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Summary Densities of the different taxa of microarthropods per gram of litter in litter bags varied widely from the rainy to the dry season. Collembola and Acarina constituted more than 86% of the total microarthropods, and occurred in significantly greater numbers in the coarse-mesh bags than the fine-mesh bags. There were no fauna in the litter of suspended bags. The average weight loss was greater in the coarse-mesh bags (50.4%) than in the fine-mesh bags (44.5%), and the suspended bags (7.4%). Similarly, the concentrations of N and Ca were greater in the litter of coarse-mesh bags compared to that of the fine-mesh bags. In contrast, the concentrations of P and K were comparatively lower in coarse-mesh bags. The mass loss of litter showed a negative linear correlation with the total Collembola and with litter temperature. The N concentrations in the litter in both the mesh bags showed negative correlations with the abundance of total Collembola, and with that of Lepidocyrtus sp. and Sminthuridae, and rainfall. The N concentration in the litter in the coarse-mesh bags was positively correlated with the total number of arthropods but, surprisingly, was negatively correlated with the total number of Acarina. The concentration of Ca showed negative correlations with rainfall and litter moisture only. The P concentration showed positive correlations with total Collembola, with Lepidocyrtus sp. and Sminthuridae in both the mesh bags, with rainfall in the fine-mesh bags, and with total microarthropods in the coarse-mesh bags.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variations in litterfall, leaf litter decomposition and nutrient release were quantified along an air pollution gradient around an industrial area in a dry tropical region of India. Significant differences were found in litterfall between the sites. Litter decomposition rates also significantly varied among the study sites. Litter decomposition was faster at sites away from the industrial region with coal-fired power plants. The concentrations of N and P increased, whereas that of Ca and SO4-S decreased in decomposing litter over time. The nutrient release pattern was also modified by atmospheric deposition. Concentrations of SO2 and NO2 were negatively correlated with relative mass loss. Turnover time of nutrients, except SO4-S in decomposing litter was maximal at the site receiving highest atmospheric depositions. The study documents that industrial emissions significantly modified nutrient cycling in adjacent terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Litter-fall and litter decomposition in a low Mediterranean shrubland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Annual production of litter by Cistus incanus (L.) and Myrtus communis (L.) and decomposition dynamics of leaf litter of these species was studied in a Mediterranean shrubland. Myrtus and Cistus produced 472 and 429 g dry weight litter m-2 year-1, respectively. Leaves were the predominant litter component for both species. The average decay constant of Myrtus and Cistus litters enclosed in litter bags, calculated over the whole study period (38 months), was 0.71 year-1 and 0.31 year-1 respectively. In green leaves the N content differed during growth seasons for both species, whereas the content of Ca, Mg, P, K, and Na did not show significant changes. Abscised leaves had lower N, P and K contents than green leaves, evidencing that a nutrient translocation before abscission occurred from senescent leaves. The nutrient contents of the leaves at abscission time, generally higher in Cistus than in Myrtus, allowed us to estimate the annual nutrient input to the soil. Phosphorus and K more than N were rapidly released by the decomposing litters after exposure. Nutrient limitation, in particular P, might be considered the main growth limiting factor for Myrtus and Cistus. Both species were adapted to recovery and rapidly recycle P more than N and K in the living biomass through retranslocation from green leaves before abscission and/or a high release rate from the decomposing litter. The former strategy was better used by Cistus, the latter by Myrtus.  相似文献   

