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Paleosol studies of archaeological monuments of different ages have been conducted on the Transural Plateau. The morphological and physicochemical properties of paleosols under burial mounds (kurgans) of the Early Iron Age (the fifth and fourth centuries BC) were compared with the properties of background surface soils. A paleosol of the Savromat epoch (2500 BP) is characterized by high contents of gypsum and soluble salts. The presence of humus tongues in its profile attests to the aridity and continentality of the climatic conditions during that epoch. Paleosols buried under kurgans of the Late Sarmatian epoch and the Hun epoch (about 1600 BP) are characterized by a higher content of humus and greater depth of the carbonate horizon, which attests to the humidization of climatic conditions. The evolution of soils as related to climate dynamics in the first millennium BC and the first millennium AD is characterized. 相似文献
N. N. Kashirskaya T. E. Khomutova T. S. Demkina V. A. Demkin 《Eurasian Soil Science》2009,42(5):536-542
The total microbial biomass (TMB) was assessed in the chestnut and light chestnut soils and in the paleosols under burial mounds (steppe kurgans) in the Lower Volga region on the basis of data on the organic carbon content in the extracted microbial fraction supplemented with the data on the extraction completeness as a conversion coefficient. The completeness of the microbial fraction extraction was determined by direct counting of the microbial cells and colony-forming units (on plates with soil agar). The total microbial biomass varied from 400 to 6600 μg of C/soil. Its values in the buried soils were 3–5 times lower than those in the surface soils. The TMB distribution in the buried chestnut soil profile was close to that in its modern analogue (with the minimum in the B1 horizon). In the buried light chestnut paleosols, the TMB values usually increased down the profile; in the recent light chestnut soils, the maximum TMB values were found in the uppermost horizon. 相似文献
A comparative analysis of the state of microbial communities in kurgans, paleosols buried under them, and background surface soils in the dry steppe zone of the Lower Volga region has been performed. It is shown that the population density of microorganisms of various trophic groups in the kurgans is an order of magnitude lower than that in the A1 horizon of the corresponding buried paleosols and background surface soils within the areas of chestnut, light chestnut, and solonetzic soils. The respiration activity of the microbial communities in the upper layer of the kurgans is comparable with that in the A1 horizons of the background surface soils; it decreases in the deeper layers of the kurgans. In the A1 horizon of the buried paleosols, the respiration activity is approximately the same as in the deep layers of the kurgans. In the buried paleosols, the spatial variability in the numbers of soil microorganisms is approximately the same or somewhat higher than that in the background surface soils. The spatial variability in the respiration activity of the buried paleosols is two to four times higher than that in the background surface soils. 相似文献
O. S. Khokhlova A. A. Khokhlov O. A. Chichagova A. M. Kuznetsova S. A. Oleinik 《Eurasian Soil Science》2008,41(9):923-936
Carbonate concentrations in a chronosequence of paleosols buried under kurgans in the North Caucasus region at the end of the 4th century and the first half of the 5th century AD have been studied with the use of a set of morphological and isotopic methods. It is demonstrated that morphologically different phases of calcite—the collomorphic phase and the crystalline phase—in carbonate pedofeatures (calcareous pseudomycelium) and in the calcareous horizon have different elemental compositions and different isotopic compositions of carbon. Hence, these forms of calcite should have different origins. An addition of colloidal carbonates migrating in colloidal solutions from the lower soil horizons to the surface horizons during the periods of climatic aridization to the acicular calcite may be responsible for a sharp and irregular increase in the radiocarbon age of the newly formed carbonate pseudomycelium. 相似文献
