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Abstract – The relationships between size and age at smolting and juvenile growth rates were examined for 13 populations of white-spotted charr ( Salvelinus leucomaenis ). Mean smolt length (ranging 142–210 mm in fork length) and smolt age (2.4–3.7 years) varied significantly among populations and there was a significant negative relationship between smolt length and age. Mean smolt length was positively correlated with mean specific growth rate from age 0 to 1 year, whereas mean smolt age was negatively correlated with specific growth rate. The present study shows that the freshwater environment conditions operating on juvenile growth are important for moulding the phenotypic characteristics of size and age at smolting.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Stocking of exogenous, hatchery-reared white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis has been conducted throughout much of their range in Honshu Island, Japan, to increase angling opportunities. Although the native charr populations are thought to have declined because of hybridization with introduced fish, their distribution and genetic status have been uncertain. Fine population structures of charr in the upper Tone River drainage were examined using mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite analyses so as to clarify the presence of native populations. One common mtDNA haplotype was detected in all populations in the Ohashi River and Watarase River, and four and one tributary populations were monomorphic for such haplotypes, respectively. However, several haplotypes, considered to have originated from stocked hatchery fish, were observed in the stocked and the remaining populations. Judging from the genetic integrity over a fine geographic scale, the former were considered as indicative of native populations and the latter as admixtures with hatchery fish. Comparisons of genetic diversity, deviations from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, principal component analysis, and relatedness estimations based on microsatellite DNA can also provide evidence for distinguishing native populations from those influenced by hatchery fish.  相似文献   

Anadromous Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, feed in the marine environment for several months during the summer and migrate back to fresh water in late summer to spawn and/or overwinter. While overwintering, anadromous Arctic charr are generally believed to reduce or cease feeding, and they are poorly described in their winter movement activity. This study used telemetry data collected from two locations to describe overwintering movement activity, including interindividual variation. Movement activity declined markedly during the ice‐covered period, suggesting opportunistic maintenance feeding was used as an energy conservation strategy. Fall and spring movement was correlated with daylight hours, and ice break‐up had a significant effect on the timing of outmigration. Movement activity was negatively correlated with body length, with smaller individuals being more active than larger fish. Although general activity patterns were evident, there were significant differences among individuals, particularly during spring immediately prior to lake departure. Lake size and individual differences in metabolic rate may account for some of this variation.  相似文献   

Abstract– The cannibalistic response of four domesticated Arctic charr stocks were compared experimentally using a radiographic technique. Charr from Arctic Spitsbergen (80°N) consistently exhibited a much higher frequency of cannibalistic response than fish from three charr strains from mainland Norway (70°N). The results indicate that the extent of cannibalistic feeding in Arctic charr is population specific and support the hypothesis that charr from Arctic populations have stronger cannibalistic tendencies than do fish from more temperate regions.  相似文献   

Abstract – This article extends the logic of a habitat selection model (Hughes, Ecology , 1998) to make predictions about the way body size will influence the probability that fish will make a long distance interannual movement, from the feeding position it occupies in one summer to the position it occupies the next. The model predicts that the probability of this kind of movement will fall as fish grow and reach zero for the largest fish in the population. I tested these predictions using data on Arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus in the lower 140 km of a 260-km-long interior Alaskan river. Both predictions of the model were well supported by the data. As expected, the probability a fish will make a long-distance interannual movement decreased with fish size, and the largest fish in the population had a movement probability of zero. NOTE  相似文献   

There is concern that expanding beaver (Castor fiber) populations will negatively impact the important economic, recreational and ecological resources of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and sea trout (Salmo trutta) populations in Europe. We studied how beaver dams influenced habitat, food resources, growth and movement of juvenile Atlantic salmon and trout on three paired beaver-dammed and beaver-free (control) tributaries of important salmon rivers in central Norway. Lotic reaches of beaver-dammed and control sites were similar in habitat and benthic prey abundance, and ponds were small (<3,000 m2). Though few juvenile salmonids were detected in ponds, trout and salmon were present in habitats below and above ponds (comprising 9%–31% and 0%–57% of the fish collected respectively). Trout dominated control sites (79%–99%), but the greatest proportion of Atlantic salmon were upstream of beaver ponds (0%–57%). Growth rates were highly variable, with no differences in growth between lotic reaches of beaver-dammed and control sites. The condition and densities of juvenile salmon and trout were similar in lotic reaches of beaver-dammed and control sites, though one beaver-dammed site with fine sediment had very few juvenile salmonids. Beaver dams did not block the movement of juvenile salmonids or their ability to use upstream habitats. However, the degree of repeated movements and the overall proportion of fish moving varied between beaver-dammed and control sites. The small scale of habitat alteration and the fact that fish were able to move past dams makes it unlikely that beaver dams negatively impact the juvenile stage of salmon or trout populations.  相似文献   

