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我国果品产销形势,问题及对策   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
潘建裕 《果树科学》1999,16(2):81-85
党的十一届三中全会以来,是我国果树发展速度最快,规模最大的一个时期果树的面积和产量激增,到1997年果树总面积达866.66万hm^2,总产量达5089.3万t居世界首位。果树产量迅速增加,市场供求发生根本变化,果品产销形势出现历史性转折,果品市场由原来的卖方市场转向买方市场。  相似文献   

我国果树产业出口现状的分析与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1果树产业出口现状 据最新统计.我国果品总产量已突破9000万t。占世界总产量的15%。果园面积超过1000万hm^2,是世界第一果品生产大国。至少有9种果品产量稳居世界首位。分别为苹果、梨、桃、荔枝、龙眼、柿子、枣、草莓、猕猴桃。  相似文献   

果园低产是我国果树生产中存在的极为普遍而严重的问题,同时也是制约农村产业结构调整、“两高一优”农业发展的一大障碍。虽然目前我国果树栽培面积位居世界之冠,年总产量达5000万吨。但果树单位面积产量低的问题比较突出。加上果品质量不佳,直接制约着果树生  相似文献   

果品果品奈若何──关于我国果品产业发展战略的报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是世界果树大国。栽培历史悠久、种质资源丰富,水果和干果达50众种.是世界果树起源最早、种类最多的原产地和世界著名果树古国之,堪称“世界河林之母”、“水果故乡”。改革开放,尤其是1984年国家放开果品购销价格,实行多渠道经苗以来,极大地调动了广大果区农民的积极件、找国果品生产连续十几年保持厂强劲的高速发展势头(参表1、图1、图2)。据国家家统训局统计,1995年全国果园面积1.21亿亩,果品总产量达4214.6万吨;1996年增加到1.27亿亩.总产量达4652.8万吨;1997年果品总产量达…  相似文献   

1三门峡市果业发展现状 1.1果业发展规模及地位 目前,全市果树面积达13.2万hm2,农村人口人均0.01hm2,其中苹果面积7.7万hm2,占水果面积的58.9%;水果总产量12亿kg,其中苹果产量9.8亿kg,占水果总产量的81.7%;果品产值15.8亿元,占全市农业总产值的25%以上。全市常年从事果品生产的农村劳动力有50多万人,主要靠果品收入支撑家庭经济的农村人口达10万人,农村人口人均果品收入1000元,果品业在农村发展、农业增效、农民增收中居于举足轻重的地位,是该市农村经济中最大的支柱产业。  相似文献   

果品产销形势与贮藏现状建国以来,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,我国果品生产有了很大发展。1981年全国果树栽培面积2700万亩,比1952年增加了一倍半。果品总产量达780万吨,比1952年增加两倍以上,其中苹果、柑桔、梨三大骨干品种的产量占70%。发展最快的苹果,栽培面积已有1000多万亩,产量由解放初期的10万多吨上升到300多万吨,占全国果品总产量的1/3;柑桔产量1978年以前长期徘徊在30万吨左右,近年已突破100万吨;各种梨的产量稳定在150万吨上下。  相似文献   

截止到2011年,三门峡市果树生产面积已发展到210万亩,农村人口人均1.35亩,其中苹果面积130万亩,占果树总面积的60%;果品总产量18.6亿千克,其中苹果产量14.8亿千克,占全市果品总产量的79.6%,果品总产值48.7亿元,占全市农业总产值的34.7%,农民人均果品收入3121元;果品产量、产值、人  相似文献   

本刊讯经过多年的精心培育,苹果产业已成为甘肃省平凉市农村优势产业,2009年全市果树经济林面积达10.43万hm^2,果品总产量达到71.2万t,产量超过了全省果品总量的1/4,果品直接产值超过12亿元,年出口创汇110万美元,  相似文献   

美国果品生产概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
车凤斌 《落叶果树》2001,33(5):59-60
美国是果品生产大国之一,1998年各类果树结果面积162.52万hm^2,干鲜果商品总产量31616.3kt,产值119.31亿美元。进口各类果品5761.8kt,果汁30577.6万L,出口各类果品2335.7kt,果汁9001.18万L。近年来,美国果品产量,进出口贸易量均有所上升,果树种植农场呈现数量减少,规模扩大趋势。  相似文献   

