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Potassium and N fertilization is often required for maximum potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production. Nitrogen, K, and K-sources (KCl, K2SO4 are known to affect yield and quality of potatoes but N and K interactions as affected by K-source have not been defined. This study evaluated the N*K and K-source interactions on Russet Burbank tuber yields and specific gravity (SG) in two irrigated field experiments. Nitrogen rates of 0, 112, 224 or 336 kg ha-1 were combined with selected K rates of 0,112, 224 or 448 kg ha-1 as either KC1 or K2SO4 in an incomplete factorial. A multiple linear regression model was fit to the data and used to predict yield and SG for a complete factorial for each K-source. Both N and K applications increased yields independent of K-source. Nitrogen decreased yields at the 336 kg ha-1 rate. Potassium increased yields up to 448 kg K ha-1. Both K-sources decreased SG a similar amount with N application; without N, KC1 decreased SG but K2SO4 did not. Nitrogen also decreased SG. Petiole NO3-N and K concentrations were positively related to yields and negatively to specific gravities. The petiole K concentration 100 days after planting should be above 4.5 for highest tuber yields. The N*K*K-source interaction was important for yields at low available N and for SG at adequate N availabilities. This study showed that N or K fertilizers can be applied according to their respective soil test concentration and the crop’s requirement, generally without consideration of K-source.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of fertilizer N and K rates on the nutrient concentrations in petioles of Russet Burbank potato grown on a low-K, low-Cl, highly calcareous Millville silt loam soil. Phosphate and CaSO4 were applied uniformly so that P and S did not limit plant growth. An incomplete factorial experimental design, utilizing 14 combinations of fertilizer N and K, including two forms of K, was used to develop a multi-dimensional regression model. This model was then used to produce response surfaces as an aid to analysis of the results and to illustrate the fertilizer treatment effects and their interactions on petiole chemistries. Nitrogen, K and Cl fertilizers had complex effects on petiole concentrations of NO3-N, SO4-S, Cl, K, Ca and Mg. Nitrate-N and Cl were mutually antagonistic. Soil N had a large positive effect on petiole K and Mg levels and, to a lesser extent, petiole Ca levels. There was competition between K and Mg in petiole concentration. The sum of K, Ca and Mg was essentially constant across fertilizer treatments and sampling times. The sum of NO3-N, SO4-S and Cl was highly variable. The ratio of cations to anions ranged between three and five across fertilizer treatments and sampling times. The data indicate that calibration of the major nutrient element concentrations in potato petioles, as a guide to fertilization, requires knowledge of background soil fertility conditions with respect to N, K, Cl, Ca and Mg, and an understanding of the antagonisms and synergisms among these elements.  相似文献   

Allagash Russet, BelRus, Frontier Russet, HiLite Russet, Russet Norkotah and Russet Burbank were evaluated with preplant N fertilizer levels of 0, 67, 134, 201, and 201 kg N/ha in a split application on a Knik silt loam in 1990 and 1991 near Palmer, Alaska. BelRus and Russet Norkotah yielded less marketable tubers than the other cultivars and Russet Burbank performed well under warm, dry 1990 conditions and poorly when conditions were cool and wet (1991). Allagash, HiLite and Frontier Russets were consistent producers with marketable tuber yields averaging 35.4, 32.3, and 32.2 t/ha, respectively. Marketable tuber yield was maximized with approximately 175 kg total N/ha (residual soil plus applied) and approached 43 t/ha in 1990. Splitting the N application had no significant effect on tuber yield. Newly released russets appear promising for commercial Alaska producers.  相似文献   

