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Two hundred twenty-six fryers representing four breed types, New Zealand White (NZW) and Californian (CAL) purebreds, CAL x NZW (CxN), and Flemish Giant (FG) terminal crossbreds (the latter group including FG x CAL, FG x CHA [CHA = Champagne D'Argent], and 1/2FG x 1/4CAL x 1/4CHA), were appraised for carcass merit. Evaluation criteria included the following: preslaughter and carcass weights; pelt, visceral, giblet, abdominal fat, and dressing percentages; percentages of carcass in loin, forequarter, and hindquarter primal cuts; and weight of lean in loin and ratio of lean to bone weight in loin cut. The least squares model consisted of breed type (B), season of birth (S), and gender (G) as fixed effects, B x G and S x G interactions, litter within B and S as a random variable, and random residual. Breed type influenced (P less than .10) all traits except giblet and forequarter cut percentages. Season of birth significantly influenced all all traits except percentage of loin cut. Gender of rabbit affected (P less than .05) only the percentage of forequarter cut. A B x G interaction was observed (P less than .05) for pelt and visceral percentages. The NZW control purebreds were generally inferior (P less than .05) to the three other breed types for carcass yield and cutability traits. Purebreds were lighter for preslaughter, carcass, and loin lean cut weights and lower for loin lean-to-bone ratio than were CxN crossbreds (P less than .05). The FG crossbreds had heavier preslaughter and carcass weights and a lower abdominal fat percentage (P less than .01) than NZW, CAL and CxN. Results of this study provide corroborative evidence in support of terminal crossbreeding using CAL sires with NZW dams and FG purebred or crossbred sires with CAL and CHA purebred or crossbred dams to improve carcass merit.  相似文献   

To generate information essential for the implementation of breeding schemes suitable for village poultry producers in Ethiopia, a survey was conducted aimed at defining the socioeconomic characteristics of the production environments in different geographic regions, understanding the important functions of chickens, identifying farmers’ choice of chicken breeds and the underlying factors that determine the choice of genetic stock used. The survey included both questionnaire survey and a participatory group discussion. A total of 225 households (45 households from each of five Woredas) were interviewed. The questionnaire was designed to collect data covering general information on village poultry production such as socio-management characteristics, production objectives, population structure, breed choice and trait preferences, market preferences of specific traits, and farmers’ selection practices. The participatory farmers’ discussions were designed to involve stakeholders in defining the breeding objective “traits” and deriving their relative importance in the production environment based on the different functions of chickens and “traits” identified in the interviews. The results showed that production of eggs for consumption is the principal function of chickens in most regions followed by the use as source of income and meat for home consumption. The production system in all geographic regions studied revealed similar features generally characterized by extensive scavenging management, absence of immunization programs, increased risk of exposure of birds to disease and predators, and reproduction entirely based on uncontrolled natural mating and hatching of eggs using broody hens. Farmers’ ratings of indigenous chickens with respect to modern breeds showed the highest significance of the adaptive traits in general, and the superior merits of indigenous chickens to high yielding exotic breeds in particular. Adaptation to the production environment was the most important attribute of chickens in all the study areas. The high significance attributed to reproduction traits indicates the need for maintaining broody behavior and high level of hatchability while breeding for improved productivity of indigenous chickens for village conditions. The market price of chickens is primarily dictated by weight, but farmers rated growth (males) and number of eggs followed by growth (females) as the production traits they would like the most to be improved. Therefore, the ultimate breeding goal should be to develop a dual-purpose breed based on indigenous chicken genetic resources with any of the comb types other than single for all the regions studied having the most preferred white body plumage for farmers in the Amhara region and red body plumage for those in Oromia, Benshangul-Gumuz, and Southern regions.  相似文献   

