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Vibriosis in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. An epizootic due to Vibrio anguillarum was observed in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque). Lesions in infected fish included ulceration and petechiae on body surfaces, vent and caudal peduncle. Internally, haemorrhages in liver and kidney were present and the intestinal tract was filled with a clear viscous fluid. Using an isolant recovered during the epizootic, laboratory studies were conducted to determine (a) bacterial dynamics of the agent in blood, kidney and liver and (b) clinical haematologic and biochemical parameters in infected fish. Under conditions of the study, vibrios were apparently sequestered in kidney and liver during initial stages of infection (8–12 h after exposure). Later, bacterial numbers in blood were comparable to those in kidney and liver. Clinical parameters of infected catfish were suggestive of cellular and tissue destruction and renal dysfunction. Based upon data of the present study and those of others, vibriosis appears to be a disease in which the agent is localized in select tissues. Secondary septicaemia may be incidental to factors which compromise host defences.  相似文献   

Four cases (representing outbreaks in four different ponds on three farms) of branchial mycosis caused by Branchiomyces spp. were identified in channel catfish fry during the summer of 1996. Mortalities ranged from a few hundred to several thousand fish per pond. Significant gross and histopathological findings from these four cases were limited to the gills. All fry examined had fungal mycelia that were mainly but not entirely confined to the base of the primary lamellae and the gill arches. These fungal hyphae were intravascular and occluded vessels in the gill tissues. The present paper describes the fungal characteristics and pathology of branchial mycosis caused by Branchiomyces spp. in channel catfish.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two populations of channel catfish were examined for the presence of channel catfish virus (CCV) by use of a nucleic acid probe. In one population of 22 fish with no history of CCV, viral DNA was found in every liver. These fish had previously been examined by a technique involving co-cultivation of their leucocytes with catfish tissue culture cells. The co-cultivation method had identified virus in 10 of these fish. The second fish population consisted of 14 adults that had survived a CCV outbreak in 1980. Of the 14 fish, 11 showed positive indication of CCV DNA. The tissue distribution of the CCV differed from fish to fish. All fish from the first group and one fish from the second group showed some alterations in the DNA banding patterns expected from pure CCV DNA. This might be indicative of modifications in the genomic structure of the CCV DNA when the virus is latent in a fish.  相似文献   

Abstract. A vacuum degassing apparatus was used to subject channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) to sublethal hypoxia for 24, 48 or 72 h. Spleen, liver, gills, anterior kidney and posterior kidney from the catfish exhibited histopathological changes that included necrosis, hyperaemia, oedema, haemorrhage, hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Of the organs examined, gills were most affected by the hypoxic conditions. After 5 days of reacclimatization to normoxic conditions, channel catfish continued to exhibit histopathological effects of prolonged hypoxia.  相似文献   

Juvenile channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus were fed casein–gelatin‐based semi‐purified test diets with graded amounts of arginine (ARG, 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 4% of dry diet) for a 6‐week period, to evaluate the effects of dietary ARG supplementation on performance indicators, levels of plasma ARG, ornithine, citrulline, glutamine and glutamate, as well as selected innate immune parameters. Incremental dietary ARG resulted in significant improvements in weight gain, feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratios, protein retention, protein deposition and arginine deposition. Fish fed the 4% ARG diet had significantly higher values for all performance indicators, although these values were not different from those of fish fed the 2% ARG diet with the exception of protein retention, protein deposition and arginine deposition. Conversely, fish fed the 0.5% ARG diet had significantly lower values for all analysed plasma amino acids. Similarly, both phagocyte superoxide anion production and neutrophil respiratory burst were significantly decreased in fish fed the 0.5% ARG diet. These results demonstrate that the indispensability of dietary ARG is not only related to optimized protein utilization for growth but also its supplementation to fish diets may significantly impact several aspects of the immune system, including phagocyte function and thus improve overall fish health.  相似文献   

Broodstock evaluations are often measured by variables such as spawning success, fecundity, fertilization and hatching rates, usually expressed as percentage values. Outcomes are generally analysed as continuous random variables, assuming that they follow a normal distribution. Ordinary linear regression models (e.g. analysis of variance) as well as χ2 analysis are typically applied. However, these models may not be the most appropriate as a number of test criteria may not be met. For example, spawning success outcomes are inherently discrete and non‐negative data and hence their distribution is not likely to be normal. As these models may not be the most appropriate, a case study using logit analysis as an alternative method for the evaluation of this type of data is presented by considering the response as binary data (spawned versus did not spawn). An exact version of logit analysis was performed due to the sparseness of the data. The results demonstrate that appropriate statistical models provide better insight into the cause–effect relationships that exist between control variables and the dependent variable (likelihood of spawning in this case). As would be expected, each strain of fish responded somewhat differently to the test variables. Changing the protein level of the diet from 32% to 42% or increasing the feeding frequency from three to six times per week either did not influence spawning or negatively affected spawning respectively. Additionally, older fish performed better than younger fish and the early spawning period was better than the later spawning period, regardless of strain. These responses, however, were only detected using logit analysis, which is a more sensitive test and would thus be recommended for this type of data.  相似文献   

