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Four feeding regimens were evaluated in two different outside facilities [tree windbreak provided (SP) vs no wind protection provided (NP)] over two winter seasons. Feeding regimens were 1) 7.5% (DM basis) alfalfa hay (AH) diet (Low-Low); 2) 15% (DM basis) AH diet switched to a 7.5% (DM basis) AH diet under cold stress conditions (High-Low); 3) 7.5% (DM basis) AH diet switched to a 15% (DM basis) AH diet under cold stress conditions (Low-High); and 4) 15% (DM basis) AH diet (High-High). For feeding regimens High-Low and Low-High, cold stress was determined by use of a model, based on weather conditions and previous DMI, to predict lower critical temperature. Cattle fed in facilities with SP tended to perform better under a Low-Low feeding regimen; cattle fed in facilities with NP tended to benefit from the extra energy provided by switching to a lower fiber diet (High-Low feeding regimen) during cold stress. Across both facilities, the 5-d moving averages of wind chill index (WCI) and WCI >800 units had the best correlation with change in DMI. All diets except the High-High diet displayed significant linear relationships with increases in DMI and climatic variables in the NP facility, whereas cattle fed only the High-High diet displayed significant relationships in the SP facility. Heat production associated with the added fiber does not appear to be greater than that from added grain. Switching feedlot cattle, under cold stress, to higher fiber diets was not beneficial.  相似文献   

The effects of a single treatment at entry with three anthelmintics on rates of weight gain and feed conversion efficiency over a 70 day period were studied in 200 feedlot steers. None of the anthelmintic treatments used appeared to confer any improvement in the above parameters under the conditions of this experiment. The results are discussed in relation to routine anthelmintic treatment in western Canada.  相似文献   

选择60头处于泌乳前期的经产荷斯坦奶牛,根据胎次和产奶量分成2组,对照组和试验组各30头,对照组日粮磷含量为0.55%DM,试验组日粮磷含量为0.38%DM.结果表明,奶牛在泌乳前期饲喂含磷0.38%DM日粮不影响其DMI和生产性能.  相似文献   

过量赖氨酸对产蛋鸡日粮氨基酸消化率影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖氨酸是产蛋鸡日粮的第一限制性氨基酸,其含量的高低和同其他氨基酸的比例直接影响着本身和其他氨基酸的消化吸收,对产蛋鸡的生产性能发挥起着重要的作用。Antis等(1980)报道,过多的赖氨酸使蛋鸡的产蛋率显著下降。蒋辉等(2001)产蛋鸡的试验表明,0.8%的赖氨酸处理组产蛋率显著低于0.7%的赖氨酸水平处理组,0.8%赖氨酸水平处理组破蛋率显著高于0.7%处理组(P<0.05)。翟少伟(2002)用优质蛋白玉米日粮饲喂产蛋鸡也有类似的报道。可见,赖氨酸对产蛋鸡生产性能的影响主要体现在产蛋率和软破蛋率…  相似文献   

[目的]本文旨在研究北方主要粗饲料用于饲养肉牛的营养价值。[方法]试验采用3×3拉丁方试验设计,用3头装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的西门塔尔杂交肉牛,对稻草、玉米秸和黄贮玉米秸的主要营养成分进行瘤胃有效降解率研究。[结果]显示:①玉米秸和黄贮玉米秸之间比较,除了黄贮玉米秸的NDF有效降解率显著高于玉米秸外(P0.05),二者的DM、CP和ADF有效降解率差异不显著(P0.05),但均以黄贮玉米秸高于玉米秸;②稻草的DM、CP、NDF和ADF有效降解率显著低于玉米秸和玉米秸黄贮(P0.05)。[结论]试验表明玉米秸和黄贮玉米秸对肉牛的营养价值显著优于稻草。玉米秸经过黄贮发酵后,提高了玉米秸NDF的有效降解率。稻草对肉牛的营养价值较低。  相似文献   