Genetic evaluations using purebred data alone and combined purebred and crossbred information were performed for lean meat percentage in a pig breeding scheme. One purebred (PB) model and 2 crossbred models (CCPS1 and CCPS2) were used in the analyses. Data were obtained from the Selección Batallé S.A. Company (Riudarenes, Spain) and spanned a period of 4 yr (2006 to 2009). The data corresponded to 3 nuclei of purebred populations, Landrace (LD), Duroc (DU), and Pietrain (PI); 1 multiplying farm with animals from a 2-way cross (TB1; DU × LD); and commercial farms with animals from a 3-way cross (TB2; TB1 × PI). Genetic parameters were similar across the models, with the exception of purebred PI. The DU and LD purebreds presented large heritabilities (0.5 to 0.6) for lean meat percentage, whereas the PI purebred showed a lower heritability (approximately 0.1) for the PB model and moderate heritability for the CCPS1 and CCPS2 models (0.2 to 0.3). The mean reliability of the predicted purebred breeding values was clearly increased when the CCPS1 and CCPS2 models were used. Moreover, a reranking of the animals with important changes in the selection decisions was observed in the PI purebred. In a simulation study, the CCPS1 model achieved a greater response to selection than the PB model for the PI purebred. On another hand, between the CCPS1 and CCPS2 models, CCPS1 was slightly superior in terms of predictive ability, exhibiting a greater robustness. These results illustrate the usefulness of using crossbred models to evaluate lean meat percentage in this pig breeding scheme.  相似文献   

Purebred and two-breed cross (F1) boars were mated to F1 females to produce all possible three- and four-breed cross pigs involving the Duroc, Yorkshire, Landrace and Spotted breeds. Individual postweaning average daily gain (ADG), age at 100 kg (AGE) and probed backfat thickness at 100 kg (BF) data were collected on 3,456 pigs. A total of 213 pens with an average of 15.58 pigs per pen was evaluated for postweaning feed-to-gain ratio (F/G) and average daily feed consumption (ADF). Genotype X environment interactions, specifically breed X year-season farrowed and breed X parity (for ADG), were found to be highly significant. Certain results, however, were reasonably consistent across environments. Duroc-sired pigs grew more efficiently than other sire breed groups (3.11 vs 3.21 F/G), although there were no significant differences in ADF between sire groups. Duroc-sired pigs had less BF than other three-breed cross pigs, based upon within breed of dam comparisons, suggesting differences in composition between the more efficient Duroc-sired pigs and other breed groups. Landrace-sired pigs were fatter than other sire groups. No real differences between crossbred-sired pigs and the average of contemporary pure-bred-sired pigs were apparent for F/G, ADF, ADG, AGE, or BF. Assuming paternal heterosis to be zero, these results suggested recombination effects to be negligible for postweaning performance traits. Apart from via direct genetic effects, mating crossbred rather than purebred boars to females of different breeding should have little or no impact on feedlot performance of offspring produced.  相似文献   

