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喻春明 《中国麻业》2001,23(2):23-26
本文综合了苎麻作饲料的产量、成分和营养价值,对基人作为猪、牛、绵羊、山羊、兔子和鸡饲料的潜力进行了估价,并与其它一般饲料作物作了比较,提出了实现苎麻饲料产业化的设想和尚街进一步研究或完善的问题。根据已有研究结果,苎麻含有丰富的蛋白质,其蛋白质中重要氨基酸含量较高,此外还含有丰富的类胡萝卜素、维生素B2和钙,是各种特畜的最佳食品和蛋白质来源。开发苎麻饲料产品具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

苎麻历年来仅对只占整个植株 4%左右的纤维部分加以利用 ,96 %的苎麻副产物被视作废料白白浪费。为充分挖掘苎麻多功能潜力 ,本文从拓展苎麻的纺织、环保、饲用、建材、药用等功能方面进行了较深入透彻的剖析 ,对开发利用我国苎麻多功能潜力具有较为重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

苎麻多功能开发潜力及利用途径   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
熊和平 《中国麻作》2001,23(1):22-25
苎麻历年来仅对只占整个植株4%左右的纤维部分加以利用,96%的苎麻副产物被视作废料的白白浪费,为充分挖掘苎麻多功能潜力,本文从拓展苎麻的纺织、环保、饲用、建材、药用等功能方面进行了较深入透彻的剖析,对开发利用我国苎麻多功能潜力具有较为重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

苎麻历年来仅对只占整个植株4%左右的纤维部分加以利用,96%的苎麻副产物被视作废料白白浪费。为充分挖掘苎麻多功能潜力,本文从拓展苎麻的纺织、环保、饲用、建材、药用等功能方面进行了较深入透彻的剖析,对开发利用我国苎麻多功能潜力具有较为重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文根据现有的研究资料,介绍苎麻的药用功能和药用成分,并就苎麻药用价值进一步研开发,提出建议。  相似文献   

地膜及其类产品是农业增产增收的重要生产资料,我国年生产地膜及其类产品高达54~57万吨.然而,目前工业生产的地膜多为化纤产品,在农业生产应用中易造成对环境的污染.本文就地膜的生产变化过程直至麻纤维地膜出现对农业生态环境的影响进行了描述,意图引发出一项崭新的环保产业.  相似文献   

地膜及其类产品是农业增产增收的重要生产资料 ,我国年生产地膜及其类产品高达54~ 57万吨。然而 ,目前工业生产的地膜多为化纤产品 ,在农业生产应用中易造成对环境的污染。本文就地膜的生产变化过程直至麻纤维地膜出现对农业生态环境的影响进行了描述 ,意图引发出一项崭新的环保产业。  相似文献   

我国甘蔗的适种区域广阔。甘蔗不仅可作糖蔗和果蔗,还可做能源蔗、蔬菜蔗等等。甘蔗砍收剩余物和甘蔗制糖副产物营养丰富且较易被牲畜吸收利用,故作饲料的利用价值更大。有甘蔗科研机构作后盾和坚实的甘蔗副产品开发基础,甘蔗作饲料的产业化发展前景非常广阔。  相似文献   

我国甘蔗的适种区域广阔。甘蔗品种不仅有糖蔗和果蔗,还有能源蔗、蔬菜蔗等。甘蔗所含物质丰富且大多可被牲畜吸收利用,故作饲料的利用价值很大。大量的甘蔗砍收剩余物和甘蔗制糖副产物成为甘蔗副产品开发的原料,所以,甘蔗作饲料的产业化发展前景非常广阔。  相似文献   

 从人畜分粮的角度,分析水稻绿色饲料的最佳收割期、营养成分和营养素产量的品种差异。  相似文献   

2007~2008年,连续2 a对7个饲用苎麻新品系的生长动态、草产量及其饲用品质进行了研究。结果表明:参试品系再生能力均极强,年均刈青10次,单兜分蘖数随刈青次数增加而增加,年均单兜分蘖数最高的达28株;草产量主要集中在4~10月,年鲜草和粗蛋白产量均以1号饲用苎麻品系最高,分别达318.8 t/hm2和12.15 t/hm2,与其他品系差异达极显著,2号品系次之;7个参试品系在平均草层70 cm的粗蛋白含量达20 %以上的有5个,相对饲用价值均可达100 %以上;综合评价为1号和2号2个品系表现最好。  相似文献   

本文根据现有的研究资料,介绍苎麻的药用功能和药用成分,并就苎麻药用价值进一步研开发,提出建议.  相似文献   

分析了纯苎麻纤维的特点及在纺织加工中存在的问题,介绍了苎麻纺织技术的新进展.  相似文献   

运用夏皮罗-威尔克(Shapiro-Wilk)法对电子强力仪测定的苎麻单纤维断裂强力检测数据的分布特征进行了分析,结果表明其分布近似正态分布。检测数据可按狄克逊(Dixon)法进行检验,剔除异常值。分析了测定强力时产生的不确定度因素,并对其进行了评估,找出了影响测定结果准确度的主要原因。  相似文献   

