–15 cm in d1.3 appear more often in gaps and looser stand patches. Rather, in many plots, the opposite tendency was observed. The seedling density showed a weak but positive correlation with the index of influence. If the spatial pattern of regeneration reflects the spatially varying mortality of juvenile trees, then no evidence was found that stand competition was the most important factor inducing this mortality. On the contrary, on the basis of the results obtained, we can presume that the survival rate of juvenile firs was higher in patches with a relatively higher local basal area. Thus, it was hypothesised that, first, dispersion of regeneration in uneven-aged fir forests is controlled by easy-to-change edaphic factors such as humus form and acidity of the upper soil horizons, and second, that these soil features are linked with the spatial pattern of trees.  相似文献   

Four variable-exponent taper equations and their modified forms were evaluated for lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm.) trees in Alberta, Canada. A nonlinear mixed-effects modeling approach was applied to account for within- and between-tree variations in stem form. Even though a direct modeling of within-tree autocorrelation by a variance–covariance structure failed to achieve convergence, most of the autocorrelation was accounted for when random-effects parameters were included in the models. Using an independent data set, the best taper equation with two random-effects parameters was chosen based on its ability to predict diameter inside bark, whole tree volume, and sectioned log volume. Diameter measurements from various stem locations were evaluated for tree-specific calibrations by predicting random-effects parameters using an approximate Bayesian estimator. It was found that an upper stem diameter at 5.3 m above ground was best suited for calibrating tree-specific predictions of diameter inside bark, whole tree volume, and sectioned log volume.  相似文献   

Fraser fir (Abies fraseri [Pursh] Poir.) and red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) are codominants of southern Appalachian spruce-fir forests. Fraser fir generally dominates above 1740 m, while red spruce usually dominates below this elevation. This study was designed to determine whether the present segregation of the two species along elevational gradients is associated with seedling competition or contrasting physiological responses to environmental factors. Seedlings were grown for two years in a replacement series experiment along two elevational transects extending from 1300 m to 1900 m, and harvested for growth analysis.Competition increased with decreasing elevation and Fraser fir was apparently the stronger competitor. Mortality was inversely correlated with elevation and was most evident in red spruce in May, and in fir in late summer. Fir growth increased with elevation and red spruce grew most at the middle elevation (1600 m). Neither competitive interactions nor growth responses completely explained the elevational segregation of red spruce and Fraser fir. We hypothesize that the early-successional Fraser fir quickly dominates at higher elevations following disturbance and that continued disturbance will favor its dominance at higher elevations. However, the late-successional noncompetitive red spruce slowly establishes itself and, while consistently present, may only dominate in the absence of disturbance and where other species are at the margins of their distribution.  相似文献   

Recently, symptoms of decline have been widely observed in Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensis) and Todo fir (Abies sachalinensis) in Hokkaido. In order to clarify the mechanism of decline, the water status of Yezo spruce and Todo fir trees in the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido were investigated. The decline is observed mainly in stands damaged by Typhoon XV of 1981 (D-stands), but is not observed in undamaged stands (C-stands). Sampled trees in both types of stands were selected, the severity of their decline estimated, diurnal water potentials measured and water relation parameters such as water potential at turgor-loss point ( ) and osmotic potential at full saturation ( ) were estimated by pressure-volume analysis. The diurnal trends of leaf water potential and midday water potential ( ) of the sample trees were clearly different between the D-stands and the C-stand. Water stress in trees was much more severe in the D-stands than in the C-stand. and of the declining trees were lower in the D-stands than in the C-stand. However, and were not significantly different between declining trees and healthy-looking trees in D-stands. It was concluded that stand-level water stress, induced by the destruction of the canopy by the typhoon, was associated with the decline symptoms. The measurement of water relation parameters proved to be useful for diagnosis and prediction of decline at a stand level in this area.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the competing regeneration and expansion patterns of two co-occurring pine species (Pinus brutia, Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana), in a transitional montane Mediterranean zone. We measured the regeneration density of all woody species in 102 randomly located stands along an altitudinal gradient on the island of Lesbos, Greece. Individuals of pines were assigned to different size classes. Topographic factors (altitude, aspect, and soil depth) and light availability (through hemispherical photographs) were measured for each stand. Statistical analyses were applied to explore the effect of each factor on recruitment density of the competing pine species, and to elucidate patterns of interaction. Canopy openness was the most important parameter controlling the recruitment of P. brutia, while the regeneration density of P. nigra was mainly related to canopy openness and heat load. An idiosyncratic response of the recruitment vigour of the two species was identified along gradients of shade and drought stress. The decline in P. nigra recruitment density with drought conditions underlines threats to its population maintenance even in the absence of fire. On the other hand P. brutia seems to be a stronger invader in transitional zones. The studied species could be considered typical representatives of the two most widely distributed pine functional types across the Mediterranean basin, and our results agree with the theoretical ability of such species to maintain and expand their populations.  相似文献   

Diameter distributions of juvenile loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) were characterized utilizing a two-parameter Weibull distribution to aid in forecasting and simulation of young stands. Juvenile diameter distributions were studied to gain insight into the effects of various stand-level factors. Results show that diameter distributions in juvenile loblolly pine stands can be successfully characterized with the two-parameter Weibull function. Repeated measures analysis detected significant planting density, age, and age by planting density interaction effects for the scale and shape parameter estimates from the two-parameter Weibull distribution. Using parameter recovery techniques, estimated diameter distributions were derived from easily attainable stand-level characteristics (i.e. basal area per hectare, planting density, age, and quadratic mean diameter). A thorough understanding of juvenile diameter distributions should prove especially useful for operational planning of stands on short rotations that require estimates of productivity at early ages.  相似文献   

