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Management practices for the suppression of Verticillium wilt of Russet Burbank potato include sanitation, use of optimum sprinkler-irrigation practices, soil solarization, and an adequate soil fertility program. Among all cultural factors considered, nitrogen (N) deficiency in potato tissue was most commonly associated with the severity of Verticiilium wilt in Russet Burbank potato. Field studies have shown that increased N availability suppresses Verticiilium incidence on cv Russet Burbank while having no effect on cv Norgold Russet. Studies from both greenhouse and field show that the colonization ofV dahliae in potato stem tissue is suppressed in cv Russet Burbank when the availability of Phosphorous (P) is increased to the optimum. Following one season of cropping with Russet Burbank potato, the treatment providing the optimal N availability also suppressed the increases ofV dahliae populations in the soil during the following year of consecutive cropping. Similarly, after two seasons of continuous potato cropping, treatments with optimal P had lower soil populations ofV. dahliae in soil. Results show the suppression of Verticiilium wilt with optimal fertility. Verticiilium wilt [caused by eitherVerticiilium dahliae Kleb, (microsclerotial form) orVerticiilium albo- atrum Reinke and Berthold (dark mycelial form)] is one of the most severe diseases of potato in the United States. Potato yields, tuber size, and specific gravity may be substantially reduced by this disease, depending on severity, time of occurrence, and growing season. In Idaho and other arid growing regions of the United States, Verticiilium wilt is caused byVerticillium dahliae Kleb. Idaho field studies involving cropping practices, soil fumigation treatments, solarization, and Verticillium-resistant potato clones all support the importance ofV dahliae upon potato yield. Data from these studies show that yield losses due toV. dahliae commonly approximate 5 to 12 metric T/ha (5, 6). Table 1 illustrates the effect of several cropping practices upon relativeV dahliae populations in soil with the effects upon both disease severity and potato yield. With continuous cropping of Russet Burbank,V dahliae populations in soil increased, and yields were reduced by 18 to 19 metric Tlha when compared to locations that had been allowed to remain either weed-free and fallow or where corn had been previously cropped. It was estimated thatV dahliae was influencing yield by about 10 to 12 metric Tlha based on a regression analysis of yield as a function ofV dahliae populations in soil. Similarly, whenV dahliae was suppressed by fumigation treatments involving mixtures of dichloropropene and picfume, yields more significantly increased by 6.5 to 12 metric T/ha (5). Although many factors may influence yields, clones with higher Verticillium resistance than Russet Burbank generally out-yield Russet Burbank. Figure 1 demonstrates the effect of solarization (a technique involving the laying of clear plastic on soil for the purpose of elevating soil temperatures to killV dahliae). When Verticillium was controlled in this manner (lo), there was no significant yield difference between the Russet Burbank potato and the highly resistant A68113-4 clone. The A68113-4 clone grown in non-solarized soil out-yielded the Russet Burbank in non-solarized soil by 31 percent while the solarization treatment significantly increased yield for the Russet Burbank and A68113-4 clones by 46 and 18 percent, respectively. These yield responses were observed in a field where inoculum levels ofV dahliae were relatively low (2.10 cfulgrn of soil). With these losses, the need to develop control procedures is great and to achieve this control the need also exists to accurately evaluate the effect of treatments uponV dahliae. Our Idaho studies have routinely utilized such a procedure (9) in combination with comparisons of both disease severity and yield.  相似文献   