The effects of storage treatments and potassium fertilization on the phospholipid, triglyceride and free fatty acid content of Russet Burbank potatoes were determined. Thin-layer chromatography of the lipids indicated at least 18 types of lipids were present. Eight were phospholipids which were the predominant lipid class in the potatoes. Phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidic acid comprise the major phospholipids. A large increase in phosphatidic acid and a decrease in phosphatidylcholine were observed in potatoes stored at 5.6 C (42 F). Potatoes fertilized with 240 lbs of potassium (calculated as K2O) had a higher content of triglycerides compared to potatoes with no fertilization. Potatoes stored at 5.6 C (42 F) exhibited a decrease in triglyceride and phospholipid content but the free fatty acids were increased. The various lipid contents of reconditioned potatoes were similar to those of freshly harvested potatoes.  相似文献   

Summary The assessment system, worked out by the “Potato Quality” Working Group of the E.A.P.R. for the investigation of varieties, proved to be a useful system for investigating the influence of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on the cooking quality of potatoes. In addition to the influence of variety and “year” potassium, and especially nitrogen fertilization were in certain cases very important to the texture of cooked potatoes, but the response of the potatoes to fertilization greatly depends on other growing conditions, in this case possibly the quantity of water in the soil. Whenever nitrogen had any influence on texture properties, theEigenheimer variety always responded with a decrease in mealiness and dryness and with an increase in consistency, but the response of theLibertas variety was sometimes curvilinear. The influence of potassium was not very clear, although in most cases the specific gravity of the potatoes showed a marked response. No interaction between nitrogen and potassium fertilization with respect to texture was ever observed. The response of the foliage of the potatoes in the field, the yield and the specific gravity of the harvested potatoes afforded a very poor indication of the response of texture properties to fertilization. The colour of cooked potatoes of theEigenheimer variety was in some cases influenced by nitrogen fertilization, yellowness decreasing with increasing nitrogen fertilization. The influence of “year” on after-cooking discoloration was considerable, but fertilization also had a great influence, especially in the case of theLibertas variety, discoloration increasing with increasing nitrogen fertilization. Potassium fertilization sometimes counteracted to a certain extent the detrimental effect of nitrogen and in some cases the influence of nitrogen was greater when the potassium level was lower. As there were frequent interactions between “years” and fertilization this means that the response of after-cooking discoloration to fertilization probably depends on other growing conditions.
Zusammenfassung Die w?hrend den Jahren 1957, 1958 und 1959 angelegten Feldversuche hatten den Zweck, den Einfluss der Stickstoff- und Kalidüngung auf die Speisequalit?t der Kartoffeln zu überprüfen. Als Düngermengen wurden den beiden VersuchssortenLibertas undEigenheimer 0, 60, 120, 180 und 240 kg N/ha in Kombination mit 0, 150 und 300 kg K2O/ha abgegeben. Die Bonitierung der Speisequalit?t erfolgte nach dem durch die der Europ. Gesellschaft für Kartoffelforschung angeschlossenen Arbeitsgruppe “Qualit?tsprüfung” ausgearbeiteten Beurteilungsschema. Geprüft wurden jeweils drei Knollenmuster pro Düngungsnorm. Die Prüfungen wurden durch zwei eingearbeitete Experten getrennt durchgeführt. Nebst der Sorte und dem Versuchsjahr war unter bestimmten Bedingungen der Einfluss der Kali-und vor allem der Stickstoffdüngung auf die Textureigenschaften der Knolle bedeutend, doch letzteres trat nicht auf allen Versuchsfeldern in Erscheinung und schien auch ziemlich unabh?ngig vom Einfluss der Düngung auf den Ertrag und auf das spezifische Gewicht der Knolle zu sein. Es konnte auf mehreren Versuchsfeldern ein deutlicher Einfluss der Düngung auf die Krautentwicklung, den Ertrag und das spezifische Gewicht nachgewiesen werden, ohne dass sich dies auf eine Ver?nderung der Textureigenschaften der Knolle ausgewirkt h?tte. Teilweise konnte aber auch das Gegenteilige beobachtet werden. Wenn ein Einfluss der N-Düngung auf die Textur (Zerkochen, innere und ?ussere Mehligkeit, Trockenheit und Konsistenz) festzustellen war, so ?usserte er sich bei der SorteEigenheimer durch eine Abnahme der Mehligkeit und Trockenheit und eine Zunahme der Konsistenz, w?hrenddem sich beiLibertas eine Optimumkurve herausstellte. Der Einfluss von Kali war nicht deutlich. So nahm in einigen F?llen beiLibertas die Konsistenz, beiEigenheimer die Mehligkeit zu, doch konnte auch der umgekehrte Fall eintreten. Auf Grund der bisweilen zwischen dem Jahrgang und der Düngung festgestellten Interaktionen darf angenommen werden, dass der Einfluss der Düngung auf die Textureigenschaften deutlich von den übrigen Wachstumsbedingungen abh?ngig ist. In dieser Beziehung muss auch an die Unterschiede in der Bodenfeuchtigkeit gedacht werden, doch ist diesbezüglich unser Material zu gering, um sichere Rückschlüsse zu ziehen. Im Gegensatz zur SorteLibertas, wo die Düngung auf die Fleischafarbe der gekochten Knollen praktisch keinen Einfluss ausübte, war bei der SorteEigenheimer in einigen F?llen ein Aufhellen des Fleisches mit zunehmender N-Düngung feststellbar. Speziell beiLibertas übten Jahrgang und Düngung einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die Intensit?t der Verf?rbung des Knollenfleisches nach dem Kochprozess aus. Mit steigenden N-Gaben nahm die Verf?rbung merklich zu. Unter gewissen Bedingungen wirkte die Kalidüngung der nachteiligen Wirkung des Stickstoffes entgegen. Anderseits war in einigen F?llen eine Interaktion zwischen diesen beiden N?hrstoffen zu erkennen: mit abnehmender Kali-Düngung nahm der Einfluss des Stickstoffes zu. Im weitern kam manchmal auch eine Interaktion zwischen dem Jahrgang und der Düngung zum Ausdruck, so dass die Schlussfolgerung gezogen werden muss, dass die Reaktion der Verf?rbung des Knollenfleisches auf die Düngung ebenfalls von andern Wachstumsfaktoren beeinflusst wird.