Decomposition losses from leaves of three evergreen chaparral species, scrub oak (Quercus dumosa), ceanothus (Ceanothus crassifolius), and manzanita (Arctostaphylos glauca), were quantified over a 2-y field exposure using litterbags. Changes in ash-free dry mass, C, and N were monitored at 2- to 6-month intervals at four replicate sites composed of patches of these three chaparral species. Three proximate C fractions were extracted from fresh and decomposing litter samples: polar and non-polar extractives (EXT), acid-solubles (ACID), and acid-insolubles (KLIG). The chemical structure of fresh and decomposed litter was additionally characterized using high-resolution solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy, while morphological properties were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). After 2 y, the litters had lost between 20.7%±1.2 (Ceanothus) and 35.2%±6.8 (Quercus) of their original ash-free dry mass. The manzanita decomposed at a significantly faster rate than the other two litter types during the first few months of field exposure. Yet, after 2 y, mass loss was greater for the oak. Differences in decomposition rates could not be accounted for based on a single litter quality index. Fresh manzanita exhibited a significantly higher N content, which could explain its initially faster decay rate. Fresh oak litter, on the other hand, had a relatively high ACID and O-alkyl C (O-ALK) content, which may have been responsible for its decay pattern. Fresh ceanothus contained a relatively low KLIG content, yet it decomposed more slowly than the two other species. The solid-state 13C NMR spectra of the ceanothus litter had two peaks characteristic of proanthocyanidins, which likely contributed to the recalcitrance of this litter type. SEM revealed that ceanothus leaf surfaces were left nearly unchanged after field exposure. In comparison, the oak and manzanita leaf surfaces were pitted and covered by microbial growth to the point of being unrecognizable. Taken together, our results indicate that a combination of biological, physical and chemical factors need to be examined to clarify the different decomposition rates and patterns of these three chaparral species.  相似文献   

Aboveground litter decomposition is controlled mainly by substrate quality and climate factors across terrestrial ecosystems, but photodegradation from exposure to high-intensity ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation may also be important in arid and semi-arid environments. We investigated the interactive effects of UVB exposure and litter quality on decomposition in a Tamarix-invaded riparian ecosystem during the establishment of an insect biological control agent in northern Nevada. Feeding by the northern tamarisk beetle (Diorhabda carinulata) on Tamarix spp. trees leads to altered leaf litter quality and increased exposure to solar UVB radiation from canopy opening. In addition, we examined the dynamics of litter decomposition of the invasive exotic Lepidium latifolium, because it is well-situated to invade beetle-infested Tamarix sites. Three leaf litter types (natural Tamarix, beetle-affected Tamarix, and L. latifolium) differing in substrate quality were decomposed in litterbags for one year in the field. Litterbags were subjected to one of three treatments: (1) Ambient UVB or (2) Reduced UVB (where UVB was manipulated by using clear plastic films that transmit or block UVB), and (3) No Cover (a control used to test for the effect of using the plastic films, i.e. a cover effect). Results showed a large cover effect on rates of decomposition and nutrient release, and our findings suggested that frequent cycles of freeze-thaw, and possibly rainfall intensity, influenced decomposition at this site. Contrary to our expectations, greater UVB exposure did not result in faster rates of decomposition. Greater UVB exposure resulted in decreased rates of decomposition and P release for the lower quality litter and no change in rates of decomposition and nutrient release for the two higher quality litter types, possibly due to a negative effect of UVB on soil microbes. Among litter types, rates of decomposition and net release of N and P followed this ranking: L. latifolium > beetle-affected Tamarix > natural Tamarix. Altered nutrient dynamics with beetle introduction as well as the rapid decomposition rates exhibited by L. latifolium are consistent with vulnerability to secondary invasion. In this desert ecosystem, decomposition and nutrient release were strongly affected by litter type and much less so by UVB exposure.  相似文献   

In many Japanese forests, the forest understory is largely dominated by dwarf bamboo (Sasa) species, which compete with overstory vegetation for soil nutrients. We studied the rate of leaf litterfall, and decomposition and mineralization of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) from various components (leaf, root, wood, and rhizome) of overstory and understory vegetation in a young Betula ermanii forest from 2002 to 2004. Total litterfall was 377 g m−2 year−1, of which the overstory vegetation contributed about two thirds. A litter decomposition experiment conducted for 770 days indicated that mass loss of different litter components varied significantly, except for Sasa kurilensis wood and rhizome. Relative decomposition rates were significantly greater in the first growth period (June to October) than the dormant period (November to May) in most cases. Rainfall was the most important abiotic variable, explaining 75–80% of the variability in mass loss rates. Concentrations of ethanol soluble substances and N were significantly positively correlated (r=0.77 to 0.97, P<0.05) with mass loss at an early stage (41 days). The ratios of lignin/N and C/N were found to be negatively correlated with mass loss rates at all stages of litter decomposition. C stock loss was similar to that of mass loss, whereas N stock loss was slower, except for S. kurilensis fine root litter. The evergreen understory species S. kurilensis exhibited greater N use efficiency than B. ermanii, suggesting better competitive ability that might favor the production of a high biomass and invasion under tree species like B. ermanii.  相似文献   