The chemical and mineralogical compositions and the contents and properties of the organic matter were studied in the paleosols of different ages buried under the kurgan group “Kalmykia” in the southern part of the Ergeni Upland. The investigated sequence of soils included profiles developed on the given territory about 5100, 4410, 4260, 4120, 3960, and 600 yrs ago. The background light chestnut soil was also examined. The results of our study showed that the earlier established climate changes in this area during the second half of the Holocene are reflected in the chemical and mineralogical compositions of the soils. These characteristics can be used as indicators of the paleoclimatic conditions together with some petrophysical characteristics, such as the magnetic susceptibility of the soil samples. The study of the mineralogical composition of the clay fraction of the paleosols attests to the transformation of the smectitic phase, accumulation of illites, and destruction of chlorites manifested at different degrees. It is argued that the geochemical indices—CIA, Al2O3/(CaO + MgO + K2O + Na2O), Rb/Sr, and Ba/Sr—are sensitive to climate changes and reflect the transformation of the mineral soil mass and the soil genesis. 相似文献
The microbial communities were studied in the modern and buried under kurgans (1st century AD) soils of solonetzic complexes on the dry steppes of the northern part of the Yergeni Upland. It was found that the changes in the numbers of microorganisms from different trophic groups and in the biomass of the fungal mycelium along the profiles of the modern and buried solonetzic chestnut soils and solonetzes do not differ significantly. The quantitative estimate of the impact of the solonetzic process on the spatial variability of the microbiological parameters of the soils was given on the basis of the ANOVA. As a rule, the values of the microbiological parameters in all the horizons of the modern and buried chestnut soils were 1.2–2.8 times higher than those in the modern and buried solonetzes. The influence of the degree of solonetzicity of the buried paleosols on the microbiological parameters manifested itself in the entire profile, though in each particular horizon it was only seen in the numbers of some particular trophic groups of microorganisms. The comparison between the mean weighted values of the microbiological parameters in the entire soil profiles (the A1 + B1 + B2 horizons) demonstrated an inverse relationship between the population density of the microorganisms utilizing easily available organic matter and the degree of solonetzicity of the buried paleosols. The maximum biomass of the fungal mycelium was found in the solonetzic chestnut paleosol; it exceeded the biomass of the fungal mycelium in the other paleosols (which did not differ significantly in that parameter from one another) by 1.5–1.6 times. 相似文献
The contents of fungal mycelium have been studied in paleosols of ancient archeological monuments and in surface soils within the steppe, dry steppe, and desert zones of European Russia, on the Stavropol, Privolzhskaya, and Ergeni uplands. The buried paleosols date back to the Bronze Age (4600–4500 and 4000–3900 BP), the Early Iron Age (1900–1800 BP), and the early 18th century (1719–1721). The fungal mycelium has been found in all these paleosols. The biomass of fungal mycelium varies from 2 to 124 μg/g of soil. The distribution patterns of fungal mycelium in the profiles of buried paleosols and surface soils have been identified. It is shown that the dark-colored mycelium is typical of the ancient paleosols. In some cases, the content of the dark-colored mycelium in them may reach 100% of the total mycelium biomass. 相似文献
Experiments on small (about 10 m in length) runoff plots on slopes of 1°–3° subjected to sprinkler irrigation in the southern Cis-Ural forest-steppe region showed that the formation of surface runoff is controlled by the intensity and character (intermittence) of sprinkler irrigation, its duration, and the state of the soil surface. On the clay-illuvial moderately leached agrochernozem, the surface runoff is developed after 14?20 h of irrigation imitating heavy rain (180–210 mm rainfall), after 15 min (24 mm) under shower, and after 10 min (23 mm) under heavy shower. Runoff appeared on the plowed plots unprotected by plants after 100–140 mm of heavy rainfall 6 h earlier than on the fallow plot; in the case of shower and heavy shower on the unprotected plot, it appeared virtually immediately. Turbidity of runoff flows gradually increased after the beginning of runoff under heavy rain and sharply increased under heavy shower. After reaching its maximum, it decreased. The contents of fine fractions, humus, and nutrients in the solid runoff (drift) were higher under lower rain intensity (heavy rain) than under showers and heavy showers; they were higher in all the drifts than in the soil on the adjacent slope. Long (about 24 h) continuous artificial heavy rain (0.17–0.22 mm/min) caused slight soil compaction and some improvement of the structure of the surface soil layer both on the fallow plots and on the plowed plots. 相似文献
