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P. Abad  C. Jord 《EPPO Bulletin》2000,30(2):281-287
A disease caused by potato Y potyvirus (PVY) affects tomato plantations with variable severity in Tenerife Island. Affected plants show diverse symptoms such as necrotic lesions or mild to severe mosaic in leaves and whitish spots in green fruits that remain after ripening. Tomato PVY isolates and few potato and capsicum PVY isolates have been characterized on the basis of biological, serological and molecular criteria. All PVY isolates reacted positively to monoclonal antibodies specific for PVYO/C or PVYN strains, and nearly 50% of tomato PVY isolates were recognized by both. Differentiation of PVY strains according to the response of inoculated experimental plants was confusing due to the variability of viral aggressiveness and symptomatology induced. RFLP analysis of the CP gene and 3’untranslated region (UTR) revealed high variability. In addition to mixed infection by different PVY strains, the biological and molecular properties of those tomato PVY isolates that react to both monoclonal antibodies could be explained as the result of RNA recombination between distinct PVY strains which infect the same host plant.  相似文献   

 马铃薯Y病毒(potato virus Y,PVY)主要侵染马铃薯和烟草等茄科作物,给世界农业造成巨大经济损失。本文对测定的23个及GenBank中注册的52个中国PVY分离物ORF序列进行了系统发育、重组和选择压等分析。系统发育分析表明,根据ORF序列可把我国75个PVY分离物和国外30个参比分离物分成O、C、E、NTN-NW(SYR-I型)、NTN-NW(SYR-II型)、NTN(NTN-a型)、NTN(NTN-b型)、NA-N/NTN、Eu-N、N-Wi(N:O型)和N-Wi(N-Wi型)等11个分子株系,其中中国PVY分离物属于除E和C株系外的9个分子株系。除ME162、guiyang、PVYzu、SD-G、WA-13和CN:JL-1:17等 6个分离物基因组中未检测到重组,其余69个分离物均存在明显重组。根据重组位点的不同,中国PVY可分为11种重组类型,其中5种为新的重组类型。选择压分析表明,中国PVY分离物的11个基因均处于负选择,其中核内含体b基因受到的选择压最大,PIPO受到的选择压最小。基因流分析表明,黑龙江、河南和山东PVY分离物间基因交流频繁,马铃薯与烟草PVY分离物之间基因交流频繁。本研究的结果明确了中国PVY分离物的分子株系组成,对指导PVY的检测和防控具有积极作用。  相似文献   

The biological and molecular relationships between a large number of Potato virus Y (PVY) isolates were examined, concentrating mainly on isolates associated with potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease (PTNRD). Following detailed analysis of the coat-protein gene, four main groups were identified which broadly corresponded to the phenotype of the different isolates. The groups comprised the ordinary strain (PVYO), the necrotic strain (PVYN), the C strain (PVYC) and a group of recombinant (between ordinary and necrotic) isolates. In the latter group, all members were associated with PTNRD. However, four nonrecombinant isolates were also identified which were associated with PTNRD or tuber necrosis. Three were from tubers showing PTNRD symptoms in the field, while the fourth originated from symptomless tubers, but could cause necrotic rings on tubers under glasshouse conditions. The results show that although coat-protein recombination is always found associated with the PTNRD phenotype, some nonrecombinant isolates have very similar biological properties.  相似文献   

利用DAS-ELISA检测试剂盒检测昭通烟草脉斑病样品,结果表明存在马铃薯Y病毒O株系和马铃薯Y病毒N株系两个不同株系病毒。利用Sprimer和M4引物扩增、克隆、测序,得到长度为1 771 bp目的片段,该片段包含病毒的外壳蛋白基因序列、3′ UTR序列以及部分Nib基因序列;序列分析表明与湖南HN 2分离物(GenBank No. GQ200836)和美国NE 11分离物(GenBank No. DQ157180)核苷酸序列相似性均为98%,系统进化分析表明其具有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