A preliminary field experiment was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of alum precipitated toxoids of Sphaerophorus necrophorus prepared from sonicated whole cells and cell fractions to reduce the incidence of bovine abscesses. A total of 108 calves were divided into five groups and treated as follows: I. uninoculated control, II. adjuvant inoculated control, III. 15.5 mg protein of sonicated (fragmented cells) toxoid, IV. 10.5 mg protein of cytoplasmic toxoid. V. 15.5 mg protein of cytoplasmic toxoid. All animals were maintained under similar conditions to those prevailing in feedlots in Alberta. Livers were examined at slaughter. The most promising result was achieved with the injection of 15.5 mg protein of cytoplasmic toxoid. In this treatment group, no scars (healed lesions) were found in the liver and the incidence of liver abscesses was reduced to 10% from the average 35% liver abscesses and scars found in the uninoculated and adjuvant inoculated groups. The toxoid from sonicated whole cells did not reduce liver abscess incidence. These data suggest that the incidence of liver abscesses in cattle fattened in feedlots may be reduced by immunization.  相似文献   

本文根据反刍动物蛋白质营养代谢特点,结合国内外日粮蛋白质水平与繁殖关系的研究进展情况,分析了血中尿素氮(BUN)、乳中尿素氮(MUN)与奶牛繁殖性能关系;日粮蛋白质营养水平对卵巢、子宫及生殖激素的影响。探讨了日粮蛋白质营养水平不足或过量对奶牛繁殖性能的作用机制。旨在为奶牛养殖场(户)在生产过程中,正确使用营养调控技术,科学合理配制日粮,使奶牛得到全价合理的营养供应,提高奶牛繁殖性能。  相似文献   

[目的]为了优化肉牛日粮配置.[方法]运用EXCEL软件配置日粮,[结果]可以更改饲料配比或更换所使用的<饲养标准>时引起的一系列数据变动,使计算结果与其变化相对应,所以省去了全部的运算过程,达到饲料营养与饲料成本的最大优化.[结论]这种方法在生产中既简便又实用.  相似文献   

以低于治疗水平的氯四环素(CT)及低于治疗水平的氯四环素和治疗水平的氧四环素组合(CT-OX)两种方式分别对肉牛进行抗生素处理,研究其对肠道大肠杆菌耐药基因型的影响。从粪便样品分离大肠杆菌,并通过抗菌药物纸片法和稀释法敏感性试验测试分离出的大肠杆菌对四环素、氧四环素和氯四环素的敏感性。利用针对耐药基因tet(A)、tet(B)和tet(C)的引物对176个四环素耐药或中介的细菌样品进行多重PCR试验,结果发现所有样品均携带一种或两种耐药基因,tet(A)在两组样品中的流行基本相同,但CT组中tet(B)的流行比例显著小于CT-OX组(P<0.05),而tet(C)的流行比例则显著CT-OX组(P<0.05)。同时,在对四环素表现为中介的52个样品检测结果中,发现其中92.3%携带tet(C)基因。另外,最小抑菌浓度值(MICs)结果表明,药物敏感性同时取决于四环素类别和耐药基因型两方面。利用real-time PCR在转录水平上对tet(C)基因进行分析,发现耐药型与中介型并非上游调控造成。对tet(C)基因的测序分析结果发现,耐药型的第1063位碱基由T突变为G。由上述数据可知,对肉牛的四环素饲喂种类可以影响到大肠杆菌的耐药基因流行。  相似文献   

Five combinations of canola meal and urea were compared in a titration study using yearling beef steers (n = 120, initial weight = 383 kg ± 6.25) consuming barley and potato processing residue-based diets. The steers were allotted to 20 pens in a randomized block design and fed for 86 d. Diets were formulated to contain 30% potato processing residue, 45% barley, 15% corn silage, and 10% supplement (DM basis). Nitrogen source was the only difference in the diets. Supplements were formulated to be isonitrogenous with the N source being either urea or canola meal (C) to provide a calculated dietary CP of 11.5%. Treatments were: 100% urea supplement (0C); 25% canola meal supplement, 75% urea supplement (25C); 50% canola meal supplement, 50% urea supplement (50C); 75% canola meal supplement, 25% urea supplement (75C); and 100% canola meal supplement (100C). Average daily gain and DMI were similar for all treatments (P>0.05). Gain to feed ratio was larger (P<0.05) for 75C than 0C (163.2 vs 151.5 g/kg). Marbling scores were greater (P<0.05) from steers fed 0C than from those fed 50C or 75C. Longissimus muscle area and hot carcass weights were greater for 25C than 0C (P<0.05). Longissimus muscle area for 100C was also larger than 0C (P<0.05). The yield grade of 25C steers was lower (P<0.05) than that found in the 0C, 50C, and 100C steers (P<0.05). The 25C treatment had the highest apparent NDF digestibility of all treatments (P<0.05). Additional return of $14.50 per steer fed canola was found (P>0.05). The changes in carcass composition toward a leaner carcass with natural protein (the 25C fed steers) indicate potential benefits from the use of canola meal in barley and potato processing residue-based diets instead of urea as the sole supplemental N source.  相似文献   

