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寒露风对玉林2011年晚稻产量的影响调查分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
为了研究2011年10月4日—7日广西玉林市大范围寒露风对晚稻生长发育及产量的影响,通过采用实地调查与试验田研究方法,研究本次寒露风对当地晚稻的影响。结果表明,晚稻的大范围受害不但与寒露风出现的时间有重要的关系,而且与寒露风期间阴雨寡照的天气特点及寒露风前后晚稻管理措施有很大的关系,试验结果显示寒露风减缓了晚稻抽穗速度,降低了其结实率。 相似文献
对抗豆象资源中蕴藏的抗豆象基因进行定位, 是对其充分利用的前提和基础。本研究通过对抗豆象栽培绿豆V1128和感豆象栽培绿豆冀绿7号杂交形成的F2分离群体进行抗豆象鉴定, 分析V1128抗豆象遗传规律; 并利用混合群体分离分析法(BSA法)筛选抗感池间的多态性标记, 进而利用QTL IciMapping 4.0对V1128抗豆象基因进行染色体定位分析。结果表明, V1128对绿豆象的抗性由具有主效作用的显性单基因控制, 暂命名其为“Br3”。在将抗豆象性状作为质量性状的条件下, 按照显性单基因的定位方法, 将抗豆象基因Br3定位在绿豆染色体5上, 位于标记DMB158和VRBR-SSR033 (标记VRID5、VRBR-SSR032与VRBR-SSR033的连锁群位置相同)之间, 两侧遗传距离分别为4.4 cM和5.8 cM, 所在物理区间约288 kb。将抗豆象性状作为数量性状, 采用完备区间作图法(ICIM)对种子被害率进行QTL定位, 同样在标记DMB158和VRBR-SSR033之间检测到1个主效QTL, 其LOD值为38.04, 可以解释表型变异(PVE)的71.64%, 来自父本V1128的等位基因具有明显减少种子被害率的效应。该研究结果可以为绿豆抗豆象分子标记辅助育种及抗豆象基因Br3的精细定位和克隆提供有用信息。 相似文献
为明确抗虫绿豆抗绿豆象的有效成分, 采用室内人工接虫方法, 进行了13个不同绿豆品种(品系)对绿豆象的抗虫性鉴定, 并对筛选获得的抗豆象品种的抗虫成分进行了研究。结果表明, 绿豆象对B18、B20、B23、B27、A22和晋绿7号绿豆的为害率均低于10%, 为高抗型绿豆; 其余7个绿豆品种受害率均在90%以上, 属高感型绿豆。绿豆象卵的孵化率在抗、感绿豆品种间无显著性差异, 而绿豆象发育历期、雌、雄成虫体重及成虫羽化率在抗、感绿豆品种间差异显著, 同一品种去皮绿豆与带皮绿豆相比, 绿豆象卵孵化率、成虫羽化率及种子受害率等指标均无显著性差异。抗虫成分试验表明, 当绿豆象取食添加抗虫绿豆蛋白25%和50%的人工(合成)绿豆后, 其成虫羽化率由30.48%降低到0, 但不随淀粉比例的增加而变化。可见, 抗虫绿豆抗绿豆象的主要成分为其种子中的蛋白质。 相似文献
Development of Bruchid-Resistant Mungbean Line Using Wild Mungbean Germplasm in Thailand 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A mungbean (V. radiata) line (BC3F3 generation) which is resistant to two species of bruchid beetles (Callosobruchus chinensis and C. maculatus) was successfully developed in Thailand using a wild mungbean variety (V. radiata var. sublobata). One accession (TC1966) of wild mungbean was found to be completely resistant to C. chinensis and C. maculatus occurring at Chainat Field Crops Research Center in Thailand. The resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene (R). A breeding program to develop a bruchid-resistant mungbean cultivar with good agronomic characters under the environmental conditions of Thailand was initiated in 1987.‘Chainat 60’ (‘CN60’), a recommended mungbean cultivar in Thailand, was crossed with TC1966 to incorporate the resistance gene. Agronomic characters of the hybrids were improved by recurrent backcrossing using ‘CN60’ as a pollen parent. Seed yield per plant, days to flowering, and seed size of the bruchid-resistant BC3F2 population reached the level of ‘CN60’ after three consecutive backcrossings. Bruchid-resistant line (BC3F3, R/R) was selected from individual BC3F2 plants. 相似文献
Effect of Soil Moisture and Potassium Fertilizer on Shoot Water Potential, Photosynthesis and Partitioning of Carbon in Mungbean and Cowpea 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The effect of different rates of potassium (K+ ) on shoot water potential, photosynthesis and carbon movement (using 14 C) at the V3/4 growth stages was studied in mungbean ( Vigna radiata L. Wilczek), a drought-susceptible legume, and cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), a drought-tolerant legume, grown under low- and high-irrigation regimes under controlled conditions. Soil moisture and K+ affected all measured parameters in the