为明确分离自黑龙江省克山县马铃薯上的2个病毒分离物KS4和KS7的分类地位,通过RTPCR扩增、克隆获得其基因组序列,利用重组分析程序包和最大似然法分别进行重组分析和系统发育分析。结果显示,分离物KS4和KS7的开放阅读框均有9 186个核苷酸,编码3 061个氨基酸,分离物KS4的核苷酸和氨基酸序列均与马铃薯Y病毒(potato virus Y,PVY)分离物Mb112一致率最高,分别为96.9%和98.4%;分离物KS7的核苷酸序列与PVY分离物12-94一致率最高,为97.4%,其氨基酸序列与PVY分离物SYR-Ⅱ-Be1一致率最高,为97.8%。重组分析表明,分离物KS4和KS7均为分离物N-605和Oz的重组体,其中KS4基因组5′-端的2 392个核苷酸来自分离物N-605,其余核苷酸来自分离物Oz;KS7基因组的第800~2 227个核苷酸和第5 637~8 950个核苷酸来自分离物N-605,其余核苷酸来自分离物Oz。系统发育分析发现,分离物KS4被聚类到N:O株系(PVY~(N:O)),分离物KS7被聚类到NTN株系(PVY~(NTN))b型。  相似文献   

An Austrian isolate of potato virus YNTN, the causal agent of potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease (PTNRD), was serologically compared with seven Dutch PVYN isolates. Using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, it was found indistinguishable from PVYN. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the coat protein cistron and comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with coat protein sequences of other potyviruses revealed a high level of homology with PVYN coat protein sequences. This confirmed the close taxonomic relationship of PVYNTN with the PVYN subgroup of potato virus Y. PVYNTN is able to overcome all resistance genes known so far in commercial potato cultivars. Remarkably, transgenic PVY-protected tobacco plants are also resistant to PVYNTN infection upon mechanical and aphid-mediated inoculation. These experiments indicate that genetically engineered resistance offers great potential in protection of potato to new aggressive strains of PVYN.  相似文献   

Based on the sequence polymorphism in the 5 terminal part of the viral genome, a range of PVYN isolates were characterized by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Three pairs of primers selected in the 5 non-translated and P1 protein region were tested. Two of them yielded PCR products of about 1Kb from all isolates tested. Restriction analysis of the PCR products gave two distinct electrophoretic patterns, whichever of the three enzymes was used. In this way, the 18 isolates were separated into two easily identifiable subgroups. All tuber necrosing isolates (PVYNTN) were clustered in the same subgroup.  相似文献   

Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) antigen was localized by immunogold labelling in semi-thin leaf sections of secondarily-infected potato plants cv. Bintje. Viral antigen was present in all cell types of the phloem tissue. but occurred most abundantly in the companion cells. Detectable amounts of PLRV antigen were found only in the sieve elements in veins with a large number of infected companion cells. Occasionally, parenchyma cells were also found to be infected. PLRV was not exclusively limited to the phloem tissue in the infected potato plants, but was also found in mesophyll cells neighbouring minor phloem vessles. Spread of virus from cell to cell in the mesophyll was not observed. The distribution of PLRV in the potato leaf tissue has implication on its availability, for acquisition by aphids.  相似文献   

以原核表达的甘薯潜隐病毒(SPLV)的外壳蛋白(CP)为抗原免疫小鼠,经过细胞融合和亚克隆,筛选出2株稳定分泌抗SPLV CP的单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株(5B11-2和5G8-2),并分别制备了单克隆抗体腹水。间接ELISA结果表明,用SPLV CP包被酶联板,5B11-2和5G8-2单克隆抗体的效价均为1∶512 000;用感染SPLV的甘薯叶片汁液包被酶联板,2株单克隆抗体的效价均为1∶6 400。抗体类型及亚类鉴定结果表明,2株单克隆抗体均为IgG1、κ轻链。Western blot分析表明,2株单抗均能与SPLV CP和感染SPLV的甘薯叶片汁液有特异性反应。利用单克隆抗体建立的间接抗原包被ELISA(ACP-ELISA)检测SPLV方法,病叶1∶3 840倍稀释仍能检测到病毒。血清学和RT-PCR检测结果表明,制备的单克隆抗体可用于田间甘薯样品的检测。  相似文献   

Aged plants are more difficult to infect than young plantlets. This modification of susceptibility is described as mature plant resistance (MPR). For potato virus Y (PVY), MPR is known to lead to low infection rates of plants inoculated at the postflowering stage and a decrease in the number of infected daughter tubers. However, the impact of inoculation date on the capacity of PVY to accumulate in daughter tubers has not been studied so far. Field and greenhouse experiments were carried out to better understand PVY epidemiology and to help potato growers to evaluate consequences of early/late infections on the quality of their crops. In field trials, potato plants (cv. Bintje) were covered by insectproof nets from planting to harvest except for a 14-day period to expose plants to natural PVY infections. Under controlled conditions, potato plants were mechanically inoculated with PVY at different dates from preflowering stages (early inoculations) to postflowering stage (late inoculations). At harvest, daughter tubers were individually collected and analysed to define proportions and viral load of infected tubers according to the time between virus inoculation and harvest. Our results showed that although the age of plants at the time of inoculation can modify their susceptibility to PVY infection, in return, early and late PVY inoculations lead to similar rates of infected tubers at the plant scale and equivalent viral accumulation in infected tubers. All together, these data revealed that both early/late infections are high risks for the sanitary quality of potato tubers.  相似文献   

