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Geertsema  W.  Opdam  P.  Kropff  M.J. 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(3):263-279
In agricultural landscapes many plant species are limited to the network of landscape elements that are not used for agricultural production. This habitat is fragmented in space and time due to anthropogenic, biotic and abiotic factors. Therefore, plant populations are spatially sub-divided and their persistence might be dependent on the spatial dynamics in the network of local populations. Dispersal characteristics and seed bank persistence are main determinants of colonization ability which in turn is a key determinant of metapopulation viability. We propose a conceptual model that relates plant population dynamics to habitat quality, configuration and dynamics. In this model, the habitat is arranged as a network of suitable and unsuitable patches,and the distribution of the patches is assumed to be dynamic in time. Based on dispersal and seed bank characteristics four plant strategies are distinguished:species having either long (> 100 m) or short (< 100m) distance dispersal and either a long (> 5 yr)or short (< 5 yr) term persistent seed bank. We expect that species with contrasting strategies have different survival probabilities in landscapes with contrasting habitat arrangement in space and time. We found few empirical studies for testing the hypotheses based on the model. Therefore the relation between landscapes and plant survival needs to be further explored,especially the quantitative aspects. We propose an iterative process of empirical and modelling research to determine this relation and to define management options for multifunctional farms in which biodiversity is one of the land use aims. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Dispersal has been shown to be a key determinant of spatially structured populations. One crucial aspect is predicting patch accessibility: the probability rij of a certain patch j being reached by individuals starting at another patch i. Patch accessibility rij depends on both the landscape structure and the individuals’ dispersal behaviour. To investigate the effects of these factors on rij, we developed a simulation model focusing on animal dispersal. Our model analyses show that there is an important intrinsic effect of the interplay between landscape structure and dispersal behaviour on patch accessibility: the competition between patches for migrants. We derive a formula for patch accessibility. This formula is very simple because it just takes distances into account: not only the distance between start patch and target patch, but also between the start patch and all the other patches in the landscape. Despite its simplicity, the formula is able to cover effects such as the competition for migrants. The formula was found to have high predictive power for a variety of movement behaviours (random walk with various degrees of correlation, Archimedean spirals and loops) in any given landscape. The formula can be interpreted as a generic function for patch accessibility for further population dynamics analyses. It also delivers insights into the consequences of dispersal in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Although there is a common trend towards increasing green space in modern cities, urban green spaces provide not only ecosystem services but also disservices for urban dwellers. However, the relationship between urban greenness and ecosystem disservices has been poorly examined. We aimed to understand the effect of greenness level on the abundance and species composition of hornets – critical pests in Japan and to identify the best spatial scale for estimating their abundance with reference to greenness levels. We used a dataset that contained eight years of abundance data for four hornet species at 11 sites in Nagoya city. The levels of greenness around the hornet sampling points were measured using averages from the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with radiuses of 0.1–10.0 km. We analysed the relationship between abundance and species composition of hornets and NDVI at different spatial scales using generalized linear mixed models. Higher NDVI values positively affected the abundance of all the hornet species except Vespa analis. The abundances were estimated most effectively using the NDVI average with a 1–2 km radius for all species. The species composition of hornets drastically changed along the gradient of NDVI values; V. mandarinia was dominant in greener areas (over 0.2–0.3 NDVI average with a 2 km radius) and V. analis in less green areas (below 0.2–0.3 NDVI average). Our study showed that the abundance and species composition of hornets were both strongly associated with the level of urban greenness. This suggests that increases in the greenness of urban areas can increase hornet abundance and alter the species composition of hornets; a more aggressive species, V. mandarinia, may also increase in urban areas, although V. analis is currently the most critical species according to regional consultants. Balancing ecosystem services and disservices has become crucial for the planning and management of green spaces, particularly when urban green space increases. We also demonstrate how human tolerance towards wildlife may have to be improved in order to live in greener environment where wildlife can be expected.  相似文献   