Abstract – Owing to limited knowledge of the habitat use and diet of juvenile Arctic charr from the High Arctic, particularly young‐of‐the‐year (YOY), we assembled data obtained from samples taken in and around Lake Hazen, Nunavut, Canada, to assess juvenile habitat use and feeding. Juvenile charr demonstrated a preference for stream environments, particularly those fed by warm upstream ponds. Charr occupying both stream and nearshore lake habitats were found to feed similarly, with chironomids occurring most frequently in diets. Some older stream‐dwelling charr preyed on smaller, younger Arctic charr. Preferred stream occupancy is likely mediated by physical barriers created mainly by water velocity, and by distance from the lake, lake‐ice dynamics, low water depth, and turbidity. Water velocities resulted in stream habitat segregation by size, with YOY mainly found in low‐velocity pools and back eddies adjacent to stream banks, but not in water velocities >0.1 m·s?1. Greatest charr densities in streams were found in small, shallow, slow‐flowing side channels, which are highly susceptible to drought. Under predicted climate change scenarios, streams fed by small ponds will be susceptible to intermittent flow conditions, which could result in increased competition among juvenile charr for the remaining stream habitats. In addition, glacier‐fed streams are likely to experience increased flow conditions that will exacerbate physical barriers created by water velocity and further reduce the availability of preferred stream habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract – Stable oxygen isotopes (δ18O) derived from otoliths were used to estimate mean annual water temperatures experienced by individual Svalbard Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), during their first four growth seasons. The analysed Arctic charr experienced a high variety of temperatures, indicating the use of different thermal habitats. A higher proportion of the juveniles experienced warmer temperatures during their first summer compared with later summers, suggesting the selective use of the shallowest littoral areas of the lake. Although the estimated temperatures were consistent with water temperatures found in High Arctic rivers and lakes during summer, they did not represent the annual variation in air temperature registered over the 20 years of otolith measurement. Furthermore, summer otolith increment width did not correlate with the experienced temperature. However, after the second year, otolith increment width was highly dependent on increment width during the previous summer. This study estimated mean summer water temperatures experienced by individual Arctic charr during the first four growth seasons providing additional evidence that stable oxygen isotope analysis can be used to provide insight into the thermal habitat use by juvenile Arctic charr.  相似文献   

Abstract –  In this study, we synthesised the views of 34 participants in a workshop to consider the status and future conservation and management of the Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus L.). These are expressed as a series of resolutions deriving from a conference on Arctic charr conservation held in Perth, Scotland in June 2004. Agreed resolutions from the conference were as follows. (i) The unique diversity of Arctic charr should be recognised for the contribution it makes to biodiversity of northern aquatic communities. (ii) The recognition by the public, nongovernmental organisations and national governments of the importance of Arctic charr in northern ecosystems is an important step to the management and protection that should be pursued. (iii) The taxonomic status of highly variable charr populations requires to be reviewed. (iv) There should be a separate system, complementary to the taxonomic one, which systematically catalogues the biological diversity of S. alpinus . (v) The Arctic charr provides a unique natural resource to study the process of evolution and this requires the highest level of protection from anthropogenic effects. (vi) The status of conservation policy for Arctic charr needs to be urgently reviewed to take account of its unique position in the fauna.  相似文献   

Abstract – The residency and movement of stream-dwelling adult (2+ and older) Japanese charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis , were studied by mark and recapture experiments in the Jadani Stream, a headwater tributary of the Tedori River, central Japan, from 1986 to 1989. Of the marked fish, 31.3–58.3% were recaptured in the same pools where they had been caught during the study periods of summer (June–August), autumn (August–November) and winter–spring (November to the next June) and no seasonal movement was observed. The mean distances that the fish moved during the study periods ranged from 139.0 to 502.3 m and many movements longer than 1000 m were observed. Between the resident and the moved fish, there was little difference in body length, growth rate or sex. For the fish that had been resident in the same pools and riffles at previous recaptures, most fish were recaptures in the same locations at the next recapture. Conversely, for the fish that moved previously, most fish were recaptured in different locations from previous sites at the next recapture. These results suggest that Japanese charr exhibit relatively high residency throughout the year, but many fish moved longer distance. The results also suggest the presence of static and mobile components in the charr population.  相似文献   

