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Physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) is a promising seed oil source for biodiesel production. Natural antioxidants play a major role in maintaining oxidative stability of oils and they also have important food and industrial applications. Among them, tocochromanols are the most abundant in seeds. The objective of this research was to evaluate the variation for tocochromanol content and profile in a germplasm collection of 52 accessions of J. curcas. Seeds collected in two different periods, August and November of 2009, were analysed for tocochromanol content. Additionally, the dynamics of tocochromanol accumulation in developing seeds was studied. Total seed tocochromanol content averaged 307.2 mg kg−1 in August and 303.7 mg kg−1 in November, whereas total oil tocochromanol content averaged 507.4 mg kg−1 in August and 500.8 mg kg−1 in November. The tocochromanol fraction was made up of 15.4% gamma-tocopherol, 83.8% gamma-tocotrienol, and 0.8% delta-tocotrienol in August and 18.0% gamma-tocopherol, 80.4% gamma-tocotrienol, and 1.6% delta-tocotrienol in November. Genotype × environment effects were identified for tocochromanol content but not for the proportion of major tocochromanol homologues, which showed a high positive correlation between both environments. Developing seeds contained primarily alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol at early stages of development, with gamma-tocotrienol and delta-tocotrienol being practically undetectable. Gamma-tocotrienol content remained practically undetectable till 66 DAP and then increased pronouncedly to final levels of 177.1 mg kg−1 (74.8% of the total tocochromanol content). The powerful antioxidant and health-promoting properties of gamma-tocotrienol encourages further studies on selection for the tocopherol/tocotrienol ratio in Jatropha and on the potential of tocochromanols as high added-value products derived from Jatropha seed oil production.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas, a multipurpose shrub has acquired significant economic potential as biodiesel plant. The seeds or pressed cake is toxic due to the presence of toxic substances and is not useful as food/fodder despite having the best protein composition. A simple, efficient, and reproducible method for plant regeneration through direct organogenesis from petiole explants of non-toxic J. curcas was developed using Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations of thidiazuron (TDZ). The best induction of shoot buds (57.61%), and number of shoot buds (4.98) per explant were obtained when in vitro petiole explants were placed horizontally on MS medium supplemented with 2.27 μM TDZ. The Induced shoot buds were transferred to MS medium containing 10 μM kinetin (Kn), 4.5 μM 6-benzyl aminopurine (BA), and 5.5 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) for shoot proliferation and subsequent elongation was achieved on MS medium supplemented with 2.25 μM BA and 8.5 μM IAA. The elongated shoots could be rooted on half-strength MS medium with 15 μM IBA, 11.4 μM IAA and 5.5 μM NAA with more than 90% survival rate.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas oil (JCO) has a high content of free fatty acids and has been used extensively as a feedstock in biodiesel production. In the present study, the transesterification reaction of JCO to Jatropha curcas methyl ester (biodiesel) was performed in a continuous pulsed loop reactor under atmospheric conditions. The JCO was pre-treated prior to the reaction to reduce the free fatty acid content to below 1% (w/w). The operating parameters of the loop reactor were optimised based on the conversion of the JCO to Jatropha curcas biodiesel and included reaction temperature, molar ratio of oil to MeOH, reaction time and oscillation frequency. The findings show that the highest reaction conversion of 99.7% (w/w) was achieved using KOH catalyst and 98.8% conversion was obtained using NaOCH3 catalyst. The optimal operating conditions were a molar ratio of 6:1, an oscillation frequency of 6 Hz, temperature of 60 °C, feedstock FFA content of 0.5% (w/w) and only 10 min of reaction time. As a commercial commodity, the physical properties of biodiesel were analysed, and they compared well with the characteristics of fossil-based diesel fuel.  相似文献   

