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纽约州贝尔波特镇的帕姆·茜卡家里有1头跟随主人15年的金色毛皮猎犬,主人给他取了个有趣的名字叫“子弹头”。两年前,这头老犬露出了病相,茜卡把它送到了犬医院。检查后发现是不好治的大病,那头犬的肝上长了一个肿瘤,必须立即做切除手术才能保住它的生命。问题是这头犬已进入老  相似文献   

1995年,两岁的格莱特作为日本第一头救助犬,来到野口的家围着他的轮椅开心地转来转去。可是,野口对它并不热情,甚至有点冷漠。下肢瘫痪多年的他讷言、忧郁、沮丧,他不觉得人生还有什么乐趣可言。然而,格莱特改变了他。第一夜,它看着野口睡下后,蹲坐在床边。夜里,野口轻轻翻下身,它便把尿壶叼给了他。他尿尿时,它轻轻地把头转向了一边,好像怕他尴尬。直到他尿完了,它才转过头来,温柔地看着他。然后,又看看柜子上的水杯,  相似文献   

1995年,两岁的格莱特作为日本第一头救助犬,来到野口的家围着他的轮椅开心地转来转去。可是,野口对它并不热情,甚至有点冷漠。下肢瘫痪多年的他讷言、忧郁、沮丧,他不觉得人生还有什幺乐趣可言。然而,格莱特改变了他。第一夜,它看着野口睡下后,蹲坐在床边。夜里,野口轻轻翻下身,它便把尿壶叼给了他。他尿尿时,它轻轻地把头转向了一边,好像怕他尴尬。直到他尿完了,  相似文献   

陋岩 《警犬》2004,(5):48-49
天好蓝,草好绿,高大英俊的贝贝正在鲜嫩的草地上跑步。金色的阳光洒在贝贝乌黑发亮的皮毛上,释放着一种令我晕眩的光芒。我是一只正处在青春期的漂亮母狗,从几个月前在公园里见到贝贝,我就默默地爱上了它。  相似文献   

匿名 《警犬》2004,(2):53-53
购犬是许多宠物爱好者都经历过的事,但怎样才能买到一头健康、可爱的宝贝犬呢?最重要的是做到“五看”:  相似文献   

人民网消息 曾引起无数争议的养犬问题,将有新的法律依据。《广州市养犬管理条例》(以简《条例淞近日正式出台,并将于今年7月1日起施行。  相似文献   

据英国媒体报道,现年42岁的英国南利特尔顿市监狱警官斯蒂夫·图格威尔发现他管理的一头嗅探犬不慎窒息后,立即“嘴对嘴”为犬进行起人工呼吸,终于救回了这头犬的“狗命”。  相似文献   

据英国媒体报道,现年42岁的英国南利特尔顿市监狱警官斯蒂夫·图格威尔发现他管理的一头嗅探犬不慎窒息后,立即"嘴对嘴"为犬进行起人  相似文献   

<正>近日,英国德文郡普林普顿的伍德赛德动物救援信托基金会经历了一场离奇的救援——拯救一头酗酒的拉布拉多犬。这头拉布拉多犬也成了全球已知的第一头接受酒精成瘾治疗的犬类。据报道,在其主人去世后,这头名为可可的两岁拉布拉多犬杂交犬和另一头犬被带到了伍德赛德动物救援基金会。令人震惊的是,这两头犬都因为“已故主人总是把打开的酒瓶放在外面过夜而染上了严重酒瘾”。  相似文献   

我是一位养犬爱好者。前不久我家养的一头犬不慎遗失了,过了一段时间,我发现犬被别人捡到了,我要求他将犬还给我,可他却说。犬是他家的,就是不肯还给我。怎样才能说明这头犬是我的呢?  相似文献   

In June 2014, a male stray dog was recovered at Ente Nazionale di Protezione Animali (ENPA) kennel of Manfredonia, Apulia region, showing oral bleeding and physical prostration. The dog fell in a water canal and was trapped. During the clinical examination, a specimen of leech was revealed into its oral cavity. The parasite, probably entered by drinking unfiltered and contaminated water, has been identified as an adult of aquatic leech Limnatis nilotica. Leeches could overrun wide variety of animals, and few reports about blood sucking leech infestations in mammals are available in literature. This paper describes here the first oral hirudiniasis in a dog in Italy and highlights the possibility of human nasopharyngeal leech-related infection in Apulia region.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in dogs is rarely reported and has not previously been documented in South Africa. A case of a stray Maltese crossbreed dog with extensive multifocal pulmonary tuberculosis due to M. tuberculosis is described. Pulmonary granulomas in this case were poorly encapsulated and contained large numbers of acid-fast bacteria, highlighting the potential for infected companion animals to excrete the pathogen. Treatment of canine tuberculosis is generally not advised, and for this reason, euthanasia of diseased animals must be advocated in most instances. Physicians and veterinarians must be aware that companion animals with active disease caused by M. tuberculosis could act as a potential source of infection.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess whether the hair of stray and domestic dogs in Egypt was contaminated with the eggs of the zoonotic parasite Toxocara canis, and also to identify risk factors for T. canis for contamination. Paired samples of hair and feces were collected from 53 stray and 47 domestic dogs, and hair samples were obtained from a further 11 stray and 9 domestic dogs. All samples were examined to identify T. canis eggs and, if eggs were found, their maturation stage. Eggs were identified in 26.6% of stray and 10.7% of domestic dog's hair samples. A significantly increased risk of embryonated T. canis eggs in hair samples was found in stray dogs (p=0.04), stray dogs had 3.18 (95% CI: 1.04-9.74) times the odds of having T. canis eggs present compared with domestic dogs. There was also a significant difference (p=0.02) between the mean quantity of eggs per gram in stray (77.6±6.54) and domestic (48.7±6.65) dog's hair. Fecal examination found a T. canis egg prevalence of 35.8% and 21.3% in stray and domestic dogs, respectively. As no domestic dogs which were positive from hair samples had negative fecal samples, this indicates that the presence of T. canis eggs in hair is probably due to self contamination. Two stray dogs had positive hair samples but negative fecal samples indicating that contamination may also be environmental. As both non-embryonated and embryonated T. canis eggs were found in the hair of domestic dogs, direct contact with dogs may be a potential risk factor for transmission of T. canis eggs to humans.  相似文献   

In a survey in 1973 undertaken to determine the prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis in 100 dogs from a public pound in western New York, 2 dogs were found to be positive. Microfilariae of Dipetalonema sp were not present. Hearts and pulmonary blood vessels were dissected for adult worms, and blood samples were examined for microfilariae, using a modified Knott technique. Although adult heartworms and microfilariae have been recovered from wild foxes, coyotes, and wolves in New York, this is the first report of heartworm in domesticated dogs in the state.  相似文献   

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