Urban foresters are addressing the challenge of urban biodiversity loss through management plans in the context of rapid urbanization. Protecting the integrity of the urban ecosystem requires long-term monitoring and planning for resilience as well as effective management. The soundscape assessment has attracted attention in this field, but applying the soundscape assessment in urban ecological monitoring requires a protocol that links soundscapes to the impact of resource management on biodiversity over time. The effective processing and visualization of large-scale data also remains an important challenge. The aim of this study was to better understand the relationship between soundscape and physical environment, and examine the feasibility of this innovative soundscape approach in highly urbanized areas. Soundscape recordings were collected for 20 urban parks twice on 4 consecutive days in Spring. A total of 691,200 min of sound material were automatically obtained. In order to track the spatio-temporal patterns of a soundscape and determine its potential suitability for ecosystem monitoring, our study characterized soundscape information by adopting 4 widely used acoustic indices: acoustic diversity index (ADI), bioacoustic index (BIO), normalized difference vegetation index (NDSI), and power spectral density (PSD). Daily patterns of PSD have provided a potential connection between soundscapes and bird songs, and 1–2 kHz presented a similar pattern that was linked to human activity. Through further modeling, we tested the relationship of soundscapes to physical environment characteristics. The results showed the importance of habitat vegetation structure for acoustic diversity. More vertical heterogeneity, with an uneven canopy height or multilayered vegetation, was associated with more acoustic diversity. This suggests that clearing ground cover may have a significant negative impact on wildlife. Our results suggest that soundscape approaches provide a way to quickly synthesize large-scale recording data into meaningful patterns that can track changes in bird songs and ecosystem conditions. The proposed approach would enable regular assessment of urban parks and forests to inform adaptive planning and management strategies that can maintain or enhance biodiversity.  相似文献   

Many organisms persist in fragmented habitat where movement between patches is essential for long-term demographic and genetic stability. In the absence of direct observation of movement, connectivity or isolation metrics are useful to characterize potential patch-level connectivity. However, multiple metrics exist at varying levels of complexity, and empirical data on species distribution are rarely used to compare performance of metrics. We compared 12 connectivity metrics of varying degrees of complexity to determine which metric best predicts the distribution of prairie dog colonies along an urban gradient of 385 isolated habitat patches in Denver, Colorado, USA. We found that a modified version of the incidence function model including area-weighting of patches and a cost-weighted distance surface best predicted occupancy, where we assumed roads were fairly impermeable to movement, and low-lying drainages provided dispersal corridors. We also found this result to be robust to a range of cost weight parameters. Our results suggest that metrics should incorporate both patch area and the composition of the surrounding matrix. These results provide guidance for improved landscape habitat modeling in fragmented landscapes and can help identify target habitat for conservation and management of prairie dogs in urban systems.  相似文献   

Urban forests are recognized as a nature-based solution for stormwater management. This study assessed the underlying processes and extent of runoff reduction due to street trees with a paired-catchment experiment conducted in two sewersheds of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Computer models are flexible, fast, and low-cost options to generalize and assess the hydrologic processes determined in field studies. A state-of-the-art, public-domain model, which explicitly simulates urban tree hydrology, i-Tree Hydro, was used to simulate the paired-catchment experiment, and results from field observations and simulation predictions were compared to assess model validity and suitability as per conditions in the broader Great Lakes basin. Model parameters were aligned with observed conditions using automatic and manual calibration. Model performance metrics were used to quantify the weekly performance of calibration and to validate predictions. Those calibration metrics differed substantially between the two periods simulated, but most calibration metrics remained positive, indicating the model was not fitting only the period used for calibration. Predicted avoided runoff for a five-month leaf-on period was 64 L/m2 of canopy, 4 % lower than the field-estimated avoided runoff of 66 L/m2 of canopy. Interception was the most directly comparable process between the model and field observations. Based on 5 storms sampled, field estimation of precipitation intercepted and retained on trees averaged 63 % and ranged from 22 % to 81 %, while model estimation averaged 61 % and ranged from 36 % to 99 %. This model was able to fit predictions to observed catchment discharge but required extensive manual calibration to do so. The i-Tree Hydro model predicted avoided runoff comparable with the field study and earlier assessments. Additional field studies in similar settings are needed to confirm findings and improve transferability to other tree species and environmental settings.  相似文献   