Résumé Dans le but d'apprécier l'influence de la fumure sur la qualité culinaire des pommes de terre, nous avons organisé nos essais de la fa?on suivante: Les diverses parcelles expérimentales re?urent: 0, 60, 120, 180 et 240 unités d'azote à l'hectare, ainsi que 0, 150 ou 300 unité de potasse à l'hectare pour les variétés considérées:Libertas etEigenheimer, durant les années 1957, 1958 et 1959. Les essais furent successivement conduits en sol sablonneux sec et en sol sablonneux humide. La qualité culinaire fut appréciée au moyen de trois échantillons pour chacune des deux variétés, par deux experts utilisant à cet effet un barème de taxation selon les dispositions définies par le groupe “Qualité de la pomme de terre” de l'Association européenne pour la recherche sur la pomme de terre. En dehors de l'effet attribuable à la variété et à l'année, la fumure potassique et surtout la fumure azotée ont une influence propre sur les propriétés de la texture. Cette influence ne se manifeste pas sur tous les champs d'essais et de plus, le rendement et le poids spécifique n'y sont guère sensibles. On pouvait remarquer dans quelques cas, soit une influence importante de la fumure sur le développement de l'appareil végétatif, sur le rendement et sur le poids spécifique et aucune sur la composition de la texture, soit le contraire. Si on observait une influence de la fumure azotée sur la texture (l'état farineux, la consistance de la chair et la sécheresse) celle-ci se manifestait avecEigenheimer par une diminution de l'état farineux, de la sécheresse et par une augmentation de la fermeté, tandis que surLibertas. on notait une courbe maxima. Dans certains cas, la consistance des tubercules deLibertas et l'état farineux desEigenheimer augmentaient avec la quantité de potasse apportée, mais on pouvait aussi constater le contraire. Comme il y avait un certain rapport entre l'année et la fumure apportée, on pouvait penser que la modification des propriétés de la texture lui est due. On pourrait aussi penser que l'humidité du sol joue un r?le, mais nos données sont insuffisantes pour pouvoir étre affirmatif. AvecLibertas, la couleur des tubercules cuits variat très peu en fonction de la fumure, mais avecEigenheimer ils devenaient moins jaunes avec une augmentation du nombre d'unités d'azote. Spécialement avecLibertas, le noircissement après cuisson, dont l'importance est proportionnelle à la quantité d'azote apportée, était aussi influencé par l'année. On put aussi remarquer que, dans certains cas, la potasse faisait diminuer l'effet du noircissement d? à l'azote. Enfin, comme on a vu qu'il peut y avoir une relation entre l'année et la fumure apportée, le fait d'observer une augmentation du noircissement en fonction de la fumure n'est pas suffisant pour conclure. Il faut aussi rechercher d'autres causes intervenant durant la végétation.