Factors influencing in vitro regeneration through direct shoot bud induction from hypocotyl explants of Jatropha curcas were studied in the present investigation. Regeneration in J. curcas was found to be genotype dependent and out of four toxic and one non-toxic genotype studied, non-toxic was least responsive. The best results irrespective of genotype were obtained on the medium containing 0.5 mg L−1 TDZ (Thidiazuron) and in vitro hypocotyl explants were observed to have higher regeneration efficiency as compared to ex vitro explant in both toxic and non-toxic genotypes. Adventitious shoot buds could be induced from the distal end of explants in all the genotypes. The number of shoot buds formed and not the number of explants responding to TDZ treatment were significantly affected by the position of the explant on the seedling axis. Explants from younger seedlings (≤15 days) were still juvenile and formed callus easily, whereas the regeneration response declined with increase in age of seedlings after 30 days. Transient reduction of Ca2+ concentrations to 0.22 g L−1 in the germination medium increased the number of responding explants.Induced shoot buds, upon transfer to MS medium containing 2 mg L−1 Kn (Kinetin) and 1 mg L−1 BAP (6-benzylamino purine) elongated. These elongated shoots were further proliferated on MS medium supplemented with 1.5 mg L−1 IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) and 0.5 mg L−1 BAP and 3.01-3.91 cm elongation was achieved after 6 weeks. No genotype specific variance in shoot elongation was observed among the toxic genotypes except the CSMCRI-JC2, which showed reduced response. And for proliferation among the toxic genotypes, CSMCRI-JC4 showed highest number of shoots formed. Among the rest, no significant differences were observed. The elongated shoot could be rooted by pulse treatment on half-strength MS medium supplemented with 2% sucrose, 3 mg L−1 IBA (indole-3-butyric acid), 1 mg L−1 IAA, 1 mg L−1 NAA (α-naphthalene acetic acid) and subsequent transfer on 0.25 mg L−1 activated charcoal medium. The rooted plants could be established in soil with more than 90% success. No significant differences were observed in rooting of shoots in the different toxic genotypes. However, rooting response was reduced in non-toxic genotype as compared to toxic genotypes.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae), a drought resistant non edible oil yielding plant, has acquired significant importance as an alternative renewable energy source. Low and inconsistent yields found in field plantations prompted for identification of high yielding clones and their large scale multiplication by vegetative propagation to obtain true to type plants. In the current investigation plantlets of J. curcas generated by axillary bud proliferation (micropropagation) using nodal segments obtained from selected high yielding genotypes were assessed for their genetic stability using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analyses. For RAPD analysis, 21 out of 52 arbitrary decamer primers screened gave clear reproducible bands. In the micropropagated plantlets obtained from the 2nd sub-culture, 4 out of a total of 177 bands scored were polymorphic, but in the 8th and 16th sub-cultures (culture cycle) no polymorphisms were detected. AFLP analysis revealed 0.63%, 0% and 0% polymorphism in the 2nd, 8th and 16th generations, respectively. When different genotypes, viz. IC 56557 16, IC 56557 34 and IC 56557 13, were assessed by AFLP, 0%, 0.31% and 0.47% polymorphisms were found, respectively, indicating a difference in genetic stability among the different genotypes. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report on assessment of genetic stability of micropropagated plantlets in J. curcas and suggests that axillary shoot proliferation can safely be used as an efficient micropropagation method for mass propagation of J. curcas.  相似文献   

Variation in oil content and fatty acid profile (FAP) of Calophyllum inophyllum; a potential biodiesel feedstock species were studied at different maturity stages and biodiesel quality parameters were estimated based on the FAP. A steady increase in oil content was observed with maturity. Variation in palmitic (16:0) and linoleic (18:2) acids followed exactly opposite trends where palmitic acid content has decreased and linoleic acid content has increased 77 days after anthesis. Oleic acid (18:1) content has shown a steady increase. Stearic acid (18:0) content remained steady up to 68 days after anthesis and then felt slightly in 77 days after anthesis. Linoleic and eicosanoic acids were found to exist in low concentrations demonstrated very little compositional variation with fruit maturity. Estimated biodiesel parameters of all maturity stages were found to comply with industrial standards. Even though 48 days after anthesis had the most ideal FAP for biodiesel production, ∼77 days after anthesis is preferred point to harvest due to higher oil content.  相似文献   

The oil extraction of Jatropha curcas created the large amount of the by-product from its seeds. An application of solid-state fermentation (SSF) was considered to be of value to these raw materials. This study investigated the potential of a utilization of deoiled J. curcas seed cake as substrate for protease productions by Aspergillus oryzae. While various parameters for SSF was conventionally individually optimized, five parameters were simultaneously examined based on Taguchi method. The effect of three different levels of five factors, including moisture content of substrate, inoculums size, incubation temperature, type of porous substrate and incubation time were examined. The optimum conditions for the protease production by A. oryzae obtained from this experiment were 45% moisture content of substrate, 10% inoculums size, 30 °C incubation temperature, deoiled J. curcas seed cake mixed with cassava bagasse ratio 4:1 as porous substrate at 84 h of incubation time. By adjusting the conditions to these optimum levels, the protease production increased up to 4.6 times as many as the protease yield from the non-optimizing experiment. The use of statistical approach, Taguchi method, provided a satisfactory outcome in defining the optimum conditions for protease production by A. oryzae. Further, the utilization of deoiled J. curcas seed cake as substrate for SSF was proven as the suitable practice for this agricultural waste, in order to develop for an industrial use.  相似文献   