Nine soils collected in New Jersey and Maryland were infested with microsclerotia ofVerticillium dahliae and planted with potato cv. Superior for five successive crops in the greenhouse to induce suppressiveness to Verticillium wilt. Potatoes were harvested 9–12 wk after planting and disease incidence was determined by recovery ofV. dahliae from stem segments on selective medium. Six of the nine soils had high disease incidence during the first cropping and remained conducive to Verticillium wilt throughout the experiment. Disease incidence increased in soils 3 and 9 over time, while disease incidence decreased nonlinearly in soil 1. Viability of microsclerotia buried in soil 9 for 4 wks was reduced compared to the viability of microsclerotia buried in soils 1, 3, and 6. Addition of 50 or 100 g hydrated lime/10 kg soil to soil 9 eliminated its suppressiveness to Verticillium wilt. Repeated cropping of the same soil can induce suppressiveness to Verticillium wilt. Soils exhibiting induced suppressiveness may be a source of new antagonists againstV. dahliae.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt, caused by the soil-borne fungus Verticillium dahliae, is one of the most important diseases of potato in North America. Soil incorporation of alfalfa residues prior to planting potato could be a nonchemical Verticillium wilt management tactic by reducing the number of viable microsclerotia in field soil. Verticillium dahliae microsclerotia were quantified in field soils where organic material from alfalfa was incorporated, and numbers of microsclerotia were compared to fields where alfalfa residue was not incorporated. In addition, bacterial metagenomics was utilized to characterize soils where organic material from alfalfa was or was not incorporated to determine if alfalfa residue incorporation facilitates the formation of soils that suppress or kill V. dahliae microsclerotia. The number of V. dahliae microsclerotia in soil was greater (P = 0.0003) in fields where crop residue was incorporated than fields without incorporation when chloropicrin was used as a fumigant. Conversely, the number of V. dahliae microsclerotia observed in potato plants did not differ (P = 0.4020) between fields where residues were or were not incorporated if chloropicrin was used. Alfalfa residue incorporation did not significantly alter the soil bacterial metagenome compared to fields not subject to residue incorporation in both years of study. Despite these conclusions, the method can be employed to analyze the effect of grower practices with the intent of linking a field practice to increasing soil bacterial diversity and decreasing Verticillium wilt severity on potato.  相似文献   

For three years, potato yields, tuber quality, and incidence ofVerticillium dahliae were measured in field plots previously cropped for one year to the following nonhosts: sudan grass, green peas followed by sudan grass (same year), spring wheat, spring wheat followed by sudan grass (same year), sweet corn and field corn. One year rotation to nonhosts did not reduce the population ofV. dahliae propagules in the soil and in only one of the three years wereV. dahliae propagule numbers in potato stems significantly reduced in plots following nonhost crops, compared with plots following potatoes. Verticillium wilt symptoms in potatoes were not reduced by one year rotation to any of these crops and only in one year in three was yield significantly increased. In two of three years, percent U.S. No. 1 tubers was increased following one-year rotation with green peas plus sudan grass, and in one of the two years, specific gravity was increased by rotation. Rotational cropping to nonhosts for two years between potatoes significantly reduced preplant soil populations ofV. dahliae propagules in the soil and in potato stems the following fall. However, soil populations in these two year rotational plots the spring following potato were not reduced compared to plots previously cropped to potatoes two consecutive years. Cropping to nonhosts for two years had no consistent effect on incidence of Verticillium wilt in subsequent potato crops. Two years’ rotation to nonhosts increased plant height and yield compared to continuous cropping to potato but not percent U.S. No. 1 tubers. The various nonhost crops all had about the same non-significant effect on yield. In two out of three years’ trials, fumigation significantly reduced both the incidence of Verticillium wilt and number ofV. dahliae propagules in stems in plots compared to plots non-fumigated. In only one trial, fumigation significantly increased tuber yields and percent U.S. No. 1 tubers.  相似文献   

The effects of removing or flaming potato vines and soil fumigation on population density ofVerticillium dahliae in soil, severity of Verticillium wilt, and tuber yield were studied in a field near Alliston, Ontario, between 1993 and 1996. Vines were physically removed or flamed using a propane flamer in September just before harvest and soil was fumigated with metam-sodium (Vapam) at 550 L/ha in October after harvest. Vine removal had no effect on soil populations ofV. dahliae, area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), or tuber yield. Flaming once (1993), twice (1993 and 1994), or three (1993,1994, and 1995) times reduced the soil population density ofV. dahliae, and flaming twice (1993 and 1994) reduced AUDPC compared to the nontreated control, but had no effect on tuber yield. Fumigation once (1993) or twice (1993 and 1994) reduced pathogen density in soil and AUDPC, but did not increase tuber yield. Fumigation once (1993) or twice (1993 and 1994), in combination with flaming twice (1993 and 1994), was equally and significantly effective in reducing both population density ofV. dahliae in soil and AUDPC values and in increasing tuber yield in 1995. Annual flaming of vines in combination with soil fumigation once (1993) or twice (1993 and 1994) in the fall improved the control of Verticillium wilt of potato and realised the greatest profits.  相似文献   

