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多功能轻小型灌溉机组是一种新型灌溉机组,具有喷灌和软管灌溉两种灌水方式,满足了不同作物在不同生育期对水分的要求。该喷水车安装有高度调节装置,始终使灌水器处于最佳灌水高度,克服了受风影响较大的弱点,减少了灌溉水分的漂移损失,提高了灌水均匀度和利用效率。在试验室内通过对该机组水力性能试验研究,结果表明,该机组在喷灌方式下灌水均匀度要好于软管灌溉;机组行进速率在不同档位下随压力增大而增加。  相似文献   

喷灌和软管灌溉两用机组水量分布特性与试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喷灌和软管灌溉两用轻小机组具有喷灌和软管灌溉两种灌水方式,且有高度可升降、喷幅可调等特点.采用理论分析和试验验证相结合的方法,对该机组水量分布特性进行了研究,分析了影响机组水量分布特性的因素,计算了机组在配置喷灌和软管灌溉系统时的喷灌强度、均匀系数,结果表明,影响机组水量分布均匀性的主要因素是所配置灌水器的水量分布特性、灌水器配置间距、行走速率、土壤和地形、风速等.在室内试验时,机组喷灌均匀系数达95%以上,软管灌溉均匀系数达90%,可满足灌溉需要.  相似文献   

喷灌和软管灌溉两用轻小机组机翼采用多跨桁架快速拆装连接结构,可根据地块宽度进行调节机翼跨数和喷幅,拓展了轻小机组的适用功能;在两用轻小机组上可安装低压折射式喷头或软管洒水带,既降低系统工作压力和能耗,又能调整灌溉机组的灌溉方式和灌溉水量,提高了机组的适应能力;在机组上还装有高度调节装置,可根据不同作物或不同生育期作物的生长状况调节机组的喷洒高度,尽可能减少风对喷洒均匀度的影响和水分的漂移损失;机组行走动力来自供水系统的绞盘机车.与常规轻小机组相比,该机组具有能耗低、均匀度高、整机性能和适应能力强等优点.  相似文献   

1992年我所自行研制了“低压多孔口均匀喷洒灌溉管道” ,即在塑料软管上开很多均匀小孔使之与低压输水系统出水口配套。虽然实验取得了成功 ,但由于制造技术原始等原因 ,没有得到开发应用 ,1999年我所发现台湾生产的双羽式喷水软管与我们的想法类似 ,且采用激光造孔 ,生产工艺先进 ,于是进行了大面积示范应用。这种喷水软管可方便收放 ,沿管长均布激光打的小孔 ,每根管长 10 0m ,喷水压力 0 .0 5MPa ,喷洒均匀 ,省水经济。这种灌溉形式与现在使用的喷灌相比有如下优点 :①没有喷头 ,结构更加简单 ,价格低廉 ;②使用方便 ,收放快捷 ;③规…  相似文献   

为研究轻小型喷灌机组低压喷灌条件下运行速率的合理取值以及工作压力与喷灌机组压力水头损失的关系,以轻小型喷灌机组为研究对象,经过室内喷灌试验,研究了一定工作压力和流量条件下机组的运行速率、灌水定额之间的关系,并对机组的局部水头损失和沿程水头损失进行了分析.结果表明:灌水定额与轻小型喷灌机组的运行速率、工作压力有一定的关系,通过确定灌水定额,能够调制出相应的运行速率.轻小型喷灌机组卷盘车处入口压力增大,喷水车单喷头处的压力也随之增大,但是入口压力增大到一定程度后,单喷头压力的提高幅度减小,因此在机组正常工作范围内,可以通过适当降低机组的入口压力,以减少机组的压力水头损失,节省能耗,降低机组的运行成本.轻小型喷灌机组在中国有广泛的发展前景,该项研究对于中国轻小型喷灌机组的性能改良具有重要意义,为轻小型喷灌机组的发展提供参考依据.  相似文献   