To extract essential oil for industrial use, the yields and compositions of bark oil during Cinnamomum cassia growth (1-3 years old for the branch bark; 5-12 years old for the stem bark) were determined. The branch bark fraction had a higher essential oil yield than the whole branch. The essential oil yield from branch bark varied within 2.70-3.11% (w/w), while that from stem bark was 0.41-2.61% (w/w) due to differences in age and segment (top, center and lower) of the tree. There were 41 volatile compounds identified in bark oil, among which the majority presented high fluctuations in percentage of composition both in different growth stages and segments. Variations in oil yields did not present the same pattern as the percentages of trans-cinnamaldehyde. The results suggest that choosing bark according to trees’ growth stages and separating stem barks into top, center and lower sections within a tree should significantly improve the extraction efficiency.  相似文献   

Chia (Salvia hispanica L.), an annual herb of the Labiatae family, produces seeds which were one of the basic foods of Central American civilizations in pre-Columbian times. Chia seed contains the highest known percentage of α-linolenic fatty acid of any plant source. In recent years, chia seed has become increasingly important for human health and nutrition because of its high content of α-linolenic fatty acid, and the beneficial health effects that arise from its consumption. A study was undertaken to characterize protein and oil contents as well as fatty acid composition of chia seeds grown in some larger commercial fields, in an attempt to determine how these components are affected by location. Oil saturation tended to decrease as elevation of seed production increased, with decreasing levels of palmitic, stearic, oleic, and linoleic fatty acids found. The main constituent in the chia oil was ω-3 α-linolenic fatty acid, and ranged from 64.8% to 56.9%. Differences were significant (P < 0.05) among locations. Significant differences in protein content and fatty acid composition were also found for the commercially grown chia originating from three ecosystems. It is possible that these differences could be used to distinguish chia's origin, if additional research was undertaken to characterize such differences.  相似文献   

An efficient and reproducible protocol was established for genetic transformation in Jatropha curcas through microprojectile bombardment. Decotyledonated embryos from mature seeds were pre-cultured for 5 days and elongated embryonic axis was subjected to bombardment for the optimization of physical parameters. The frequency of transient gus expression and survival of putative transformants were taken into consideration for the assessment of physical parameters. Statistical analysis reveal that microcarrier size, helium pressure and target distance had significant influence on transformation efficiency. Among different variables evaluated, microcarrier size 1 μm, He pressure 1100 and 1350 psi with a target distance of 9 and 12 cm respectively were found optimum by co-relating microcarrier size, helium pressure and target distance on the frequency of gus expression and survival of putative transformants. Selection of putative transformants was done with increasing concentrations (5-7 mg L−1) of hygromycin. The integration of desired gene into Jatropha genome was confirmed with PCR amplification of 0.96 and 1.28 kb bands of hptII and gus gene respectively from the T0 transgenics and Southern blot analysis using PCR amplified DIG labeled hptII gene as a probe. A successful attempt of genetic transformation was made with optimized conditions using particle gene gun and establishing a stable transformation in J. curcas with 44.7% transformation efficiency. The procedure described will be very useful for the introgression of desired genes into J. curcas and the molecular analysis of gene function.  相似文献   

Development of high yield maize germplasm with satisfying nutritional quality has been a major objective for maize breeders. Introgression lines from hybrids between Zea mays ssp. mexicana, a close wild relative of cultivated maize, and elite maize inbred line Ye515 were obtained. Ear-related traits of the lines showed wide range of variation compared to the maize parent. Kernel protein contents in the progeny lines ranged from 7.89% to 12.44%. Considerable variability of protein fractions and amino acid composition of mature endosperms was observed. Protein contents for some lines such as SD00362, SD00312 and SD00259 were significantly higher than that of Ye515, and Lys and some other essential amino acids were conspicuously improved. It was concluded that introgression from Z. mays ssp. mexicana into a maize background had great effects on protein content and composition, and that desirable inbred lines with enhanced protein contents and improved nutritional value were produced via alien introgression.  相似文献   

