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Arsenic (As), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) can be found in large concentrations in mine spills of central and northern Mexico. Interest in these heavy metals has increased recently as they contaminate drinking water and aquifers in large parts of the world and severely affect human health, but little is known about how they affect biological functioning of soil. Soils were sampled in seven locations along a gradient of heavy metal contamination with distance from a mine in San Luis Potosí (Mexico), active since about 1800 AD. C mineralization and N2O production were monitored in an aerobic incubation experiment. Concentrations of As in the top 0-10 cm soil layer ranged from 8 to 22,992 mg kg−1, from 31 to 1845 mg kg−1 for Pb, from 27 to 1620 mg kg−1 for Cu and from 81 to 4218 mg kg−1 for Zn. There was a significant negative correlation between production rates of CO2 and concentrations of As, Pb, Cu and Zn, and there was a significant positive correlation with pH, water holding capacity (WHC), total N and soil organic C. There was a significant negative correlation (P<0.05) between production rate of nitrous oxide (N2O) attributed to nitrification by the inhibition method in soil incubated at 50% WHC and total concentrations of Pb and Zn, and there was a significant positive correlation (P<0.05) with pH and total N content. There was a significant negative correlation (P<0.05) between the production rate of N2O attributed to denitrification by the inhibition method in soil incubated at 100% WHC and total concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn, and a significant positive correlation (P<0.01) with pH; there was a significant positive correlation (P<0.05) between the production of N2O attributed to other processes by the inhibition method and WHC, inorganic C and clay content. A negative value for production rate of N2O attributed to nitrifier denitrification by the inhibition method was obtained at 100% WHC. The large concentrations of heavy metals in soil inhibited microbial activity and the production rate of N2O attributed to nitrification by the inhibition method when soil was incubated at 50% WHC and denitrification when soil was incubated at 100% WHC. The inhibitor/suppression technique used appeared to be flawed, as negative values for nitrifier denitrification were obtained and as the production rate of N2O through denitrification increased when soil was incubated with C2H2.  相似文献   

收获方式对污染土壤上伴矿景天锌镉吸收性的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
植物修复是20世纪80年代末兴起的一种新型环境治理技术,因其具有低成本、环境友好等特点成为修复重金属污染土壤的重要方法之一[1]。该技术的修复效率受修复植物生物量和生长周期限制[2~5],因此,越来越多的研究关注于提高超积累植物修复效率的强化措施,包括育种、生物技术等提高修复植物本身的吸收性能,施加螯合剂和调节土壤pH、氧化还原电位等改变土壤环境间接提高植物吸收效率等[6~9]。农艺措施,如合理的种植制度、灌溉、施肥等可改善作物生长环境,提高产量。该技术也被运用到植物修复中,以改善修复植物生长环境,增大生物量,进而提高修复效率[10,11]。对于多年生、再生能力强的超富集植物,可以借鉴在牧草种  相似文献   

茶皂素对潮土重金属污染的淋洗修复作用   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
为了探讨茶皂素淋洗修复土壤重金属污染的可行性,该文采用振荡提取和土柱淋洗的方法,研究了茶皂素对污染土壤中重金属的去除作用。结果表明,茶皂素溶液的浓度和土壤的pH值对重金属去除率有明显影响。土柱淋洗试验中,采用质量分数7%茶皂素溶液作淋洗液,pH 5.0±0.1、土液质量体积比1:4为最佳淋洗修复条件,此时,Pb、Cd、Zn、Cu的去除率分别为6.74%、42.38%、13.07%、8.75%,去除率的大小顺序为Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb。茶皂素淋洗能有效去除酸溶态和可还原态的重金属,从而大大降低了重金属的环境风险,同时说明茶皂素用于土壤重金属污染淋洗修复有较大潜力。  相似文献   

