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基于森林健康理念的采伐作业技术措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述在我国实施森林健康项目的意义及森林健康理念在生态采伐中的应用,包括采伐方式、采伐强度、采伐木确定、伐木和集材技术、伐区清理、更新方式等方面的内容.认为森林健康项目的实施涉及到林权所有人的切身利益,在制定作业设计时要增加公众参与,广泛听取不同利益主体的意见.  相似文献   

本文对考虑生态的伐区作业进行探讨,提出了伐区适宜的作业面积、南方集体林区采伐方式、兼顾生态的木材生产工艺流程、采伐迹地清理方式和更新树种优选方案.  相似文献   

从分析退耕林的特点入手,对退耕林采伐的指导思想、内容及技术要点进行探讨。指出退耕林应采取生态采伐的技术模式,以减少对林地和保留木的损伤,实现林地连续覆盖,最大限度地发挥退耕林的生态保护功能。主要采伐技术要点包括采伐方式、采伐强度、采伐木和保留木的确定、集材技术、伐区清理及更新方式等内容。  相似文献   

森林作业对水土流失影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国水土流失一部分因森林作业而产生.本文分析森林作业技术中不同采伐方式、集材方式和迹地清理方式造成的不同程度水土流失的机制,提出防止因森林作业而导致水土流失措施:合理选择采伐方式,避免大强度采伐,选择对土壤破坏小的集材方式,使剩余物对雨水保持截持作用的迹地清理方式.  相似文献   

采伐迹地伐根清理机整体设计的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在采伐剩余物中,伐根占有相当大的比重.伐区的伐根蓄积量很大,用途广(伐根可用于硫酸盐纸浆生产、微生物工业和制造木塑料等),将伐根取出利用经济效益极为可观.伐根清除后的林地易于人工更新造林,可有效利用林地,并可清除繁殖在伐根上损害树木的病虫害和真菌.在我国原始林区和人工林中,伐根清理很少,一般留在采伐迹地任其腐朽.所以,伐根清理是高效利用伐区剩余物和伐区边地更新造林的关键.采用机械化、自动化清理采伐迹地上的伐根,使采伐剩余物得以充分利用,对森林生态环境保护,促进人工更新造林,减轻工人劳动强度,保证…  相似文献   

论伐区生产与林业可持续发展(150232)黑龙江省山河屯林业局丛雪峰1前言伐区木材生产是森工产业平衡发展的重要组成部分,它包括伐区调查设计、准备作业、采伐作业、集材作业、归装作业和采伐迹地清理等内容。伐区生产是企业主要生产经营活动,是企业财力的主要来...  相似文献   

森林采伐对森林生态因子的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文系统地介绍了森林采伐后,各项生态因子的变化情况,通过皆伐区,择伐区、对照区各项同生态因子的比较,认为森林采伐对森林生态因子有明显的影响,对生态环境具有破坏作用森林皆伐后,林地光照、地表月平均最高气温、月平均蒸发量都显著高于对照区,森林采伐后失去了保水、保土的作用,使森地土壤及氮、磷、钾、有机质等养分大量流失;森林采伐后下草、下土也发生明显的变化,喜光植物代替耐荫植物侵入并成为优势种,给人工更新的和幼林抚育带来困难,择伐方式比皆伐方式破坏环境轻。  相似文献   

森林采伐是森林经营中的一个关键环节。采伐对树木天然更新的影响直接关系到森林的结构、组成及森林的可持续经营。本文以长白山阔叶红松林为研究对象,对择伐5 年后不同作业迹地(集材道、楞场和采伐后林窗)的幼苗更新及灌木、草本的多样性进行研究,并以没有进行采伐干扰的林地作为对照。共设计样地23 块,在各个小样地内调查幼树的种类、树木、高度;灌木和草本植物的种类、树木、高度和盖度,应用SPSS 软件进行一元方差分析。结果表明,择伐作业影响幼苗的更新,灌木和草本的多样性在作业迹地增加,尤其在林隙处的多样性最高。适当采伐能促进幼苗的更新,特别是阔叶树种的更新。集材道对幼苗密度的影响比对幼苗高度的影响大,幼苗密度在集材道上密度最高;采伐作业对针叶树种有严重的影响,在三种作业迹地上针叶树种的密度都比对照低。为了维持森林的结构和组成,在森林收获和楞场的建立时,必须采取科学措施保护针叶树种。此外,采伐林窗和楞场的面积都应该减小。为了确保采伐迹地建群树种的更新,经营中应该在保护生物多样性的前提下,适当控制过于旺盛的灌木和草本层的生长。本研究结果将为采伐后作业迹地的恢复和森林的可持续经营提供科学的依据。图1 表4 参14。  相似文献   