The author was stationed at the Provinciaal Onderzoekeentru voor de Landbouw in Drenthe, Oostersingel 21a, Assen, Netherlands, by the Institute for Storage and Processing of Agricultural Produce (I.B.V.L.), Wageningen.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilizer efficiencies on potatoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrogen fertilizer efficiencies must be known to successfully apply N fertilizer according to crop growth needs. The objective of this study was to determine the recovery, partitioning, and translocation of N fertilizer applied at different times for potato production. Russet Burbank potatoes were fertilized preplant with15N-depleted ammonium sulfate, and during early and late tuber growth with urea containing K15NO3 in 1978 or (15NH2)2CO in 1980. All N applications increased tuber yields above the control treatments. The N recovery efficiency was 60% for the preplant N application, and over 80% and near 60% for the N applications during tuber growth in 1978 and 1980, respectively. Good agreement was found between the isotope and difference methods of determining N recovery efficiencies. Labeled N was initially concentrated in the stems and leaves, particularly if applied during tuber growth. Over 80% of the assimilated, labeled nitrogen was found in the tubers at the start of plant maturation. These data indicate that a significant improvement in N fertilizer efficiency would result from split N fertilizer applications made according to crop growth needs.  相似文献   

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) were grown during 3 seasons on an Ellzey fine sandy soil to evaluate the effects of Ca and K rate, Ca placement, and cultivar on tuber yield and Ca and K concentration. Mehlich I soil extractable Ca concentration ranged from 436 to 860 mg·kgt-1. Application of Ca at 0, 450 and 900 kg·hat-1 from gypsum increased soil Ca in each season, petiole Ca in 2 of 3 seasons, and tuber medulla and periderm Ca concentrations in one of three seasons. Tuber yields were increased from 29.8 to 31.6 t·hat-1 with an increase from 0 to 450 kg Ca·hat-1 in one of three seasons. Tuber specific gravity was not affected by Ca rate. With an increase in application of K from 225 to 450 kg·hat-1, Ca concentrations were decreased in the petiole and medulla in 2 of 3 seasons and in the periderm in 1 of 3 seasons. Petiole, medulla, and periderm K concentrations were increased in 2 of 3 seasons with an increase in K rate. Yields were not affected by K rate, but specific gravities of tubers were lower in 2 of 3 seasons with an increase in K rate. Broadcast placement of Ca resulted in higher petiole, medulla, and periderm Ca and higher tuber yields in 1 of 2 seasons than with band placement (the placement effect on yield occurred in the season that placement had no effect on tissue Ca). Periderm tissue of Superior was higher in Ca than that of La Chipper, and petiole tissues of Atlantic were higher than that of Superior, but medulla tissue in 1 of 2 seasons was higher in Ca with Superior than Atlantic. Tuber yields and specific gravities were higher with La Chipper and Atlantic than with Superior.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen rates on the yield of Russet Burbank potatoes was studied in field experiments in Idaho. Petioles were sampled at the 6-to-8 leaf stage and thereafter at two week intervals until mid August. Petiole nitrate concentrations were very high early but decreased rapidly as the season progressed and declined to a very low level as the plants matured. The nitrate content of the petioles reflected the amount of N applied to both locations. Nitrogen applications increased total yield and the quantity of the larger size tubers. A highly significant correlation was found between the early season petiole nitrate concentrations and total yield. Suggested ranges of petiole nitrate concentrations were developed as a guide to efficient N fertilization of Russet Burbank potatoes in Idaho.  相似文献   