本文研究了在不同生长时期凹凸棒土、硅藻土、泥炭、腐植酸对土壤重金属的钝化及豇豆生理特性的影响。结果表明:由于土壤的缓冲性,4种改良剂对土壤溶液pH影响较小;泥炭、腐植酸对Zn、Cu的钝化效果比凹凸棒土、硅藻土好,但4种改良剂对土壤溶液Pb和Cd浓度影响不明显;腐植酸、凹凸棒土均在不同程度上提高了豇豆叶片超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶的活性,其中腐植酸的作用最为明显。除泥炭外,3种改良剂均使豇豆叶片的丙二醛、脯氨酸含量降低。受叶片衰老的影响,成熟期各改良剂对豇豆生理特性的作用不如苗期明显;冗余分析表明:4种改良剂对重金属的钝化效果依次为腐植酸、泥炭、凹凸棒土、硅藻土。本次试验结果说明有机物料腐植酸、泥炭可作为缓解豇豆重金属Zn、Cu胁迫的改良剂。  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the impact of colonization with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus constrictum on the biomass production, flower quality, chlorophyll content, macronutrients and heavy metals content of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) planted under uncontaminated soil and watered with various rates of sewage water. Sewage water utilization significantly decreased biomass production, characters of flower, nutrient concentration and rates of mycorrhizal colonization of mycorrhizal (M) and non-mycorrhizal (NM) marigold as compared to control untreated plants especially at the higher rates, but the reduction rate was proportionally higher in non-AM treatments. Mycorrhizal plants had significantly greater yield, relative chlorophyll content, leaf area, flower quality and element (P, N, K and Mg) content compared to non-inoculated marigold plants irrigated with or without sewage water. Furthermore, AM inoculation had highly decreased heavy metal (Zn, Co, Mn, Cu) content in tissues as compared to equivalent non-inoculated plants grown under sewage water application. Growing marigold with AM inoculum can reduce toxicity of heavy metals and enhance biomass production and P uptake. The results support the view that AM have a protective function for the host plant, hence playing a potential function in soil polluted immobilization processes, and thus are of assessing the potential of phytoremediation of heavy metals in sewage water contaminated soil.  相似文献   

AM菌对三叶草吸收、累积重金属的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用4室根箱培养系统,探讨了Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd 4种重金属复合污染土壤中,丛枝菌根菌对三叶草生长及吸收、累积重金属的作用,结果表明:重金属Cu 100mg/kg、Zn 600mg/kg、Pb 300mg/kg、Cd 10mg/kg的复合污染对三叶草生物量影响较小,但土壤重金属处理使丛枝菌根菌Glomus intraradices和Glomus caledonium对三叶草的侵染率分别降低53%和56%,菌种G.intraradice的菌丝密度降低73%;接种菌根真菌能明显减少重金属复合污染土壤中三叶草对Cu、Cd和Pb的吸收,并强化根系在限制重金属Pb和Cd向地上部运输中的作用,地上部Pb和Cd含量分别下降24.2%~55.3%和65%~97.9%,使三叶草地上部Cd和Pb含量均低于我国牧草重金属安全含量,提高了三叶草可食部分的质量;不同菌根真菌对三叶草吸收、累积及分配重金属的影响有明显差异,Glomus intraradices对减少三叶草对重金属的吸收及其在地上部可食部分的累积的作用大于Glomus caledonium。丛枝菌根菌对于强化三叶草根系对重金属的固持作用,调节生态系统中重金属的生物循环,减轻重金属对食物链的污染风险方面起着重要作用。  相似文献   

重金属对土壤微生物酶活性的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文通过含有不同浓度的铜、铅、砷、镉 4种重金属的大豆、小麦盆栽试验 ,采用气相色谱方法测定土壤微生物酶活性 .结果表明 :低浓度的重金属能够提高固氮酶和反硝化酶的活性 ,而高浓度的重金属对上述二种酶有强烈的抑制作用  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the effect of heavy‐metal contamination (Cu, Zn) on the growth of Chlorella kessleri. Two soils (Chernozem and Podzoluvisol) were contaminated with several amounts of copper and zinc (100–3000 ppm), and the effects of the soil eluates on the growth of the alga were examined over several days. The soil eluates inhibited algal growth in dependence on metal concentration and soil properties. It was shown that this algal assay, which was first developed for aquatic samples, in principle seems to be suitable also in monitoring soil contamination.  相似文献   

Controlled-release N fertilizers can affect the availability of heavy metals in the contaminated paddy soil.A soil incubation experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of prilled urea(PU),S-coated urea(SCU),and polymer-coated urea(PCU)on the solubility and availability of heavy metals Cd,Pb,Cu,and Zn in a multimetal-contaminated soil.The results showed that the application of different coated urea significantly affected the solubility and availability of heavy metals.At 5 d of incubation,the application of PU,SCU,and PCU had significantly decreased the concentrations of water-soluble and available Cd,Pb,Cu,and Zn,when compared with the control.At 60 d of incubation,the depletory effects of PU on water-soluble and available heavy metals had reduced,and the initial decrease in the concentrations of water-soluble Cd,Pb,Cu,and Zn caused by SCU had changed to an increase.The concentrations of water-soluble Pb,Cu,and Zn in the SCU-treated soil were higher than those in the control.Application with PCU led to a higher water-soluble Cu than that in the control,while the available Cd,Pb,and Zn were lower than those in the control.The effect of different coated urea was much stronger on the water solubility of the heavy metals than on their availability.The effects of controlled-release urea on the transformation of heavy metals resulted in changes in the concentrations of NH4^+,water-soluble SO4^2-,and soil p H.The results further suggested that PCU could be used in dry farming operations in multimetal-contaminated acid soils.  相似文献   