从营林为基础的观点讲,可以把采伐作业看做是营造新林的第一道工序。而采伐迹地的清理。又是伐区作业的最后工序。因此,为了减轻采伐作业对森林环境的破坏和尽快的恢复起一代新林,为伐后保留木的生存和生长以及人工更新创造有利条件。采伐迹地的清理应满足如下要求:  相似文献   

关于天然林采伐工程与迹地生态系统恢复的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天然林采伐工程从策划到作业都应考虑迹地生态系统保护和恢复,要用系统工程的方法,控制好每个环节。主伐区划要充分考虑迹地更新造林的特性要求和抚育的特性要求;采伐方式的确定应着眼于生态系统的整体性和稳定性的保护;天然林木材采伐工程作业过程,无论是采伐木的确定、树倒方向的控制还是集材作业每个单元过程,都应树立迹地生态系统保护和恢复的思想。  相似文献   

新西兰森林采伐管理制度的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了新西兰天然林和人工林不同的采伐管理制度,结合我国实际,提出完善生态效益补偿机制和健全限额管理制度、转换政府在采伐管理中的角色、建立森林分类管理和分树种控制采伐量等建设性的建议。  相似文献   

合理的森林采伐能开发利用森林资源,促进林木生长,但盲目采伐会导致生态环境的破坏。以生命周期评价法的B2B(business-to-business)模式为基础,采用过程分析法,核算森林采运过程各阶段的温室气体排放量。结果表明:采运过程中产生的碳排放约为7.530 6~11.659 8 kg/m3,约占其固碳能力的2.2%~5.7%;燃油消耗是最主要的碳排放源,CO2是其排放的最主要温室气体,碳排放量与集运材距离呈正相关;采伐段碳排放最少,仅0.573 6 kg/m3,索道集材、拖拉机集材排放分别是采伐段的1.04、1.72倍,运材段产生的排放量最多,当运材距离为40 km时,汽车运材和农用车运材排放量分别是采伐段的11.1和17.6倍;油锯采伐+索道集材+汽车运材为最优作业模式。研究结果可为森工作业的减排提供理论参考。  相似文献   

谭俊  仲莉娜 《森林工程》1995,11(1):8-12
文内给出了国内外对森林发展与自然保护,森林经济效益与生态效益,问题的各种观点,指出了这些观点的片面与不足,运用唯物辨证法的哲学原理对森林采运与森林生态的证关系进行了分析,指出二者是对立统一的关系,并进行了深刻的阐述,为合理利用森林资源,兼顾森林经济效益与生态效益提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