Abstract Dam removal has been increasingly proposed as a river restoration technique. In 2011, two large hydroelectric dams will be removed from Washington State’s Elwha River. Ten anadromous fish populations are expected to recolonise historical habitats after dam removal. A key to understanding watershed recolonisation is the collection of spatially continuous information on fish and aquatic habitats. A riverscape approach with an emphasis on biological data has rarely been applied in mid‐sized, wilderness rivers, particularly in consecutive years prior to dam removal. Concurrent snorkel and habitat surveys were conducted from the headwaters to the mouth (rkm 65–0) of the Elwha River in 2007 and 2008. This riverscape approach characterised the spatial extent, assemblage structure and patterns of relative density of Pacific salmonids. The presence of dams influenced the longitudinal patterns of fish assemblages, and species richness was the highest downstream of the dams, where anadromous salmonids still have access. The percent composition of salmonids was similar in both years for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), coastal cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii (Richardson) (89%; 88%), Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) (8%; 9%), and bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus (Suckley) (3% in both years). Spatial patterns of abundance for rainbow and cutthroat trout (r = 0.76) and bull trout (r = 0.70) were also consistent between years. Multivariate and univariate methods detected differences in habitat structure along the river profile caused by natural and anthropogenic factors. The riverscape view highlighted species‐specific biological hotspots and revealed that 60–69% of federally threatened bull trout occurred near or below the dams. Spatially continuous surveys will be vital in evaluating the effectiveness of upcoming dam removal projects at restoring anadromous salmonids.  相似文献   

Various physiological factors suspected to govern or be influenced by growth or feed intake of brook charr (80–120 g) were examined under long and short fasting periods during the year. A control (fed to satiation) was included. During winter, fasting (14 and 28 days) followed by refeeding led to a complete compensation. In summer, longer fasting (39 and 61 days) was applied to exacerbate the physiological response. Compensatory growth was observed in the restricted groups, and overall, adjustments/variations in growth and physiological indicators (feed conversion ratio, organosomatic index, enzymatic activities [CS, TRY, CHY]) were more pronounced. Degree of compensation reached was positively related to the deprivation duration. The summer experiment clearly suggests that compensatory growth takes place in two stages after a long starvation period (61 days): (1) restoration of the digestive system (PSI) followed by enzyme activities (trypsin and chymotrypsin) and (2) rebuilding of somatic tissues.  相似文献   

Variation in movement between individuals can have important ecological effects on populations and ecosystems, yet the factors driving differences in movement and their consequences remain poorly understood. Here, individual variability in the movements of juvenile (age 0 +  and 1 +  year) pike Esox lucius was assessed using passive integrated transponder (PIT) telemetry in off‐channel nursery areas over a 26‐ month period. Differences in the movement patterns of individuals were tested against their body sizes, ages, growth rates and trophic positions using data collected through a combination of catch‐and‐release sampling and stable isotope analyses. Results revealed that variation in movement between individuals was affected by age, with 1 +  individuals moving more than individuals of age 0 + , but not length. Individuals whose TP was low on their initial capture event moved significantly less than those with a higher initial TP. Individuals that moved more grew faster and achieved a higher final TP. These results suggest that higher activity (i.e., increased movement) increases resource acquisition that enhances growth rates, which could ultimately maximise individual performances.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The changes in physical habitats and responses of fish, e.g. the Kirikuchi charr Salvelinus leucomaenis japonicus , were examined by placing instream structures in a stream on the upper drainage of the Totsu River system of the Kii Peninsula, Japan, over a two-year period. Instream structures created pools below the structures, and these pools have maintained their functions as fish habitats over two years. In two treatment sections, sections A and B (some red-spotted masu salmon were removed in advance in section B), mean water depth increased soon after placing the structures, but decreased over two years. Mean water velocity slowed after placing the structures in both sections. Total fish abundance has been relatively high at the two treatment sections compared with a control section after placing the structures. Age 1 Kirikuchi charr, however, increased only in section B. These results indicate that instream structures can serve as habitat enhancement for fish, including Kirikuchi charr, in the study area if other appropriate habitat factors for respective species are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Triploids are used in aquaculture because they are sterile and do not undergo preharvest loss in flesh quality. Despite this advantage, they do not always perform as well as diploids when fed commercial diets. This study investigated whether differences in dietary energy utilization might explain this reduced performance. Dietary lipid levels were adjusted to supply diets with 22.7, 23.6 or 24.4 MJ kg?1 gross energy and fed to juvenile diploid and triploid brook charr. Fish were fed to satiation twice daily in a 70‐day growth trial, with samples collected at days 0 and 70 for proximate composition and plasma insulin‐like growth factor I (IGF‐I) analysis. This was followed by a digestibility trial using the same diets to determine apparent digestibility coefficients. Triploids had lower growth rates and condition factor than diploids on all three diets, but there was no effect of ploidy on feed conversion efficiency. Triploids also had lower whole‐body lipid content, but equal protein content, which resulted in lower energy content at both days 0 and 70. There was no effect of diet or ploidy on plasma IGF‐I concentrations. Triploidy did not affect diet digestibility, suggesting that the reduced performance of triploids is due to a difference in metabolism and energy utilization.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Life history strategies and migratory patterns of 71 adult radio-tagged bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus , were studied in the Secesh River watershed within the South Fork Salmon River (SFSR) sub-basin in west-central Idaho, USA during 2003 and 2004. In both years, upstream migrations occurred during late June and early July, migrations into two spawning tributaries during late July and early August, spawning from mid-August through mid-September, and rapid downstream (postspawning) migrations from late August to mid-September. Primary over-wintering areas were Loon Lake, the lower Secesh River (downstream of Loon Creek), and the lower SFSR (downstream of the confluence with the Secesh River). Loon Lake evidently provides sufficient production to allow the adfluvial life history strategy to persist and predominate in the Secesh River, while the fluvial life history strategy was previously found to predominate in the nearby East Fork SFSR. Adfluvial, nonconsecutive-year migrations were the predominant life history strategy. Only seven fish made consecutive-year migrations to Lake Creek; however, only one of these fish, a female, utilised a spawning tributary in both years and showed spawning tributary fidelity. Three consecutive-year migrants and three in-season migrants showed over-wintering site fidelity by returning to Loon Lake in September, 2004. The life history variations observed for bull trout in the Secesh River watershed are similar to those observed for bull trout throughout their range and to those of other charr species worldwide, yet the development of distinct migration patterns demonstrate the adaptability of the species to a range of available habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract –  This study examined the degree and pattern of variability in trophic morphology in Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus L. ) at three spatial scales: across 22 populations from Scotland and between and within two adjacent catchments (Laxford and Shin) in northern Scotland. In addition, the variability at six microsatellite loci between and within the Laxford and Shin systems was determined. Habitat use by charr differed significantly between populations. The pattern of variability in trophic morphology, known to influence foraging ability in charr, showed a very high degree of between-population variation with at least 52% of population pairs showing significant differences in head shape. Trophic morphology and genetic variation was also high over small geographical scales; variation being as high between charr from lakes within the same catchment, as between adjacent catchments. The pattern of both phenotypic and genotypic variation suggests a mosaic of variation across populations with geographically close populations often as distinct from each other as populations with much greater separation. Very low levels of effective migrants between populations, even within the same catchment, suggest that this variation is being maintained by very low straying rates between phenotypically and genetically distinct populations, even when there is no apparent barrier to movement. We conclude that the genetic and phenotypic integrity of charr populations across Scotland is high and that this adaptive radiation constitutes a 'hidden' element of diversity in northern freshwater systems. Two consequences of this are that the population (rather than the species) makes a more rational unit for the consideration of conservation strategies and that the habitat requirements and therefore management needs may differ significantly between populations.  相似文献   