In the pig industry, purebred animals are raised in nucleus herds and selected to produce crossbred progeny to perform in commercial environments. Crossbred and purebred performances are different, correlated traits. All purebreds in a pen have their performance assessed together at the end of a performance test. However, only selected crossbreds are removed (based on visual inspection) and measured at different times creating many small contemporary groups (CGs). This may reduce estimated breeding value (EBV) prediction accuracies. Considering this sequential recording of crossbreds, the objective was to investigate the impact of different CG definitions on genetic parameters and EBV prediction accuracy for crossbred traits. Growth rate (GP) and ultrasound backfat (BFP) records were available for purebreds. Lifetime growth (GX) and backfat (BFX) were recorded on crossbreds. Different CGs were tested: CG_all included farm, sex, birth year, and birth week; CG_week added slaughter week; and CG_day used slaughter day instead of week. Data of 124,709 crossbreds were used. The purebred phenotypes (62,274 animals) included three generations of purebred ancestors of these crossbreds and their CG mates. Variance components for four-trait models with different CG definitions were estimated with average information restricted maximum likelihood. Purebred traits’ variance components remained stable across CG definitions and varied slightly for BFX. Additive genetic variances (and heritabilities) for GX fluctuated more: 812 ± 36 (0.28 ± 0.01), 257 ± 15 (0.17 ± 0.01), and 204 ± 13 (0.15 ± 0.01) for CG_all, CG_week, and CG_day, respectively. Age at slaughter (AAS) and hot carcass weight (HCW) adjusted for age were investigated as alternatives for GX. Both have potential for selection but lower heritabilities compared with GX: 0.21 ± 0.01 (0.18 ± 0.01), 0.16 ± 0.02 (0.16 + 0.01), and 0.10 ± 0.01 (0.14 ± 0.01) for AAS (HCW) using CG_all, CG_week, and CG_day, respectively. The predictive ability, linear regression (LR) accuracy, bias, and dispersion of crossbred traits in crossbreds favored CG_day, but correlations with unadjusted phenotypes favored CG_all. In purebreds, CG_all showed the best LR accuracy, while showing small relative differences in bias and dispersion. Different CG scenarios showed no relevant impact on BFX EBV. This study shows that different CG definitions may affect evaluation stability and animal ranking. Results suggest that ignoring slaughter dates in CG is more appropriate for estimating crossbred trait EBV for purebred animals.  相似文献   

The effect of buck genetic type and crossbreeding parameters on fertility and prolificacy were estimated using two rabbit sire lines and their reciprocal crosses. The relationship between the reproductive performance of inseminated multiparous does and several semen quality traits was also investigated. The semen characteristics evaluated were: pH (pH), mass and individual motility (MM, IM), percentage of viable spermatozoa (Vi), spermatozoa with normal apical ridge (NAR), normal spermatozoa (NSP), spermatozoa with morphological abnormalities of head (HAP), neck-midpiece (NAP), and tail (TAP), spermatozoa with the presence of proximal (PD) and distal (DD) cytoplasmic droplets.

Fertility was analysed as a continuous trait (kindling rate) or as a binary trait (success or failure of kindling). In the first case, the analysis was performed using GLM procedures of SAS v.8 according to a model that included the fixed factors of buck genetic type, number of ejaculates per pool and week of insemination. In the second case, fertility was analysed using GENMOD procedures of SAS v.8 according to a mixed model including the same fixed factors as before plus the physiological status of the does and the permanent random effect of female. Number of kits born alive and number of stillborn were analysed with MIXED procedures of SAS v.8 with the same model used for the analysis of fertility as a binary trait. Estimates of the estimable functions of crossbreeding genetic parameters of the lines were obtained from the solutions of the corresponding models by generalized least squares using GLM, GENMOD and MIXED procedures. Crossbreeding parameters were estimated according to the model of Dickerson. A linear regression was used to determine the relationship between fertility and litter size and the semen characteristics evaluated.

Significant differences in fertility were observed among buck genetic types, which were favourable to type R. Differences between lines in maternal genetic effects were relevant and favourable to type R for fertility. Individual heterosis was important but unfavourable for fertility.

A slight correlation was obtained between all semen quality traits and fertility and prolificacy. Two multiple models were found for fertility, including NAP, IM, NSP, buck genetic type and Vi in one model or NAR in other model. Individual motility had an important positive effect, while NAP had a small negative effect. When MM, TAP and buck genetic type were included in a multiple model for the number of kits born alive, both MM and TAP had significant small effects. Individual motility and DD appeared to be related to number of kits stillborn, but only DD had a significant although negligible effect.  相似文献   