We conducted a study to compare the bite-count technique (BC) of estimating forage intake and synthesized diet quality to direct estimates of diet quantity and quality with the use of the rumen evacuation technique (RE). We used four rumen-fistulated steers to evaluate both techniques. Four enclosures in a mixed-conifer rangeland were used. Each enclosure contained two 0.25-ha paddocks that were either nonstocked or stocked by cattle to remove 32 ± 4% of standing crop. We recorded bite-count data during foraging bouts for each steer in each paddock, and then evacuated each rumen following each foraging bout during summer (August). Paddocks stocked prior to each 20-min trial had a reduced (P < 0.05) quantity of forage consumed regardless of technique. BC and RE gave similar (P > 0.10) results on diet quantity and digestibility. However, BC-derived estimates were lower (P < 0.05) for crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), ash, and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). In summary, although BC has the advantage of not requiring rumen-fistulated animals, it did not yield comparable results to RE under range conditions with dense and diverse vegetation. Therefore, investigators should calibrate bite-count technique against fistula technique to solve any accuracy problem in their specific experimental conditions whenever possible.  相似文献   

Mixed breed steers (n = 96; 211 ± 1.48 kg) were used for a 35-d trial to determine the effects of amprolium and supplemental thiamin on thiamin status and growth performance of stressed cattle. Amprolium at 0 or 5 mg/kg initial BW and thiamin at 0 or 140 mg/kg DM were fed in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Amprolium was top-dressed on the daily feed for the first 21 d of the study; each steer had 50-cm bunk space available. Steers were kept in 3.7 m × 30.5 m drylots (n = 16; 6 steers per pen and 4 pens per treatment) and were fed a corn, soybean meal, cottonseed hull-based total mixed ration. A pen was used as the experimental unit. Steers fed amprolium had increased ADG from d 0 to 7 (P<0.01). Supplemental thiamin tended to increase ADG from d 0 to 21 (P<0.10). Blood thiamin monophosphate (TMP) concentrations were affected by a sampling day × supplemental thiamin interaction (P<0.001). Blood TMP concentrations were increased by supplemental thiamin on d 7, 14, 21, and 28 (P<0.001) and tended to be increased on d 35 (P=0.08). A sampling day × amprolium interaction was detected for TMP (P<0.05) and blood thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP; P<0.05) concentrations. Blood TMP and TPP concentrations were decreased on d 14, 21, and 28 (P<0.05) in the steers fed amprolium, but amprolium did not affect (P>0.10) TMP and TPP concentrations on d 7 and 35. Thiamin supplementation had no effect on the number of coccidial oocysts in feces, but steers fed amprolium had reduced numbers of coccidial oocysts (P<0.05). Supplemental thiamin and amprolium did not improve overall ADG, ADFI, or gain to feed for the 35-d trial.  相似文献   



A computer‐aided lung auscultation (CALA) system was recently developed to diagnose bovine respiratory disease (BRD) in feedlot cattle.


To determine, in a case–control study, the level of agreement between CALA and veterinary lung auscultation and to evaluate the sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of CALA to diagnose BRD in feedlot cattle.


A total of 561 Angus cross‐steers (initial body weight = 246 ± 45 kg) were observed during the first 50 day after entry to a feedlot.