Cutover peatlands are often rapidly colonised by pioneer plant species, which have the potential to affect key ecosystem processes such as carbon (C) turnover. The aim of this study was to investigate how plant cover and litter type affect fungal community structure and litter decomposition in a cutover peatland. Intact cores containing Eriophorum vaginatum, Eriophorum angustifolium, Calluna vulgaris and bare soil were removed and a mesh bag with litter from only one of each of these species or fragments of the moss Sphagnum auriculatum was added to each core in a factorial design. The presence or absence of live plants, regardless of the species, had no effect on mass loss, C, nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) concentrations of the litter following 12 months of incubation. However, there was a very strong effect of litter type on mass loss and concentrations of C, N and P between most combinations of litter. Similarly, plant species did not affect fungal community structure but litter type had a strong effect, with significant differences between most pairs of litter types. The data suggest that labile C inputs via rhizodeposition from a range of plant functional types that have colonised cutover bogs for 10-15 years have little direct effect on nutrient turnover from plant litter and in shaping litter fungal community structure. In contrast, the chemistry of the litter they produce has much stronger and varied effects on decomposition and fungal community composition. Thus it appears that there is distinct niche differentiation between the fungal communities involved in turnover of litter versus rhizodeposits in the early phases of plant succession on regenerating cutover peatlands.  相似文献   

Gap formation is suggested as an alternative forest management approach to avoid extreme changes in the N cycle of forest ecosystems caused by traditional management practises. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of gap formation on N availability in beech litter and mineral soil on sites, which experienced only little soil disturbance during tree harvest. N pools, litter decomposition, and N mineralization rates in mineral soil were studied in two gaps (17 and 30 m in diameter) in a 75-year-old managed European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest in Denmark and related to soil temperature (5 cm depth) and soil moisture (15 cm depth). Investigations were carried out during the first 2 years after gap formation in measurement plots located along the north-south transect running through the centre of each gap and into the surrounding forest.An effect of gap size was found only for soil temperatures and litter mass loss: soil temperatures were significantly increased in the northern part of the large gap during the first year after gap formation, and litter mass loss was significantly higher in the smaller gap. All other parameters investigated revealed no effect of gap size. Nitrification, net mineralization, and soil N concentrations tended to be increased in the gaps. Cumulative rates of net mineralization were two fold higher in the gaps during the growing season (June-October), but a statistically significant increase was found only for soil NH4-N concentrations during this period. Forest floor parameters (C:N ratios, mass loss, N release) were not significantly modified during the first year after gap formation, neither were the total C content nor the C:N ratio in mineral soil at 0-10 cm depth.  相似文献   

Summary Microbial biomass in the upper 7 cm of soil and needle decomposition on the forest floor were measured seasonally for 10 months in a mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) old-growth forest and in a regrowth forest after Phellinus weirii, a root-rot pathogen infection, had caused disturbance. The microbial biomass was higher in the old-growth forest soil than in the regrowth forest soil. However, T. mertensiana needle decomposition rates were higher in the regrowth than in the old-growth forest. Total N, Ca, Fe, Cu, and Zn concentrations in needles increased during the 1st year of decomposition in both the old and the regrowth forests, but P, K, Mg, Mn, and B concentrations decreased. N, P, K, Mg, Cu, and Zn concentrations were lower in regrowth than in old-growth decomposing needles. During mineralization, needles in the regrowth forests released more N, P, and K as a result of higher needle decomposition rates. Our results suggest that higher needle decomposition rates increased the mineralization of N, P, and K, which may lead to increased soil fertility and faster tree growth rates in the regrowth forest.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of liming on in-situ N transformations was studied in two stands of different ages of each of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco], and common oak (Quercus robur L.). The stands were located on acid sandy soils in an area with high atmospheric N input. The organic matter of the upper 10-cm layer of the soil, including the forest floor, had a relatively high N content (C: N ratio <25) in all stands. Using a sequential core technique, N transformations were measured in both control plots and plots that had been limed 3 years previously with 3 t ha-1 of dolomitic lime. Limed plots had a higher net NO inf3 sup- production and a higher potential for NO inf3 sup- leaching than the controls in all stands except that of the younger oak. Net N mineralization did not differ significantly between limed and control plots in oak stands and younger coniferous stands but was significantly lower in the limed plots of the older coniferous stands. It is concluded that long-term measurements of net N mineralization in limed forest soils are needed to evaluate the effect of liming with respect to the risk of groundwater pollution.  相似文献   