针对目前国内外喷灌机组的研究发展趋势,研制了一种新型平移式喷灌机组.该机组采用异形连接机构,实现装置的快速连接、拆卸;采取多跨特殊桁架连接,可以根据地形需求,灵活改变跨数,避免机组的过喷和漏喷现象;桁架的特殊开槽方式,可以根据作物需水要求,灵活改变喷头安装高度与间距,减少喷灌的漂移蒸发损失,提高喷灌的均匀性;搭载的低压折射式喷头,降低了系统工作压力,节省了机组能耗.采用间歇式控制系统,实现机组的自动化作业,满足了现代化农业精准灌溉的要求.对该机组的性能进行试验,结果表明:喷头工作压力在0.07 MPa,安装间距为3 m,高度为1 m时,喷灌均匀性系数达到86.5%,分布均匀性系数达到80.9%.与现有产品相比,该机组易拆卸、适应性广、节水、节能、均匀性高,应用前景可观.  相似文献   

喷头是将压力喷射到空中,形成水滴,进行喷洒灌溉的设备.喷头与动力机、水泵、管道等组成一个完整的喷灌机组或喷灌系统.喷灌时,灌溉用水最后都由喷头喷洒到田问,所以喷头性能的好坏,运用是否得当,对整个喷灌机组和喷灌系统的技术状态起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

低压可调幅式喷灌机研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析国内喷灌发展中存在的问题,介绍了一种新型低压可调幅式喷灌机。该机型采用可升降的伸缩式桁架,实现喷幅可按地块的大小任意调节,喷灌机桁架高度可按作物高度进行升降,最大限度地减少了喷灌的漂移损失,节约了灌溉用水;配套的低压喷头,降低了系统工作压力,降低喷灌能耗。低压可调幅式喷灌机既可作为新开发地区的喷灌机型,也可与低压管道输水或渠道灌溉相结合,变低压管道输水或渠道灌溉为喷灌,提高了喷灌水源的灵活性。  相似文献   

喷灌和软管灌溉两用轻小机组洒水车稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对喷灌和软管灌溉两用轻小机组洒水车具有高度可升降、喷幅可调、喷灌和软管灌溉两用等特点,为了提高洒水车爬坡和抗翻倾能力,对该机组洒水车纵、横向稳定性进行了分析.采用理论分析的方法分析了机组在纵横向坡度上作业时影响其稳定性的因素,并给出了其稳定性与各影响因素之间的关系.结果表明,地面粘附系数越高,对洒水车的稳定性越有利;适当增大轮距、增大两轮中轴线至供水管触地点的距离、降低洒水车质心高度,可提高洒水车的稳定性;增大牵引力和减小洒水车自重可提高洒水车的爬坡能力.  相似文献   

目前,我国农田节水灌溉技术主要有渠道防渗技术、低压管道输水灌溉技术、喷灌技术、微灌技术、改进地面灌水技术、综合农业节水技术、雨水汇集利用技术和节水灌溉管理技术等几种。1微灌技术的优缺点 微灌包括滴灌、渗灌和微喷灌等,它是一种新型的农田灌溉技术。微灌是根据作物对于水分的需要,通过低压管道系统与安装在末级管道上的灌水器(滴头、渗孔和微喷头),将作物生长所需要的水分和养料以较小的流量,均匀准确地直接输送到作物根部附近的土壤中或土壤表面,是一种局部灌水方式。与喷灌、管道输水灌溉和地面灌溉相比,它具有以下…  相似文献   

一种新型的节水灌溉技术——渗灌   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
渗灌技术具有显著的节水、节能、省工、增产和提高品品质的特点,是发展我国节水型农业的重要技术措施之一,本文较详细地介绍了渗灌系统的田间规划,设计参数选择及生物堵塞的预防和处理办法,建议引进利用废旧轮胎回收的橡胶生产渗灌管的专利技术和关键生产设备,实现渗灌管的国产化。  相似文献   

卷盘式喷灌机在农作物灌溉中有对地形适应性强、易于管理、省工省时、喷洒质量高、使用寿命长、投资适宜等优点,但单喷枪喷洒时耗能较高,受风影响较大。  相似文献   

World irrigation     
Land under irrigation in the world today, about 250 million ha, makes up about 17% of the total area cropped world-wide and contributes 36% of the world's food production. About three-quarters of the irrigated area is in the so-called developing countries. Of this, 90% is concentrated in North Africa and the Near and Far East. In contrast, sub-Saharan Africa contributes less than 2%. Irrigation technology differs between regions, not only according to climatological factors, but also to historic and socio-economic influences.  相似文献   