本研究以马铃薯Y病毒(PVY)全基因组为基础,分析吉林、黑龙江和内蒙古3省(区)PVY群体遗传多样性和群体分化,并评估突变、重组、选择等遗传力所起的作用。根据已报道的PVY全基因序列保守区设计4对引物,采用片段重叠法对来自内蒙古和吉林的24个PVY分离物全基因序列进行测定,并联合NCBI中已登录的9个黑龙江分离物全基因组序列进行遗传多样性参数评估、群体分化检验和分子变异等分析。结果显示,我国北方3省(区)PVY群体遗传多样性高,其中内蒙古和黑龙江PVY群体遗传多样性高于吉林群体,并且3个群体之间呈现一定程度的遗传分化。分子变异分析发现在PVY基因组中存在1 786个变异位点,表明我国北方3省(区)PVY群体变异程度较高,并且这种高变异度有85.54%来自各个马铃薯种植区内PVY个体的遗传变异。重组分析和系统发育分析发现,我国北方3省(区)PVY群体中重组株系占比高达90.3%,并具有明显的株系多样性,表明PVY重组株系已成为我国北方3省(区)马铃薯种植区的流行株系。选择压力分析显示,使用FEL和IFEL法分别检测出501个和315个净化压力选择位点,这表明3省(区)PVY群体受净化选择压力为主。以上结果表明,中国北方3省(区)PVY群体遗传多样性高,突变、重组和自然选择都对遗传多样性和群体分化存在一定影响。  相似文献   

From a total of 261 yellow sugarbeet leaves collected from 10 countries representing three continents, the incidence and distribution of strains of Beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV), Beet chlorosis virus (BChV) and Beet yellows virus (BYV) were analysed using serological and molecular methods. BMYV was found in all countries except Greece, and more frequently in the northern and western areas of Europe, whereas BYV predominated in Turkey, Spain, Greece, the USA and Chile. BChV, originally found in the USA and the UK in 1989, was identified in France, Spain, the Netherlands and Chile. Nine sugar beet poleroviruses, plus a reference isolate of Turnip yellows virus (TuYV, syn. Beet western yellows virus ), were further characterized and compared. Isolates obtained from sugar beet infected this species, but not oilseed rape or lettuce; all isolates except one infected Capsella bursa-pastoris . The coat-protein sequences of these isolates were highly similar, with the consensus sequence representing 89% of nucleotide residues. Within the coat-protein gene, two regions were identified that could represent specific epitopes to which monoclonal antibody BYDV-PAV-IL-1 could bind; this antibody is used to distinguish beet poleroviruses in ELISA. Comparison of the sequences at the 5' end showed that sequence homology existed only between isolates with the same host range. The first sequence data of polerovirus isolates from Chile are presented, showing that the coat protein and the 5' end of their genomes are highly similar to those of BMYV isolates found in Europe. Chilean polerovirus isolates may have been imported from the northern hemisphere in sugar beet breeding material.  相似文献   

 利用Small RNA测序技术对采自湖南的甘薯杆状病毒进行鉴定,获得与SPBV-B序列具有相似性的contigs 161个。首先设计小片段引物,PCR扩增分离出706 bp的目的片段,与SPBV-B (FJ560944)相似性为78%。分段设计引物,进行基因全序列PCR扩增。引物组合SPBV-BF1/R1、SPBV-BF2/R4和SPBV-BF5/R5分别扩增出3 150、2 900和3 500 bp目的条带。序列拼接获得2个SPBV-B基因组全序列,大小分别为7 894 bp(MK052980)和7 981 bp(MK052981),包含完整编码阅读框。进化分析表明MK052980和MK052981与SPPV聚为同一分支,与SPPV相似性分别为81%和83%,与SPBV-B相似性分别为86%和94%。MK052980和MK052981具有89.5%的相似性。经编码阅读框氨基酸序列比对,MK052980序列的ORF3a氨基酸序列存在变异。这是国内首次报道SPBV-B全基因序列。  相似文献   