Understanding how different ethno-cultural groups value urban nature is important to understand the role of ethno-cultural diversity in urban ecosystem management. Based on a systematic literature review, this paper summarizes the empirical evidence on how different ethno-cultural groups use, perceive, prefer, and assign meaning to urban nature. I use the urban forest, defined here as all the trees in a city, as a proxy to understand this process. The 31 studies reviewed here differ widely in their lines of inquiry, research methods, urban natural setting, and conceptualizations of ethno-cultural identity. Most studies take place in the US and Europe, where the most common definition of an ethno-culturally diverse group is a person of non-European/non-White background. Most studies focus on what these groups like about a particular urban natural setting, such as an urban park; and whether they like more or less trees in a specific context (e.g. urban park). These groups usually prefer passive and social uses of urban natural areas, and more manicured/functional natural landscapes with less trees. The most common meanings associated with urban natural settings dominated by trees are social interaction and integration. The most common explanations on why these differences occur involve theories on socio-economic marginality, collectivist vs. individualist cultures, urban vs. rural lifestyles, and landscapes of origin. Future research on the topic will benefit by differentiating race from ethnicity, capturing intra-ethnic variation, capturing immigrant identities, exploring the different social, cultural, and economic factors that influence values and/or preferences, and focusing on concrete aspects of urban nature, such as urban forests.  相似文献   

In urban ecosystems, tree cavities provide critical habitat for a variety of wildlife, and their occurrence is influenced by tree health, management, and cavity excavators. Changes over time in vegetative structure, human use patterns, and built environment affect the formation and persistence of tree cavities, and these changes may differ in various urban habitats. Trees with some decay are often associated with tree cavities, however, parks and residential habitats which are highly managed often lack highly-decayed trees, and large trees which are dead and damaged are likely to be removed and replaced with saplings. We surveyed changes over seven years (in 2013 and 2020) in the abundance of both excavated woodpecker cavities and decay cavities, in three urban habitats (forest, park, and residential) in the Chicago region, IL, USA. We observed greater stability of cavity abundance in managed park and residential habitats over time. Low numbers of highly-decayed trees in park and residential habitats were associated with reduced excavated cavity presence compared to forests. As expected, in both 2013 and 2020, the probability of cavity presence for both excavated and decay cavities was increased with greater tree size and higher levels of tree decay, though the patterns of this association varied between habitat types and years. The continued replacement and maintenance of existing trees means that managed park and residential habitats were more stable than unmanaged forest remnants, which are vulnerable to large changes in tree characteristics which could foster unpredictable booms or busts in cavity supply. A stable inventory of tree-cavities depends on preserving large trees, and decay of urban trees benefits habitat quality for cavity-nesters. Pruning of branches or removal of dead trees curtails the life-cycle of tree cavities in decayed branches, so that more highly managed habitats contain fewer cavities than the number of trees could potentially support. Cavity abundance could be improved in stable habitats through reduced intervention where safe, allowing cavity development to occur in situ.  相似文献   