Abstract. Previous studies have led to the development of a laboratory model for a disease termed 'winter saprolegniosis', locally referred to as 'winter kill', occurring in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque, raised in commercial ponds in the southeastern United States. In the laboratory, the onset of disease was routinely brought about by a combination of two related factors: (1) a rapid drop in water temperature which induces immunosuppression in catfish; and (2) maintenance of low water temperatures (∼10°C), which favour the proliferation of an ubiquitous fungus of the genus Saprolegnia to produce high levels of fungal zoospores (≥5 spores ml−1). In this study, two commercial catfish ponds were monitored for over one year to determine if the above factors occurred in the field and could be correlated with outbreaks of winter saprolegniosis. It was noted that passages of severe cold weather fronts were able to drop pond water temperatures ≥10°C within 24h and that such decreases in water temperature were associated with immunosuppression of the catfish in the ponds. Furthermore, when Saprolegnia sp. zoospore levels were ≥5 spores ml-1, the immunocompromised catfish exhibited overt signs of winter saprolegniosis. If one of the factors implicated in the induction of disease was missing, fish in the ponds remained healthy. In addition, the onset of disease in the ponds appeared independent of pH and oxygen, total ammonia nitrogen and un-ionized ammonia levels. Collectively, these field results confirm the laboratory-based hypothesis concerning the aetiology of winter saprolegniosis in channel catfish.  相似文献   

Abstract. Skin lesions developed on channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus , exposed to 0-5 mg/1 Furanace for 4 or 14 days. Lesions developed 3 days after the 4-day exposure and on the eleventh day of the 14-day exposure. The lesions continued to develop after the fish were moved to untreated water. The lesions which began as dull areas of skin, sometimes resulted in erosion of skin and muscle which exposed the vertebrae. Bacteria were not isolated from the lesions except those with severely eroded muscle. The gills possessed lesions characteristic of a response to a toxic chemical agent.  相似文献   

Abstract. Intraperitoncal injection of β-l,3 glucan in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque, greatly reduces mortality from experimental infection with Edwardsiella ictaluri. Anterior kidney phagocytes from fish receiving glucan had enhanced phagocytic and bactericidal ability. The elevated bactericidal ability of phagocytes was not accompanied by increased production of hydrogen peroxide. Fish injected with glucan responded to subsequent E. ictaluri immunizations with higher serum antibody titres relative to the control catfish. The timing of glucan administration and antigen immunization was also important. These results indicate that β-1,3 glucan potentially could be utilized prophylactically as an immunomodulator in channel catfish.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary levels of vitamins C (0, 100 and 2000 mg kg−1), E (0, 50 and 500 mg kg−1) and their interaction on the growth performance, liver contents of ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol, haematology and immune response of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus . Each diet was fed to catfish in triplicate aquaria to apparent satiation twice daily for 12 weeks. The results indicate that the amount of vitamin E contained in the basal diet (23.1 mg kg−1) was sufficient to promote good growth, feed efficiency and survival, but its supplementation was needed to maintain high haematological values and liver vitamin E. Supplementation of vitamin C (100 mg kg−1) to the basal diet containing 10.5 mg kg−1 was required for good growth, feed efficiency, survival and prevention of vertebral deformity and optimum haematological indices. Liver storage of ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol increased with increasing dietary levels of each vitamin. Dietary vitamin E levels had no effect on liver ascorbic acid content, but increasing dietary vitamin C increased liver α-tocopherol. Some measured immune parameters (serum protein and superoxide anion production) were enhanced by supplementation of vitamin C or E. Chemotaxis ratio and phagocytosis were not affected by treatments.  相似文献   

Abstract. Semipurified diets containing either 25% or 30% crude protein (CP) from soy isolate (soy) or 30% CP from casein and gelatin (casein) were supplemented with either of two levels of L-lysine HCI (0 or 0·5% of diet) in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement and fed to fingerling channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), in aquaria for 8 weeks. Factorial analysis of variance indicated a significant ( P < 0·001) positive effect of lysine on weight gain, protein conversion efficiency (PCE) and feed efficiency. Fish fed the soy diet containing 25% CP showed increased weight gain of 24% with lysine supplementation while fish fed soy and casein diets containing 30% CP showed increases of 11 % and 3%, respectively. However, supplementing the 25% CP soy diet with 0–5% L-lysine HCI did not enhance growth performance to the level offish fed the unsupplemented 30% CP soy diet. Significant effects of dietary protein levels and sources on weight gain, PCE, feed efficiency, haematocrit, hepatosomatic index (HSI; % liver weight), intraperitoneal fat (IPF) ratio, dry matter of fillet and whole-body, as well as lipid and protein content of whole-body tissue, were also observed. Fish fed the casein diet containing 30% CP had the greatest weight gain, PCE, feed efficiency, haematocrit and whole-body protein values and lowest IPF ratio and whole-body lipid values compared with those of fish fed the soy diets. Supplemental lysine did not affect body condition indices or proximate composition of whole-body and fillet tissues of fish fed the different protein sources. Therefore, based on this study, dietary protein levels and sources significantly influenced performance characteristics of channel catfish and supplemental lysine was most beneficial at a reduced CP level.  相似文献   

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