Benefits of genomic selection (GS) in livestock breeding operations are well known particularly where traits are sex‐limited, hard to measure, have a low heritability and/or measured later in life. Sheep and beef breeders have a higher cost:benefit ratio for GS compared to dairy. Therefore, strategies for genotyping selection candidates should be explored to maximize the economic benefit of GS. The aim of the paper was to investigate, via simulation, the additional genetic gain achieved by selecting proportions of male selection candidates to be genotyped via truncation selection. A two‐trait selection index was used that contained an easy and early‐in‐life measurement (such as post‐weaning weight) as well as a hard‐to‐measure trait (such as intra‐muscular fat). We also evaluated the optimal proportion of female selection candidates to be genotyped in breeding programmes using natural mating and/or artificial insemination (NatAI), multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) or juvenile in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (JIVET). The final aim of the project was to investigate the total dollars spent to increase the genetic merit by one genetic standard deviation (SD) using GS and/or reproductive technologies. For NatAI and MOET breeding programmes, females were selected to have progeny by 2 years of age, while 1‐month‐old females were required for JIVET. Genomic testing the top 20% of male selection candidates achieved 80% of the maximum benefit from GS when selection of male candidates prior to genomic testing had an accuracy of 0.36, while 54% needed to be tested to get the same benefit when the prior selection accuracy was 0.11. To achieve 80% of the maximum benefit in female, selection required 66%, 47% and 56% of female selection candidates to be genotyped in NatAI, MOET and JIVET breeding programmes, respectively. While JIVET and MOET breeding programmes achieved the highest annual genetic gain, genotyping male selection candidates provides the most economical way to increase rates of genetic gain facilitated by genomic testing.  相似文献   

A bio-economic model was developed to evaluate the utilisation of indigenous chickens (IC) under different production systems accounting for the risk attitude of the farmers. The model classified the production systems into three categories based on the level of management: free-range system (FRS), where chickens were left to scavenge for feed resources with no supplementation and healthcare; intensive system (IS), where the chickens were permanently confined and supplied with rationed feed and healthcare; and semi-intensive system (SIS), a hybrid of FRS and IS, where the chickens were partially confined, supplemented with rationed feeds, provided with healthcare and allowed to scavenge within the homestead or in runs. The model allows prediction of the live weights and feed intake at different stages in the life cycle of the IC and can compute the profitability of each production system using both traditional and risk-rated profit models. The input parameters used in the model represent a typical IC production system in developing countries but are flexible and therefore can be modified to suit specific situations and simulate profitability and costs of other poultry species production systems. The model has the capability to derive the economic values as changes in the genetic merit of the biological parameter results in marginal changes in profitability and costs of the production systems. The results suggested that utilisation of IC in their current genetic merit and production environment is more profitable under FRS and SIS but not economically viable under IS.  相似文献   

Crossbreeding is an effective method of improving the efficiency and profit of production in commercial pig operations. To understand the effect of crossbreeding on meat and nutrient quality, a combination including three purebred (Duroc, D; Landrace, L; Yorkshire, Y) and two crossbred pig lines (Landrace × Yorkshire, LY; Duroc × (Landrace × Yorkshire), DLY) frequently used internationally were studied. The results showed that meat from the LY and DLY crosses had lower values for lightness , shear force and epinephrine and higher values for drip loss, C18:1, insulin, glucagon and monounsaturated fatty acids than D, L and Y pigs. Moreover, LY had higher values for post mortem pH and lower values for a* and b* than the purebreds. In contrast, DLY had lower values for pH and higher values for a* and b* than the purebreds. Meat quality‐related gene analysis showed that the CAST, IGF2 and MC4R gene expression levels in the LY and DLY pigs were significantly higher than those in the D, L and Y pigs. These results indicate that crossbreeding can alter the meat quality, nutritive value, energy metabolism and gene expression of pigs. Future research should focus on microRNA expression and DNA methylation that regulate gene expression and thus affect the meat quality.  相似文献   