two species. The rate of photosynthesis was higher at reduced water stress when K+ was applied. The impact was greater in cowpea, which had an inherently high rate of carbon assimilation. Mungbean and to a lesser extent cowpea allocated greater quantities of carbon to roots under dry conditions, especially with added K+ . The distribution of 14 C into other plant parts was also increased at higher rates of K+ application under both soil moisture regimes. Thus, application of K+ seems to have a beneficial effect in overcoming soil moisture stress and increasing physiological parameters and carbon partitioning in these two important tropical food legumes. 相似文献
为合理利用绿豆种质资源,本研究以55份绿豆种质资源为材料,通过对其10个农艺性状进行因子分析及聚类分析。结果表明:10个农艺性状的变异系数为8.57%~47.19%,其中单株粒重变异系数最大,生育期变异系数最小。将10个农艺性状简化为结荚数因子、高度因子、粒数因子、粒重因子和生育期因子5个独立的主因子,该5个主因子可以反映原始信息的86.340%。经综合得分排序,评选出10份性状优良的绿豆种质资源。聚类分析将55份种质资源的10个数量性状分为3大类,类群I、类群II、类群III分别包括22份、7份、26份材料。结合综合评价和聚类分析认为,在黑龙江绿豆生产中,‘安绿8号’、‘佳木斯黄绿豆’、‘冀绿1号’可作为品种选育的改良亲本,也可大面积种植利用。 相似文献
研究旨在筛选适宜陕北榆林地区种植的优质沙棘种质资源,将‘实优一号’、‘深秋红’、中国沙棘、‘北欧一号’、‘无刺大果’5个沙棘品种引种到榆林地区,待生长初期结束,测定不同时期的农艺性状与生理指标,通过综合评价函数法和隶属函数法分别对不同沙棘品种的农艺性状与抗旱性进行综合评价。引种至榆林地区的沙棘品种存活率以‘深秋红’两年生最高,达99.02%;通过农艺性状分析得出,移栽至榆林地区的5个沙棘品种在株高、冠幅及地径粗生长量上除中国沙棘外均有所增长;通过对比生理指标结果得出,5个沙棘品种各指标均有不同幅度的变化。移栽后除‘无刺大果’以外沙棘的丙二醛含量从初期到末期均表现为先增后减的趋势;在超氧化物歧化酶含量变化上,末期的‘无刺大果’的超氧化物歧化酶含量显著高于除中国沙棘外的品种(P<0.05);从过氧化物酶含量变化上可以看出,除‘实优一号’与‘无刺大果’外,其余品种的过氧化物酶含量有所增加;在游离脯氨酸含量变化上,‘实优一号’、‘无刺大果’的游离脯氨酸增长量最大,分别为24.6、23.65 μg/g;在叶绿素含量比较中,‘北欧一号’与中国沙棘的叶绿素含量最高。通过存活率、农艺性状评价及抗旱性评价综合分析得出,两年生‘深秋红’是最适宜引种至陕北榆林地区的优质沙棘树种。 相似文献
Increased cadmium (Cd) uptake from contaminated soils damages plant metabolism. The purpose of this study was to determine Cd‐induced time‐related changes in some shoot growth and physiological attributes, and their interrelationships in Cd‐tolerant (NM‐98) and sensitive (NM‐28) mungbean varieties. Shoot Cd and leaf chlorosis increased with a concomitant reduction in shoot dry weight, leaf area, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and relative leaf expansion rate. Reduction in transpiration rate (E) and stomatal conductance (gs) and increase in substomatal CO2 level (Ci), indicated that Cd reduced net photosynthesis (Pn) by reducing CO2 fixation by Rubisco, albeit these changes were less pronounced in NM‐98. A positive correlation of chlorosis with shoot Cd, and negative relationships of chlorosis and shoot Cd with Pn revealed that Cd damages the photosynthetic apparatus in mungbean. Time course decrease in in vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and an increase in soluble nitrate in NM‐28 revealed that Cd markedly hampers nitrogen assimilation. Positive correlations of RGR and NAR with Pn and NRA and negative ones with chlorosis, shoot dry weight, shoot Cd and Ci in NM‐98 suggested that mungbean sensitivity to Cd is due to perturbed C and N assimilation. 相似文献
绿豆基因组SSR引物在豇豆属作物中的通用性 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
分子标记的种间通用性可降低其开发成本,提高利用效率,也有助于促进遗传研究较薄弱物种的分子遗传学研究。本文选取绿豆、小豆、豇豆及饭豆材料各3份, 分析1 205对新开发的绿豆基因组SSR引物在这些材料中的扩增效果,结果显示绿豆基因组SSR引物在豇豆、小豆和饭豆中的通用性比率分别为50.0%、73.3%和81.6%;多态性比率分别为4.1%、1.7%和1.5%;在4个种间均通用的引物469对。这些通用性SSR引物将有助于这4种食用豆类在多样性评价、连锁图谱的构建、基因定位及比较基因组学等方面的研究。 相似文献