In soils developed from the red-earth deposits in the Cis-Ural region (Perm oblast), hematite does not ensure the theoretically possible redness due to the concealing effect of rivaling pigments, i.e., humus in the upper horizons and Fe(II) in the gleyed horizons. The soil color depends on the minimal (spring) values of the hydrogen partial pressure index rHmin rather than on the average value of this index rHav. The hematite content decreases in the gleyed and humus horizons (despite the absence of the morphological features of gley in the latter due to the concealing effect of humus). The gley horizons are heterogeneous with respect to the state of iron. Upon the maximum wetting in the gley horizons of the mucky-humus gley soil, hematite is being reduced to Fe(II), which is proved by the low values of rHmin (<19). In a less humified dark humus gley soil, the values of rHmin exceed 19, which points to the inherited gley features in this soil. In the mucky-humus gley soil, an inverse dependence between the magnetic susceptibility χ and EHmin is observed upon EHmin <320 mV. In this case, the degree of reduction of the highly magnetic iron oxides rises from 0.3 to 1.0 due to a decreasing portion of maghemite γFe2O3 and an increasing portion of magnetite Fe3O4. 相似文献
A chronosequence of five Visean (Aleksinian–Venevian interval, C1v, 326–336 Mya) paleosols on the territory of Moscow calcareous sedimentary basin (Brontsy quarry, Kaluga region) was studied in detail. Two lowermost paleosols are coastal peat-bearing paleosols developed under mangrove vegetation. Three upper paleosols develop pedocomplexes, in which the lower part is the marine limestone altered to different degrees by weathering/pedogenesis with the formation of eroded Rendzina-type soil. It is overlain by paleosols developed from terrigenous sediments of playa origin. They are characterized by elevated concentrations of Fe, Mg, Ti, Ga, and some other elements; the formation of secondary micritic carbonates, iron oxides, and smectites; and increased values of geochemical indexes (such as CIA-K). Smectite (low-charged beidellite) predominates in these paleosols. Iron oxides are represented by goethite and lepidocrocite attesting to the predominance of oxygenic environments. Pedocomplex at the Mikhaylovian/Venevian boundary is overlain by non-marine palustrine deposits known as “black rhizoidal limestone.” The paleoclimate reconstruction based on the chemical composition data attests to its polycyclic character. The Mikhaylovian time was most humid was (~1000 mm/yr). Later, starting from Venevian, gradual aridization of the climate began and annual precipitation decreased to 750 mm/yr and less. 相似文献
It has been revealed that, in the years when the freezing depth of leached chernozems on slopes in the southern Cis-Ural region is in the range of 30–38 cm, no surface runoff is observed in the spring regardless of the snow cover, soil wetting, or vegetation; the critical freezing depth under forest is half that on the open surfaces. When the freezing depth is deeper, the critical volume of the spring runoff is mainly determined by the meteorological conditions, the water permeability of the soil, and its protection by plants. 相似文献
Modern light chestnut and chestnut soils and their analogues buried under steppe kurgans in the southeastern part of the Russian
Plain were studied in order to determine the rates of the CO2 production by these soils under the native (with the natural moisture content) and moistened (60% of the total water capacity)
conditions. It was found that the rates of the CO2 production by the soil samples in the native state are relatively close to one another and vary from 0.3 to 1.4 μg of C/100
g of soil/h. The rates of the CO2 production in the moistened state increased by two orders of magnitude for the modern surface soils and by an order of magnitude
for the buried soils. 相似文献