苎麻纺织加工技术的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马芹  刘学锋 《中国麻业》2005,27(4):209-212
分析了纯苎麻纤维的特点及在纺织加工中存在的问题,介绍了苎麻纺织技术的新进展。  相似文献   

Two series of broiler chicken feeding experiments quantified the differences in growth performance of broiler chickens fed either six different U.K. wheat cultivars from one harvest year or six wheat samples that comprised two cultivars (Dean and Beaver) each grown in three harvest years. Differences in broiler growth performance were compared to four rapid tests of wheat quality (specific weight, Hagberg falling number, water-extract viscosity and endosperm hardness) and the determined true metabolisable energy. Broilers fed the cultivar Dean had higher (P<0·001) weight gains and lower (P<0·05) feed conversion ratios compared to those fed Beaver. Samples from a harvest year (1992) in which there was high rainfall in the month during which harvest occurred resulted in lower (P<0·05) broiler feed conversion ratios. Endosperm hardness and water-extract viscosity were both linearly related (P<0·05) to differences in broiler feed conversion ratios but there was no (P>0·05) reduction in unaccountable variation from including both variables in a multiple regression analysis. The measurement of endosperm hardness by near infra-red spectroscopy is rapid and has the potential to be used to discriminate nutritive value between wheat samples on their arrival at poultry feed mills.  相似文献   

通过苎麻施用生物肥的对比试验和生产示范,结果表明,生物肥能促进其生长势变旺表现为叶色变绿、叶片增大、增厚.抗性增强其抗寒性、抗风性、抗倒性分别增加36.4、12.5、2.21个百分点,其抗苎麻花叶皱缩病也明显增强.经济性状和产量、品质提高株高、茎粗、皮厚、每公顷有效株、纤维产量和单维支数分别提高12.3cm、0.07cm、0.09mm、2422.5株、14.6%~18.6%和53公支.经济效益可观每投入1元可增收2.27元,每公顷增加纯利816元.施用方法是当苎麻出齐苗后每公顷施用生物肥45公斤,兑猪尿水一同泼蔸.  相似文献   

Biofumigation is increasingly viewed as a potentially useful technique for controlling soil-borne crop pathogens, but its efficacy has not systematically been demonstrated at field scale. We investigated the differences in efficacy observed in the field, by analysing the mechanisms by which a Brassica cover crop can act as a biofumigant crop in the prevention of soil-borne disease development. We hypothesised that the biofumigant crop might have a negative effect on soil-borne pathogens whilst growing, and that the pulverisation of this crop and the incorporation of its residues into the soil may enhance this effect. We tested this hypothesis by carrying out three field experiments in 2006, 2007 and 2008 in which Brassica juncea (brown mustard) was managed in different ways within a sugar beet–winter wheat rotation and analysing effects on sugar beet root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Three treatments were studied: mustard pulled out at flowering (MP), mustard crushed at flowering and incorporated into the soil (MC) and bare soil (BS) as a control. We assessed the effect of each treatment on root rot incidence and severity at harvest. Over the 3 years of the experiment, disease incidence was significantly higher on BS plots than on the other plots and was significantly higher on MP plots than on MC plots. MC treatment gave a significantly lower mean conditional severity (severity calculated for diseased beets only) than the BS and MP treatments. Mustard residue incorporation was consistently effective at decreasing disease incidence from year to year (43, 44 and 47% efficacy, as determined by comparison with the disease incidence on BS plots, in 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively), but the efficacy of growing mustard was variable (36, 16 and 39% efficacy in 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively). These findings provide insight into the mechanisms by which biofumigant crops may affect soil-borne diseases. These findings have implications for the possible use of biofumigant crops as a biological method for controlling soil-borne diseases at the field scale.  相似文献   

苎麻纤维的细度、强力、断裂强度、均匀度、结晶度是衡量苎麻纤维品质优劣的几项主要指标.本文就苎麻主要品质性状的研究方法、进展及遗传改良进行概述,并对目前研究中存在的问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

通过苎麻施用生物肥的对比试验和生产示范,结果表明,生物肥能促进其生长势变旺:表现为叶色变绿、叶片增大、增厚。抗性增强:其抗寒性、抗风性、抗倒性分别增加36.4、12.5、2.21个百分点,其抗苎麻花叶皱缩病也明显增强。经济性状和产量、品质提高:株高、茎粗、皮厚、每公顷有效株、纤维产量和单维支数分别提高12.3cm、0.07cm、0.09mm、2422.5株、14.6%-18.6%和53公支。经济效益可观:每投入1元可增收2.27元,每公顷增加纯利816元。施用方法是:当苎麻出齐苗后每公顷施用生物肥45公斤,兑猪尿水一同泼蔸。  相似文献   

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