Changes to minor patch types in forested landscapes may have large consequences for forest biodiversity. The effects of forest management and environment on these secondary patch types are often poorly understood. For example, do early-to-mid successional minor patch types become more expansive as late successional forest types are fragmented or do they also become more fragmented in managed landscapes? We evaluated the dynamics of early-to-mid successional hardwood patches in a conifer-dominated landscape in relation to environment and land ownership in the central Coast Range of Oregon, USA, from the time of early logging to the present-day using scanned and georeferenced aerial photographs and a GIS. Hardwood patches declined in size, number, total area, and within-patch cover-type heterogeneity, and became more irregular in shape. Patch turnover and fragmentation was high, with most patches present at the historical date disappearing by the present-day. Land ownership was important to hardwood patch dynamics: hardwoods declined on lands owned by the USDA Forest Service, increased on non-industrial private lands, and were at similar levels at both dates on private forest industry lands. Patch locations became more restricted to near-stream, lower elevation areas where hardwoods are competitive. The relatively extensive distribution of hardwood patches at the historical date probably resulted from earlier fire, selective logging, and grazing. In recent decades, forest management that includes fire suppression and intensive management, and ecological constraints have resulted in a landscape in which early-to-mid successional hardwood patches have been reduced in size, fragmented, and restricted to particular locales.  相似文献   

The ecosystem fluxes of mass and energy were quantified for a riparian cottonwood (Populus fremontii S. Watson) stand, and the daily and seasonal courses of evapotranspiration, CO2 flux, and canopy conductance were described, using eddy covariance. The ecosystem-level evapotranspiration results are consistent with those of other riparian studies; high vapor pressure deficit and increased groundwater depth resulted in reduced canopy conductance, and the annual cumulative evapotranspiration of 1095 mm was more than double the magnitude of precipitation. In addition, the cottonwood forest was a strong sink of CO2, absorbing 310 g C m−2 from the atmosphere in the first 365 days of the study. On weekly to annual time scales, hydrology was strongly linked with the net atmosphere-ecosystem exchange of CO2, with ecosystem productivity greatest when groundwater depth was ∼2 m below the ground surface. Increases in groundwater depth beyond the depth of 2 m corresponded with decreased CO2 uptake and evapotranspiration. Saturated soils caused by flooding and shallow groundwater depths also resulted in reduced ecosystem fluxes of CO2 and water.  相似文献   

We investigated the life cycle and habitat use of an arboreal collembolan species, Xenylla brevispina, in the canopy and soil of a conifer (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation. The adaptive significance of migration between arboreal and soil habitats in the maintenance of its population in relation to the vertical structure of the forest is discussed. We sampled dead branches with foliage in the canopy (canopy litter) and on the forest-floor (soil litter). X. brevispina had one generation a year throughout the 3 years of the study. The mean densities of X. brevispina were similar in the canopy litter (0.06 to 14.57 g−1 dry weight) and the soil litter (0.44 to 18.99 g−1 dry weight). Seasonal patterns of density and relative abundance indicate that individuals of X. brevispina in the canopy were closely associated with those in the soil. These results suggest that vertical migration between the canopy and the soil might be a strategy allowing X. brevispina to be a predominant collembolan species in this forest.  相似文献   

Soils at different developmental stages were sampled from eight sites on the slopes of Mt Etna, Sicily (Italy) and characterized for total C, microbial biomass and microbial respiration. The values of these parameters were greatest for the most developed soils, but differences in recent management and site characteristics limited analysis of trends with soil development across the eight sites. The decomposition kinetics of both intact leaf litter and the water-insoluble fraction of leaf litter from three common species on Etna [Etnean broom (Genista aetnensis), European chestnut (Castanea sativa), and Corsican pine (Pinus nigra)] were determined in four of the soils (the two with the smallest and the two with the largest organic C contents) in a laboratory experiment over 168 days to test two hypotheses. First, that the readily mineralized fraction of added plant C is greater when the plant material decomposes in well-developed soils compared to less developed soils, and second, that the microbial communities in less developed soils are less efficient at mineralizing C from low quality plant residues. The first hypothesis held for Genista and Pinus litter, but not Castanea litter. The second hypothesis was supported for the Castanea and Pinus litter, but not for the Genista litter. Thus, the general applicability of the hypotheses was dependent on the precise source and characteristics of the litter.  相似文献   