Case–control study. Steers with visual signs of BRD identified by pen checkers were examined by a veterinarian, including lung auscultation using a conventional stethoscope and CALA that produced a lung score from 1 (normal) to 5 (chronic). For each steer examined for BRD, 1 apparently healthy steer was selected as control and similarly examined. Agreement between CALA and veterinary auscultation was assessed by kappa statistic. CALA''s Se and Sp were estimated using Bayesian latent class analysis.


Of the 561 steers, 35 were identified with visual signs of BRD and 35 were selected as controls. Comparison of veterinary auscultation and CALA (using a CALA score ≥2 as a cut off) revealed a substantial agreement (kappa = 0.77). Using latent class analysis, CALA had a relatively high Se (92.9%; 95% credible interval [CI] = 0.71–0.99) and Sp (89.6%; 95% CI = 0.64–0.99) for diagnosing BRD compared with pen checking.


CALA had good diagnostic accuracy (albeit with a relatively wide CI). Its use in feedlots could increase the proportion of cattle accurately diagnosed with BRD.  相似文献   

1 正常发情征状奶牛属非季节性发情动物 ,只要营养充分 ,饲养管理良好 ,则可常年发情。奶牛发情持续期较短 ,从发情到排卵时间平均为 30 h。排卵时间一般在发情症状消失以后。大多数奶牛发情过程中都有爬跨现象 ,即母牛与母牛相互爬跨——俗称“同性爱”。多数奶牛都排单卵( 97% ) ,也有 3%的母牛可能排双卵 ,排多卵的极少 ,如果注射外源性激素 (如 PMSG、FSH) ,排卵数可增加 2 1 .6 %。一般右侧卵巢排卵多( 6 0 .5% ) ,左侧卵巢排卵少 ( 39.5% ) ;夜间排卵多 ( 85.2 % ) ,特别是在 0~ 6时排卵多 ,所以配种常在夜间。奶牛发情时 ,体温…  相似文献   

半番鸭适宜日粮营养水平的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄秀清 《中国家禽》2005,27(9):11-12
在相同饲养管理条件下,三组半番鸭分别饲喂不同营养水平的日粮,观察各组肉鸭的增重、成活率、饲料报酬、屠体品质等性状。结果表明:4~7周龄日粮适宜蛋能比为14.41克/兆焦、粗蛋白17%、8~9周龄12.08克/兆焦、粗蛋白14.5%。  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to evaluate the addition of a forage-fat blend (FFB) as a substitute for grain in finishing diets for feedlot cattle. Treatments consisted of a steam-flaked wheat-based finishing diet containing 15, 29, or 45% FFB. The FFB contained 80% chopped alfalfa hay and 20% yellow grease and was formulated to have NEm and NEg values similar to that of wheat. In Trial 1, 126 crossbred steers (225 ± 5.4 kg) were used to evaluate treatment effects on growth performance and dietary NE. In Trial 2, three Holstein steers (448 ± 21 kg) with cannulas in the rumen and proximal duodenum were used to evaluate treatment effects on characteristics of digestion. Increasing the FFB did not affect (P>0.10) ADG, but decreased gain efficiency (linear effect, P<0.05) and dietary NE concentration (linear effect, P<0.01). Increasing the FFB did not affect (P>0.10) ruminal digestion of starch, N, or microbial N (MN) efficiency, but decreased (linear effect, P<0.10) ruminal digestion of OM and increased (linear effect, P<0.10) ruminal digestion of ADF. Increasing the FFB did not affect (P>0.10) postruminal digestion of OM, starch, and N, but decreased postruminal digestion of fatty acids (linear effect, P<0.05). Increasing the FFB did not affect (P>0.10) percentage of total tract starch, N, and ADF digestion, but decreased the percentage of total tract digestion of OM (linear effect, P<0.01) and DE (linear effect, P<0.05). We conclude that an isocaloric FFB can replace grain at levels of up to 45% of dietary DM without affecting ADG in feedlot cattle. However, when dietary inclusion rates are > 15%, dietary NE and, hence, BW gain efficiency may decrease. The magnitude of the effect of FFB inclusion rate on energy recovery is a predictable function of the relationship between fatty acid intake and intestinal fatty acid digestion.  相似文献   

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