The influence of a humic deposit (Gyttja, G) alone (applied at 25 kg ha−1) and in combination with mineral fertilizer (G + NP) on soil organic matter content, pH, electrical conductivity, total N content, calcium carbonate content, enzyme activities (urease, β-glucosidase, arylsulphatase, and alkaline phosphatase), microbial biomass C, soil respiration, and availability of Cd, Pb, Ni, and Zn was examined through a 180-day incubation period and compared with the behavior of no treatment (control) and NP treatment. A significant increase in organic matter content was observed in soils treated with G + NP. Compared with G and NP alone, the G + NP-amended soils showed higher values of the selected microbiological properties.Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic-acid-extractable Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu, and Zn increased significantly with increasing rates of NP, but the addition of G + NP resulted in a considerable decrease in the amount of extractable metals during the incubation period (P<0.05). Based on these results, it can be concluded that the organic matter applied in the gyttja led to an increase in the metal adsorption capacity of the amended soils. This material can be used to reduce the availability and mobility of heavy metals in the soils intensively amended with mineral fertilizers. A combination of G with NP can, therefore, be considered as an alternative approach in the applications of organomineral fertilization.  相似文献   

土壤初始含水率对优先流的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤中优先流的存在会造成肥料利用率降低以及土壤深层甚至地下水污染.为确定土壤初始含水率对优先流的影响,通过室内含大孔隙土柱定水头入渗实验,以长武黑垆土及渭河砂土为研究对象,分析不同土壤初始含水率对优先流的影响.结果表明:1)相同质地,当土壤初始含水率大于其斥水性的峰值含水率时,湿润锋运移深度随着土壤初始含水率的增大而增大,反之湿润锋运移深度随着初始含水率的增加而减少,不同质地土壤湿润锋运移速度随土壤粉粒质量分数升高而减慢;2)累积入渗量受到土壤储水性及斥水性的双重影响,导致与湿润锋的运移趋势并不一致,黑垆土对照CK组及优先流O-C-30组(除7.04%含水率外)累积入渗量随着土壤初始含水率的增大而减小,渭河砂土CK组及O-C-30组均呈现2阶段特征,累积入渗量先随着土壤初始含水率的增加而减少,之后随土壤初始含水率的增加而增加;3)Kostiakov入渗模型能很好地拟合累积入渗量随时间的变化过程,适用于存在优先流的土壤入渗模拟.该研究结果对土壤优先流水分模拟具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of 13 years of swine‐manure application on the changes in soil hydraulic properties, and as associated physicochemical properties, with a focus on heavy metal mobility. Various soil hydraulic properties were measured, including soil water retention (SWR), saturated field hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) and unsaturated field hydraulic conductivity (Kfunsat) using a disc infiltrometer. Heavy metal mobility was evaluated with a sequential extraction procedure. At 0–30 cm soil depth in the heavily manured plot (SMhigh plot), SWR at 0 to ?100 kPa was significantly larger than in plots amended with a standard amount of manure (SMstd plot) or with chemical fertilizer (CF plot). Kfs and Kfunsat values in both manure‐amended plots were less than in the CF plot under dry soil conditions but greater than those of the CF plot under wet soil conditions. Furthermore, Kfs and Kfunsat did not necessarily increase with manure application rates. On the other hand, high‐mobility metal fractions, such as the exchangeable fraction of Zn, and the CH3CO2Na‐extractable fraction of Zn and Mn, and the metal–organic complex fractions of Zn, Cu and Mn, increased with the greater manure application rate. In addition, low‐mobility metal fractions, the organically bound fractions of Zn, Cu and Mn in the high SM plot and the easily reducible metal oxide fraction of Mn in both manure‐amended plots were probably affected and released into high‐mobility fractions. This indicated that manure application changed the soil redox conditions by improving the soil structure, depending on the water content of soil pores. Despite the reduction of Kfs and Kfunsat by heavy manure application, the transport of high‐mobility metal fractions with either surface water flow or infiltration water flow could be controlled by soil water content at the beginning of a rain or irrigation event.  相似文献   