We examined growth in length of fluvial bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in the Walla Walla River Basin, Washington and Oregon. Our objectives were to quantify individual variability in growth; examine growth within and among years, life history forms, life stages and sexes; and estimate von Bertalanffy growth parameters. Individual variability was evaluated by modelling asymptotic length (L) and the growth coefficient (k) as random variables. All models were fit with Bayesian methods and were evaluated for fit by the deviance information criterion. By incorporating individual variability, population‐level estimates of L and k appeared appropriate and estimated growth trajectories for specific bull trout fit individual observed patterns in growth. Growth trajectories and positive correlation between individual estimates of L and k suggest that some individuals grow at a faster rate and reach a larger maximum size than other individuals and those differences are maintained throughout life. Selected models suggest that fluvial migrants have higher estimates of L and k than residents, but there were only slight differences in parameter estimates among migrants from two adjacent spawning populations in the Walla Walla River Basin, as well as between males and females. Growth rates increased for fluvial migrants after subadult emigration. Individual variability in growth is consistent with the life history diversity assumed essential for bull trout population persistence. Quantifying this variability is important for modelling population dynamics and viability to conserve this threatened species.  相似文献   

Abstract – High‐head dams in Oregon’s Willamette River basin inhibit seaward migration and present significant mortality risks to ESA‐listed juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Over 7 years, we passively collected 13,365 downstream‐migrating juvenile salmon in rivers above and below Willamette dams. Most salmon emigrated from upstream sites in February–June, but passed dams in November–February when reservoirs were drawn down near annual lows, and access to deep‐water passage routes improved. Samples collected above reservoirs were dominated by subyearlings, whereas below‐dam samples were a phenotypically diverse mix of subyearling, yearling and older salmon. The life history data indicated that Willamette reservoirs seasonally entrap many salmon and some sea‐ready smolts probably residualise. Annual dam‐passage mortality estimates were 8–59% (mean = 26%). Individual salmon mortality risk increased significantly with body length and varied with reservoir elevation and discharge. Operational changes that allow timely volitional emigration and development of less hazardous passage routes would benefit this threatened population.  相似文献   

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