Environmental and urban forest managers in cities located in highly biodiverse regions may need to balance biodiversity conservation with the provision of ecosystem services to people. However, striking this balance is not easy and many competing factors influence the decision-making process. Set in the Perth Metropolitan Area, located in the global biodiversity hotspot of the Southwestern Australia Floristic Province, this study aimed to understand: (i) the extent to which a benefits-oriented approach is used by local governments to optimise biodiversity and human wellbeing urban forest outcomes, and (ii) what other factors influence the decision-making process shaping urban forest composition. Using a social-ecological framework, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 29 local government practitioners. We found that biodiversity conservation is actively considered in the planning and management of urban forest in natural areas and parks, but rarely in streetscapes. Maximising shade and cooling, and to a lesser extent enhancing sense of place, were the key benefits actively sought in streetscapes. Parks appeared to straddle the middle ground as areas with most flexibility to accommodate multiple biodiversity and human wellbeing benefits. Yet, benefits were only some of a multitude of social-ecological factors influencing the decision-making process shaping urban forest composition. In particular, streetscapes were affected by a large number of social and political factors (e.g., perceived risk and nuisance, ad-hoc decisions by elected members), many of them leading to suboptimal urban forest outcomes. For a benefits-oriented approach to prevail in complex and contested urban spaces it is important that the decision-making process is evidence-informed and capable of handling the challenges and conflicts that are likely to arise. Reactive decision-making results in a conservative, “safe” species palette that over time defines streetscapes by what they do not do (creating disservices) rather than what they do (delivering multiple biodiversity and wellbeing benefits), which ultimately is not a desired outcome in the context of an increasingly urbanized world.  相似文献   

The ability of urban woodlands to regenerate and provide ecosystem services depends on the maintenance of a range of ecosystem functions and processes (i.e. multifunctionality). Many conservation decisions are made by local land stewards and rely on taxonomic characterization of woodlands to infer ecosystem properties, but there is reason to doubt this approach. Can functional traits provide better information on ecosystem multifunctionality? We compare three methods for capturing differences in urban woodland multifunctionality. We ask whether differences in (1) species composition, (2) traits associated with urbanization (urbanization markers) or (3) traits associated with specific ecosystem properties (functional markers) best capture actual differences in colonisation, water infiltration and decomposition in woodlands across a rural-urban gradient (Montreal, Canada). We use Procrustes superimposition and Mantel tests to compare the fit of each method. We propose the functional Mahalanobis distance to measure the distance of an urban woodland from a reference range of multifunctionality.All three methods were significantly congruent with actual differences in ecosystem multifunctionality, but the strength of the rank-order correlations varied widely. Species composition and urbanization markers had a similar but weak correlation with differences in multifunctionality. Importantly, the mismatch between species composition and multifunctionality increased with urbanization. Functional markers captured ecosystem multifunctionality better than either species composition or urbanization markers.Commonly used species- and general trait-based approaches were poor measures for multifunctionality in our urban woodlands. Functional markers rely on vegetation inventories already routinely collected by land stewards and openly available trait information: they may provide a cost-effective way of capturing multifunctionality in urban systems. More broadly, the functional Mahalanobis distance provides a quantitative measure of site-level multifunctionality that allows land stewards to compare woodlands with a reference range of variability in a format that can directly inform conservation decisions.  相似文献   

The mechanism of noise pollution propagation is considerably affected by 1) the type and configuration of its receiving environment and 2) the distance that sound waves pass to reach that environment. This study adopts a spatio-statistical approach to quantify and model associations between noise pollution levels and landscape metrics of land categories (built-up structures and urban green covers). Accordingly, noise levels were measured employing a sound pressure meter to quantify equivalent levels (Leq in dB A), in addition to their corresponding percentiles (L10 and L90). A collection of 30 sampling points were selected to measure noise data within the fall season and between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. hours of the day. A hierarchical distance-sampling framework based on buffer areas with different radius (300 m, 600 m and 1 km) around each sampling point was compiled to measure composition and configuration metrics of land categories within each buffer area. The results derived from Pearson correlation analysis and multiple-linear regression models indicated that there is a distance-dependent relationship between the metrics of green areas and noise levels. We didn’t find remarkable distance-dependency between built-up structures and noise levels. Based on our new spatio-statistical approach, we conclude that more connected and compacted pattern of green areas closer to pollution centers can significantly alleviate the effects of noise propagation mechanism and appropriate pattern of built-up areas follows a low density distribution with coming green areas in between. Findings of this study highlight the potential of landscape ecology approach as an effective planning paradigm for designing greener and calmer cities.  相似文献   