In the last three decades, Amazon tropical forests have experienced high rates of deforestation, both by clearing for agriculture and by logging. In this study, we use computer simulations to examine the potential effects of forest logging on genetic diversity and demographic recovery (basal area development) of four neotropical tree species over a time frame reflecting multiple logging events. The study species, Bagassa guianensis Aubl., Hymenaea courbaril L., Manilkara huberi (Ducke) Chevalier, and Symphonia globulifera L.f., are all taxa which are commonly exploited for timber in the Brazilian Amazon. The simulations were parameterized using empirical data from field studies in the Tapajós National Forest, Pará State, Brazil, including genotypes at microsatellite loci, demography, ecology and growth for each species. Eight scenarios, combining two different cutting cycles and two minimum cutting diameters, were examined for each of the four species. The scenarios represent the actual forest practices used in Brazil and French Guiana (cutting diameter 45 and 60 cm, and cutting cycle of 30 and 65 years, respectively). Logging scenarios were applied for six cutting cycles, and final genetic and demographic data were compared to baseline data from corresponding control scenarios. At the end of the simulated period the basal area was strongly reduced under all conditions in B. guianensis, H. courbaril, and M. huberi. In only two scenarios was a species able to recover its basal area following logging (S. globulifera with both 45- and 60-cm cutting diameters under a 65-year cutting cycle). In the logging scenarios, all species showed a loss of alleles and genotypes and an increased genetic distance (calculated between each population at the start and the end of the simulations). These effects were higher under the most intensive logging cycles (30 years, 45 cm). However, effective number of alleles, expected and observed heterozygosities, and the fixation index were little affected by the logging simulations. Over all, we conclude that, even under very optimistic conditions for growth and recruitment, current logging practices are not sustainable in terms of basal area. Our simulations show that different species respond differently to logging, both demographically and genetically. No single set of logging parameters can be applied to the forest as a whole. Rather, forest management practices must be species-specific, taking into account not only growth parameters but also ecological and reproductive variables, in order to move toward long-term forest sustainability.  相似文献   

黄晓山  李泽厚 《林业科技》1994,19(1):49-52,54
本文对利用轻型绞盘机小集中作用进行了探讨。该方法对目前实行的大面积低强度择伐,低产林抚育和人工林间伐集材作业方式的改革将起到推进作用。  相似文献   

确定合理采伐量调整森林结构、实现永续利用的强大手段,文章对用材林森林采伐量测算系统采用的参数、测算方法按不同资源分布情况进行系统分析,并通过对采伐量的控制和论证方法论述,最终能够确定科学合理的一般用材林森林采伐量。以此供大兴安岭地区经营单位用材林森林采伐量测算参考。  相似文献   

The eastern Canadian boreal forest exhibits a specific disturbance regime where forest fires are less frequent than in the western part. This particularity may explain the abundance of irregular stands with distinct ecological features. To ensure sustainable forest management, these characteristics require the implementation of an adapted silviculture regime. In this context, two selection cutting methods were developed and compared with more conventional techniques, initially designed for cutting more regular stands of the boreal forest (cutting leaving small merchantable stems, careful logging preserving advance regeneration). The comparison focused on the capacity of treatments to maintain the primary attributes of irregular boreal forests, including complex vertical structure, abundant tree cover, species composition, and an abundance of dead wood. Mortality and regeneration processes were also compared.  相似文献   

Different forest fires causing different degrees of effects occur in fire-sensitive forests due to various reasons such as climate change.Useful as well as harmful aspects of forest fires are a multi-disciplinary research topic.Geographical information systems(GIS) and remote sensing(RS) methods offer a number of benefits for researchers and operators in the field of forest fire research.The present study analyses timber pricing based on forest contractor demands of post-salvage logging processes.The effect of timber obtained from compartment units on producers' pricing policy was modelled.Sapadere forest fire area(2500 ha)located in Antalya in Turkey was selected as the main study area.Topography parameters(aspect,slope and slope position),stand types(diameter class and crown closure),and burn severity were analyzed together using GIS and R software packages.A multi-linear regression model(R~2=0.752)demonstrated that factors that had the most impact on pricing were slope position,aspect,stand age,crown closure and burn severity.This model can be used to estimate salvage logging prices in Calabrian pine(Pinus brutia Ten.) stands with similar parameters.Forest administrators and contractors may readily address the unit price of timber by estimating approximate costs in a given forest area for which they are going to bid.This will help reduce operational planning times of harvesting procedures in burned stands.  相似文献   

人工商品林的合理采伐是实现森林的社会、经济、生态三大效益,缓解木材供需矛盾的有效手段,也是合理经营森林的重要途径。本文阐述了贵州省2003—2004年天保工程区人工商品林采伐试点的必要性和实施情况,总结了采伐试点取得的成效,对采伐实施中存在的问题进行了分析探讨并提出了建议。  相似文献   

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