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用10年生丛生竹的节片通过离体腋笋增殖和生根产生出府竹小苗。不同季节对无菌培养物的建立、腋芽发萌和初代培养的影响很大。3片丛生林中,无菌培养物的建立有差别,但腋芽发萌没有差别。用加有31.06uM BA和2.85um IAA的MS液体介质,最大的增值率为3.18;用加有20~25um IBA MS液体介质,离体生根率为66.7~77.8%。用不同的植物生长素,生根所用的天数也不同,而IBA液能在短期促进生根,仅仅为2-3周。成功炼苗后,在装有土壤、沙子和农家肥塑料袋里,离体繁殖的小苗成活率为90%,大约有2000株小苗用于野外栽植。  相似文献   

实验观测了青皮竹(Bambusa textilis McClure)和慈竹(B.emeiensis)不同发育期(竹笋、幼竹和成年竹)的解剖特征,包括组织比量、基本组织、维管束及纤维形态的变化。结果表明,随着发育成熟,2个竹种的基本组织比量都呈现下降趋势,而输导组织和纤维组织则呈现不同程度的增长趋势。基本组织的减小量基本上等于纤维组织和输导组织的增加量。在同一发育期慈竹的维管束密度大于青皮竹。纤维长度随着竹龄的增加而变长和增宽,在同一发育期,纤维细胞的直径中部大于基部和顶部。竹子发育期间,纤维直径、双壁厚、长宽比及腔径比都随竹龄增加而增大,壁腔比则呈现下降趋势。2种竹材维管束的径向宽度均大于其弦向宽度。  相似文献   

在孟加拉,由于木材资源持续下降,引发了对木材的替代原料的研究兴趣。竹子是一种生长快、可更新、经济实用的材料,是一种极有希望的木材代替品。选择两个当地竹种(巴苦竹和龙竹)研究生产竹质集成材的可行性。分别从巴苦竹和龙竹基部向上的5.4 m和3.6m截取一段竹秆,加工成方形竹块,以加工层积材。采用硼酸,漂白和碳化等防腐处理来处理竹片,以延长集成材的使用寿命。用处理过的竹片分别制成两种不同纹理方向(顺纹和交错纹理)的3层竹板材,其厚度为12 mm。以脲醛胶和聚醋酸乙烯酯作为胶粘剂。与交错纹理相比,用脲醛胶和聚醋酸乙烯酯胶合的顺纹层积材的机械强度(如断裂模数和弹性模数)较高。但用聚醋酸乙烯酯胶合的顺纹层积材的尺寸稳定性较弱。在这2个竹种中,龙竹制成的顺纹层积材性能较好。竹质集成材是一种中高强度的材料,可用作结构单板、组合家具构件、地板和墙板等。然而,需要进一步研究产品在使用期的稳定性和蠕变行为。  相似文献   

穗条节数、IBA和NAA对萝芙木扦插生根率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解穗条节数、IBA和NAA对萝芙木(Rauvolfia verticillata)扦插生根率的影响,采用L12(3×24)正交试验设计对穗条节数为1、2、3节,IBA浓度为0.5和0.75g/L,叶面喷施0.1g/L的NAA溶液或不喷共3因素进行试验。试验结果表明,影响扦插生根的主导因子是IBA,试验的优水平组合为0.75g/L的IBA处理2个节的穗条扦插和叶面不喷NAA,生根率达66.7%,是12个处理组合中最高的。  相似文献   

糖基化磷脂酰肌醇锚定蛋白(GPIAP)因其结构和功能的多样性,决定了它在各种生物学过程中都发挥着重要作用。采用同源克隆的方法从绿竹(Bambusa oldhamii)中获得一个GPIAP同源基因,命名为BoGPIAP,cDNA全长1 772 bp,其中包括1 356 bp的开放阅读框,编码一个451 aa的的蛋白。蛋白结构分析表明,该蛋白包含1个典型的GPIAP家族保守区域(47-211)和1个CCVS结构域,在N-端和C-端分别具有1个跨膜信号肽和1个GPI锚定信号肽,属于GPIAP家族。构建BoGPIAPGFP融合的表达载体,在洋葱表皮细胞中瞬时表达,结果显示BoCOBL::GFP融合蛋白定位于细胞膜上,证明BoGPIAP基因编码的蛋白为膜蛋白。分别构建BoGPIAP的正义、反义表达载体并转化烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)。PCR检测结果表明,BoGPIAP已转入烟草。与野生型相比,转反义基因植株细弱,纤维细胞壁明显变薄;而转正义基因植株粗壮,纤维细胞壁明显变厚。表明BoGPIAP可能对竹子纤维细胞壁的发育具有调控作用。  相似文献   