自流灌区节水灌溉及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李艺珍  王兴华 《节水灌溉》1999,(4):11-12,28
随着全球化水资源危机的出现,灌区发展中存在的问题明显暴露出来。一方面,灌区工程老化失修严重,灌水技术落后,管理粗放;另一方面,水资源不足,灌区引水量逐年下降,制约 了灌溉效益的发挥和灌区的发展。  相似文献   

This study examines the socio-economic and financial performances of irrigation projects under the Ogun-Oshun River Basin and Rural Development Authority (O-ORBRDA) in Nigeria. Primary data on the farming activities of the project farmers during the 2001/02 seasons and the projects' records for the period of 1995/96 to 2001/02 were summarised into socio-economic and financial performance indicators. In the Sepeteri Project, a revenue recovery level of 96% was estimated. The project is not financially viable as only 29% of its recurrent expenditure is covered. The farmers do not show commitment to making the project successful. An approximate 67% social capacity level was estimated. The relative irrigation cost and profit indexes do not show sufficient evidence that farmers would prefer irrigation farming to rain-fed farming. The Itoikin Project records a lower revenue recovery level of 75%. The project covers about 50% of its recurrent expenditure. In addition, the farmers do not appear to have a commitment to making the project successful, with a 33% social capacity level. A number of problems may be the causes of unprofitable irrigated cropping. If government increases the subvention, the O-ORBRDA prioritises irrigation service in disbursing the subvention to the projects, and the project manages the risks in the project sites, conscientises and incorporates the intended beneficiaries into managing the projects, the projects would be equipped to supply more irrigation services thereby making it more profitable and encouraging more participation of the intended beneficiaries. This would improve the socio-economic and financial performance of the projects.  相似文献   

In northern Ethiopia, where traditional (farmers) irrigation management on Vertisols is widely practiced, sustainable food security has always been a challenge. The reasons for this are multi-dimensional, but of utmost importance is, low-tech irrigation water management. The main objective of the present study is, therefore, to examine technologies of irrigation water management that might enable farmers to increase water productivity (WP) on vertisols.A comparative study has been undertaken between the traditional irrigation management (every furrow-traditional scheduling) and alternative water management options on maize plots in northern Ethiopia. The options include alternate furrows-scientific scheduling and every furrow-scientific scheduling. A field experiment was undertaken over two irrigation seasons (1998/1999 and 1999/2000). Results were compared on the basis of yield, WP and economic productivity concepts.Yield-based comparison has shown that every furrow-scientific scheduling generates the highest yield levels followed by alternate furrows-scientific scheduling. The yield increase (by every furrow-scientific scheduling) over the traditional management was found to be 54%.WP-based comparison has shown that alternate furrows-scientific scheduling generates the highest WP values followed by every furrow-scientific scheduling. The increase (by alternate furrow irrigation, scientific scheduling) over the traditional irrigation management was 58%.Economic productivity-based comparison has shown that the highest economic return was obtained from every furrow-scientific scheduling followed by alternate furrows-scientific scheduling. The increase in income (by every furrow-scientific scheduling) over the traditional irrigation management was 54%.The overall observation is that depending on the availability of water and labour resources, one can decide to use either of the alternate management options to obtain economically reasonable yield. In northern Ethiopia, where water is limiting (and not labour), every furrow-scientific scheduling can be an option.  相似文献   

Beyond irrigation efficiency   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Parameters for accounting for water balance on irrigation projects have evolved over the past century. Development of the classic term irrigation efficiency is summarized along with recent modifications such as effective irrigation efficiency. The need for terms that describe measurable water balance components of irrigated agriculture is very important, as demands and competition for available renewable water supplies continue to increase with increasing populations. Examples of irrigation efficiency studies conducted during the past few decades are summarized along with related irrigation terminology. Traditional irrigation efficiency terminology has served a valid purpose for nearly a century in assisting engineers to design better irrigation systems and assisting specialists to develop improved irrigation management practices. It still has utility for engineers designing components of irrigation systems. However, newer irrigation-related terminology better describes the performance and productivity of irrigated agriculture. On a river-basin level, improved terminology is needed to adequately describe how well water resources are used within the basin. Brief suggestions for improving irrigation water management are presented.  相似文献   

