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Ingestion of toxic substances is a common event in companion animals and livestock, especially in waterfowl. Oleander (Nerium oleander) toxicosis is rarely reported in avian species, with symptoms including cardiac, neurological and gastrointestinal manifestations. A 6-month-old domestic goose (Anser anser domesticus) was presented for depression, anorexia, permanent sternal recumbency, weakness and incoordination, and the owners witnessed the ingestion of oleander leaves. Despite the absence of evident cardiac symptoms, biochemical hematological findings showed significant increase of CPK, AST, LDH, and troponin I. Therapy was set with intravenous (IV) fluid administration, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, oral activated charcoal, and IV lipid emulsion at 15 mL/kg/h. Clinical improvement was achieved after 2 hours. The patient was discharged 3 days after admission, with complete recovery and return to normal biochemical values 10 days after initial presentation. The present work describes a suspected case of spontaneous oleander poisoning in a domestic goose, with the first use of troponin I to diagnose cardiac injury in this species, and the first report of IV lipid emulsion to successfully treat this kind of toxicosis in veterinary practice.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to reveal the morphological features of Meckel's diverticulum (MD) in geese. For this purpose, a total of 36 adult healthy geese of both sexes, 50-52 weeks of age, were used. The mean weight of MD in male was found to be significantly larger than that of female. It was located a little distal to the midpoint of the small intestine in both sexes. It had a lot of lymphoid tissues, the simple columnar epithelium and a small number of crypts, and was a lack of villi, and its muscularis mucosae was very thin. Results from this study are thought to throw light on future studies on MD and proper diagnosis of pathological disorders related to it, and to contribute considerably to the present anatomical knowledge on MD in geese.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to describe the arterial supply of Meckel's diverticulum (MD) in geese, using 36 adult healthy geese of both sexes, 50 to 52 weeks of age. The arterial supply of MD was classified into three types, In the first type, MD was supplied by a very distinct branch from the cranial mesenteric artery in 21 geese. In the second type, it was supplied by one terminal branch from the cranial mesenteric artery in 9 geese. In the third type, it was supplied both by one branch from the jejunal artery and by terminal branch from the cranial mesenteric artery in 6 geese. Based on the these types, we found significant differences (p < or = 0.01) in the length of MD between type I and II. The blood supply of the third type was observed more frequently in the male than in the female. Results from this study may contribute to the anatomical knowledge of arterial supply of MD in the geese.  相似文献   

The present study investigated 15 dead cases of captive wild goslings (Anser anser), which were bred in a small poultry farm in Shandong Province, China. The examined cases presented diverse clinical signs accompanied with neurological manifestations and fatal outcomes. Bacterial culture identified the gram‐negative Neisseria sp. from the brain homogenate of most examined cases (10/15, 66.7%). The isolated bacteria were identified based on morphologic characteristics, biochemical tests and 16S rDNA typing. Results proved that 1 identical bacterial strain (BNO09‐3) was isolated from the positive cases. The phylogeny based on the 16S rDNA gene sequences indicated that this isolate has a close relationship with various strains of genus Neisseria sp. isolated from liver and feces of duck. This is the first report of Neisseria sp. causing fatality in captive wild geese in China.  相似文献   

An 18-month-old, male greylag goose was presented for assessment of multiple, semi-pedunculated cutaneous masses limited to non-feathered areas of skin. Initial biopsy and histopathology revealed a mesenchymal neoplasm suggestive of lipoblastomatosis or atypical xanthoma. Immunohistochemistry was unsuccessful in determining the tissue type of origin. Surgical resection of all masses was prevented by the mucocutaneous location of several masses. Chemotherapy using intralesion cisplatin was unsuccessful in resolving the masses but was well-tolerated by the goose. Serum lipid and lipoprotein analysis revealed a persistent hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia without biochemical evidence of an underlying metabolic disease. The persistent hyperlipidaemia may have contributed to the formation of the masses identified in this case.  相似文献   

The processes of digestion in the avian gastrointestinal tract depend on sophisticated control systems that co-ordinate secretion of digestive juices and movement of the luminal contents. In the current study, the distribution of serotonin-, gastrin-, glucagon- and somatostatin-immunoreactive endocrine cells was investigated by immunocytochemical methods in the intestinal tract of the goose. The number of cells immunoreactive for each antiserum was evaluated in different regions of the intestinal tract. Serotonin-, glucagon- and somatostatin-immunoreactive endocrine cells were seen throughout the intestinal tract, but somatostatin-immunoreactive cells were not detected in the colon of the goose. Gastrin-immunoreactive cells were detected only in the duodenum, jejunum and colon mucosa. It is concluded that the distribution pattern of the entero-endocrine cells in the goose is similar to that of most of the mammalian and other poultry species.  相似文献   