Urban tree inventories are useful tools to assess the environmental and socio-economic services provided by urban forests. These inventories enable the evaluation of the climate change risk to urban forests, and governments rely on such inventories for urban planning and management. Here, we assessed the future climate risk of Australia and the state of urban tree inventories across 116 local government areas (LGAs), representing 21 % of the country’s LGAs and encompassing 55 % of the national human population. We evaluated projected changes in temperature and precipitation by 2050 for each LGA and conducted a survey to obtain information on the extent and types of data available in existing urban tree inventories. Additionally, we compiled demographic, socio-economic, and geographical data for all LGAs to explore correlates with tree inventory status. Temperature increases in 2050 were predicted in all LGAs, with higher latitude and smaller LGAs identified to undergo greater increases in temperature compared to larger and lower latitude LGAs. Decreases in seasonal precipitation were predicted for 97 LGAs. Seventy-six (66 %) of surveyed LGAs had urban tree inventories, which most commonly included trees along streets and in parks. Sixty-one LGAs record information on tree mortality, while 31 LGAs dynamically update their inventories. The presence of an inventory and the area it covered were positively associated with human population density. More than 30 years ago, in 1988, John Gray wrote that “insufficient statistics were available in Australia to provide an accurate picture of the urban forest estate”. Our research shows there has not been a significant advance in the adoption and use of urban forest inventories over the past three decades. Long-term, dynamically updated inventories are crucial for urban forest management to inform planting choices to support sustainable and resilient cities.  相似文献   

As the world becomes more urbanized, urban cemeteries may become increasingly valuable for biodiversity conservation as cemeteries are ubiquitous elements of the green infrastructure in cities worldwide. By implementing a multi-taxon approach at different spatial extents, we analyzed habitat functions of a large urban cemetery in Berlin (Weiÿensee Jewish Cemetery) and explored related environmental variables. This cemetery is an outstanding cultural heritage site but it also stands for old urban cemeteries that have progressed to urban woodland, an ecosystem type that exists in many regional and religious contexts. The cemetery provided a habitat for 604 species; species of conservation concern comprised 1.6⿿100% of total species among different groups of taxa (in decreasing order: bats, birds, lichens, bryophytes, carabids, vascular plants, spiders). Species richness and species composition at the plot level were significantly related to differences in management intensity and resulting vegetation structures but differed among taxonomic groups. In vascular plants, carabids and spiders, the species composition varied significantly with habitat age, and there was a set of characteristic species for different age classes in each species group. Our results thus support the use of differentiated management approaches to maintain habitat heterogeneity by allowing wilderness development in some parts of a cemetery while keeping others more open. Since these aims can be combined with efforts to preserve outstanding grave architectures and allow access to visitors, our study indicates ways of reconciling conflicting aims of heritage preservation and biodiversity conservation, a promising perspective for biodiversity conservation in culturally shaped urban landscapes. We conclude that cemeteries provide important cultural ecosystem services within the urban green infrastructure.  相似文献   

Understanding the benefits provided by urban trees is important to justify investment and improve stewardship. Many studies have attempted to quantify the benefits of trees in monetary terms, though fewer have quantified the associated costs of planting and maintaining them. This systematic review examines the methods used to jointly analyse the costs and benefits of trees in the urban landscape, assesses the relative balance of benefits and costs, and attempts to understand the wide variation in economic values assigned in different studies. The benefits most frequently studied are those related to environmental regulation and property values, and the available data show that these usually outweigh the costs. Aesthetic, amenity, and shading benefits have also been shown to provide significant economic benefits, while benefits in terms of water regulation, carbon reduction and air quality are usually more modest. Variation in benefits and costs among studies is attributed largely to differences in the species composition and age structure of urban tree populations, though methodological differences also play a role. Comparison between studies is made difficult owing to differences in spatiotemporal scope, and in the way urban forest composition and demographic structure were reported. The overwhelming majority of studies concern deciduous trees in Northern America, and much less is known about urban forests in other regions, especially in the tropics. Future work should thus seek to fill these knowledge gaps, and standardise research protocols across cities. In light of ambitious goals in many cities to increase tree cover, ongoing advances in valuation methods need to provide a more comprehensive accounting of benefits and costs, and to better integrate economic assessment into the decision-making process.  相似文献   