The structural state of modern (surface) soils and the soils buried under Anna Ioannovna??s rampart (1718?C1720) was studied. These soils are the components of solonetzic soil complexes in the southern Privolzhskaya Upland. The dehumification and the high content of calcium in the exchange complex determine the state of the macrostructure of the chestnut soil buried about 300 years ago. The dehumification drastically lowers the water stability of the soil aggregates, and the predominance of calcium ions in the soil exchange complex prevents the destruction of the chestnut paleosol aggregates and preserves their aggregate state upon moistening. For the last 300 years, no significant changes in the macrostructure of the solonetzes have been observed. 相似文献
Long-term studies of changes in the properties of solonetzic soil complexes of the dry steppe zone under anthropogenic impacts (deep plowing, surface leveling, irrigation, and post-irrigation use) have been performed on the Privolzhskaya sand ridge and the Khvalyn and Ergeni plains. The natural morphology of solonetzic soils was strongly disturbed during their deep ameliorative plowing. At present, the soil cover consists of solonetzic agrozems (Sodic Protosalic Cambisols (Loamic, Aric, Protocalcic)), textural (clay-illuvial) calcareous agrozems (Eutric Cambisols (Loamic, Aric, Protocalcic)), agrosolonetzes (Endocalcaric Luvisols (Loamic, Aric, Cutanic, Protosodic), agrochestnut soils (Eutric Cambisols (Siltic, Aric)), and meadowchestnut soils (Haplic Кastanozems). No features attesting to the restoration of the initial profile of solonetzes have been found. The dynamics of soluble salts and exchangeable sodium differ in the agrosolonetzes and solonetzic agrozems. A rise in pH values takes place in the middle part of the soil profiles on the Khvalyn and Ergeni plains. 相似文献
N. N. Kashirskaya T. E. Khomutova V. V. Dmitriev V. I. Duda N. E. Suzina V. A. Demkin 《Eurasian Soil Science》2010,43(10):1140-1149
The morphology of microbial cells was studied, and the biomass of microorganisms was estimated in the modern steppe soils
and paleosols buried under kurgans in the Lower Volga region with the methods of electron microscopy. The shape and ultrastructure
of the cells in the modern soils and paleosols were similar, though their average volumes differed (0.37 and 0.28 μm3, respectively). The portion of cells with a volume above 1 μm3 in the surface soils and paleosols reached 10.9 and 9.2%, respectively, and the portion of cells with a volume less than
0.01 μm3 in the surface soils was 10% lower than that in the buried paleosols. It was found that the cells of the microorganisms have
an external organomineral layer, which increases the cell volume by 4.9 times, and this fact was taken into account in the
calculation of the microbial biomass. In the chestnut and light chestnut paleosols, the latter comprised 1500 and 230 μg of
C/g soil, respectively. 相似文献
The contents and distribution patterns of alkali and alkaline earth metals in soils and rocks of the southern Cis-Ural region were studied. A database on the contents of these metals was developed, the soils were classified with respect to their provision with these metals, and corresponding schematic maps showing their distribution in soils of the region were compiled. It was found that the contents of these metals decrease from east to west (from the Yuryuzan–Aisk Piedmont Plain to the Ufa Plateau and to the Belebeevsk Upland), and their distribution patterns change. Among alkali metals, the highest accumulation in the soils is typical of potassium, sodium, and cesium; among alkaline earth metals, of strontium and barium. 相似文献
Temporal changes of eroded soils depending on their agricultural use in the southern Cis-Ural region
I. M. Gabbasova R. R. Suleimanov I. K. Khabirov M. A. Komissarov M. Fruehauf P. Liebelt T. T. Garipov L. V. Sidorova F. Kh. Khaziev 《Eurasian Soil Science》2016,49(10):1204-1210