WTO与中国农业标准化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是农产品生产大国,据2000年统计数字表明,我国目前蔬菜种植面积1523.7万公顷,蔬菜年产量达4.24亿t,占世界蔬菜总产量的40%,人均占有量350kg,果品种植面积893.2万公顷,占世界果品种植面积的18%,果品年产量达6225.1万t,占世界水果总产量的13%,人均占有量50kg(参表1)。  相似文献   

"七五"以来,我国的水果业迅猛发展,面积和产量成倍增长,品种结构明显优化,基地建设发挥效益,市场供给明显改善。但也存在一些问题,比如不顾条件,盲目发展;经营粗放,效益不高;信息不灵,产销脱节等。今后发展要科学规划,合理布局,加速调整树种和品种结构;加快果树繁育体系的建设;加大适用技术和重大技术的推广力度;减损增效,发展贮藏加工业;强化服务,推进产业化进程。并建议进一步理顺管理体制;增加投入,加强基地建设;适当降低水果农业特产税税率,改革使用办法。  相似文献   

辽宁省果树保护地栽培的现状与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁省果树保护地生产,由于在气候、资源、技术等方面具有一定的优势,栽培面积迅速增加,产量和效益显著提高.但还存在设施结构不规范,树种、品种结构不合理,栽培技术不到位,果实质量差,产销脱节,商品化程度低等诸多问题,许多技术难题需要进一步研究和解决.果树保护地生产因制约因素多,应因地制宜,适当发展.不断引进、选择适合保护地栽培的专用品种,实现品种多样化,生产标准化,经营规模化,管理现代化,产品优质化、高档化,以便参与国际市场竞争.  相似文献   

储召军  王能宝 《长江蔬菜》2012,(20):101-102
旬阳县马铃薯生产随着消费市场的需求和科技水平的提高,现已逐步成为一项重要农业产业.如何发挥当地优势,研究探寻马铃薯产业化发展之路,稳步实现农民增产增收,具有十分重要意义.  相似文献   

康婷  穆月英 《中国蔬菜》2016,1(10):13-19
基于北京市果类蔬菜种植户的实地调研数据,运用描述性统计分析方法,对北京市果类蔬菜生产经营的基本特征进行了分析,在此基础上探究了种植规模、种植技术、流通情况、市场基础建设、农民专业合作社和蔬菜生产支持政策对果类蔬菜生产经营所产生的影响。进一步地,将两个不同年度的果类蔬菜生产情况进行对比,从动态视角研究了近四年北京市果类蔬菜生产的发展变化。主要研究结论为:(1)北京市果类蔬菜生产经营主体主要为小规模农户;(2)蔬菜种植户的老龄化趋势明显;(3)农户对于种菜新技术的需求不断增长;(4)土地规模、种菜技术、市场基础建设和政府政策均对蔬菜生产有着显著正向影响;(5)政府对果类蔬菜产业的支持力度持续增大。  相似文献   

The 23% consolidation of China's strawberry industry from 70,000?ha in 2005 to 53,000?ha in 2006 due to extreme climate conditions reduced production from 840,000?t to 650,000?t. This tonnage includes a 40% market share for processing for the home market (150,000– 190,000?t) and frozen fruit for both the home market and export (70,000–90,000?t) and makes China the world's third largest strawberry producer after the US and Europe. Strawberry cultivation in China is characterised by family smallholders with an averaged acreage of ca. 2,000?m2 and salaries of 2?euros/person/day for hired labour resulting in ca. 500?euros/1,000?m2 gross return. The major growing regions are the provinces Hebei (near Baoding), Shandong, Liaoning with an acreage of ca. 10,000?ha each. Strawberry plants and varieties are imported, but new Chinese varieties such as ‘Chun Xing’, ‘Xing Du 1 and 2’, ‘Xuemi’ and ‘Chun Xu’ are increasingly grown. The Chinese varieties are characterised by their sweet flavour with low acidity, a pre-requisite for the Asian market, and good taste and are adapted to the respective growing climate. A portion of the strawberry harvest is used for processing due to insufficient external fruit quality such as size, shape and colour by European standard. Strawberry research in China is spread between 9 institutions and universities throughout the country. Strawberries were regarded as exclusive desert and luxury for the upper class during the ten years of the cultural revolution between 1966–1976 under Mao Zedong. Today, fresh strawberries are sold in street markets or supermarkets. Import of strawberry fruit is prohibited, except for Hongkong, which imports 2,200?t from China and the US. China's export of 76,000?t in 2005, equivalent to a 9–10% export rate, was shipped to Japan (11,000?t) and Germany (8,700?t) with dumping prices below 50?cent/kg.  相似文献   

