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We determined whether cows in low (LBC) or high body condition (HBC) would consume different amounts of green pine needles (Pinus ponderosa). Cows (mature; open Hereford and Hereford x Angus) were fed a maintenance basal diet (alfalfa pellets) for Exp. 1 and 2; during Exp. 3 and 4, cows were fed high-protein and high-energy diets, respectively. Experiment 5 was a grazing study on rangeland during winter in South Dakota; diets were determined by using bite counts. Mean BCS (1 = emaciated, 9 = obese) was 7.5 for HBC cows and <4.0 for LBC cows during the experiments. During Exp. 1, LBC cows consumed more (P = 0.001) pine needles than did HBC cows (5.5 +/- 0.25 vs. 1.0 +/- 0.14 g/kg of BW daily, respectively). During Exp. 2, there was a day x treatment interaction (P = 0.001) as LBC cows consumed variable, but greater, amounts of pine needles than did HBC cows (3.7 +/- 0.19 vs. 1.3 +/- 0.12 g/kg of BW daily, respectively). When fed a high-protein/low-energy diet, LBC cows ate more (P = 0.04) pine needles than did HBC cows. When fed a low-protein/high-energy diet, there was a day x treatment interaction (P = 0.001) because LBC cows consumed more pine needles than did HBC cows for the first 3 d of the study, and then consumption by LBC animals decreased during the last 4 d. These experiments suggest that the protein:energy ratio may be an important factor in the ability of cows to tolerate terpenes, and that cows were not able to sustain an increased quantity of needle consumption on a low-protein diet. During the 25-d grazing study, there was a day x treatment interaction (P = 0.001) as LBC animals selected more pine needles (up to 25% of daily bites) on some days compared with HBC cows. Weather influenced pine needle consumption because pine needle bites by LBC cows were related (r(2) = 0.60; P = 0.001) to days of greater snow depth and lower minimum daily temperatures. Both LBC and HBC cows increased selection of pine needles from trees during cold, snowy weather, but the magnitude of the increase was greater for LBC cows. The LBC cows consumed more pine needles than did HBC cows in all experiments, except when cows were fed a low-protein diet. This study indicates that both body condition and protein intake are important factors in pine needle consumption.  相似文献   

Three components of Ponderosa pine trees were administered via gavage to pregnant cows to determine their ability to induce premature parturition. When tips of branches, bark or needles were administered (2.7 kg/day) starting at 250 d of pregnancy, early parturition was induced in an average of 3.4, 5.0 and 9.1 d, respectively, compared to 31.8 d for water gavaged controls (P less than 0.01). Less pine material was required to induce parturition with tips and bark (9.4 and 11.2 kg/cow, respectively) than with needles (25.0 kg/cow P less than 0.05). Cows fed pine material retained fetal membranes longer after parturition; 13.0 d for needles, 10.5 d for bark and greater than 3.0 d for tips versus less than 0.5 d for controls (P less than 0.01). However, 2 of the cows fed tips died within 48 hours after parturition with fetal membranes intact and the other 2 cows fed tips became depressed, pyrexic and emaciated. They survived after extended veterinary care with antibiotic and fluid therapy. Administration of pine materials modified serum progesterone concentration profiles; there was significant elevation in progesterone 1-3 days after pine material was administered. Subsequently, pine material induced a premature decline in progesterone levels prior to parturition, which occurred more rapidly in cows fed bark and tips suggesting a dose response relationship. Pine material also modified serum cortisol concentration profiles; the main difference was a prolonged elevation in cows receiving tips. Branch tips and bark from Ponderosa pine are more potent in inducing parturition than needles.  相似文献   