在广西南宁市测量粉单竹竹秆的全高、材长、胸径、节间数量及每节间三要素(直径、长度和壁厚)等秆形指标,对砍倒的立竹进行分段称重,研究这些指标与竹材生物量的关系。结果表明:材长、节间数量及三要素均与胸径相关密切,幂函数和线性方程拟合程度高。最长节间出现在第9~12节,最粗直径多在第4~6节。全株生物量中竹秆所占份额最大,为76.82%,各器官生物量依次为秆 > 蔸 > 枝 > 叶。单株竹秆鲜质量与胸径高度显著相关,可用二次线性方程进行较精确估算。研究秆形结构变化规律、全株及每段竹秆鲜质量分配格局,有利于促进粉单竹竹秆科学利用。  相似文献   

与亚洲国家相比,加纳的竹子利用程度较低。究其原因,主要是对当地竹种的潜力缺乏了解。本研究在加纳选择了3块立地,对龙头竹和黄金间碧竹的热习性及其与与含水率和基本密度的关系进行了研究。结果表明,在热加工过程中可分为3~4个不同的阶段。样品竹的灰含量低于1%,且两种竹之间没有明显的区别。但在物理特性上,来自3块地的不同竹秆存在不同。竹秆含水量在71.7%~145.5%之间,且顶部的含水量比基部的含水量稍低。基本密度值为466~761kg/m3,3块立地之间有明显的区别。  相似文献   

本文利用竹节和节间的纤维特性研究了龙头竹的强度性质随不同秆高而发生的变化。根据变化,节间的纤维长度随秆高的增长而增长(从基部到顶部为2.78 mm~3.73mm)而纤维直径则相反,从基部到顶部呈减少趋势(0.033~0.013mm)。相对密度和耐破度呈相对减少趋势,其数值从基部到顶部逐渐减少(分别为0.62~0.51和8.2~5.3Kn/mm2)。另据观测,竹节的纤维长度从基部到顶部呈减少趋势(1.79~1.39 mm),而纤维直径从基部到顶部不断增加(0.023~0.031mm)。从基部到顶部,相对密度显示出减少的趋势(0.64~0.52),而耐破度也显示出同样的趋势(11~5.4 KN/mm2)。数据统计分析表明,竹节的纤维长度和相对密度显示出很强的正相关关系,纤维直径表明出较弱的负相关关系。耐破度与纤维长度有较弱的直接关系,但与纤维直径有较弱的负相关关系。节间的相对密度和纤维长度上呈很弱的负相关关系,而与纤维直径有较弱的直接关系。耐破度和纤维长度显示出很强的负相关关系,而纤维直径和耐破度显示直接和显著关系。  相似文献   


Application of IBA (0, 1000, 2000, and 3000 ppm) and thiamine (0, 200, 400, 600, and 800 ppm) alone or in all possible combinations, was investigated for induction and growth of adventitious roots in branch cuttings of teak (Tectona grandis). Of these, 1000 ppm IBA and 600 ppm thiamine alone or 1000 ppm IBA × 800 ppm thiamine significantly promoted various characteristics of adventitious roots. However, a very strong synergism between IBA and thamine was observed, as the effect of 1000 ppm IBA × 800 ppm thiamine was several fold more pronounced than that of individual application of IBA or thiamine in induction and growth of adventitious roots. Therefore, administration of 1000 ppm IBA × 800 ppm thiamineis recommended for clonal propagation of teak on a large scale.  相似文献   

试验研究了龙头竹不同外植体类型、不同消毒药剂及消毒时间对组培效果的影响,以及不同炼苗时间、不同育苗基质、不同肥料种类及施肥方式对组培苗移栽成活率和发笋率的影响。结果表明:龙头竹播种苗秆芽是最适合的组培外植体,外植体消毒以0.1%氯化汞、消毒7 min效果最好;组培苗移栽后炼苗9 d,育苗基质宜采用20%蛭石和80%珍珠岩混合基质,移栽15 d后叶面施用0.3%氮磷钾复合肥组培苗生长状况最好。  相似文献   

试验研究了灰秆竹种子质量特征及苗木的组培快繁技术。结果显示:灰秆竹种子纯净度为99.0%,千粒质量为13.5 g,病虫害感染度为6.7%,含水量为7.9%;种子点播的发芽率好于撒播,环境温度在30~35℃时种子发芽率最高;在灰秆竹播种苗快繁时,作为外植体的枝条幼化程度越高,繁殖苗生长越快;在培养基中加入生长激素能显著提高苗木的生长速度,生长激素以细胞分裂素(BA)效果最佳。  相似文献   