Urban green infrastructure, including street trees, plays a key role in providing ecosystem services to urban residents. However, to fully understand the effective role of trees in the urban context, it is also necessary to evaluate the disservices that they can produce in the development of their functions if not managed in an adequate and integrated way. This contribution aims to demonstrate an approach to assess three disservices (pavement damage, aesthetic damage, likelihood of tree failure) of street trees at the municipal level, starting from the existing municipal tree inventory. In this case study, from the street tree population, a sample of approximately 5% of the trees was drawn by stratified random sampling, where the strata were composed of groups of tree species. In particular, a sampling scheme is adapted in which the probability to select a tree in the sample is greater for bigger trees, under the assumption that the bigger the trees the greater are the disservices caused. In this way, a greater precision of the estimates of the considered disservices for the population of urban trees is expected. The results show a high variability of disservices provision among species groups. The results also confirmed a positive correlation between the considered disservices and tree diameter at breast height, while other tree attributes such as total height and crown diameter were found to be positively related only to pavement damages. Finally, severe pruning can lead to a high level of the aesthetic and functional disservices even for shorter and younger street trees.  相似文献   

Urbanization is an important driver of global insect decline. Yet, recent studies have demonstrated the potential of greenspaces in cities to promote biodiversity conservation. One of many factors negatively affecting arthropods in urban areas are unsuitable habitats, as non-woody greenspaces predominantly consist of manicured lawns. Maintenance practices such as high mowing frequencies, can have direct and indirect negative impacts on the local flora and fauna. The present study examines the effects of different mowing regimes on arthropod abundance and diversity by conducting meta-analyses of studies assessing the effect of mowing on arthropod abundance (46 datasets) and taxa richness (23 datasets) in urban environments. Due to a geographical bias in the literature, only data from the temperate, northern hemisphere are analyzed. While our meta-analysis on arthropod abundance showed a medium positive effect (effect size: g = 0.54) of reduced mowing, the cumulative positive effect of reduced mowing on arthropod taxa richness was large (g = 1.25). Grouping the studies not only resulted in lower heterogeneity, but also showed that manicured lawns disproportionately favor the abundance of “pest” species as well as ground-dwelling arthropods. There was also a significantly higher abundance of winged insects on sites with reduced mowing as compared to arthropods without wings. Overall, the findings of the present meta-analysis strongly support the notion that a reduction in mowing frequencies in urban greenspaces benefits insect biodiversity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of valuators’ personal history and beliefs on valuation of ecosystem services around Mt. Rokko, which is located near Kobe, a major city in Japan. Special attention was paid to how differences in lifestyle, access to nature, and experiences during childhood influence willingness to pay (WTP) for peri-urban ecosystem conservation. The estimated values (median: 1858 JPY) were relatively higher than in previous case studies including one on the World Heritage forest in the country, but the value was not outlier of the literature. From the simple model estimation, we focused on the effect of individual differences. The full model including information of personal experience with nature revealed differences in WTP among residents. The basic characteristics of age and income were found to have a significant effect. Interestingly, it was also found that certain experiences during childhood had a significant effect on increasing WTP for ecosystem and biodiversity conservation. These findings suggest the importance of considering the diversity of valuators in ecosystem valuation studies under urbanization processes, and it also warns the extinction of experience with nature under on going urbanization for urban ecosystem conservation.  相似文献   

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