The development of the cecum and colon in the goose was investigated during the period from the 15th to 28th day of the incubation and from 1 to 30 days of age after hatching by light microscopy. By day 15 of the incubation, in the cecum and colon, the lumen was surrounded by pseudostratified epithelium. The previllous ridges appeared at 15th and 17th days of the incubation in the colon and ceca, respectively. At the base of previllous ridges, the epithelium changed into a simple prismathic epithelium at 15th and 17th days of the incubation in the colon and cecum, respectively. The villi appeared at the 21st days of the incubation. The crypts and goblet cells appeared on the first day after hatching. In the pre-hatching period, the lamina muscularis mucosa was present only in the colon. The submucosa consisted of loosely aggregated connective tissue in the pre-hatching period. In the post-hatching period, it consisted of a very thin layer of connective tissue. Its presence was only obvious where the cells of the submucosal nerve plexus or occasional large blood vessels considerably increased its thickness. The nerve plexus corresponding to the Auerbach's plexus of the mammalian intestine and submucosal nerve plexus appeared by 15th days of the incubation. From the 15th to 28th day of incubation, the tunica muscularis consisted of circular smooth muscle cells in the ceca. On the 28th day of the incubation a thinner longitudinal muscle layer added to the circular muscle layer. In the colon there was an outer longitudinal and a thicker circular muscle layer.  相似文献   

1. One hundred and twenty geese were slaughtered in groups of 10 at weekly intervals from 1-d-old until 71 d and also at 114 d and were subjected to carcase analysis. 2. The reduction in the proportion of low-value parts of the body in the period from the first to 114th d after hatching was 16.4 and 17.3% for males and females, respectively. 3. The relative proportion of weight of legs declined both with age and with body weight increase. It was described by a linear function in males and by a power function in females. 4. The relative proportion of wing weight increased from 1.2 and 1.3% on the first day after hatching in males and females, respectively, to 16.6% at the age of 50 d, and 15.2% at the age of 43 d in males and females, respectively.  相似文献   


Aims: To determine the pharmacokinetics and tissue depletion of 2?mg/kg marbofloxacin (MBX) in Bilgorajska geese (Anser anser domesticus) after I/V and oral administration, to calculate the daily dose from experimental data and to compare it with that calculated by allometric scaling.

Methods: Eight clinically normal female Bilgorajska geese were used in a three-phase study with a 3-week wash-out period between phases. In the first phase birds received I/V administration of 2?mg/kg MBX; the same dose was given orally in the second and third phases. Blood samples were collected between 0 minutes and 48 hours in the first and second phases, and samples of liver, kidney, lung, muscle and heart were collected following slaughter of birds between 6 and 48 hours in the third phase. Concentrations of MBX in plasma and tissues were analysed using HPLC. Two additional birds served as controls. The optimal dose was calculated based on a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 0.125 μg?mL using the observed clearance, or using clearance calculated by allometric scaling.

Results: Concentrations of MBX in plasma were detectable up to 24 hours following both I/V and oral administration. Mean oral bioavailability was 26.5 (SD 7.7)%. Concentrations of MBX in all tissues were highest at 6 hours and decreased constantly up to 34 hours. The mean optimal daily dose for oral administration of MBX, calculated using the observed clearance was 10.36 (SD 2.18) mg/kg, and using predicted clearance was 5.54 (SD 0.14) mg/kg. The preliminary withdrawal time for a maximum residue limit of 0.15?mg/kg calculated for muscle was 38.4 hours, heart 33.6 hours, kidney 48.3 hours, lung 47.7 hours and liver 49.3 hours.

Conclusion and Clinical Relevance: There was insufficient evidence to recommend MBX orally administered to geese at a daily dose of 2?mg?kg for treatment of bacteria with an MIC of 0.125?μg/mL. Further pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies in geese are recommended to determine the MBX dose regimen and its clinical efficacy in geese.  相似文献   

1. Ovomucoids were purified from Muscovy duck, domestic duck and domestic goose.

2. Peptide maps of cyanogen bromide‐cleaved ovomucoids from Muscovy duck and domestic duck were very similar to one another, but differed from that of goose.