Cellulose and lignin degradation dynamics was monitored during the leaf litter decomposition of three typical species of the Mediterranean area, Cistus incanus L., Myrtus communis L. and Quercus ilex L., using the litter bag method. Total N and its distribution among lignin, cellulose and acid-detergent-soluble fractions were measured and related to the overall decay process. The litter organic substance of Cistus and Myrtus decomposed more rapidly than that of Quercus. The decay constants were 0.47 year−1, 0.75 year−1 and 0.30 year−1 for Cistus, Myrtus and Quercus, respectively. Lignin and cellulose contents were different as were their relative amounts (34 and 18%, 15 and 37%, 37 and 39% of the overall litter organic matter before exposure, for Cistus, Myrtus and Quercus, respectively). Lignin began to decrease after 6 and 8 months of exposure in Cistus and Myrtus, respectively, while it did not change significantly during the entire study period in Quercus. The holocellulose, in contrast, began to decompose in Cistus after 1 year, while in Quercus and Myrtus immediately. Nitrogen was strongly immobilized in all the litters in the early period of decay. Its release began after the first year in Cistus and Myrtus and after 2 years of decomposition in Quercus. These litters still contained about 60, 20 and 90% of the initial nitrogen at the end of the experiment (3 years). Prior to litter exposure nitrogen associated with the lignin fraction was 65, 54 and 37% in Cistus, Myrtus and Quercus, while that associated with the cellulose fraction was 30, 24 and 28%. Although most of the nitrogen was not lost from litters, its distribution among the litter components changed significantly during decomposition. In Cistus and Myrtus the nitrogen associated with lignin began to decrease just 4 months after exposure. In Quercus this process was slowed and after 3 years of decomposition 8% of the nitrogen remained associated with lignin or lignin-like substances. The nitrogen associated with cellulose or cellulose-like substances, in contrast, began to decrease from the beginning of cellulose decomposition in all three species. At the end of the study period most of the nitrogen was not associated to the lignocellulose fraction but to the acid-detergent-soluble substance (87, 88 and 84% of the remaining litter nitrogen).  相似文献   

Surface (0–15 cm) and subsurface (30–45 cm) soil samples from under canopy, edge of canopy and away from canopy of isolated Cordia africana Lam. and Croton macrostachyus Del. trees and their leaves were examined to investigate leaf nutrient content, root biomass and the contribution of trees on farms to soil fertility parameters in Badessa area, eastern Ethiopia. Leaves of C. macrostachyus had 20% higher P and 25% lower K contents than those of C. africana. The studied species had comparable leaf N content. Both species produced shallow lateral roots that extended beyond the canopy zone. Typically, higher fine root biomass was observed in the surface soils than the subsurface soils. Both species did not affect soil organic C, pH and cation exchange capacity. Surface and subsurface soils under tree canopies had 22–26 and 12–17% higher N, respectively, than the corresponding soils away from tree canopies. Surface soil available P under tree canopies was 34–50% higher than the corresponding soil away from canopies. Available P content of subsurface soil was improved only under C. africana canopy. The available P of surface soil under C. macrostachyus canopy was more than double that for C. africana. Trees of both species increased underneath surface and subsurface exchangeable K by 18–46% compared with the corresponding controls. In conclusion, C. macrostachyus and C. africana trees on farms keep soil nutrient high via protection against leaching, translocation of nutrients from deeper to the surface layer and accumulation of litter, which create a temporary nutrient pool in the surface soils under their canopies.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the fungal communities associated with decomposing common leaf litter (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) placed in five forests of Central Himalaya between the elevations of 330 and 2150 m. During the initial period of decay, conciding with the rainy season, a progressive increase in fungal counts and species diversity was observed in all forest sites. The sal forest site had a greater weight loss and supported the largest fungal densities, whereas the pine forest had a lower weight loss and the smallest fungal densities. Deuteromycetes were the dominant group in all the forest sites. Most of the species isolated during the annual cycle of the forest sites were of the accidental type. Species diversity and fungal counts on the common leaf litter were markedly affected by the environmental changes brought about by the native leaf litter. This effect was most obvious in the chir pine forest site where the leaf litter of the native dominant species was distinctly more resistant to decay than those of the other sites, making the soil environment of the site markedly different from that of other sites. The pattern of fungal-species changes with progressive decay of the substrate was similar to that suggested by the tolerance model of Connel and Slatyer.  相似文献   