In three years (1994, 1995, and 1996), a total of 100 commercial potato fields in southeastern Idaho were surveyed for soil variables, severity of Verticillium wilt, soil inoculum density ofVerticillium dahliae andColletotrichum coccodes, colonization of stems, root, and tubers byV. dahliae andC. coccodes, and tuber yield, size, and quality. As a generalization, factors related to soil integrity (organic matter, organic nitrogen, and increased nutrient availability) were most closely related to wilt suppression and higher tuber yields, whereas factors related to loss of soil integrity (sodium and reduced nutrient availability) were related to increased wilt and lower tuber yields. In a multiple regression analysis, three independent variables, feeder-root infections byV. dahliae, sodium content in soil, and soil organic content, were significant predictors of tuber yield. With these three factors, this model accounted for 49%, 53%, and 62% of the field variability related to total yield in 1994, 1995, and 1996, respectively. Throughout this investigation,V. dahliae root infections had the most direct effect on tuber yield, which emphasizes the importance of quantifying root infections in epidemiological studies of Verticillium wilt. Based on these results, organic matter may be one factor that can be manipulated for suppression of Verticillium wilt without reducing soil populations of the pathogen.  相似文献   

The incidence of soilborne fungal pathogens of potatoes and root lesion nematodes were determined in preceding crops of clovers, annual ryegrass, and winter wheat, in the succeeding potato crops and soils and severity of associated potato diseases recorded in two, 2-yr field trials. Differences were not evident in yearly recovery ofRhizoctonia solani, Verticil-Hum dahliae, V. alboatrum, andColletotrichum coccodes from previous crops and soils. However, overall trends were present with a higher recovery ofV. dahliae from wheat and a greater recovery ofR. solani from clover than either wheat or ryegrass. A previous crop of ryegrass resulted in lower levels ofR. solani in succeeding potato soils in both trials and after clover in one trial at the pre-harvest sampling time. In trial 1 greater numbers ofPratylenchus penetrans were recovered from clover soils than from soils of ryegrass or wheat. One instance of lower nematode recovery in potato soils following ryegrass occurred but no differences in their recovery from potato roots were observed. Potato wilt incidence was lowest after clovers. Stem rot severity was positively correlated with recovery ofR. solani andV. dahliae from potato stems and roots and negatively correlated withV. alboatrum from potato stems only. Nematode populations were not related to potato disease symptom severity ratings. Results reported herein indicate that only a portion of soilborne diseases of potatoes on Prince Edward Island may be related to previous crops produced in the 3-yr rotation selected for this study.  相似文献   

Potato breeding selection B0169-56 is being released by the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service as germplasm that is highly resistant toVerticillium albo-atrum Reinke & Berthier andV. dahliae Kleb. In five years of field testing in the Verticillium wilt plot in Presque Isle, Maine, the level of resistance as measured by symptom severity is equal to that of Russette. In 1993, in plots inoculated with both species ofVerticillium, there was a 15,27 and 62% yield reduction for B0169-56, Russette, and Superior, respectively. After four years of evaluation in yield and processing trials in Presque Isle, Maine, B0169-56 has yielded and fried as well as Russet Burbank. Tubers are russet-skinned, oblong to long and cylindrical. Tubers of B0169-56 size early, a necessary quality for an eastern russet. It is both female and male fertile. This selection is currently undergoing further evaluation at multiple state locations for possible commercialization. Seed is available from the USDA/ARS, Beltsville, Maryland.  相似文献   