Sixteen Plum pox virus (PPV) isolates from several stone fruit cultivars, host species, orchards and geographical areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina were selected for typing, using serotype-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and PCR–RFLP, targeting the 3' terminal region of the coat protein (CP) and P3-6K1 with restriction enzymes Rsa I and Dde I. Four PPV isolates were identified as PPV-M by serology and PCR; eight isolates were identified as PPV-D based on PCR–RFLP on both genomic regions, but were not recognized by the D-specific MAb4DG5. Four isolates from plum were identified as natural D/M recombinants (PPV-Rec), based on conflicting results of CP and P3-6K1 typing. To investigate the genetic diversity of Bosnian PPV isolates in more detail, five isolates (three PPV-Rec, one PPV-M and one PPV-D) were partially sequenced in the region spanning the 3' terminal part of the NIb gene and the 5'-terminal part of the CP gene, corresponding to nucleotides 8056–8884. Nucleotide sequence alignment of recombinant isolates showed that they were closely related at the molecular level to previously characterized recombinants from other European countries, and shared the same recombination break point in the 3' terminal part of the NIb gene. This is the first report of naturally infected Prunus trees with PPV-M, PPV-D and PPV-Rec in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The high variability of the Bosnian PPV isolates fits with the presence of this virus in the country over a long period.  相似文献   

 利用Small RNA测序技术对采自湖南的甘薯杆状病毒进行鉴定,获得与SPBV-B序列具有相似性的contigs 161个。首先设计小片段引物,PCR扩增分离出706 bp的目的片段,与SPBV-B (FJ560944)相似性为78%。分段设计引物,进行基因全序列PCR扩增。引物组合SPBV-BF1/R1、SPBV-BF2/R4和SPBV-BF5/R5分别扩增出3 150、2 900和3 500 bp目的条带。序列拼接获得2个SPBV-B基因组全序列,大小分别为7 894 bp(MK052980)和7 981 bp(MK052981),包含完整编码阅读框。进化分析表明MK052980和MK052981与SPPV聚为同一分支,与SPPV相似性分别为81%和83%,与SPBV-B相似性分别为86%和94%。MK052980和MK052981具有89.5%的相似性。经编码阅读框氨基酸序列比对,MK052980序列的ORF3a氨基酸序列存在变异。这是国内首次报道SPBV-B全基因序列。  相似文献   

A collection of 38 PVY isolates from seed potato batches, originating from several Western European countries, was characterized by using current biological, serological and molecular tools differentiating PVY strains and groups. The correlation between the three kinds of tests was good but not absolute. No single serological or PCR method was able to discriminate among the five isolate groups found. Twenty-nine isolates belonged to the PVYN strain and six to the PVYO strain. No PVYC was found. Two other isolates reacted serologically like PVYO, but were unable to elicit a hypersensitive response from the Nytbr gene and probably represent the PVYZ group. At the molecular level, these two isolates showed a combination of both PVYO and PVYN and could be recombinants of these strains. Another isolate reacted serologically like PVYO, but induced vein necrosis in tobacco, like PVYN-Wilga. Some PVYN isolates caused tuber ring necrosis in glasshouse conditions. These might belong to the PVYNTN group. The PVYNTN, PVYN-Wilga and PVYZ groups probably represent pathotypes within strains PVYN and PVYO, respectively. The present study also confirms previous reports showing a high genetic variation at the 5 end within the PVYN strain.  相似文献   

Bhat  Varma  Pappu  Rajamannar  Jain  & Praveen 《Plant pathology》1999,48(5):648-654
A potyvirus (eggplant mottle virus, EMoV) causing mosaic mottling in eggplant ( Solanum melongena ) was characterized on the basis of biological, serological and partial nucleotide sequence properties. EMoV infected Chenopodium amaranticolor and members of the Solanaceae. Polyclonal antiserum against EMoV showed antigenic relationship with henbane mosaic potyvirus (HMV) and potato Y potyvirus (PVY). Virus-specific antibodies directed to the N-terminal region of EMoV cross-reacted only with PVY. Determination and comparison of nucleotide sequence of the coat protein (CP) and the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of EMoV with other potyviruses showed that the level of homology was highest with PVY isolates. Comparative sequence analyses of the CP amino acid and 3'-UTR sequences with distinct PVY isolates placed EMoV within the PVYO subgroup.  相似文献   

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