The effect of soil fauna-mediated leaf litter (faecal pellets) versus mechanically fragmented (finely ground) leaf litter on biomass production of rice (Oryza sativa, var. Primavera) was assessed in pot tests. Rice seedlings were either grown in soil samples amended with faecal pellets of diplopods and isopods fed on leaf litter of a legume cover crop (Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth) and a peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) or in soil amended with finely ground leaf litter. The addition of faecal pellets caused a significant and dose-related increase in plant biomass compared to pure soil. Ground leaf litter induced a significantly smaller positive effect on plant biomass development with Pueraria litter > Bactris litter > mixed primary forest litter. In contrast, soil microbial biomass development during the 4 weeks plant test was higher in the soil amended with ground litter as compared to soil amended with feacal pellets. The results show a clear positive effect of the soil fauna on soil fertility and indicate differences in the availability of nutrients from the organic substrates to higher plants and soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

Litterfall, decomposition, and N release in 5-year-old and 8-year-old plantations of Casuarina equisetifolia (Forst.) in the dry tropical region of the Vindhyan plateau were studied during 1989–1990. Maximum litterfall occurred in May. The total litterfall ranged from 7.2 to 9.9t ha-1 year-1 in the 5-year-old stand and from 11.3 to 12.7t ha-1 year-1 in the 8-year-old stand over the 2-year period. Photosynthetic branchlets contributed 87–95% to the total litter. The relative decomposition rates of litter components of the ash-free mass were highest in the rainy months (4.7 to 9.9mg g-1 day-1) followed by winter (2.8 to 3.6 mg g-1 day-1) and lowest in the summer months (1.7 to 3.0 mg g-1 day-1). Similar patterns were observed for N release. The annual decay constant was highest for cone litter and lowest for photosynthetic branchlets. During decomposition, the photosynthetic branchlets showed N immobilization in November and April, the twig litter in March, and the roots in January and February. N release per unit area (g m-2) was maximum from the photosynthetic branchlets (5.3–6.3) followed by cones (4.4) > roots (3.4) > twigs (2.6–3.2). The combination of the litter C:N ratio, moisture, and temperature with the relative decomposition rate in a multiple regression analysis explained 66–84% of the variability in mass loss and 58–66% of the variability in N release.  相似文献   

Fine root (<2 mm) processes contribute to and exhibit control over a large pool of labile carbon (C) in boreal forest ecosystems because of the high proportion of C allocated to fine root net primary production (NPP), and the rapid decomposition of fine roots relative to aboveground counterparts. The objective of this study was to determine the contribution of fine roots to ecosystem biomass and NPP in a mature black spruce (Picea mariana Mill.) (OBS), aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) (OA), and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) (OJP) stand, and an 11-year-old harvested jack pine (HJP) stand in Saskatchewan. Estimates of fine root biomass and NPP were obtained from nine minirhizotron (MR) tubes at each of the four Boreal Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Sites (BERMS). Fine root data were collected once a month for May–September in 2003 and 2004. Additional C biomass and NPP data for various components of the forest stands were obtained from Gower et al. (1997) and Howard et al. (2004). Annual fine root biomass averaged 3.10 ± 0.89, 1.71 ± 0.49, 1.62 ± 0.32, and 2.96 ± 0.67 Mg C ha−1 (means ± S.D.) at OBS, OA, OJP, and HJP, respectively, comprising between 1 and 6% of total stand biomass. Annual fine root NPP averaged 2.66 ± 0.97, 2.03 ± 0.43, 1.44 ± 0.43, and 2.16 ± 0.81 Mg C ha−1 year−1 (means ± S.D.) at OBS, OA, OJP, and HJP, respectively, constituting between 41 and 71% of total stand NPP. Results of this study indicate that fine roots produce a large amount of C in boreal forests. It is speculated that fine root NPP may control a large amount of labile C-cycling in boreal forests and that fine root responses to environmental and anthropogenic stress may be an early indicator of impaired ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

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