Objectives for this study were to estimate relative economic weights for performance traits for two native and two composite sheep breeds under two management systems in Egypt. Breeds studied were Rahmani (R), Ossimi (O), 3/4R-1/4Finnish Landrace (RFR), and 3/4O-1/4Finn (OFO); OFO and RFR were composite breeds. Management systems were one mating season per year (1M) and three mating seasons per 2 yr (3M). A dynamic computer model was used to simulate animal performance and enterprise efficiency and profit. Input parameters for the model were obtained from published results and analyses of data collected from experimental flocks of the same genetic stocks in Egypt. Responses for two measures of life-cycle feed conversion and one measure of enterprise profit were evaluated. Life-cycle feed conversion was calculated as kilograms of TDN input per kilogram of empty body weight output (TDN/EBW) and kilograms of TDN input per kilogram of carcass lean output (TDN/CLN). Profit was measured as annual gross margin/ewe (GM/EWE). Traits evaluated were conception rate (CR), lambing rate (LR), mortality rate (MR), mature weight (MW), and milk production (MK). Based on responses to percentage changes in trait means, CR was most important for TDN/EBW, followed by LR and MR. For TDN/CLN, LR, MR, and CR were most important. For GM/EWE, CR was most important, followed by LR, MW, and MR. In the systems studied, there was little response to changes in MK. Based on changes in GM/EWE per genetic standard deviation change, LR was most important, followed by CR, MR, MW, and MK in all systems. Relative economic weights for O and OFO were similar, as were weights for R and RFR. Differences in economic weights between management systems for the same breed were not large enough to justify separate selection lines within breeds.  相似文献   

Summary The responses of susceptible purebred and crossbred Nigerian Dwarf goats to caprinized rinderpest virus differed significantly. The factor responsible was probably not innate.
Resumen La reacción de cabras susceptibles de raza pura y cruzadas al virus caprinizado de “Rinderpest” diferió considerablemente. El factor responsable probablemente no era homologo.

Résumé Les réponses des chèvres naines de Nigéria de race pure ou de race métisse au virus caprinisé de la peste bovine ont montré des différences significatives. Le facteur responsable de ces variations n'était sans doute pas d'ordre génétique.

Crossbreeding is a common practice among commercial sheep producers to improve animal performance. However, genetic evaluation of U.S. sheep is performed within breed type (terminal sire, semi-prolific, and western range). While incorporating crossbred records may improve assessment of purebreds, it requires accounting for heterotic and breed effects in the evaluation. The objectives of this study were to: 1) describe the development of a paternal composite (PC) line, 2) determine the effect of direct and maternal heterosis on growth traits of crossbred lambs, 3) estimate (co)variance components for direct and maternal additive, and uncorrelated maternal environmental, effects, and 4) provide an interpretation of the estimates of random effects of genetic groups, and to use those solutions to compare the genetic merit of founding breed subpopulations. Data included purebred and crossbred records on birth weight (BN; n = 14,536), pre-weaning weight measured at 39 or 84 d (WN; n = 9,362) depending on year, weaning weight measured at 123 d (WW; n = 9,297), and post-weaning weight measured at 252 d (PW; n = 1,614). Mean (SD) body weights were 5.3 (1.1), 16.8 (3.9) and 28.0 (7.6), 39.1 (7.2), and 54.2 (8.7) kg for BN, WN (at the two ages), WW, and PW, respectively. In designed experiments, the Siremax, Suffolk, Texel, Polypay, Columbia, Rambouillet, and Targhee breeds were compared within the same environment. Estimates of heterotic effects and covariance components were obtained using a multiple trait animal model. Genetic effects based on founders’ breeds were significant and included in the model. Percent estimates of direct heterosis were 2.89 ± 0.61, 2.60 ± 0.65, 4.24 ± 0.56, and 6.09 ± 0.86, and estimates of maternal heterosis were 1.92 ± 0.87, 4.64 ± 0.80, 3.95 ± 0.66, and 4.04 ± 0.91, for BN, WN, WW, and PW, respectively. Correspondingly, direct heritability estimates were 0.17 ± 0.02, 0.13 ± 0.02, 0.17 ± 0.02, and 0.46 ± 0.04 for BN, WN, WW, and PW. Additive maternal effects accounted for trivial variation in PW. For BN, WN, and WW, respectively, maternal heritability estimates were 0.16 ± 0.02, 0.10 ± 0.02, and 0.07 ± 0.01. Uncorrelated maternal environmental effects accounted for little variation in any trait. Direct and maternal heterosis had considerable impact on growth traits, emphasizing the value of crossbreeding and the need to account for heterosis, in addition to breed effects, if crossbred lamb information is included in genetic evaluation.  相似文献   