The recent structural changes in the German fruit-growing sector and its production, marketing measures and sales over the retail industry is still in progress – as the horticulture-census for 2005 shows. Even though the comparability to former censuses is limited, a decrease of the number of producing enterprises can be noticed – coming along with an increase of the total acreage for fruits. Specialized producers record a decrease of acreage, which can be traced back to the fact, that cultivation methods are intensifying. A few big producing companies farm most of the percentage of the total German acreage. In the eastern federal states the average size of the acreage of a fruit-growing enterprise is bigger, than in the western ones. The concentration of fruit-growing acreages varies remarkably from one municipal region to another. The two biggest concentrations of fruit-growing acreage are located at Lake Constance and the ‘Niederelbe’ (Hamburg and Lower Saxony). The acreages for strawberries have remarkably increased. Blueberries are the “newcomers” concerning the berry-production. The sales are still primarily conducted over direct sales and methods of collective sales. The progressing process of concentration in the German retail industry affects the producers of the sector. The quantity of manufactured fruits is decreasing. Germany is importing a bigger amount of fruits, than it is exporting – the total number of imports and exports has not changed remarkably over the last ten years, but varies for different species of fruits. The revenues from the sales of several fruit-species do not cover their production costs.  相似文献   

全面回顾了半个世纪以来我国梨果产业发展的历程与科技成果。1996 年我国梨果的栽培面积已由1952 年的10 .69 万hm2 发展至93 .1 万hm 2 ,扩大了4 .5 倍;产量由39 .4 万t 增至636 .5 万t(1997 年) ,增加了15 .1 倍,相当于世界梨总产量的47 .8 % 。半个世纪以来我国在梨果科技各个方面取得了喜人的成果,每hm 2 产量在30t 以上的果园已不乏其例;我国培育的梨新品种在品质上有的已可跻身于世界优质梨品种的行列。提出了21 世纪我国梨果产业发展的战略设想  相似文献   

套袋对苹果生产投资结构的影响及密植园遮光问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 套袋技术目前已经广泛应用于果树生产, 特别是富士苹果套袋率在山东和陕西主产区超过75% , 每亩套袋量8 000~18 000个, 纸袋投资270~1 100元, 占生产总投入比重的1 /3, 占生产资料平均投入的45%; 而套袋和摘袋雇工成本在人工成本中占主要部分, 套袋对苹果生产投资结构产生了巨大影响。对乔砧密植园大量套袋苹果树进行光合测定发现, 套袋造成了投影部位5片以上叶子遮光, 无论树冠外围还是内膛, 被遮光的叶片净光合速率均为负值, 大量套袋极显著降低了树冠中部和内膛照光叶片的光合能力。有关果实套袋技术的应用应该根据市场和生产条件细分确定。  相似文献   

切花菊“神马”日光温室栽培技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据在大连地区的研究结果,提出切花菊“神马”目光温室栽培技术,主要包括定植准备、定植、摘心定干、张网、剥除侧蕾副芽、肥水管理、花期调控、B9处理、病虫害防治和采收上市等,供生产者参考。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2002,93(2):105-123
In order to exploit the potential of remote sensing in the field of horticulture, a study was initiated to estimate acreage and production of mango orchards using Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite data. The data from linear imaging self scanning (LISS) II of IRS 1B and IRS 1C LISS III data covering the study area have been used. The boundary mask as well as sample segment approaches were tried for acreage estimation. Available yield data and meteorological and growth parameter data were collected to develop an agro-meteorological model. The study has clearly demonstrated the usefulness of LISS II and LISS III data for identifying and estimating mango orchard acreage. It was observed that use of LISS III is better compared to LISS II as the spatial resolution has improved the classification using maximum likelihood algorithm. The study also indicated that the condition of orchards could also be assessed to some extent. Total enumeration technique using summer season data gave very accurate acreage estimates of mango. The sampling approach is also good for mango orchard acreage estimation which provided almost the same accuracy as total enumeration technique but by saving about 6–8 times the analysis time and cost. Due to non-availability of reliable data at different levels, it was difficult to develop any regional level single yield model. However, it was observed that an agro-meteorological data-based model could be developed by collecting such data for 3–4 years in selected orchards.  相似文献   

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