Comparison of single dip versus double dip peeling with KOH was examined. Good peeling was obtained with a single dip in 20% KOH at 68 C (155 F) and an immersion time of 5 min 15 sec. Good peeling was also obtained using double dip methods with a first dip in 40% KOH at 107 C (225 F) for 15 seconds followed by a second dip for 1 min in 20% KOH at 68 C (155 F). Thus, a large decrease in dip time can be obtained using the two dip peeling method. Peeling temperatures of 82.5 C (180 F) or higher whether in single or double dip peeling resulted in an activation of enzymatic browning around the eyes of the tuber and a yellowish and slippery surface was evident on the peeled potato. Heat ring formation was present at 82.5 C (180 F) and increased as the temperature increased and as the immersion time increased.  相似文献   

Rates of N applied to sandy loam soil with wheat as the preceding years crop was studied as to the influence on tuber yields of potatoes grown for early summer harvest in Southwestern Indiana. Most of the yield response was to the first 75 lbs/acre (84 kg/ha) increment of N which increased the yield of US #1 potatoes 61 cwt/acre in 1967 and 52 cwt/acre in 1968. The total solids were not significantly decreased by the first increment of N applied which was also the N range of rapid yield increase. N fertilization increased the N content of the foliage from 3.0 to 4.0% in 1967 and 3.97 to 5.17 in 1968 and the tubers from 1.36 to 2.96 in 1968. The first 75 lbs N increment was efficiently converted to crude protein, 48% incorporation, but the succeeding increments were poorly converted.  相似文献   

Three different rates of soil-applied nitrogen were combined in all possible combinations with different schedules of fungicidal sprays for early blight (Alternaria solani) control in field experiments for three consecutive years. The nitrogen was applied with a constant rate of phosphorus. Yield response to fungicidal sprays was more pronounced when potato plants had received nitrogen and phosphorus. Both spraying and fertilizer application reduced the percentage of leaflets infected by early blight. However, the effect of the fungicide was greater than that of fertilizers. Estimates based on the cost and price assumptions indicated that $1.00 investment in the optimum number of fungicidal sprays at the adequate rate of fertilizer returned $8.34, $9.71 and $1.89 in 1970, 1971 and 1972, respectively.  相似文献   

Four forms of potassium fertilizer: bicarbonate; sulphate; and chloride with and without potassium-magnesium sulphate, were tested on potatoes in Vien Sand (Lotbinière, Quebec) at four rates: 0, 56, 112 and 168 kg/ha during the period 1965–1967. Yield and quality studies were supplemented by chemical analysis of the soil at the end of the experiment. The experiments were repeated in the greenhouse in the autumn of 1968, accompanied in this case by foliage analysis. The introduction of potassium bicarbonate as a fertilizer for potatoes on many soils of Eastern Quebec is proposed. In wet seasons this form leads to higher yields than potassium chloride with or without potassium-magnesium sulphate. It is more effective in small applications; tends to produce paler chips than other forms of potassium, at normal rates; and does not appear to need addition of magnesium. This research also reveals the great potassium and magnesium-releasing capacity of Vien sand. In view of this a moderate application of the preferred form of bicarbonate at the rate of 100 to 125 kg/ha is recommended. Being soluble and free from chlorine, the bicarbonate might be useful in foliar fertilization.  相似文献   

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