水稻种植管理过程中水分控制关系着稻米质量安全。本研究通过田间大区试验,研究了种植根部起垄(RR)、干湿交替(IF)、长期淹水(CF)和常规管理(CK)4种水分管理模式对土壤重金属Pb、Cd和As的迁移、转运特性及对水稻质量安全的影响。结果表明:RR模式可以显著降低土壤中Pb、Cd和As含量;CF模式可显著增加土壤中Pb、Cd和As的含量;IF和CK模式下土壤重金属含量变化不显著;水分管理RR、IF和CK模式对土壤As的活度影响不大,仅CF模式可以增强As的活度;重金属Cd较Pb和As易活化,CF和CK可以显著增强其的活性,RR和IF模式对Cd的活化影响较小;重金属Pb有效态活化与水分管理模式无关;RR、IF水分管理模式可显著降低水稻根部重金属Pb、Cd和As的含量;IF模式下根上茎的重金属含量均为最高,RR模式下根上茎As的含量显著低于其他水分管理模式;RR和IF水分管理模式可以显著降低糙米中重金属的含量,低于《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量标准》(GB 2762-2017)对Pb、Cd和As的限量值,保障了糙米质量安全。RR模式对土壤中重金属从根系到茎叶的转运能力较强,从根系到糙米...  相似文献   


Soils contaminated with heavy metals constitute a serious and widespread ecological problem but to clean such soils requires strong chemicals such as polycarboxylates; frequently ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and nitrilotriacetic acid are used. However, these compounds are synthetic and toxic and their replacement by natural products such as soluble humic substances as washing agents for cleaning heavy metal polluted soils would be environmentally very attractive. In fact, such a replacement seems possible at least on cadmium and copper contaminated soil inasmuch as humic substances, depending on the concentration, were found to extract up to 45% and 54% of total cadmium and copper from a highly contaminated calcareous soil. Even though higher amounts of the two metals were extracted by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and nitrilotriacetic acid, the humic substances undoubtedly extracted the most reactive fractions. However, the humic substances extracted only 4% of total lead and 17% of total nickel, whereas the percentages for the synthetic polycarboxylates were about 30% for nickel and lead. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and nitrilotriacetic acid may therefore be replaced by humic substances as washing agents for cadmium, copper and maybe nickel contaminated soils, whereas they seem unsuited for cleaning lead contaminated soils, at least if the soils are as calcareous as the soil tested.  相似文献   


Heavy metal pollution is a widespread global problem causing serious environmental concern. Cadmium, one of the heavy metals, is water soluble and can be transferred from soil to plants and enter into the food chain. It is detrimental to human health because it accumulates in the body and can cause renal tubular dysfunction, pulmonary emphysema and osteoporosis. This heavy metal needs to be cleaned up for a clean and safe environment. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the potential of Dyera costulata as a phytoremediator to absorb cadmium from contaminated soils. Dyera costulata seedlings were planted on six different growth media (soil + different levels of cadmium): Control, 25 ppm Cd, 50 ppm Cd, 75 ppm Cd, 100 ppm Cd and 150 ppm Cd. The highest growth performance mainly height, basal diameter and number of leaves were in the control, 50 ppm Cd and 25 ppm Cd treatments, respectively. The highest accumulation of cadmium (52.9 ppm) was in the 75 ppm Cd treatment. Among the plant parts, leaves showed the highest concentration of cadmium. Dyera costulata showed high translocation factor and low bioconcentration factor values in soil at high cadmium concentrations and was also able to tolerate and accumulate high concentrations of cadmium. The roots of Dyera costulata were found to be suitable for the absorption of cadmium in contaminated soils. This species can be an efficient phytoremediator for soils contaminated with cadmium.  相似文献   

植物修复技术具有安全、环保、经济、操作简单等独特优势,符合未来重金属污染土壤修复技术的发展趋势,因而应用前景广阔、发展潜力巨大。然而,修复周期长、超富集植物生物量不足、修复效率低、修复范围有限等缺点限制了植物修复的大规模应用。因此,如何增强植物修复效果逐渐成为一个土壤修复热点问题。螯合强化能显著增加土壤中有效态重金属的含量并提高其迁移转化能力。营养元素的施加则有利于维持植物在重金属胁迫下的生长。对螯合剂和营养元素(N、P、K)强化植物修复的作用方式和强化效果进行了总结,深入分析了内在的作用机制以及影响因素,探讨了强化技术目前存在的问题,并对螯合剂与营养元素联合强化的可行性进行了展望。  相似文献   