李云  王树芝  田砚亭  钱永强 《林业科学》2004,40(3):75-79,i002
对四倍体刺槐无性系试管苗不定根的诱导进行了研究。采用 32 析因设计、二次回归正交设计的方法研究了在培养基中添加植物生长调节剂NAA和IBA对试管苗生根的影响 ,通过统计分析选出四倍体宽叶刺槐无性系的最适生根培养基是 1 2MS IBA 0 4mg·L- 1 NAA 0 2 5mg·L- 1 蔗糖 2 % 琼脂 0 6 % ;并对四倍体刺槐无性系试管苗不定根的发育过程进行了解剖观察 ,结果表明试管苗嫩梢无潜伏根原基 ,不定根由诱生根原基发育形成 ,诱生根原基源于髓射线细胞的分裂和分化。  相似文献   

以佯黄竹(Bambusa changningensis Yi et B.X.Li)为研究对象,测定分析了佯黄竹的纤维素含量、纤维形态和制浆性能。结果显示:佯黄竹有较高的纤维素含量(52.54%)、较大的纤维长宽比(111.9)和较高的制浆得率(52.6%)。研究结果表明,佯黄竹可用于制浆造纸,制浆性能优于四川大多数造纸竹种。  相似文献   

抗伸强度是竹子的一种机械性能,相关的研究调查不多。在本研究中,用印楝籽油处理劈竹样品,其比重为0.89,并在实验中将含水率控制在11.76%。由于竹子的特性,采用改良的ASTM D143-94对劈竹的断裂和弹性模量进行了评估。结果显示,对照样品、在室温用印楝籽油浸泡了24小时的样品及在600C的热油浸泡4小时的样品的断裂模量分别为157.40,153.83和130.16 N mm2。而弹性模量出呈同样趋势,对照样品、在室温用印楝籽油浸泡了24小时的样品及在600C的热油浸泡4小时的样品的弹性模量分别为分别为3452.31,2125.22和2018.18 N mm2。最大载重量、载重量和伸缩量也呈该趋势。按照5%的显著性水平进行方差分析,结果表明,在对照样品和经用印楝籽油处理的样品之间,除了最大载重外,所有评估的性能值有很大的差别。在此后的试验中,采用Fisher的最小显著性差异比较在p<0.05水平上的均值。  相似文献   

H. T. Tate  T. Page 《New Forests》2018,49(4):551-570
Developing methods for routine clonal propagation of sandalwood (Santalum austrocaledonicum) is important for its domestication and development as a commercial agroforestry species. The amenability of this species to propagation by leafy stem cuttings in low-cost non-mist propagators was assessed in four separate experiments. These experiments evaluated the effects of (1) genotype (15 genotypes from two island provenances), (2) cutting position on the stock plant (apical, medial and basal), (3) cutting size (1-node/400 mm2 and 2-node/800 mm2 leaf area), (4) three propagation media [scoria (5 mm, air-filled porosity (AFP)—29%), vermiculite and perlite (1:1 v/v, AFP—46%) and vermiculite, perlite and peat (2:2:1 v/v/v, AFP—42%)], (5) indole-3-butyric (IBA) (3000, 4000 and 8000 ppm) and (6) irradiance in the propagator [daily light integral (DLI) 5.3, 3.9, 2.6, 2.2 mol m?2 day?1]. IBA, propagation media and cutting size had no significant effect on rooting percentage, root number or root growth. Evidence of provenance-based variation in rooting capacity was recorded with greater rooting success for genotypes from the island of Erromango compared with Tanna. Variation in adventitious root induction was also recorded between individual genotypes from Erromango across all four experiments. Cuttings collected from the apical and medial parts of the shoot on the stock plant had higher rooting percentage than those collected from the base. Differences in rooting capacity between apical and medial shoots were variable between experiments and may be attributed to different levels of hardening. The use of artificial shade (~?70%) to achieve a mean DLI of between 2.6 and 3.9 mol m?2 day?1 increased rooting percentage compared to both lower (2.2 mol m?2 day?1 or?~?90% shade) and higher (5.3 mol m?2 day?1 or?~?50% shade) irradiance treatments. Leaf retention of cuttings in the propagator was positively associated with the percentage of cuttings with adventitious roots, with highest percentage in cuttings with full leaf retention, regardless of original cutting size. This study demonstrated S. austrocaledonicum seedlings can be successfully propagated by cuttings provided the propagation conditions are optimized for each genotype.  相似文献   