Field studies conducted over a 5 yr period to compare the effect of continuous cropping of several potato clones (Butte, Russet Burbank, Targhee, A66107-51, and A68113-4) showed Butte to be highly resistant toPratylenchus neglectus while being highly susceptible toVerticillium dahliae. This was further evidenced during the 6th yr when Russet Burbank was cropped over all plot-locations. Populations ofP. neglectus were shown to be significantly less (0.05 P) in both soil and roots when Russet Burbank was grown over sites previously cropped with the Butte potato than over site-locations cropped by either Russet Burbank, Targhee, A66107–51, or A68113–4. Additional field and greenhouse studies corroborated the high degree of resistance of Butte toPratylenchus spp. In addition toP. neglectus resistance, a greenhouse investigation also showed resistance to P. penetrans. A field study designed to compare the effects of Butte with nematicides showed that Butte reducedP. neglectus populations in both soil and roots when compared with Russet Burbank. This degree of reduction was equivalent to the effects of either of two systemic nematicides (aldicarb and isofenphos) at 3.4 to 4.0 kg a.i./ha, respectively. Results demonstrate biological control with the Butte potato clone forP. neglectus suppression. Although populations ofP. neglectus were reduced by either nematicides or Butte, wilt severity was higher with Butte than Russet Burbank. Results showed wilt suppression andP. neglectus reduction with treatments of either nematicide, while having no significant effect on the colonization of potato stems byV. dahliae.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt, caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb., is a primary component of the early dying complex of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in the United States. Although genetic resistance to V. dahliae exists and has been incorporated into several potato cultivars, the commercial potato industry is still dominated by cultivars susceptible to the pathogen. As a result, soil fumigation with metam sodium remains an important means by which Verticillium wilt is controlled, despite its expense and potentially negative environmental impact. Recent restrictions on metam sodium use by the Environmental Protection Agency directed at reducing exposure to vapor emissions have increased the need to improve shank injection of the soil fumigant. In studies reported here, the application of metam sodium reduced the severity of Verticillium wilt, however, soil temperature at the time of injection, metam sodium injection depth, and application rate had little overall effect. In 2011, temperature at the time of metam sodium injection did not result in significant differences in any parameter evaluated. However, in 2012, soil populations of V. dahliae, wilt severity and host colonization were significantly reduced when metam sodium was applied at 4 °C compared to 13 or 15 °C. No significant differences were observed between a single or two metam sodium injection depths in any parameter evaluated across the 2 years the study was conducted. While all rates of metam sodium significantly reduced soil populations of V. dahliae compared to the non-treated control, significant differences across rates were rarely observed. Improved control of Verticillium wilt and increased yield can be achieved as a result of these studies. The effective control of Verticillium wilt can be obtained by using metam sodium at a comparatively low rate of 373 l/ha, particularly when applied at a relatively cold soil temperature of 4 °C using a single injection depth of 25 cm. The potential impact of these application modifications of metam sodium in reducing emissions and non-target exposure is discussed.  相似文献   

Potassium and N fertilization is often required for maximum potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production. Nitrogen, K, and K-sources (KCl, K2SO4 are known to affect yield and quality of potatoes but N and K interactions as affected by K-source have not been defined. This study evaluated the N*K and K-source interactions on Russet Burbank tuber yields and specific gravity (SG) in two irrigated field experiments. Nitrogen rates of 0, 112, 224 or 336 kg ha-1 were combined with selected K rates of 0,112, 224 or 448 kg ha-1 as either KC1 or K2SO4 in an incomplete factorial. A multiple linear regression model was fit to the data and used to predict yield and SG for a complete factorial for each K-source. Both N and K applications increased yields independent of K-source. Nitrogen decreased yields at the 336 kg ha-1 rate. Potassium increased yields up to 448 kg K ha-1. Both K-sources decreased SG a similar amount with N application; without N, KC1 decreased SG but K2SO4 did not. Nitrogen also decreased SG. Petiole NO3-N and K concentrations were positively related to yields and negatively to specific gravities. The petiole K concentration 100 days after planting should be above 4.5 for highest tuber yields. The N*K*K-source interaction was important for yields at low available N and for SG at adequate N availabilities. This study showed that N or K fertilizers can be applied according to their respective soil test concentration and the crop’s requirement, generally without consideration of K-source.  相似文献   

K. Scholte 《Potato Research》1989,32(3):377-385
Summary The incidence ofVerticillium dahliae andColletotrichum coccodes was studied in a crop rotation experiment on sandy soil from 1983 to 1986. Early in the growing season the percentage of stems infected byV. dahliae increased with increasing cropping frequency of potato, depending on the cropping sequence, and decreased with the application of granular nematicides. However, later in the growing season the initial differences decreased.C. coccodes infections of stems were not affected by these factors. The percentage of plants infected byV. dahliae closely correlated with the percentage of plants with wilt symptoms but this relationship was absent forC. coccodes. Early in the growing season, the more vigorous the plants, the greater the level ofV. dahliae infection. Soil infestation withV. dahliae increased with increasing cropping frequency of potato but was not affected by annual applications of granular nematicides.  相似文献   