活化磷矿粉对重金属污染土壤上莴苣生长与品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用0.5 mol/L草酸与南漳和保康两地的两种低品位磷矿粉在一定条件下混合培养后,施于重金属污染的土壤,通过盆栽试验,研究草酸活化磷矿粉对重金属污染土壤上莴苣生长和品质的影响。结果表明,盆栽试验中,与对照相比,施加磷矿粉和活化磷矿粉后,莴苣的株高、 叶片叶绿素SPAD值、 叶片和茎的维生素C含量都有不同程度的提高,其效果为活化磷矿粉>磷矿粉>对照,而叶和茎的硝酸盐含量则降低。同时,施加磷矿粉和活化磷矿粉可以提高土壤有效磷、 交换性钙、 镁含量,降低交换态重金属含量,进而降低莴苣各部分对重金属元素的吸收,如施加活化磷矿粉后莴苣根中Cd、 Cu的含量比对照最高可降低55.1%、 55.24%,地上部分中Cd、 Cu的含量比对照最高可降低59.3%、 53.4%,降低重金属含量的效果依次为活化磷矿粉>磷矿粉>对照。  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤的螯合剂诱导植物修复研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物修复作为一种生态友好型原位绿色修复技术成为重金属污染土壤修复研究的热点。然而,目前最具有推广价值的超积累植物因生物量低、生长缓慢、对重金属的积累具有专一性等缺点,大大限制了植物修复技术在重金属污染尤其是复合重金属污染土壤治理方面的推广应用。利用生长速度快、生物量大的普通植物借助其它技术辅助的联合植物修复便成了有效可行的替代途径和研究焦点。近年来,金属螯合剂诱导的化学-植物联合修复技术备受关注。本文综述了螯合剂诱导植物修复技术的研究进展、修复机理和目前存在的问题,并对该项技术的未来研究方向给予了展望。  相似文献   

The effects of modified heavy metal (HM) availability on the microbial community structure and on the microbe-mediated degradation of herbicide isoproturon (IPU) were evaluated in soil with a long-term HM contamination. The fate of 14C-ring labelled IPU was investigated for over 60 days under controlled microcosm conditions. Phosphate mineral apatite and a water solution of Pb, Zn, and Cd salts were previously homogeneously mixed into the soil material to reduce and to increase the proportion of bioavailable HM, respectively. The availability of Pb, Zn, and Cd was determined by HM fractionation and plant uptake 110 days after the addition of amendments, shortly before IPU addition. Apatite treatment reduced the availability of HM, but did not affect the microbial biomass and the microbial community structure on the genotype level (total soil DNA-RAPD). However, it changed the microbial community structure on the phenotype level, based on the composition of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) at the end of the degradation experiment. The degradation of IPU did not change. In contrast to apatite treatment, HM supplementation increased the bioavailability of Pb, Zn and Cd, which resulted in biomass reduction and changes of microbial community structure on the genotypic (total soil DNA-RAPD) and phenotypic (PLFA) level. Increased bioavailability of HM also significantly reduced the rate of IPU degradation and mineralisation. The total mineralisation over a period of 60 days decreased from 12 to 5% of initial 14C. Increased HM bioavailability did not influence the degradation pathways and kinetics of IPU.  相似文献   

王维  张金婷  王伟  周静  刘晓磊  孙华 《土壤学报》2014,51(3):547-554
在污染土壤生态修复的同时须兼顾其经济、社会效益,以提高其修复综合效益并推动修复工作的顺利开展。以贵溪市为研究区域,使用耦合模型对污染土地植物修复效益进行空间差异评价并筛选适宜的修复植物类型。研究结果显示:研究区域重金属污染土壤植物修复综合效益存在较大空间差异,其中水泉区重金属污染土壤植物修复效益最低为0.173 6,苏门区重金属污染土壤植物修复效益最高为0.835 4;九牛岗区和庞源区效益相近,效益值小于0.4,属于效益较低区块;在种植植物类型上看,混合种植的树木和乔灌木植物,能产生较好的效益,单纯种植一种植物类型,总体效益低;建议将高效益的苏门区植物类型和种植方式进行推广,并采用红叶石楠和栾树间套种植方式。  相似文献   

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