为探索不同间伐强度对撑绿竹新竹胸径、竹高、产量的影响,在贵州省习水县设置了不采伐(处理A)、中度间伐(处理B)、强度间伐(处理C)3个采伐强度的试验研究。结果表明,处理C的新竹平均胸径低于处理A和处理B,处理A和处理B的新竹竹高均高于处理C,处理B的新竹产量最高为18.15 t/hm2,其次是处理A为15.62 t/hm2、处理C最低为10.91 t/hm2。撑绿竹林中度间伐有利于新生竹的生长发育和产量提高。  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in above ground dry-matter, nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) accumulation were measured following application of N and P in autumn or spring to 1-year-old Pinus radiata (D. Don). Dry-matter production and nutrient accumulation were measured eight times over two years following fertilization.

All trees produced dry-matter throughout the year, but during the summer, fertilized trees produced more dry-matter than unfertilized trees. In contrast to dry-matter production, nutrient accumulation showed a distinctly seasonal pattern with maximum accumulation of N and P occurring in winter and spring, when rainfall and soil moisture were highest. Accumulation of N and P either slowed markedly or ceased during summer depending on fertilizer treatment. Continued dry-matter production during summer, when nutrient accumulation was low, resulted in the decline of N and P concentrations in needles, branches and stems of all trees. This indicated that nutrients required for new growth during summer were mobilized from existing foliage and wood. Fertilization increased the concentrations of N and P in foliage and wood, and these higher concentrations persisted through summer. Spring fertilization increased N accumulation to a greater extent than autumn fertilization, this effect lasting two years. The greater dry-matter production by fertilized trees during summer indicated that growth during summer was limited by nutrient supply.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the effects of nitrogen fertilization, photoperiod, cutting type, and clone on root and shoot development of stem cuttings of sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua). Differences in the growth of roots and shoots were observed as a result of weekly applications of varying levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization (0, 25, 50, 100, or 200 mg N/liter). As the concentration of N increased, new-shoot dry weight increased, but root dry weight decreased at rates greater than 50 mg N/liter. The percentage of rooted cuttings surviving also decreased as N concentrations increased past 50 mg N/liter. A night-interruption light treatment did not significantly affect survival percentages or the amount of root and shoot growth. Across all treatments, only 46% of all cuttings produced new-shoot growth within a 15-week period following rooting. Cutting type (terminal or sub-terminal) affected rooted cutting development. A higher percentage of terminal cuttings survived and were deemed plantable. In contrast, sub-terminal cuttings produced more shoot and root growth. Differences among clones were observed for all traits measured.Manipulating N fertilization, in conjunction with using clones that propagate well, has the potential of producing rooted cuttings of a size adequate for plantation establishment. However, higher percentages of cuttings that produce new shoot growth shortly after rooting must be achieved.  相似文献   

落羽杉属种源研究:扦插生根能力变异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了不同种源、家系落羽杉扦插繁殖生根能力的遗传变异。结果表明,落羽杉嫩枝扦插一般7d开始产生愈伤组织,15d开始发根。活条率、生根率、发根数、不定根总长、生根力指数和抽梢长度等6个性状在种源、家系间均有显著或极显著差异。1600号、401号、502号和鸡公山种源是生长和生根能力兼优的种源家系。500×10-6NAA快浸可以显著提高落羽杉种源扦插生根率。同时还分析了扦插生根性状间及生根力与母树生长间的相关关系。  相似文献   

Milicia excelsa and M. regia are important timber species in moist tropical areas of Africa. They have not been successfully grown largely because of attacks by gall-forming psyllids in the genus Phytolyma. Our objectives were to evaluate the growth of planted Milicia seedlings and incidence of psyllid attack in small (4.2 m2), medium (18.5 m2) and large (>500 m2) artificial gaps in the Bobiri Forest Reserve in the Moist Semi-Deciduous Forest of Ghana. After 13 months, height and diameter growth of Milicia seedlings were significantly greater in the medium and large gaps than in the small gaps. Insect attacks occurred first and most severely in the large gaps, but spread to gaps of all sizes between the 11th and 13th months after planting. While gap size significantly affected the susceptibility of seedlings to psyllid attack, it is not the only factor important in determining susceptibility of Milicia excelsa under field conditions. We conclude that gap sizes in the range of 10–50 m2, where irradiances are from 30–60% of full sunlight, in forests similar to those at the study site, seem to be most suitable for regeneration of Milicia.  相似文献   

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