Despite considerable discussion of the importance of timeliness as a key dimension of irrigation performance, few studies have assessed how well irrigation systems deliver timely water supplies, nor the magnitude of the effect on agricultural production. This paper lays out indicators of timeliness of irrigation supply which distinguish between deliveries which meet crop needs, and surplus water supplies which cannot be used by crops. These indicators are then applied to empirical data from the Sone Irrigation System of Bihar, India. Using these indicators in an analysis of the contribution of irrigation to rice production shows that incorporating measures of timeliness explains much more of the variability in agricultural production than do simple measures of total water applications over a season. Results of production functions show that if water deliveries cannot be matched with crop requirements, they have a negative, rather than a positive, impact on yields. Water scarcity has the greatest adverse impact in production in the middle of the season, while surpluses are most damaging at the beginning and end of the season. Temporal redistribution from surplus periods to times of water scarcity therefore offers considerable scope to increase productivity without increasing water use.An earlier version of portions of this paper was presented at the IFPRI/ICAR Workshop on Agricultural Growth in India: A Review of Research Findings, 1–6 May 1994 in New Delhi.  相似文献   

Florida ranks first in citrus production, with nearly 68% of all U.S. citrus growing in the season 2005-2006. Most of the citrus groves are located from central to south Florida, and agricultural irrigation permitting is regulated by three of Florida's five water management districts. Most of the permitting for citrus production in Highlands, Polk and Hillsborough counties is conducted by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), and quantities are based on the District's AGMOD computer program. In 2003, the SWFWMD implemented new permit criteria so that permitted amounts were more representative of actual water use. This paper compares grower reported citrus irrigation water use in Highlands, Polk and Hillsborough counties from 1994 through 2005 with permitted and theoretical irrigation requirements calculated by a daily water balance. Two different sets of crop coefficients (Kc's) developed for citrus in Florida were compared in the daily soil water balance calculation of theoretical irrigation requirements. The percentage of irrigated area considered in this study ranged from 40 to 60% to simulate a range of grower practices. Meteorological data from two weather stations and additional rainfall information from 50 locations within the three counties was used in the water balance. Missing and error values in the meteorological historical record data were filled with weather generators. The multiannual average water consumption (including cold protection water use) from growers ranged from 243 (Hillsborough) to 406 mm (Highlands) and the multiannual average permitted irrigation requirement (without cold protection) ranged from 295 to 557 mm. The simulated gross irrigation requirements under different scenarios of location-Kc-wetted area were variable but mostly lower than the limits established by the district, except for some scenarios in Polk County, whose maximum simulated irrigation value reached 578 mm year−1. In general, permitted limits recommended by the SWFWMD seem to be reasonable for the actual water use by growers in these counties.  相似文献   

The effect of irrigation dynamics and soil physical properties on the permissible rate of application was analyzed using the analytic solution of Richard’s equation for periodic flux type boundary conditions typical to high frequency irrigation. Dynamics of irrigation regime was defined by its instantaneous application rate, R 0, its frequency, and the duty cycle which is the ratio of irrigation duration and irrigation interval (period). Soil properties were saturation, hydraulic conductivity, diffusivity, and Gardner’s soil type coefficient. Fourier Transform was used to derive a closed form analytical expression for the maximal permissible value of R 0, which would not result in water logging and saturation at soil surface. The analytical expression ties the three irrigation parameters with the above three soil parameters together. Prevention of aeration stress by restricting the moisture content at the soil surface, to become less than the minimal air pore volume (drainable porosity), was also used as an upper constraint of moisture at the surface soil. The effect of irrigation frequency and duty cycle on the permissible R 0 values was analyzed and computed regarding three soil types: coarse sand, sand, and sandy loam. Under short duration periods of water application resulting from either small values of duty cycle or short irrigation periods (high frequency), or both, the soil surface would not become saturated even for very high R 0 values. The maximal application depth V max, depends on both the duty cycle and the frequency. For a given soil, V max remains essentially constant per irrigation periods of 1 h or less, typical to pulsed irrigation and independent of the duty cycle. For periods longer than 1 day for coarse soils, V max increases with the duty cycle while for sandy loam soils, the increase in V max becomes insignificant for duty cycles larger than 0.3. The computed values of maximal R 0 and V max based on the water logging concept are much higher than the ones used in irrigation design and should be considered as upper permissible limits only. The permissible values of R 0 and V max are much lower if the aeration stress concept is adopted and found in the range used in practice. This analysis may be useful for the design of precision irrigation for high frequency microdrip, high frequency trickle irrigation, as well as for trunk diameter measurement (TDM) irrigation methods.  相似文献   

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