Ethephon application on four dates did not induce budset in slash and loblolly pine seedlings. Ethephon promoted slash pine budbreak by 11 days when applied in mid-November and delayed loblolly pine budbreak by 8 days when applied in late November. Mid-November and early February applications of ethephon promoted height growth of both species.  相似文献   

Pathophysiological changes during the symptom development of pine wilt disease are reconsidered from recent investigations. The symptom development is divided into two stages: the early and the advanced stages. In the early stage, small number of nematodes migrate in cortex, then in xylem of the stem, and induce denaturation and necrosis of parenchyma cells. These changes in parenchyma are regarded as defense reactions of pines which result in terpene synthesis in xylem cells and embolism in tracheids. Such changes in the early stage can be induced in both susceptible and resistant pine species by either virulent or avirulent isolates of pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), or byB. mucronatus. No change occur in physiological status of leaves, and nematode reproduction is suppressed during this stage. Pine trees can survive if symptom does not progress from this stage. The symptoms of the advanced stage usually occur only in susceptible pines infected by virulent nematode isolates. At the beginning of the advanced stage, enhanced ethylene production by stem which coincides with cambial destruction occurs, and results in embolism of the outermost xylem in the portion. The embolism causes decrease in leaf water potential and cessation of photosynthesis. After cessation of photosynthesis, symptoms develop drastically with a burst of nematode population. There seems to be some unknown mechanism which suppress nematode reproduction and invasion to the cambial zone. This mechanism is thought to be photosynthesis-dependent, so that in photosynthesis-decrased conditions, even avirulent nematodes can multiply and invade cambium to induce tree death. Water stress in hot and dry summer should accelerates symptom development from the early to the advanced stage through such decrease of photosynthesis-dependent “cambial resistance”.  相似文献   

Pine plantations on selected sites in the extensive zone of degraded oak coppice of northern Greece are deemed necessary for increasing wood production in the area and suitable site preparation may accelerate early tree growth. Seven site preparation treatments including raking (R), with sub-soiling (RS), disc harrowing (RD), tine ploughing (RT) and their combinations (RSD), (RDT) and (RSDT) were compared for the establishment of black pine (Pinus nigra Arn) in an oak coppice site, of conglomerate parent material at Anthrakia, northern Greece. The randomised blocks trial of three replications and 110 trees per treatment, half of which were fertilised with 150 g NPK per plant, was assessed at the age of 15 years for diameter, dominant tree height and survival. There was no significant difference between the treatments in any of the traits examined, nor did the fertilisation had any effect. Only the fertiliser × treatment interaction was found significant at p<0.001 for dominant height, accounting for 37% of the observed variation in this trait. The lack of response to site preparation treatments may be attributed to the hard Bt3 clay horizon, extending beyond cultivation depth (50 cm), that prevents the roots penetration into deeper moist soil layers. The F × T interaction, where the combination of (RSDT) treatment and fertiliser was found to accelerate tree height growth in relation to the same treatment without fertiliser, indicates that thorough soil cultivation is needed for fertilisation to be effective in such sites.  相似文献   

Chinese pine caterpillar (Dendrolimus tabulaeformis) larvae were fed with pine needles of different degrees of damage to evaluate the effects of pine needles on the growth and development of larvae. The results showed that the nutritional index of the larvae declines after feeding on the damaged pine needlings. The lowest amount of food ingested and voided feces, the lowest nutritional index, slowest development, lightest pupae and most mortality were found in those pine caterpillar larvae fed with pine needles which were 50% damaged. The damaged pine needles significantly affected the population dynamics of Chinese pine caterpillars. The nutritional indices of larvae fed with 25% and 75% damaged pine needles were similar. The nutritional index of the dark morphs was higher than that of the tinted morphs, however, their mortality was lower than that of the tinted morphs. This phenomenon was reversed at the later stage of development when the larvae were fed on 50% damaged pine needles. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(6): 83–88 [译自: 北京林业大学学报, 2005, 27(6): 83–88]  相似文献   

In natural plant populations, leaf polyphenols show high intraspecific variation that occurs both temporally and spatially. Leaf phenolics may be induced by diverse ecological factors such as light, nitrogen availability or herbivory attack. Both light and nitrogen availability can show spatial structure in forested stands, meaning that they each have a high degree of autocorrelation, which can determine the appearance of spatial structure in leaf polyphenols. However, the availability of these resources may be drastically changed by forest disturbance, and little is known about the effect of forest disturbance on the spatial pattern and scale of leaf secondary compounds. We hypothesise that the spatial structure of leaf polyphenols in understory vegetation will disappear due to forest harvesting, because these compounds depend on light availability, yet it will remain unaltered for those compounds that either depend on the availability of other resources or are under major genetic control. The study was performed in young pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) populations growing either under a pine canopy (Pinus pinaster) stand or in a pine harvested stand in NW Spain. The spatial structures of green and senescent leaf polyphenols, tannins, non-tannin polyphenols and nitrogen were analysed in both stands using geostatistical analysis. The spatial structures observed for green and senescent leaf polyphenols and tannins in the forested stand disappeared in the harvested stand. However, non-tannin polyphenols, as well as nitrogen, showed spatial structure in both stands. Understanding these changes may be important for the successful recovery of native oak populations growing under pine forests in NW Spain, one of the priorities of the local government. Our results showed that changes in the concentration of leaf secondary compounds after disturbance may be accompanied by differences in their spatial properties, which may have important consequences for ecosystem function.  相似文献   

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