Consumption of Ponderosa pine needles by late-pregnant beef cows results in the premature delivery of a viable calf. We have demonstrated the presence of a factor(s) in plasma from cows fed pine needles that specifically increased uterine arterial tone (i.e., decreased arterial diameter) in vitro. This study was designed to investigate changes in uterine blood flow and steroid secretion/uptake by the gravid uterus of cows fed pine needles to induce premature parturition. Sixteen beef cows were laparotomized on d 240 of gestation, and an electromagnetic blood-flow probe was placed around the uterine artery supplying the gravid horn. Cows were randomly assigned on d 250 of gestation to a control (n = 8; 8.2 kg/d of alfalfa hay) or pine needle (n = 8; 2.7 kg/d of pine needles + 5.5 kg/d of alfalfa hay) diet. Uterine blood flow was monitored, and systemic blood (uterine arterial and[or] jugular venous) and uterine venous blood samples were collected daily between 0630 and 0800, just before feeding. Five of eight cows fed pine needles calved prematurely (average day of gestation = 260.2 +/- .6) compared with cows fed the control diet, which calved on 287.6 +/- 3.4 d of gestation. Uterine blood flow in the control cows remained constant from d 250 through the day of parturition. In contrast, uterine blood flow of cows fed pine needles that calved early decreased progressively (P less than .01), declining to 25.2% of its original value by the day of parturition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A heat stable toxin present in needles of ponderosa pine was found to be soluble in methanol, ethanol, chloroform hexanes and 1-butanol. The embryotoxic effects of fresh green pine needles and a chloroform/methanol extract were determined by measuring embryo resorption in pregnant mice. Autoclaving the needles and extract for 1 hour prior to feeding enhanced the embryoresorptive effect by 28% and 32%, respectively. The results of this study revealed that the embryo resorptive dose (ERD50) of heat stable toxin for 1 mouse was 8.95 gms. for fresh green pine needles and 6.46 gms. for autoclaved green pine needles. In addition to embryocidal effects, feeding of the toxin resulted in significant weight loss in adult mice.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to determine the effect of feeding dried pine needles (Pinus ponderosa; PN) on the abortion rate of ruminants. In Exp. 1, cattle were fed 5.4 kg of PN daily for 21 d starting at 116, 167, 215, or 254 d of pregnancy. The PN did not cause abortions when started at 116 d; thereafter, the percentage of cows that aborted increased linearly, and the interval to abortion decreased linearly (both P < .01); all cows fed PN beginning at 254 d aborted. In Exp. 2, cattle were fed .7, 1.4, or 2.7 kg of PN for 21 d or 2.7 kg for 1 or 3 d. Sheep and goats were fed .8 and .5 kg of PN, respectively, starting at 121 d of pregnancy. The PN induced some abortions in cattle when fed for 1 (11%) or 3 (30%) d, but the abortion rate was greater (P < .01) when the PN were fed for longer periods of time (80, 90, and 100% aborted in 19, 17, and 10 d for .7-, 1.4-, and 2.7-kg doses, respectively). No goats or sheep aborted in response to PN feeding. Pregnancy rates during the next breeding season for cows that aborted in response to the PN were slightly higher than rates for control cows (94 vs 87%). In Exp. 3, buffalo (Bison bison) and cattle were fed 2.25 kg of PN from the same collection. Abortions were induced in all buffalo and cattle that were fed PN.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Different abortifacient regimes in dogs were analysed for their effect on the pregnancy corpora lutea (CL), namely, prostaglandin F2a analogue cloprostenol (CLO) combined with dopamine agonist cabergoline (CAB), or progesterone (P4) receptor antagonist aglepristone (AGL). Ovaries were collected after 6-10 days of treatment during first trimester. The CL of the control-group showed strong expression of relaxin (RLX), its receptor RXFP1 and enzymes of steroid biosynthesis (HSD) with high peripheral P4-levels. Whereas RXL, RXFP1 and HSD were lowest expressed in the CLO/CAB-group with a massive degeneration of CL and their blood vessels combined with low peripheral P4-level. The AGL-group showed less extensive CL degeneration and more intensive staining of the examined factors than CLO/CAB. In summary, all examined factors are associated with normal luteal function and are useful tools to stage luteolysis. Although both treatments have the same abortive action, their sequence of events on the CL is different.  相似文献   