Temporal changes of eroded soils in the southern Cis-Ural region (Republic of Bashkortostan) depending on their agricultural use during the period from 1975 to 2011 were studied. In the northern foreststeppe zone, the development of erosion processes was retarded upon the use of soil-saving management practices and grain-fallow-grass crop rotations. In slightly eroded light gray forest soils (Eutric Retisols (Cutanic)), the thickness of humus-accumulative horizons and the content of humus increased; the conversion of cropland into permanent fallow was found to be the most efficient measure to control soil erosion. In podzolized chernozems (Luvic Greyzemic Chernic Phaeozems) and typical chernozems (Haplic Chernozems) of the Cis-Ural steppe, the content of humus in the plow layer under grain-row crop rotation and classical soil management decreased, especially in moderately eroded soils. The development of water and wind erosion on slopes depended on the slope shape: the texture of soils at different degrees of erosion on slopes with free runoff became coarser by one gradation after 35 years; in the presence of linear obstacles in the lower part of slopes, the content of fine fractions in moderately and strongly eroded soils increased. 相似文献
Forms of heavy metal compounds in soils of the steppe zone 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
T. M. Minkina G. V. Motuzova O. G. Nazarenko V. S. Kryshchenko S. S. Mandzhieva 《Eurasian Soil Science》2008,41(7):708-716
A parallel scheme of extractions was used for determining heavy metal compounds in uncontaminated and artificially contaminated soils of Rostov oblast. A method for calculating the contents of complex and specifically adsorbed metal compounds from the difference in their concentrations in different extracts was suggested. It was found that the portion of firmly fixed metal compounds decreases and the portion of potentially mobile (exchangeable, complex, and specifically adsorbed) metal compounds increases with an increase in the degree of contamination of chernozems and chestnut soils with lead, copper, and zinc over a one-to two-year-long observation period. This was due to the capacity of heavy metal ions to substitute for the exchangeable cations in the exchange complex of the studied soils, to form complexes with the soil organic matter, and to participate in the specific adsorption. Some differences in the behavior of different metals were found. 相似文献
T. S. Demkina T. E. Khomutova N. N. Kashirskaya I. V. Stretovich V. A. Demkin 《Eurasian Soil Science》2010,43(2):194-201
Microbiological studies of the paleosols of archeological monuments (burial mounds) of the Neolithic, Bronze, Early Iron,
and Middle Ages (the fourth millennium BC to the fourteenth century AD) located in the dry and desert steppe of the Lower
Volga River basin were conducted. The microbial communities that existed at the time of creating the burial mounds were shown
to be preserved up to the present time. This fact was confirmed by the regularities of the distribution of the microorganisms
in the “mound-buried soil” system and by the data on the determination of the age for the microbial fraction of the paleosols
using the method of 14C atomic mass spectrometry. The total biomass of the microbial communities in the paleosols amounted to 20–40% of the microbial
biomass in their background analogues. In all the paleosols, a special pool of viable microorganisms was present. In the microbial
community of the paleosols, the biomass of the active microorganisms corresponded to 0.30–41.0% of the biomass in the present-day
soil; the content of mycelium of microscopic fungi composed 43–50% of that in the recent soil. In the mycelium structure in
the paleosols, the share of the dark-colored mycelium increased to 98–100%. The microbiological parameters that give a contrasting
characterization of the state of the microbial communities in the soils during the arid and humid climatic periods were revealed.
The changes of the arid and humid climatic epochs were reflected in the structure of the microbial communities in the paleosols
at the ecological-trophic, metabolic, and genetic levels. 相似文献
F. N. Lisetskii 《Eurasian Soil Science》2008,41(8):805-817
Virgin, cultivated, and old-arable soils have been studied in the area of Olbia, one of the antique poleis in the northern part of the Black Sea region. It is shown that the soils cultivated during the antique time still preserve some features differing them from their virgin analogues. In the course of agrogenic evolution, progressive changes in the morphology of dry steppe soils are not accompanied by the improvement of soil aggregation at lower levels. Macromorphological indices attest to the enhanced development of humification processes and leaching of carbonates and soluble salts in the soils cultivated during the antique time. At the same time, a number of soil degradation processes are vividly manifested in the cultivated soils. It is suggested that this process can be referred to as the soil allopseudomorphosis. 相似文献