The physicochemical characteristics, fatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions, DSC profile and UV/vis spectrum of oil extracted from Albizia julibrissin seeds were determined in this study. The oil content and the moisture of the seeds were 10.50% and 1.56%. The free fatty acid, the peroxide value, the p-anisidine value, the saponification value, the iodine value were 2.54%, 6.61 mequiv. O2/kg of oil, 1.98, 190.63 (mg KOH/g) and 111.33 (g/100 g of oil), respectively. The specific extinction coefficients K232, K268 were 7.55 and 0.96, respectively. Linoleic acid (C18:2, 58.58%), palmitic acid (C16, 13.86%) and oleic acid (C18:1, 10.47%) were the dominant fatty acids in the A. julibrissin seed oil. LLL (36.87%), OLL (21.62%), PLL (16.69%) and PLO + SLL (8.59%) were the abundant triacylglycerol representing > 83% of the seed oil (L: linoleic, O: oleic, P: palmitic, S: stearic). The DSC melting curves reveal that: melting point = −14.70° C and melting enthalpy = 54.34 J/g. A. julibrissin seed oil showed some absorbance in the UV-B and UV-C ranges. The results of the present analytical study show that A. julibrissin is a promising oilseed crop, which can be used for making soap, hair shampoo and UV protectors. Furthermore, the high level of unsaturated fatty acids makes it desirable in terms of nutrition.  相似文献   

The present work is designed to evaluate the bioactive properties of the crude methanolic extract of Jatropha curcas oil and its solvent fractions. The crude methanolic extract obtained was fractionated using a hydrophilic lipophilic balanced (HLB) cartridge and then eluted with different solvents in the order of hexane (F1), dichloromethane (F2), chloroform (F3), ethyl acetate (F4) and methanol (F5), respectively. Total phenolic content of the crude methanolic extract and its fractions was in the range of 0.19-4.5 mg/g as gallic acid equivalent. Antioxidant activity of the crude methanolic extract and its fractions were determined by two complementary test methods, namely, phenanthroline method and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging method. All samples demonstrated weak antioxidant activity (150-851 μmol Fe/100 g of the extract and IC50 of 1.05-13.5 mg/mL). When compared to butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), a reference synthetic antioxidant, both showed weaker antioxidative potential. The evaluation of antimicrobial activity of the extracts was performed using a disc diffusion method and a micro-well dilution method against six economic plant disease bacteria. The results showed that all extracts possessed strong to moderate antibacterial activity with varying degrees of growth inhibition against the test bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were in the range of 14.92-428.6 μg/mL. In addition, the chemical constituents in each fraction of the extract were subjected to analyze by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The eleven constituents were identified. Among them, 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol, methyl 3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate and linoleic acid may be the main cause of its strong antibacterial activity. Therefore, this oil present in the methanolic extract had great potential as effective antibacterial sources.  相似文献   

从三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)中克隆到1 632bp的溶血磷脂酸酰基转移酶(LPAAT)全长cDNA,其中包含的开放阅读框被命名为PtLPAAT。在毕赤酵母中异源表达PtLPAAT基因,诱导培养45h时随机选取的3个酵母转化子总脂肪酸含量分别提高了2.68%、11.14%、31.28%;诱导培养72h时同样的转化子总脂肪酸含量分别提高11.59%、18.72%、46.63%。用薄层层析法分离48h后的酵母菌体的甘油三酯,并用气相色谱法测定其脂肪酸,结果显示:与非转基因对照菌株相比,其油酸提高了0.9倍、亚油酸提高了5倍。用荧光定量PCR检测发现PtLPAAT基因的表达量随三角褐指藻油脂不断积累逐渐升高。表明在酵母中表达PtLPAAT基因不仅能够明显地提高其脂肪酸含量,而且还能选择性结合不饱和脂肪酸到甘油三酯中。  相似文献   

The chemical composition, main physicochemical properties and thermal stability of oil extracted from Acacia senegal seeds were evaluated. The oil, moisture and the ash contents of the seeds were 9.80%, 6.92% and 3.82%, respectively. Physicochemical properties of the oil were iodine value, 106.56 g/100 g of oil; saponification value, 190.23 mg KOH/g of oil; refractive index (25 °C), 1.471; unsaponifiable matter, 0.93%; acidity, 6.41% and peroxide value, 5.43 meq. O2/kg of oil. The main fatty acids in the oil were oleic acid (43.62%) followed by linoleic acid (30.66%) and palmitic acid (11.04%). The triacylglycerols (TAGs) with equivalent carbon number ECN 44 (34.90%) were dominant, followed by TAGs ECN 46 (28.19%), TAGs ECN 42 (16.48%) and TAGs ECN 48 (11.23%). The thermal stability analysed in a normal oxidizing atmosphere showed that the oil decomposition began at 268.6 °C and ended at 618.5 °C, with two stages of decomposition at 401.5 °C and 576.3 °C. According to these results, A. senegal seed oil has physicochemical properties, fatty acids composition and thermal characteristics that may become interesting for specific applications in several segments of food and non-food industries.  相似文献   