An isolate of Malassezia from a cat with otitis externa was examined mycologically as well as molecularly. The isolate was similar to M. sympodialis in morphological and biochemical characteristics. In molecular analysis, however, it differed from the 7 species of Malassezia previously reported. Therefore, this clinical isolate from a cat might be a new species of Malassezia.  相似文献   

Suspected cranial migration of two sewing needles from the stomach of a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thoracic radiographs demonstrated a needle-like foreign body within the myocardium of a three-year-old male labrador retriever examined for an unrelated illness. Six months later the dog became lethargic and inappetent. The original foreign body had not moved, and a second needle was present in the stomach. Laparotomy and gastrotomy revealed a sewing needle which had perforated the lesser curvature of the stomach and was migrating cranially. An organised fibrous band extended through the diaphragm, and it is suspected that the original myocardial foreign body had migrated from the stomach by this route.  相似文献   

Consumption of Ponderosa pine needles by cows during late pregnancy results in the premature delivery of viable calves. Previous observations made at necropsy suggested that vascular insufficiency in the caruncular bed was associated with this induced parturition. The present studies used the perfused caruncular arterial bed of an isolated bovine placentome to determine whether blood plasma collected from cows fed pine needles contained a vasoactive factor(s). Changes in caruncular arterial tone (i.e., long-term changes in vessel diameter) and phasic contractility (i.e., transient reductions in vessel diameter) were evaluated. Tone was quantified as the pressure exerted against a constant intraluminal flow and as the force of contraction during K(+)-stimulated depolarization of membranes. Phenylephrine, an alpha 1-adrenergic agonist, was used to stimulate a phasic contractile response. Jugular blood was collected from beef cows fed pine needles (n = 4) or a control diet (n = 4), during the last 3 d of gestation, and plasma was used for two studies. In Study 1, placentomes were perfused with decreasing dilutions (1:150 to 1:40) of plasma pooled over the last 3 d of pregnancy from cows fed pine needle or control diets. Caruncular arterial perfusion pressures and responses to K+ progressively increased (P less than .05) with decreasing dilutions of plasma from cows fed pine needles, and responses to phenylephrine remained constant. Caruncular arterial perfusion pressures and responses to K+ and phenylephrine remained constant during perfusion of plasma from cows fed the control diet. In Study 2, the changes in vasoactivity of plasma (1:60 dilution) from cows fed pine needles was evaluated during the last 3 d of pregnancy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This review aims at evaluating studies investigating the effects of anaesthesia on skeletal muscle blood flow and associated cardiovascular function in anaesthetized horses and discusses how the results of these studies contribute to our understanding of the pathogenesis and prevention of post-anaesthetic myopathy. DATABASE USED: Pubmed & personal files. CONCLUSION: There is little published information on the effects of anaesthesia on skeletal muscle blood flow in horses. Available reports predominantly refer to halothane and isoflurane. The effects of vasoactive drugs have mainly been studied in halothane-anaesthetized horses. The results of these studies support the importance of cardiac output in the maintenance of adequate arterial blood pressure, perfusion pressure and muscle blood flow. Adequate perfusion pressure appears to be important for overcoming the detrimental effects of high intra-compartmental pressure in dependent muscles and hydrostatic pressure in nondependent muscles.  相似文献   

Estrous cycles were not altered in 30 mature ewes fed pine needles 11 to 13 days prior to breeding. Pregnancy and lambing rates were not affected by the feeding of pine needles. An antiestrogenic effect of pine needles on the reproductive process in ewes was not clinically detectable. There was no indication of any toxic effects on ewes consuming a 37% pine needle diet.  相似文献   

Three housed North Ronaldsay sheep were treated with copper in the form of cupric oxide needles, two at the manufacturer's recommended dosage rate and the third at twice this level. Sheep of this breed are especially sensitive to high dietary intake of copper. Pre- and post-dosing blood samples were monitored for changes in packed cell volume and changes in content of plasma copper, bilirubin, AST and SDH. Weight changes were also recorded.The animal dosed at twice the recommended level died on day 19 post-dosing of acute copper poisoning. The two dosed at the standard rate remained healthy and put on weight steadily throughout the six months following treatment. Two Welsh Mountain sheep dosed at the standard rate and maintained and examined in the same way likewise showed no signs of copper toxicity.  相似文献   

Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) isolates are classified into 3 subtypes by use of restriction endonuclease analysis. Isolates from aborted fetuses have been either subtype 1 or 2a, whereas subtype 2b viruses have not been associated with abortion. We assessed the abortifacient property of isolates representing each of the 3 BHV-1 subtypes by IV inoculation of heifers with the virus 25 to 27 weeks after breeding. Three heifers were given Cooper (subtype 1) isolate, 3 heifers were given FI (subtype 2a) isolate, and 5 heifers were given K22 (subtype 2b) isolate. All heifers developed fever and viremia 2 to 5 days after inoculation. Heifers given Cooper or FI isolate aborted between 17 and 85 days after inoculation. The 5 heifers given K22 isolate delivered full-term calves. Placenta was obtained from 4 of the 5 heifers, and K22 virus was isolated from each placenta. Four calves had BHV-1 neutralizing antibody in precolostral serum, with titer ranging from 1:4 to 1:512.  相似文献   

In vivo chemotaxis to rat leucocytes was shown to mildly oxidised arachidonic acid in the migration into cotton pellet method. Amounts of oxidised acid, 0.25, 0.5 and 2.5 mg, mobilized net leucocytes (mostly neutrophils) into experimental pellets in 12 h. The 0.5 mg of oxidised acid showed maximum chemotactic activity and attracted maximum net leucocytes into the experimental pellets at 12 h. Doses lower or higher than this were less effective. Equivalent doses of pure arachidonic acid failed to show these chemotactic activities but evoked inflammatory reactions at the experimental pellet sites. Chemotactic activity seemed therefore to require mild oxidation of the lipid. Oxidation also seemed to stimulate spontaneous migratory activity into the control pellets.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the benefits obtained from combining supplementary feeding and copper needles (COWP), compared to the use of both approaches independently, for the control of gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infections in browsing kids. Forty-four nematode free Criollo kids were exposed to natural parasite infection. The kids were divided into six experimental groups: not treated, supplemented (NT-S), not treated, not supplemented (NT-NS), moxidectin treated, supplemented (M-S), moxidectin treated not supplemented (M-NS), copper treated, supplemented (COWP-S) and copper treated, non-supplemented (COWP-NS). Copper treated groups received Copinox (2 g capsules) on day 0 and on day 60 of the trial. Moxidectin treated groups received Cydectin (0.2 mg/kg of body weight s.c.) every 28 days. Three of the groups received individual supplementation (100 g of feed/day fresh basis; 74% sorghum: 26% soybean meal; NT-S, M-S and COWP-S) and the other three groups were not supplemented (NT-NS, M-NS and COWP-NS). Animals browsed native vegetation (6.5 h/day) during the wet season (154 days). Kids were weighed every 14 days to determine live weight gain (LWG) and blood and faecal samples were obtained to determine packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb), peripheral eosinophil counts (PEC) and faecal egg counts (FEC). At the end of the trial, four kids of each group were euthanatized (six kids in each COWP treated group). Worm burdens, female worm lengths and prolificacy were determined. Liver samples were used to determine copper concentration and were stained with haematoxylin-eosin to determine microscopic lesions. Animals receiving the combination of supplementary feeding and COWP improved their LWG, PCV and Hb to similar levels of animals with suppressive AH treatment. This was not the case when COWP was used without supplementation. Liver copper concentration in COWP treated groups increased significantly especially in the COWP-NS kids but this was not associated with liver lesions or clinical signs. Post-mortem Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis worm counts had a tendency to be reduced in the different groups (66-35% reduction) compared to NT-NS group at the end of the trial (P>0.05). Also, COWP treatment and/or supplementation reduced female worm length of T. colubriformis and prolificacy of H. contortus and T. colubriformis. This study, confirmed the value of nutritional supplementation in the control of GIN in growing kids. The use of COWP in addition to supplementation had a limited contribution on the kids' resilience against GIN. This may be due to the reduced infection of H. contortus during this trial.  相似文献   

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