Prestile is a late maturing potato variety with attractive, round to oblong, white-skinned, white-fleshed tubers with shallow eyes. Its major use is expected to be for tablestock in areas where Katahdin and Ontario are now grown. Prestile tubers are slow to sprout in storage and do not show the net necrosis caused by potato leafroll virus, but are quite susceptible to heat necrosis. This variety is immune to potato virus X, and is moderately resistant to common scab (Streptomyces scabies), verticillium wilt (Verticillium albo-atrum), and early blight (Alternaria solani). Prestile is susceptible to skinning and shatter bruise, and is difficult to kill, particularly when heavily fertilized.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of fertilizer N and K rates on the nutrient concentrations in petioles of Russet Burbank potato grown on a low-K, low-Cl, highly calcareous Millville silt loam soil. Phosphate and CaSO4 were applied uniformly so that P and S did not limit plant growth. An incomplete factorial experimental design, utilizing 14 combinations of fertilizer N and K, including two forms of K, was used to develop a multi-dimensional regression model. This model was then used to produce response surfaces as an aid to analysis of the results and to illustrate the fertilizer treatment effects and their interactions on petiole chemistries. Nitrogen, K and Cl fertilizers had complex effects on petiole concentrations of NO3-N, SO4-S, Cl, K, Ca and Mg. Nitrate-N and Cl were mutually antagonistic. Soil N had a large positive effect on petiole K and Mg levels and, to a lesser extent, petiole Ca levels. There was competition between K and Mg in petiole concentration. The sum of K, Ca and Mg was essentially constant across fertilizer treatments and sampling times. The sum of NO3-N, SO4-S and Cl was highly variable. The ratio of cations to anions ranged between three and five across fertilizer treatments and sampling times. The data indicate that calibration of the major nutrient element concentrations in potato petioles, as a guide to fertilization, requires knowledge of background soil fertility conditions with respect to N, K, Cl, Ca and Mg, and an understanding of the antagonisms and synergisms among these elements.  相似文献   

Results of studies on survival of sclerotia of Sclerotinia and microsclerotia of Verticillium, demonstrated that soil flooding in western Washington is a possible alternative field rotation practice for S. sclerotiorum (white mold), but not for V. dahliae (Verticillium wilt). Cone-tainer experiments in the greenhouse showed that flooding at 16.5 °C caused S. sclerotiorium sclerotia to lose viability between 12 and 24 weeks while a growth chamber experiment revealed that flooding for 18 weeks at 11 °C or 20 °C was sufficient. V. dahliae microsclerotia appeared resistant to flooding under greenhouse and field settings; recovery ranged within 5 to 10 % of the initial soil population after 6 and 12 months. Potatoes planted into field microplots either flooded or fallowed the previous summer had similar Verticillium wilt ratings and potato yield. Lack of control of V. dahliae by flooding may be due partly to relatively low soil temperatures in a cool, marine climate.  相似文献   