This work describes the mechanical and solvent extraction of Sterculia striata seed oil. It was determined that the seeds contain up to 41% in oil, which has an unusual composition. Indeed, up to 50% of the fatty acid contain cyclopropenoid ring. The oil was used as raw material to produce bio-oil and biodiesel and their physical-chemical properties were evaluated. Some of the studied physical-chemical properties of the S. striata biodiesel are in acceptable range for use as biodiesel in diesel engines, showing a promising economic exploitation of this raw material in semi-arid regions. It was also observed that the cyclopropenoid ring remains after transesterification and is decomposed during pyrolysis.  相似文献   

Coffee is a much enjoyed beverage because of its unique flavor and taste characteristics. The lipid fraction of coffee beans, composed of wax, oil and unsaponifiable matter, prevents volatilization and loss of flavor during the roasting process. The lipid fraction extracted from green beans is high in linoleic acid and has an ultraviolet absorption. These properties that can be very useful and suitable for cosmetic products such as skin moisturizers and sunscreens. The aim of this study was to characterize the lipid fraction and to determine the sun protection factor of 10 species of Coffea. Significant variability was found for all the parameters investigated: the wax content varying between 0.0 and 2.8%, the oil content ranging from 6.9% to 32.4%, unsaponifiable matter from 0.3% to 13.5% and the sun protection factor from 0.0 to 4.1. Fatty acids widely used in the cosmetics industry, such as linoleic and oleic acid were found to be present in excellent proportion.  相似文献   

Basal stem rot of oil palm (OP) by Ganoderma boninense is of major economic concern and it is the predominant disease of OP in SE Asia. Also, other plantation crops are affected by Ganoderma. The early detection of symptoms is crucial for control, although effective methods remain elusive. Ergosterol is the principal sterol of fungi and plays an essential role in the cell membrane and other cellular constituents. The analysis of ergosterol is useful for fungal detection in solid plant substrates. The present report compares ergosterol concentration in sound and decayed OP seedlings and mature plants using HPLC with diode array detection. The disease of OP requires to be considered as a white rot process where fungal biomass will increase from a low to high level as the infection progresses. G. boninense biomass was correlated with ergosterol concentration in vitro. Furthermore, the sterol was correlated with internal colonization (a) of inoculated seedlings, (b) of felled and standing OP and (c) to external symptoms of the disease. The compound was not detected in healthy samples. Disease treatments may be made more effective as the amounts of fungal biomass can be estimated and early detection is possible. Ergosterol quantification is a provisional diagnostic method for detection for G. boninense infection in OP which can be employed with other methods, enabling early remedial action to be taken. The method is recommended for further research involving basal stem rot of OP.  相似文献   

The essential oil and fatty acid composition of two provenances of Ruta chalepensis from four organs (leaves, flowers, stems and fruits) was determined. The effect of the plant part on total fatty acid contents, essential oil yields, fatty acid and volatile constituents was significant.Fatty acid profiles varied significantly among the studied provenances and organs. Linolenic acid had the highest amount in leaves of the two provenances. From R. chalepensis, in all organs, the main fatty acids were palmitic (13.10-25.31%), followed by palmitoleic (0-15.72%), stearic (1.03-6.85%), oleic (1.90-24.04%), arachidic (0.11-4.03%), eicosatetraenoic (0.10-5.60%) and behenic (0.47-6.09%) acids. Saturated fatty acids had the highest amounts in growing wild R. chalepensis flowers, and cultivated R. chalepensis stems were characterized by the predominance of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Oil composition of all studied organs has a healthy and nutritionally value. Essential oil yields varied from 0.39% to 2.46% and showed a remarkable variation with plant organs. Thirty-six volatile compounds were identified in different analyzed essential oils; 2-undecanone, 2-nonanol and 2-dodecanone had the highest percentages.  相似文献   

In the present study, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), and tyrosinase inhibitory and antioxidant activities of the fruit and leaf extracts of Melia azedarach L. (Meliaceae) of Turkish origin were evaluated. Enzyme inhibitory activity of the extracts was tested in vitro using ELISA microplate reader. Antioxidant activity of the extracts was tested using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, ferrous ion-chelation, and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. Phenolic composition of the extracts was elucidated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and fatty acid compositions of the fatty oils of the fruits and leaves were elucidated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The ethyl acetate extract from the leaves showed the highest inhibition against AChE (33.63 ± 1.40%) and BChE (92.89 ± 3.05%). The methanol extract from the leaves exerted the best antioxidant activity in DPPH radical scavenging and FRAP assays, while the ethyl acetate extracts of the fruits and leaves had the most notable effect in metal-chelation assay.  相似文献   

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