3. Muscovy duck ovomucoid showed the same protease inhibitory pattern as ovomucoid from domestic duck, inhibiting trypsin in the molar ratio of 1:2 and chymotrypsin 1:1.

4. Inhibitory complexes could be detected between chymotrypsin and ovomucoid from both Muscovy and domestic duck, but not from goose, by using non‐denaturing gels.

5. No complexes could be detected between DFP‐inactivated chymotrypsin and any of the ovomucoids.

6. The results show that of ovomucoid from Muscovy duck more closely resembles that from domestic duck than goose.  相似文献   

This study evaluated potential relationships between parasite egg/oocyst outputs in cow-calf beef herds located within the United States Northern Great Plains and herd longitude and latitude. Management of study herds was typical of herds from this region. Parasite egg/oocyst counts were measured from 10 cows and 5 calves selected from each herd near the end of the traditional grazing season (October 1993). The types and numbers of eggs and oocysts recovered from both cows and spring-born calves were consistent with those described in other studies. No significant relationship between fecal egg/oocyst counts and latitude was observed in calves or cows. Monezia egg output exhibited no significant correlation with longitude for calves or cows. In cows, a significant negative correlation was detected between coccidian oocyst counts and herd longitude but not between helminth egg counts and longitude. In calves, Nematodirus, trichostrongyle and Trichuris egg output and coccidian oocyst output were all negatively correlated with longitude. This negative correlation suggests that nematode populations within the study area decreased slightly from an east to west direction.  相似文献   

Parvovirus infection of Muscovy ducks caused by a genetically and antigenically distinct virus has been reported from Germany, France, Israel, Hungary, some Asian countries and the USA. The pathological changes include those of degenerative skeletal muscle myopathy and myocarditis, hepatitis, sciatic neuritis and polioencephalomyelitis. In the study presented here, day-old and 3-week-old goslings and Muscovy ducks were infected experimentally with three different parvovirus strains (isolates of D-216/4 from the classical form of Derzsy's disease, D-190/3 from the enteric form of Derzsy's disease, and strain FM from the parvovirus disease of Muscovy ducks). All three parvovirus strains caused severe disease in both day-old and 3-week-old Muscovy ducks but in the goslings only the two strains of goose origin (D-216/4 and D-190/3) caused disease with high (90-100%) mortality when infection was performed at day old. Strain FM (of Muscovy duck origin) did not cause any clinical signs or pathological lesions in the goslings. In the day-old goslings and Muscovy ducks the principal pathological lesions were severe enteritis with necrosis of the epithelial cells (enterocytes) of the mucous membrane and the crypts of Lieberkühn, and the formation of intranuclear inclusion bodies. Other prominent lesions included hepatitis and atrophy (lymphocyte depletion) of the lymphoid organs (bursa of Fabricius, thymus, spleen). In goslings infected with the strain originating from the classical form of Derzsy's disease mild myocarditis was also detected. After infection at three weeks of age, growth retardation, feathering disorders, myocardial lesions (degeneration of cardiac muscle cells, lympho-histiocytic infiltration) and hepatitis were the most prominent lesions in both geese and Muscovy ducks. In addition to the lesions observed in the geese, muscle fibre degeneration, mild sciatic neuritis and polioencephalomyelitis were also observed in the Muscovy ducks infected with any of the three parvovirus strains.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of marbofloxacin (MAR) was compared in geese (Anser Anser domesticus) after single intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) (thigh and pectoral muscles) administrations of 5 mg/kg. Serum concentrations of MAR were determined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Serum MAR concentrations versus time were analyzed by a noncompartmental method. After IV administration, MAR showed high volume of distribution at steady state (Vdss) of 5.24 ± 1.08 L/kg. The serum body clearance (Cl) and elimination half-life (T1/2λz) of MAR were 0.79 ± 0.07 L hr−1 kg−1 and 6.94 ± 1.12 hr, respectively. The peak of MAR serum concentrations Cmax achieved at one and 0.50 hr after thigh and pectoral IM sites of injections, respectively, were 1.20 and 0.91 μg/ml. Significant differences were found in the mean absorption time (MAT), the systemic bioavailability (F%), and elimination parameters of MAR between two sites of injections, indicating that the absorption was fairly slow and complete after thigh IM injection. The pharmacokinetics of MAR in geese diverged according to the site of IM injection following a parallel study design. We recommend the thigh muscle as IM site of injection to obtain maximum concentrations of the administered drug in geese.  相似文献   

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