The economic values for productive (egg number, average daily gain, live weight, and mature weight) and functional (fertility, hatchability, broodiness, survival rate, feed intake, and egg weight) traits were derived for three production systems utilizing indigenous chicken in Kenya. The production systems considered were free-range, semi-intensive, and intensive system and were evaluated based on fixed flock size and fixed feed resource production circumstances. A bio-economic model that combined potential performances, feeding strategies, optimum culling strategies, farmer's preferences and accounted for imperfect knowledge concerning risk attitude of farmers and economic dynamics was employed to derive risk-rated economic values. The economic values for all the traits were highest in free-range system under the two production circumstances and decreased with level of intensification. The economic values for egg number, average daily gain, live weight, fertility, hatchability, and survival rate were positive while those for mature weight, broodiness, egg weight, and feed intake were negative. Generally, the economic values estimated under fixed feed resource production circumstances were higher than those derived under fixed flock size. The difference between economic values estimated using simple (traditional) and risk-rated profit model functions ranged from -47.26% to +67.11% indicating that inclusion of risks in estimation of economic values is important. The results of this study suggest that improvement targeting egg number, average daily gain, live weight, fertility, hatchability, and survival rate would have a positive impact on profitability of indigenous chicken production in Kenya.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of selection for high (H) or low (L) incidence of tibial dyschondroplasia for 7 generations on processing performance of broilers. 2. Birds were obtained from diallel matings of the H and L lines (HH, HL, LH, and LL) and a randombred control (CC) line. Birds were reared to 7 weeks of age under standard management conditions. All birds were processed at 7 weeks of age. Body weight at 7 weeks, carcase weight, and carcase part weights were recorded on each bird. 3. An interaction between sire line and dam line was caused by lighter body and carcase weight at 7 weeks of age in HH birds than from the birds of the other crosses. 4. Birds by L line dams had heavier drumstick weights. The influences of sire line and dam line on weight of total breast muscle were not significant. Thigh weights and Pectoralis minor weights were lighter in HH line birds than those other matings. 5. Heterosis for body weight and for weights of carcases, drumstick and thigh was negative. Total breast muscle weight and P. major weight did not show significant heterosis. 6. It was concluded that selecting against TD does not reduce processing yield of broilers.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated for number of pigs born alive (NBA), adjusted litter weaning weight (ALWT), and the interval from weaning to first service (W2E) using 2002 purebred litter records and 14 583 crossbred litter records from a swine production unit with a defined great‐grandparent, grandparent, and parent stock genetic system structure. Estimation of (co)variance components was carried out by REML methods. Heritability estimates from this study for NBA were 0.155, 0.146, 0.145 for the purebred, crossbred, and pooled data, respectively. Heritability estimates for ALWT were 0.162, 0.195, and 0.183 for the purebred, crossbred and pooled data, respectively. Heritability estimates for W2E were 0.205, 0.239 and 0.202 for the purebred, crossbred and pooled data, respectively. Genetic correlations between NBA and ALWT were weak and positive for the three groups. The genetic correlation between W2E and ALWT were ?0.158 for the purebred Yorkshires, 0.031 for the crossbreds and 0.051 for the pooled data. The genetic correlation between W2E and NBA was ?0.027 for the purebred Yorkshires, 0.310 for the crossbreds and 0.236 for the pooled data. These similarities suggest that pooling of purebred and crossbred data may be considered, which may potentially increase the accuracy of breeding value estimates, which would result in increased genetic progress.  相似文献   

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