Field studies involving the effects of growing sweet corn (Zea mays var. Jubilee sweet corn and var. Jubilee super-sweet corn) as a green manure for 2 or 3 seasons demonstrated both suppression of verticillium wilt by 60–70% (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.) and increased potato yields. Although these treatments showed no direct effect on V. dahliae soil populations, the colonization of V. dahliae on potato feeder-roots and in potato tissue of stem apices were reduced. Feeder-root colonization by V. dahliae was positively correlated with verticillium wilt incidence (P?≤?0.05 to P?≤?0.01) and negatively correlated with yield (P?≤?0.05). Corn green manures additionally increased populations of several soilborne fungi which included Ulocladium, and Fusarium equiseti. Specific nutritional and microbial effects were secondary to the effects of cropping practices. When compared with the fallow treatments for 1994, 1995, and 1997, the percentage yield increases for 1994 were: +34% for total yield, +57% for U.S. #1’s, and +127% for tubers >280 g; for 1995 (a year of reduced degree-days and decreased verticillium incidence): +14% for total yields, +15% for U.S. #1 yields, and +21% for tubers >280 g; for 1997: +24% for yield totals, +74% for U.S. #1’s and +179% for tubers >280 g. For establishing these yield benefits, stalks with and without ears of corn were used as green manures. Corn varieties differed for effectiveness as a green manure, which could be accounted for by differences of biomass. When compared with the super-sweet corn, the sweet corn produced an increase (>2-fold) of biomass with less than half of the resulting wilt incidence. When potato was grown consecutively for 2 years, the benefits from green manures became mostly eliminated. However, following 2 consecutive years of potato, a single green manure of sweet corn was sufficient to return the potato crop to the original benefits of verticillium suppression and increased yields. This occurred even though soilborne V. dahliae inoculum levels had increased by >4-fold from 45 to 182 cfu g?1 of soil. Results of this study demonstrate the importance of green manures and soil-ecology to the management of the Russet Burbank potato.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction betweenErwinia carotovora subsp.atroseptica (Eca) andVerticillium dahliae and its effect on symptom development in potato cultivars showing different degrees of resistance to them was examined over two seasons in irrigated fields in a hot, dry climate. Four cultivars were used: Cara, highly resistant to blackleg and tolerant to Verticillium wilt; Pentland Crown also resistant to blackleg but susceptible to Verticillium wilt; Désirée, moderately susceptible to blackleg but tolerant to Verticillium wilt; and Maris Bard, susceptible to both diseases. Seed tubers were inoculated with Eca immediately after harvest in Scotland, to simulate natural infection, and then planted in Israel in soil naturally infested byV. dahliae. In Verticillium tolerant cultivars, Eca infection increased the rate of colonization byV. dahliae and significantly enhanced symptom development, as assessed by suppression of plant height and wilt symptoms. This report is a portion of the Ph.D. thesis of the senior author in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.  相似文献   

Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization rates on the incidence of Verticillium wilt caused byVerticillium albo-atrum orV. dahliae and tuber yield in potato cv Yukon Gold was evaluated in field plots. In three years of study,V. albo-atrum caused a higher incidence of wilt symptoms (74%–100%) thanV. dahliae (5%–81%) resulting in lower marketable tuber yield. In plots infested withV. albo-atrum, tuber yield ranged from 12.3-22.8 T ha1 compared to 18.1– 31.5 T ha-1 in plots infested withV. dahliae. Application of nitrogen above (280 kg ha-1) or below (70 kg ha-1) the recommended rate of 140 kg ha-1 at planting did not suppress foliar symptoms or protect against yield loss caused by eitherV. albo-atrum orV. dahliae. Similarly, phosphorus rate adjustments did not consistently affect disease incidence regardless of the pathogen. Management of nitrogen or phosphorus fertility rates at planting does not appear to be a viable approach for suppressing Verticillium wilt in the determinant, wiltsusceptible cultivar Yukon Gold.  相似文献   

Teff (Eragrostis tef) is a fine stemmed annual grass and gluten free small grain that is of interest as a forage, cover, or a rotation crop. Little is known about the susceptibility of teff to many diseases. Teff could be grown in rotation with potato in the northwestern United States provided teff cultivation is economical and does not increase soil populations for pathogens affecting rotation crops such as Verticillium dahliae. Verticillium dahliae infects a wide range of dicotyledonous plants, making it one of the most important fungal pathogens of crop plants in North America, including potato. The objective of this study was to quantify the susceptibility of teff to eight V. dahliae isolates and compare the susceptibility of teff to eggplant. Teff was confirmed as a host for V. dahliae, as indicated by the presence of microsclerotia in teff stems and roots after artificial inoculation in two years of greenhouse studies. The number of microsclerotia produced in teff did not differ between mint and potato pathotypes of V. dahliae. No V. dahliae isolate produced significantly greater numbers of microsclerotia than any of the seven other isolates tested in a two-year study. Microsclerotia production of V. dahliae in teff was consistently less than in susceptible eggplant cv. Night shadow in both greenhouse experiments (P?<?0.02). It is unlikely that teff infected by V. dahliae will proliferate microsclerotia of mint or potato-aggressive pathotypes, especially when compared to susceptible eggplant cultivars.  相似文献   

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